Thank you for this. I came to the comments to ask where can I read up more about dmso. Z-library seems rich, so many books on dmso only whoa. Thanks again
I found Z-Library Official. Is this where I start? Thanks for the heads up on this. Any tips for use? I only have an iPhone and iPad and a very old laptop. I do download books and article pdfs into Books app and have no trouble.
The Z lib I use lets me enter any search term I want. Then a dialogue box comes up, listing a bunch of books each of which I can select on and then download to my computer to read later.
Using DMSO now. My knee pain is almost gone. I am drinking it in orange juice and my sleep seems much better along with energy and mood. Amandha, I have your book and your products look very interesting. This is another spoke in the wheel of my self care to stay out of conventional doctor’s offices and hospitals.
I’m brushing 70% DMSO dilution on my knees with a new soft natural hair artists brush. Once or twice a day. Could use organic 100% cotton balls or swabs too. Or dab with clean fingers. 100% burns and itches for a while but goes away. Each person is different on tolerance. Start lower if that is a concern. Right now I’m putting 1 1/2 teaspoons of full strength into a small glass of juice after breakfast and again after dinner. Juice disguises the flavor better for me. I’m brushing 20% on my face. And 70% on my thyroid area for the Hashimotos. I plan to try it on my tinnitus too. I believe Amanda’s book talks about that using 20% solution. My husband is dabbing 20% on a skin lesion/spot. This whole subject is fascinating. No one else I know has ever heard of it, naturally. Good luck. 👍🏻
It'll be very difficult to find you in comments (again) to find out how the DMSO protocols you're trying are going. Could you perhaps update your progress via Substack articles?
I'm using it myself, for many years now, sporadically. And it provided relief for a neighbor.
My son has developed an incurable autoimmune disorder (Pfizered...) and am encouraging him to do his research regarding DMSO but he's disinterested.
Personally: I am particularly interested in your facial skin protocol, as well as tinnitus issues.
I've been suffering for 2 years with tinnitus. No relief. Thinking of giving DMSO a go myself.
I'll go ahead and "subscribe" to your Substack now. In hopes you'll periodically provide updates there, regarding self-treatment with this substance.
If you haven't already read it, there's an excellent 4-5 part series about DMSO on The Forgotten Side of Medicine by A Midwestern Doctor. Some of it is behind a paywall but most of the articles are available to all subscribers. Best wishes
A Midwestern Doctor will change your life. He has written extensively about DMSO. I am using it to treat my daughters acne and various other ailments.....with success.
What percentage are you using for acne? Gel form? Topical? I had DMSO 70% with aloe gel and felt it was too strong for the face. Planning to switch to MSM gel with aloe topically for acne and the MSM crystals for asthma and allergies to cats for my son. Thoughts?
My husband has successfully treated his tinnitus that he's had for 10+ years by using 2 drops of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) + purified water in a dropper bottle, with 1 dropper full of the solution, 1-2x per day off and on for 2 months. He never tried it with the DMSO because we never knew about it but we believe it would have cured his tinnitus faster if we had used it. Go for the DMSO and I truly believe you will be cured. Good luck.
I don’t really have a substack. I’m just not there yet. You will be subscribed automatically when I do, I think. I Thank you for your interest though. I’m a health science geek so I’m around the stacks that are alternative. I’ve seen you too. 👍🏻
I have several small empty glass spice bottles with metal lids. I make some dilutions in. 70, 50 and 20%. I put 99% into the orange juice. It makes a dilution. Right now, 1 1/2 teaspoons of the 99% twice a day in a small glass of OJ seems to be having a good effect. i have used the 99% to brush on but it itches more than I like, but that goes away or tolerance builds. I’ve gone to 70% DMSO I mix myself for everywhere topically on my body except my face or if I ever use it in my ears or eyes. Then it will be 20%. You should be able to find how to dilute by a search. It’s all about “parts to parts”. Lol. I’m terrible at math so I suck at explaining it. I’m thinking my digestion is better now, or at least the elimination part for sure. I’ve been messing with a colon issue since last Christmas travel where I’m sure i picked something. I’m not afraid to try most things and this is safe so go for it. Start with lower dilutions. I’m the kind that starts high and then changes.
