I would take care to point out that “the US” is shorthand for the criminal cabal that has captured the government(s) of a people who, through complacency born of material comfort, failed adequately to resist.

Most citizens of the US pay the price, but reap none of the benefits, of especially the wars that are sold as securing our freedom but in reality deepen our slavery through generational debt and the restriction of our actual freedom “to protect our democracy”.

But we are awakening. The hand of the military-industrial complex has been overplayed, especially during “covid”. The mask is off, and good people across the nation are becoming aware of the depth of the fraud and corruption. The “man in the street” is repulsed at the thought of yet more wars, more meddling in the affairs of others, more looting of the treasury in the name of “nation building” or “defeating evil”. The message is being rejected: It’s starting with a precipitous decline in military recruitment, and that’s only the beginning.

The worm is turning. Slowly but surely and inexorably. The empire is crumbling and the criminals know it and are going smash-and-grab. Their days are numbered and they very aware of that reality. They will become very dangerous in their desperation to maintain their grip on power and control, but they will be defeated. Eventually.

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"Eventually. ".......There is the big problem! Being content to wait for "Eventually", is a weasel and a cop-out....

You say that 'ordinary Americans do not benefit 'from the Wars and Empire: This is not true! Financially, that is somewhat true. But, there is always some degree of "Trickle Down". But, the big win is psychological. The false sense of "Security" afforded by Global Dominance feeds the "Exceptionalist" mindset and justifies everything done in your name.

The lowest status American can always find solace and reassurance in simply being a citizen of a major Military Power? Nobody wants to change or give up that. There is no will to change!

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Agree totally that when you show all your true colours you awaken the prisoners who thought they were still free. Catch 22. Then the prisoners bond together and you lose.

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Sep 13Edited

> captured the government(s) of a people who, through complacency born of material comfort, failed adequately to resist.

REPLY: Blame of the US citizen is sadly misplaced. Growing up from the 1950s through today show me that the media is controlled by money. Even in the 1970s it was said, "The US had the best politicians and legislators money can buy". What choices have we had for any public office in general.

At present we have Harris and Trump. I am writing in Dr. Shiva as president. Whether the voting in this country is rigged or not I cannot say. What I can say is from 1970 to 2020 the US health and longevity fell from 4 in the world to 79th. A grim statistic by any measure. At the same time the people who run for office declined in integrity, thrift, follow through and much more.

I leave you with a question. What choice is there today, when the press is controlled and voices of many like Jill Stein MD and Dr. Shiva PhD are heavily shadow banned?

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Put simply, who owns the media? Who issues their paychecks. Where do their loyalties lie? Who is pulling the strings? Many say, the control is so compartmentalized, one hand knows not what the other is doing. Sometimes, rarely. They are referred to as the elites, globalists, illuminati etc. I'll give you a hint. 1917.

Of the near 500 members involved with the Bolshevik revolution that killed 20 million Christians in ways that would make your stomach turn, only 4 were actual Russians. We are taught this was a civil war. Between the Reds and the Whites. And 4 Russians participated? 4 makes a squabble, not a civil war. What ethnicity were the rest? BTW, I like Dr Shiva as well. That guy has cajones.

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Thank you for your work! I knew a lot of this information yet it bears repeating again and again, lest anyone be uninformed or has forgotten how we got here in the first place! Everything the Cabal has done for *many* long decades on end has been carefully planned out, designed, implemented, and executed. We are now seeing the downward slide into Agenda 2030 becoming the actual dystopian reality it was always intended to be. God help us!

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It was originally called Agenda 21 - THEY tripped over some obstacles and were forced to delay the due date. Still 6 years ahead...

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That is true in both counts. Yet, don’t forget that 2025 is an important year that high ranking members of WEF have talked about and if you believe the Deagel predictions it will be difficult to stay alive.


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Wow! This is beyond interesting, it is eye opening stuff, which reframes history by deconstructing it revealing the Wizard of Oz and organizing principle of world history. It also reframed Putin and Xi as defenders of their sovereignty. You can’t get this stuff in The NYTimes or Economist. Nobody dares to go there, which prevents us from seeing the whole picture.

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I have always said, you will never get WW11 if you don't understand how WW1 came about, and it is fascinating, the total control England exercised over the entire world in it's hayday. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers, loyal to the superpower, England, paved the way for the occupied United States we have today and the ongoing wars. Think occupied Palestine, think USA.

