🙌👏👏👏🤣😂👌👌We know they did it. They know we know they did it. Who cracks first?

They CANT admit it. Its so ridiculously costly, it breaks every social, financial and governmental contract. So they have to keep denying it, until the public get tired, sick and or enough die that it fades into obscurity, until 20 years down the track and some young journo decides to fast track their career and dig up the scandal of the century.....🤨😉

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As Jessica Rose says in the interview, the mound of bodies is going to be hard to hide. We need one major MSM source of news to crack and the flood gates will open.

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Are you familiar with GBNews (TV) in the UK? Mark Steyn has a slot (Mon-Thurs 8pm GMT) and has recently exposed the deaths/adverse events caused by the Astra Zeneca jab in the UK, interviewing on air family members of victims. As a result of his banging on about this in programme after programme, the UK govt. have finally started paying out compensation to the victims' families. There's much speculation as to how long he'll be allowed to continue with this exposure.....

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I am, but did know he had brought AZ injuries above the line...good man.

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Oh come on, it's just a random coincidence that sars-cov-2 is the only betacoronavirus ever discovered with a FCS whose codon sequence just randomly matches the Moderna patent. Again just a coinky-dink. ...pure 1 in 10 million happenstance.

It's not like this betacoronavirus was a chimera from a lab that happened to be headed by someone (Dr. Shi aka "bat lady") trained by the person (Ralph Baric) who developed and published the process as to how to insert a FCS seamlessly into a virus without that insertion being easily detectable.

Plus there's absolutely no way that a lab tech could have gotten infected by such a chimera in a level 2 or 3 lab and then accidentally infected other people like occurred several times with Sars-Cov-1 and several other viruses previously in China and elsewhere.

So this was a clearly a virus that jumped from a bat living over a thousand miles away through an intermediate species into humans fully adapted to attach to ACE-2 receptors for human to human transmission (unlike Sars-cov-1 and MERS). Well, that's perfectly clear since recent peer reviewed articles said so as was reported in the pharma funded corporate news. And we all know how reliable and trustworthy such pharma funded corporate news sources are. So what if they've had over 80,000 tests of animals and they couldn't find that intermediate host species.

But those humanized mice with their human ACE-2 receptors in their lungs in the WIV and Chinese CDC labs sure are cute. ...aren't they?

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Indeed, coincidence on coincidence it must be. Without the refuge of coincidence, most people would simply go mad. Turns out few can handle it otherwise.

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Not an odd statement, but one that should be asked, I can go to any place that sells gold jewelry for the cost of small earings, and getting a baby's ears pierced, under$100 tops, while if the OB who doesn't numb nor is an expert, does it it, cost $2,000 to your insurance company, time these mom's pick up that $2,000 tab, to lower health care cost as an unnecessary procedure.

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I would like to share this video with English subtitles of Professor Luc Montagnier's speech on French television in April 2020. (One can notice that French journalists are as arrogant and in bad faith as in most Western countries).


Here is also the Indian research he is referring to (withdrawn):


And here is the study of MM Luc Montagnier and Jean-Claude Perez:


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Thank you, that is a great video you shard and all great links!

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It makes sense to me that the politicians knew that this was a lab leak from the start. Being a lab leak explains their gross over-reaction in the early stages. Can you imagine their panic when the news first reached the Australian political offices that a virus had escaped a Chinese lab? In their defence, one would have to assume the worst & run about like Chicken Little because one really didn't know if the sky was truly going to fall down. That explains the initial stupidity and panic but it certainly doesn't preclude them from fault. It also goes some way to explaining why China is pursuing the 'zero covid' strategy: clearly they know something about this virus that we don't.

I imagine then that Moderna came along & said 'look, this virus was made by us & yes it escaped from a bio-weapons lab but we just happen to have this vaccine here that just might be the solution' & the panicking politicians gobbled it right up, without asking any of the appropriate questions. And now they have a pile of bodies to hide & they can not afford to admit that they f*$cked up.

Like the BarefootHealer said below, we know they did it & they know we know they did it. But any admission from them collapses the very fabric of western civilisation as we know it. The 60% couldn't handle knowing that their own government & their precious, holier-than-thou Drs screwed up & then sold them out.

The next obvious question then is, if this is a JV, is perhaps the collapse of western government actually the point? Is the JV trying to drive the public to the point of saying 'well, our government did this to us so maybe we need a new government?' & in sweeps the JV into the power vacuum with a nice tidy solution to the problem of corrupt western government............ A One World government.........

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Yes, that last point is not out of the question. I heard Nawaz making that point too recently.


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OK. But there is no virus, so...

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No "virus" has ever ben isolated from an "infected" person. In fact, "viral infection" has never been proven either, even when volunteers were willing to accept "infected" blood from patients in 1918.

As all the patented "viruses" exist only in computer simulations, NO tests could be possibly developed, either.

Those, who believe in the official narrative do it, because they feel sick every once in a while and people they knew died "of the virus."

If only the causes for the symptoms were clear! There are just too many by now, probably directed by a quantum-graphene nanocomputer that already in 2012 was 12k times faster than "supercomputers." How else is it possible that the last two years have been flawlessly working out for the technocratic globalists? Place yourself in the monsters' boots. How would you have done it?


And how would you continue?


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