I just saw something on YouTube that someone was rubbing it on their necks for neck pain and their ear ringing went away. So I’m going to try that. My tinnitus is a constant shush sound. I can mostly live with it but ringing would be worse. We can direct message each other but not sure how to do that. You can “follow” me and then comment i think. But I’ve not delved into that. I have quite a few followers.
My sister used mine @ "full strength" when she was practically wheel chair bound, years ago.
She was back to hiking and riding her horse again within days however complained that it stripped her skin off. (Oops: Important to cut DMSO to 70% with any igestible oil or aloe vera juice or gel, or even just distilled water.)
With all that said: She suffered no "scarring" or other permanent damage (redness) and her affected skin healed "smooth as a baby's bum". 😉
I'm trying to get my (young) son who was recently diagnosed with RA, and an incurable autoimmune eye disease (Necrotizing Posterior Scleritis) to try DMSO, both as an eye drop @ 20%, and try topical applications @ 70% strength.
I purchased it in a 70% aloe vera gel. There is some flaking, itching, drying of the skin where I apply it. I didn't find this with a diluted lower strength, but needed the higher strength for pain relief in this area. Do you mean apply the almond/coconut/castor oil before applying the DMSO aloe vera gel? I hadn't heard of that. I've read that the itching/flaking goes away after you stop using it, but not keen to stop now as nothing else has helped before!
Yes! The oils are to prevent the itching and burning. Amanda's book talks about it. Have you read it? I use aloe vera and or castor oil first. Without it the itching was unbearable. I am so happy you are finding relief. Thank you for responding so promptly.
DMSO, good stuff. I used it 3 consecutive nights before bed for my knees. Couldn't kneel in church, pick up something from the floor, God help me if I hit the floor, I needed to call a crane company to pick me up, couldn't tower a step stool, much less a ladder to change a light bulb. Tying my shoes was a no go. Anything involving bending my knees for support to get up and sit down was incredibly painful.
Didn't know a thing about dosages, so I went commando, full strength. That was a month ago and haven't used it since. I would guess my improvement was 80%. Pain gone. Flexibility more than 50% better. I ain't no spring chicken so I don't expect to move like one, but this stuff made my life infinitely better than before.
I live in Chile and do not have any problems obtaining DMSO. On Nov 26, 2024. I fell onto my left hip on asphalt and broke my femur bone at the joint off my hip bone and had to have hip replacement surgery The pain was excruciating. I had been using Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) for the previous 3 months for arthritic pain in my right hip and lower back when I had fallen over 40 years ago which resulted in a compressed disc in the L4-L5 region of my back. NSAID's have helped only with the pain for short periods of time and with the other negative side affects I've stopped using it. I mix CDS with DMSO and arnica and use it as a rub to reduce the pain in my lower back plus both hips only in the painful areas. I will also drink a mixture of DMSO + CDS throughout the day- 4x on average/day. My broken hip pain has reduced substantially as well as my back pain. Because of a non-firm mattress my pain has never been gone completely. (I'm purchasing a new mattress this week.) I can confirm that my left hip has been making dramatic recovery since my fall. My pain does return occasionally but my leg is so much stronger. I'm also doing therapeutic exercises as well. I've also experienced other improvements not related to these injuries like less mental pain and being more alert. I call DMSO/CDS a miracle and my magic bullet. I tell everyone about this miracle as I feel it's my duty to educate others.
I am experiencing superficial blood clots in my left calf. I read that DMSO can help - how do i go about applying this to clear up the clot? Thank you.
Thank you for the perfect summary! The author wonderfully explains the chemistry while keeping a strong focus on layperson terminology ~
My DMSO journey has been life changing~ as a former bodybuilder and professional water skier with decades of hardcore exercise ~ I ended up on a cane at 74 ~ plus other issues - I won’t go into it here- suffice to say am completely mobile and working my mountain acreage like I did ten years ago!
Is there a dilution ratio for drinking DMSO in which it is effective yet also doesn’t cause odor? My family complains that I smell bad when I drink it (so I’m sure others notice it too). Hoping to reduce inflammation and chronic pain from Lyme disease/ EBV, and assist healing.
