Outstanding summation of our situation. I'm proud to know you and even more proud to work with you.

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Superb article detailing industrial scale betrayal.

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What a wonderful lesson on America, both historical and current.

I'd like to point out one thing; that is, James Madison wrote Federalist 46 -- a very famous, well-known paper from the Collection. Unless Ben Franklin was Madison's ghost writer? :) https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/01-10-02-0261

Lastly, that quote by Mundy? "It's not over until it's overcome." Holy cow, that is inspirational -- and absolutely correct.

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An extensive review of many complex issues. For newcomers to the “My country, I would like to know what is happening here” land, a great starting point for in-depth research.

A common thread in the above interview is that there are many organizations which breed more organizations which give rise to more organizations. In the meantime, people who are behind these organizations establish their own beachheads, and soon the map of the land is too small to include all names. Each organization produces thousands of messages, publications, events, media presentations. At this date, no-one can really know what is happening, where, why, and who is the owner of the mass of singular, seemingly isolated events. Along the way, lawyers have found out that this is their kingdom of revenues, because these organizations need documents which are 100 times longer and more complex than necessary, only to distribute any unwelcome attention. We can only recognize symptoms, or surface floats, a few individuals who are the faces of selected decoy groups. The rest remains in the shadows.

One small change could revert this situation to the healing stage. Each bill, or any other legal act adopted at any level of the government, should be actually read, heard, commented and openly discussed by all decision-making persons who form both chambers of the legislature. Right now, most of those who vote to adopt legal acts a) do not know what they are about, b) do not read them, c) do not understand them, d) are not accountable for them. What is the use of a law of 2,000 pages which has not been reviewed by those voting, and which was essentially adopted in the blind? It certainly is not conducive to well-meant, balanced development and wellbeing of the state, country or people.

This change would be meaningful when combined with personal liability of specific persons for specific governmental tasks, on the principle of one person - one task. No team work. That responsible person may use teams of knowledgeable people, but the legal, penal and moral liability are all focused in one person. Easy, simple, verifiable, flexible, effective, accountable. Why doesn’t the most powerful state in the world have this?

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Can you please do an article on the China Study and if it's truly been debunked as false or if it's a legitimate study. I just started seeing a new holistic doctor and she swears that red meat and poultry cause cancer as well as dairy. It's got me a little freaked out. I have read that The China Study did not include actual vegans and there's a lot of flawed material in it but I don't know enough about reading studies to agree or disagree. I have also read that vegans have a lot of deficiencies because they are not getting what they need from a carnivore diet. I am of the opinion that we are omnivores and therefore should consume both but her insistence has me all confused. Thank you for all that you do!

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While not a fan of Scorsces LAst Temptation,Kazantzakis novel was one of the most profound Christian spiritual journeys for my young adult life...

That he felt so strongly about this to begin his journey in protest makes me have a harder time reading him with an open mind initially but that too is a good practice

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