Was it coincidental the USA and the British East India Co. were established the same year, 1776? The span of time between 1776 and 1900 was rife with conquest, war , pestilence and death that gave The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse a run for their money. Enter 1914, WW1.

The British recruited the Hashemite al-Sabah clan, later Ibn Saud to quell the Ottoman Turks with the help of T.E. Lawrence, immortalized by David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia in 1962. I went thru that movie with a fine tooth comb and it's very telling, maybe not to the cinematic observer. The al-Sabah clan would later be known as Kuwait, carved out of Iraq, now the banker of the M.E.

1917, Ibn Saud was successful under Lawrence's masterful battle strategy and the Ottomans fell the following year. Same year, 1917, the Balfour Declaration was created. How did Balfour know the Jews would need a homeland? Ah hah, maybe control the narrative of the second war, not yet initiated but certainly planned. The real reason Israel was created was to be a Rothschild outpost in the M.E. (their summer home) to mind all the intricacies, be the snitch on all M.E. movements and above all, to protect the massive oil field profits & control Standard Oil wrought over the M.E.

Versailles 1918. What a sham that was, Sykes-Picot at the helm, aka Britain and France. Carved up the M.E. like a kid cutting up a turkey on Thanksgiving. BTW, Churchill said, "the Emir is in Transjordania where I put him one Sunday in Jerusalem". Germany got the blame for WW1.

1921 Chatham house was created. The British recruited the Wall Street attorneys to join forces with Chatham and the CFR was created. The Council on Foreign Relations is in lock step with Chatham House. This is British ideology running American policy. Fast forward to 2000.

Wolfowitz Doctrine, total world control. Binyamin Netanyahu was the architect of 9/11. Patriot Act destroyed our liberties. CIA forged air tight unity with MI6. Mutual defense agreements between US/UK to name Russia, China, Iran & N Korea as our enemies. Blair convinced Bush with "evidence" in hand that Iraq needed a smack down because Saddam started selling oil in Euros, instead of dollars. Cameron got Obama to destroy Libya. Now, Britain's Johnson told Zelenskyy to not sign a peace deal with Russia, covering for Biden's "ill-begotten gains" while to date, 90% of Ukrainian progeny has been destroyed forever. Massive illegal immigration will now destroy the West's progeny as well. It's England. It has been England since 1066. Everything they touch turns to shit. England and Israel, the siamese elephants in the room, rarely, if ever, mentioned.

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I am fascinated by the work of Matt Ehret (of which I know but a little) and the baton being taken by Mathew Crawford (@eduengineer, recently interviewed by Hrovje on Geopolitics and Empire podcast) revealing the extent to which the powers behind the British Empire are still pulling the strings of the New World Order.

And just a quick question for the author: Why do you insist on calling 9/11 "2011 terrorist attacks"?

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I can only think that 9/11 sounds far more benign than malignant 2011 terrorist attack. Gotta get the word terrorist in there. Thing is, they blamed the wrong terrorists.

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"US pursuit of global hegemony" reminds me of what Rudolph Steiner said in his booklet titled Geographic Medicine. That the native americans knew of the powerful energy of the geographic position of North America. The white man had no understanding of the power of this energy and was therefore unable to control the effect it had on him. Lord of the Rings kind of energy. Materialism is like a drug.

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Big time fan of F. William Engdahl who has been out in front of corp vultures for so long.. great questions to paint an incredible picture of reality as seen through keen sage eyes. Because he's such an old favorite there are two questions that give answers seldom heard and as an old warhorse in the Biotech Mafia game never miss a chance to note what dirtbags they've been for decades w same recycled scams!

How did CPA Order 81 impose biotech law w GMO crops in Iraq?


How many ways was 2005 Bird Flu a biotech fraud w windfall profits?


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After wasting trillions of dollars and millions of (mostly third world) lives in Iraq and Afghanistan these neocolonial gambits don't look very successful. You'd think the CIA could have done a better job of poisoning Castro's beard or taking out Maduro if they really wanted to. Unless the ultimate goal is to bankrupt the US and create a totalitarian censorship regime in the west.

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British Imperialism 2.0 - long live the [S/British] Queen!

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