Unfortunately, ‘The Smell’ is a negative side effect. But, it’s worth it! Use Xylitol breath mints and Uncle Henry’s Tooth Powder! Use a wash cloth with some Castile soap to remove stinky sweat through the day then apply some good smelling essential oils to help mask. It also makes your house smell so use an essential oil diffuser and air out your house. Other than that, get others to use it so the smell is less noticeable because I only smell it on myself when I urinate and when first using it, as it detoxes toxins.
This is my question also. I use the diluted with aloe vera topically and my husband begs me not to because he says my breath smells so bad (I can’t tell). I had started back using it (didn’t tell) and he asked me if I’m “using that stuff again” so I stopped 🫤
My husband and my elem aged kids say the same thing - “did you use that stuff again?” I almost don’t care, because it works, but given their reactions, it is worrying to be around OTHER people if I smell so bad! Will try the mints/ tooth powder and Castile soap.
Lol exactly the same situation when I took magnesium malate. Malic acid makes bu breath stinky and wife was begging me to stop. It gives me energy boost so I was cheating with it but wife knew!
I still didn't try dmso, it's sitting in the cupboard few weeks. I have to learn more about it. But thanks for the laugh
Go to Telegram and go to The Universal Antidote Videos Chat page. Start at the top to learn how to use Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) which is a carrier for better absorption of DMSO. There are hundreds of comments on how people have been cured. Be careful because there are also people who discredit it- probably from the pharmaceutical industry. Don't believe them! It works. You just have to follow the protocols listed in the Telegram piece and stick with it. Good luck.
Not sure where she got her RN education but sure seems like she swallowed the allopathic BS hook, line, and sinker. I'm sure BigPharam and Cartel Medicine love her writings. However when I've read her I see nothing but personal opinions not based on facts, data, or research.
I will continue to question everything, research everything, and tell others to do the same. There is no, and never has been, one size fits all in health or anywhere else in life.
Up to you. I've read MG’s substack and listened to some of her podcasts and have quite a high opinion of her work and out of the box style. But there is as much quackery in the alt-health sector as in the allopathic. IMO.
What work has she done? None! She just parrots whatever MSM narrative,without actually doing any research into if it's true or not🤦♀️. I spent too many years getting an education and questioning all the allopathic BS out there to listen to her drivel. But you have every right to follow whomever you want...just don't be ignorant and believe whatever anyone else says, including me. I also tried to instill that ONE thing in every nursing student I taught and every individual and family I worked with over the years. I debated doctors to no end in making sure patients were heard and the 'easy dx was NOT the go to.
No one has all the answers, and anyone who says they do is as big a fool as those who believe them.
Thank you for continuing the DMSO revelation, important work you are doing.
I direct readers to Z-library where they can download a trove of books no charge on DMSO and other alternative healing methods and substances.
Get free, stay free.
Thank you for this. I came to the comments to ask where can I read up more about dmso. Z-library seems rich, so many books on dmso only whoa. Thanks again
I found Z-Library Official. Is this where I start? Thanks for the heads up on this. Any tips for use? I only have an iPhone and iPad and a very old laptop. I do download books and article pdfs into Books app and have no trouble.
I found that there are a lot of fake Z-lib sites. You need the other ones are fake. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
The Z lib I use lets me enter any search term I want. Then a dialogue box comes up, listing a bunch of books each of which I can select on and then download to my computer to read later.
Using DMSO now. My knee pain is almost gone. I am drinking it in orange juice and my sleep seems much better along with energy and mood. Amandha, I have your book and your products look very interesting. This is another spoke in the wheel of my self care to stay out of conventional doctor’s offices and hospitals.
How much and how often do you use it? Thank you.
