The newbies write books, good ones, sometimes miss the high points, pull it all together, but really, the old stuff already hit that ball out of the park. Old timers, like Irving, Mullins, Pound, Solzhenitzen, Revisionists opened my eyes 1/2 century ago.

Times, people, technology change, but not their goals or techniques. Who to believe? Look around, open your eyes and see and feel. Is something wrong here? Do I have what I need or are you taking it away from me. Are you helping me or trying to kill me. Here come censorship.

Like the old fashioned Dominion Poundcake. Update and change the ingredients, use machines to speed it up but it will never be like The Dominion. You'll call it a poundcake, think you're eating poundcake, new and improved poundcake, but it's never gonna taste like the original Dominion poundcake. The more things change, the more they remain the same, as the saying goes.

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This is such an old game.... Creds to Cudenec for giving it new light, but as you say, it's not new news. Dissidents have been calling the alarm as long as the game has been going on. Who will heed the call? That may be the $billion question.

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This was great! Thanks to all involved in providing this for the work you've done.

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My head is spinning. There is always so much information to learn

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I'm right there with you. Spinning. Time to step away and have a cookie.

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Thank you. This is great! The New Age gatekeepers need to be disempowered. I wasn't aware that stopworldcontrol is one of them. The alternative media is a jungle.

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How did you figure this out? I find it difficult to figure out other than when they have really polished websites.

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That makes me feel better about my home made, less than professional looking website site. 🤣

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I discovered this several years ago. The higher the production value, the more you can be certain your enemies are behind the content. Integrity is impoverished. Depravity and deceit are filthy rich.

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Very good interview!

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The revelation from this book is that we all have a common enemy, which ought to bring to an end all divisiveness excepting one - us and them. Which in the end would bring the house of cards down. Can it happen quick enough? My take is that we all must roll our sleeves up, every single one of us, starting with us here on this stack, if not already, get our hands dirty, and do our bit for that cause. Whatever it is you do, it needs to be out of your comfort zone, as that is the litmus test for making a difference in the quest for mass awareness? No matter how big or small your contribution. What is it that you will do today to make a difference in the direction?

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Very, very interesting.

I wholeheartedly agree on not falling for new age propaganda it´s so easy to be led astray.

It truly is a scary thought that "no country is sovereign" but how could they be under a global mafia?

And yes, MUCH MORE RESISTANCE IS NEEDED. Spoken, written, in all ways.

This is certainly not a time to ban free speech.

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Very interesting article

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These types of articles (with the exception of detailed intel on specific incursions-ie Latypova/Watt) are THE most important on the internet. Thank you.

I write rap. Here’s my bankers one


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thank you

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Thank you.

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On point 6 I recently read a deep dive into Plague Doctors in Europe. Potentially a mafia style genocide to secure assets. Agent 111317 I think wrote it.

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what/ who are babalonian talmudist ? good God enlighten our darkness

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Omg!!..that's horrendous. But you have a point.

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Satan is the prince of this world, but Jesus is greater - and Jesus is coming back to judge the world and make all things right - soon, I hope!

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Free will whats that?? It would be so incredibly easy to force the evil into a place where everyone could at least see it, then make their “ choice “. I’m starting to wonder what it would mean if we were to take a real stand. Would our stand bring about the end of days, or is it our denial truth that has us living in it?

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From that angle we never learn from our mistakes and evil always exists? There was a time in my life when my thought process was similar to your inclination, I won’t get into it because it’s complicated, but I can say that as much of a rebel and free thinker I thought I was public school and mainstream media still did a lot to build my mind set. You have to always remember that evil lies, and truth is based on evidence. Evidence is gathered by the individual seeking the truth or it’s not evidence this is because evil lies. Also think about the depiction of the universe that was sold to you that built your frame of reference and remember that evil lies. If you have not been there to gather the evidence of the existence of space, planets, universe etc, then how can you be sure that what you have been sold is real? this is an easy one, you can’t be sure? Now looking from an evil perspective, can you see how much the idea of space could Throw humanity of course if there was an agenda? Now looking from at it from an honest perspective? To make it simple for your idea to work the universe would have to be exactly what public schooling taught you that it was. Think about where all of our information comes from everything we know or think we know. Are you sure that your depiction of space is correct or are you just going off of the model that was sold to you having never actually been to space and assuming it’s the correct model. I have come through years of relentless research , heart felt questions and true knack for cause and effect analysis to realize that the truth only comes after we throw away everything we’ve been taught and start over doing our own research gathering our own evidence, reexamining every possible perspective, and building our own model. If evil lies and has had thousands of years of practice what are the chances that the way see the universe is a complete fabrication?

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They say Esau is the end of the world and Jacob is the beginning of all that comes after. I’m inclined to think that’s how this works. This fallen world, and its inhuman predatory leadership, generates the indictment, and eventually we find it guilty and sentence it to death. Then a new cycle is conceived, that one also predicated on original sin. It’s a snake eating itself. The wheel of time; the rings of Saturn. I take heart in knowing birth wasn’t the beginning and death is not the end. Not that my ego will continue, but all that I love and am loyal to… it never dies. It returns here over and over again to do battle against all that I deplore. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It’s all in balance, really, just like time is a circle. We just perceive it as fractured and linear.

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