I’m brushing 70% DMSO dilution on my knees with a new soft natural hair artists brush. Once or twice a day. Could use organic 100% cotton balls or swabs too. Or dab with clean fingers. 100% burns and itches for a while but goes away. Each person is different on tolerance. Start lower if that is a concern. Right now I’m putting 1 1/2 teaspoons of full strength into a small glass of juice after breakfast and again after dinner. Juice disguises the flavor better for me. I’m brushing 20% on my face. And 70% on my thyroid area for the Hashimotos. I plan to try it on my tinnitus too. I believe Amanda’s book talks about that using 20% solution. My husband is dabbing 20% on a skin lesion/spot. This whole subject is fascinating. No one else I know has ever heard of it, naturally. Good luck. 👍🏻
Hi Janet
It'll be very difficult to find you in comments (again) to find out how the DMSO protocols you're trying are going. Could you perhaps update your progress via Substack articles?
I'm using it myself, for many years now, sporadically. And it provided relief for a neighbor.
My son has developed an incurable autoimmune disorder (Pfizered...) and am encouraging him to do his research regarding DMSO but he's disinterested.
Personally: I am particularly interested in your facial skin protocol, as well as tinnitus issues.
I've been suffering for 2 years with tinnitus. No relief. Thinking of giving DMSO a go myself.
I'll go ahead and "subscribe" to your Substack now. In hopes you'll periodically provide updates there, regarding self-treatment with this substance.
Thanks. ❤️
If you haven't already read it, there's an excellent 4-5 part series about DMSO on The Forgotten Side of Medicine by A Midwestern Doctor. Some of it is behind a paywall but most of the articles are available to all subscribers. Best wishes
A Midwestern Doctor will change your life. He has written extensively about DMSO. I am using it to treat my daughters acne and various other ailments.....with success.
What percentage are you using for acne? Gel form? Topical? I had DMSO 70% with aloe gel and felt it was too strong for the face. Planning to switch to MSM gel with aloe topically for acne and the MSM crystals for asthma and allergies to cats for my son. Thoughts?
My husband has successfully treated his tinnitus that he's had for 10+ years by using 2 drops of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) + purified water in a dropper bottle, with 1 dropper full of the solution, 1-2x per day off and on for 2 months. He never tried it with the DMSO because we never knew about it but we believe it would have cured his tinnitus faster if we had used it. Go for the DMSO and I truly believe you will be cured. Good luck.
Hi Janet, I've now subscribed to your Substack. You should have received a notification, containing my email.
Feel free to "say hi" via email at which point we can perhaps continue to pick one another's brains!
I don’t really have a substack. I’m just not there yet. You will be subscribed automatically when I do, I think. I Thank you for your interest though. I’m a health science geek so I’m around the stacks that are alternative. I’ve seen you too. 👍🏻
You drink it in oj? Also yuse that mixture to brush on skin?
I have several small empty glass spice bottles with metal lids. I make some dilutions in. 70, 50 and 20%. I put 99% into the orange juice. It makes a dilution. Right now, 1 1/2 teaspoons of the 99% twice a day in a small glass of OJ seems to be having a good effect. i have used the 99% to brush on but it itches more than I like, but that goes away or tolerance builds. I’ve gone to 70% DMSO I mix myself for everywhere topically on my body except my face or if I ever use it in my ears or eyes. Then it will be 20%. You should be able to find how to dilute by a search. It’s all about “parts to parts”. Lol. I’m terrible at math so I suck at explaining it. I’m thinking my digestion is better now, or at least the elimination part for sure. I’ve been messing with a colon issue since last Christmas travel where I’m sure i picked something. I’m not afraid to try most things and this is safe so go for it. Start with lower dilutions. I’m the kind that starts high and then changes.
I just saw something on YouTube that someone was rubbing it on their necks for neck pain and their ear ringing went away. So I’m going to try that. My tinnitus is a constant shush sound. I can mostly live with it but ringing would be worse. We can direct message each other but not sure how to do that. You can “follow” me and then comment i think. But I’ve not delved into that. I have quite a few followers.
I use 70% gel 3x a day. Sometimes I use 90%
Its enlightening to find out how much there is in Nature that heals us. It's almost as if Nature is an apothecary. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
I'm currently trying 70% DMSO gel for pretty severe hip arthritis, and it does seem to be helping!
My sister used mine @ "full strength" when she was practically wheel chair bound, years ago.
She was back to hiking and riding her horse again within days however complained that it stripped her skin off. (Oops: Important to cut DMSO to 70% with any igestible oil or aloe vera juice or gel, or even just distilled water.)
With all that said: She suffered no "scarring" or other permanent damage (redness) and her affected skin healed "smooth as a baby's bum". 😉
I'm trying to get my (young) son who was recently diagnosed with RA, and an incurable autoimmune eye disease (Necrotizing Posterior Scleritis) to try DMSO, both as an eye drop @ 20%, and try topical applications @ 70% strength.
No success to date.
Glad to hear your hip is doing better!
Do you use a carrier oil first? Like Almond Oil, Coconut or Castor Oil? To prevent itching or burning of the skin? Thank you kindly.
I purchased it in a 70% aloe vera gel. There is some flaking, itching, drying of the skin where I apply it. I didn't find this with a diluted lower strength, but needed the higher strength for pain relief in this area. Do you mean apply the almond/coconut/castor oil before applying the DMSO aloe vera gel? I hadn't heard of that. I've read that the itching/flaking goes away after you stop using it, but not keen to stop now as nothing else has helped before!
Yes! The oils are to prevent the itching and burning. Amanda's book talks about it. Have you read it? I use aloe vera and or castor oil first. Without it the itching was unbearable. I am so happy you are finding relief. Thank you for responding so promptly.
Thank you for the great tip! I will definitely try that if she felt it was safe
as I have castor oil here. Haven't read her book, but will put it on the to-buy list! I hope you are finding relief as well.
You're very wellcome. The oils work like a charm and are safe. I like castor the best myself.
I tried that just now, and it made a huge difference!
I would give it a try diluted to 70% with Castor oil.
DMSO, good stuff. I used it 3 consecutive nights before bed for my knees. Couldn't kneel in church, pick up something from the floor, God help me if I hit the floor, I needed to call a crane company to pick me up, couldn't tower a step stool, much less a ladder to change a light bulb. Tying my shoes was a no go. Anything involving bending my knees for support to get up and sit down was incredibly painful.
Didn't know a thing about dosages, so I went commando, full strength. That was a month ago and haven't used it since. I would guess my improvement was 80%. Pain gone. Flexibility more than 50% better. I ain't no spring chicken so I don't expect to move like one, but this stuff made my life infinitely better than before.
I appreciate your writing these more than you can possibly know. Thank You!
I live in Chile and do not have any problems obtaining DMSO. On Nov 26, 2024. I fell onto my left hip on asphalt and broke my femur bone at the joint off my hip bone and had to have hip replacement surgery The pain was excruciating. I had been using Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) for the previous 3 months for arthritic pain in my right hip and lower back when I had fallen over 40 years ago which resulted in a compressed disc in the L4-L5 region of my back. NSAID's have helped only with the pain for short periods of time and with the other negative side affects I've stopped using it. I mix CDS with DMSO and arnica and use it as a rub to reduce the pain in my lower back plus both hips only in the painful areas. I will also drink a mixture of DMSO + CDS throughout the day- 4x on average/day. My broken hip pain has reduced substantially as well as my back pain. Because of a non-firm mattress my pain has never been gone completely. (I'm purchasing a new mattress this week.) I can confirm that my left hip has been making dramatic recovery since my fall. My pain does return occasionally but my leg is so much stronger. I'm also doing therapeutic exercises as well. I've also experienced other improvements not related to these injuries like less mental pain and being more alert. I call DMSO/CDS a miracle and my magic bullet. I tell everyone about this miracle as I feel it's my duty to educate others.
I am experiencing superficial blood clots in my left calf. I read that DMSO can help - how do i go about applying this to clear up the clot? Thank you.
Use it externally. Apply topically, cut to 70%, with Castor Oil.
That's only advice... I would wait for more "feedback" because others drink it, with juice, etc.
The topical route cannot hurt you so maybe give it a whirl?
Great - Thank you.
Thank you for the perfect summary! The author wonderfully explains the chemistry while keeping a strong focus on layperson terminology ~
My DMSO journey has been life changing~ as a former bodybuilder and professional water skier with decades of hardcore exercise ~ I ended up on a cane at 74 ~ plus other issues - I won’t go into it here- suffice to say am completely mobile and working my mountain acreage like I did ten years ago!
Is there a dilution ratio for drinking DMSO in which it is effective yet also doesn’t cause odor? My family complains that I smell bad when I drink it (so I’m sure others notice it too). Hoping to reduce inflammation and chronic pain from Lyme disease/ EBV, and assist healing.
Unfortunately, ‘The Smell’ is a negative side effect. But, it’s worth it! Use Xylitol breath mints and Uncle Henry’s Tooth Powder! Use a wash cloth with some Castile soap to remove stinky sweat through the day then apply some good smelling essential oils to help mask. It also makes your house smell so use an essential oil diffuser and air out your house. Other than that, get others to use it so the smell is less noticeable because I only smell it on myself when I urinate and when first using it, as it detoxes toxins.
Thank you for the tips!
I get the same thing when I use higher than 70% Maybe try DMSO cream
This is my question also. I use the diluted with aloe vera topically and my husband begs me not to because he says my breath smells so bad (I can’t tell). I had started back using it (didn’t tell) and he asked me if I’m “using that stuff again” so I stopped 🫤
My husband and my elem aged kids say the same thing - “did you use that stuff again?” I almost don’t care, because it works, but given their reactions, it is worrying to be around OTHER people if I smell so bad! Will try the mints/ tooth powder and Castile soap.
Lol exactly the same situation when I took magnesium malate. Malic acid makes bu breath stinky and wife was begging me to stop. It gives me energy boost so I was cheating with it but wife knew!
I still didn't try dmso, it's sitting in the cupboard few weeks. I have to learn more about it. But thanks for the laugh
I’ve been using it for two months both internally and externally for rheumatoid arthritis but so far it hasn’t helped. Should I keep using it?
Go to Telegram and go to The Universal Antidote Videos Chat page. Start at the top to learn how to use Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) which is a carrier for better absorption of DMSO. There are hundreds of comments on how people have been cured. Be careful because there are also people who discredit it- probably from the pharmaceutical industry. Don't believe them! It works. You just have to follow the protocols listed in the Telegram piece and stick with it. Good luck.
Maybe not.
Don't take this stuff and don't trust Midwestern Doctor .
Ya gotta go further than that, man. Very rude to make a statement like that with NO explanation.
Why? I’m
Seriously interested in your findings
I read this the other day. I’m research this subject for months before I had the nerve try try.
My colon and rectum flared up real bad.
Medical community kept telling me I needed fiber. Wrong.
DMSO to the rescue. Relief almost immediately. No one should just start using DMSO without doing their own research.
Thank god I didn’t read that article before using diluted DMSO myself . DMSO has been a lifesaver for me and my husband. I’ll never be without it.
Thank you for providing an alternative opinion, I found it helpful. Free speech folks, enjoy it while we still have it 💪
Not sure where she got her RN education but sure seems like she swallowed the allopathic BS hook, line, and sinker. I'm sure BigPharam and Cartel Medicine love her writings. However when I've read her I see nothing but personal opinions not based on facts, data, or research.
I will continue to question everything, research everything, and tell others to do the same. There is no, and never has been, one size fits all in health or anywhere else in life.
Up to you. I've read MG’s substack and listened to some of her podcasts and have quite a high opinion of her work and out of the box style. But there is as much quackery in the alt-health sector as in the allopathic. IMO.
What work has she done? None! She just parrots whatever MSM narrative,without actually doing any research into if it's true or not🤦♀️. I spent too many years getting an education and questioning all the allopathic BS out there to listen to her drivel. But you have every right to follow whomever you want...just don't be ignorant and believe whatever anyone else says, including me. I also tried to instill that ONE thing in every nursing student I taught and every individual and family I worked with over the years. I debated doctors to no end in making sure patients were heard and the 'easy dx was NOT the go to.
No one has all the answers, and anyone who says they do is as big a fool as those who believe them.
I would like to know how to use for tinnitus
I use it around the ears. I use 70% gel with aloe.
Great article.
I just bought her book.
Very interesting!
Thank you!
Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)
Okay, I can source this, it seems that it's more useful as a topical application (diluted).
A little pricey, but comparable to alternatives.
From what I gather, DSM is used mostly to treat a problem (ie not preventatively), which is the opposite way I employ non-mainstream health.