A very interesting interview; nice to get a different perspective. As a man who got divorced in the late 1980s (not my choice) I was expected to hand over the house (which I had mainly paid for), pay loads of cash, and what - go and live in the car? I refused of course. And looked after the children over 50% of the time anyway as a house-parent doing my PhD on the night-shift. I stayed single for nearly a decade whilst the children grew up, to give them stability (so I believed was the right thing to do), and when eventually found someone else (to whom I am happily married 25+ years later) got another load of interfering demands. All this mainly because of the feminist it's-all-men's-fault flavour-of-the-era in the 1980s/90s. This interview exonerates my experience and choices :))

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Feminism is a scourge. I jumped into it for a year, after which sanity was restored. Growing up, I never ever heard a fight, much less an argument or word of profanity coming from my parents. Can anyone today even imagine that? I doubt it. Ma was the caretaker, Pa was the breadwinner. I took my lead from them when I married, even though I also worked outside the home, but not for long. Providing a beautiful refuge for my husband to come home to was my priority. In that way he would be proud of me. A flame in the fireplace waiting for him as he entered the door, clean children, candles burning, dinner on the stove, zero chaos and above all his beautiful smile as he looked upon me with appreciation, and that kiss, expressing his joy of being home.

What I see today, after 60 years of feminism is the woman spread out on the couch (oh, she worked so hard), husband walking in, no greeting (other than "hey") kids made such a mess you can't walk thru the L/R, dinner not made, "It's your turn to change the diaper", men doing their own laundry, it's girls night out, husbands falling asleep from exhaustion on the couch, and staying there thru the night. Weekends come, no breakfast on the table for everyone, kids chauffeured hither & yon, men do all the yard word, start cleaning the house as she can't do it alone, don't forget, we have to go grocery shopping today.

Really, you can't grocery shop alone? I did it forever. It wasn't a chore. Putting laundry into a machine is not a chore. Anything that takes a minute to do is not a chore. Making a bed is not a chore. Bringing him a cold beer after he cuts the grass is not a chore. Ironing his shirt is not a chore. Running into your husbands arms when he comes home is not a chore. Kiss him.

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Like having rights though, don't you?

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I never ran into a door I could not open. I've always had my God given rights.

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Women fought rights.

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A lens through which we look at feminism ought to be how it serves ruling class interests. Many feminist organizations are (oligarch) foundation funded. For example, feminist icon Gloria Steinem was a CIA asset (this was not a secret, she was recorded on TV saying so - proudly).

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Sadly my mom heard the clarion call of feminism when I was growing up. She had abundance of free time and could have taken the time to further develop her wonderful mind. Could have deeply scrutinized the movement that destroyed that opportunity.

One of the wonderful aspects of women in the work force was the lowering of wages all around and the destruction of the middle class. I don't blame feminist for this. I certainly think the powers that control the means of production saw the future and realized how to manipulate women into the workforce and denigrate men, and thus reduce the cost of labor. Destroy the middle class and plunder the world.

In just my life time health in the US has fallen from fourth in the world to 79th. Chasing false dreams instead of caring for family and hearth (for clarity Amish) has lead to our current disaster. But our cell phones and entertainment will deaden the pain. We are so lucky.

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Real feminist orgs are grass roots funded. Anything patriarchy calls feminism isn't.

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It is sad that women got so many more rights and opportunities, yet happiness has not increased. I would be hesitant to attribute that to feminist attitudes, though. Since the 1980's, when feminists were still nice to men and did not see their future as separate from men, antibiotics have been prescribed for every little ailment that would have resolved itself. Fast forward to today and only 4% of Americans have the bacteria lactobacillus reutieri in their bodies, which is key for the production of oxytocin(happiness hormone). Oxytocin is not just a happiness hormone for both sexes, it is a motivating hormone for women. Without it you are not just less happy, but less likely to want children.

As a rural man (valedictorian of a class of 13) who attended Columbia College and U of Arizona, I can definitely state the more intelligent and educated a woman is, the less likely she will have children. So empowering! Never did understand how giving up the goods for a bunch of random men who basically have no interest in her future is empowering, either.

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Thank you for this interview. I grew up in the 90’s and I have never been a radical feminist, but as I look back, I definitely could have been a better wife. My marriage was undoubtedly impacted by feminist ideology. Although no society is perfect, I would prefer the patriarchy to our current matriarchy. Women in power are awful, especially to other women and their own children- born and unborn.

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I think the feminist are correct when pointing to the male mess around us today. Just look at Trump.

But wait. Janice has made very valid claims as well. Just look at Harris.

Needless to say these two personify the caricature of both women and men. A sad testament to the politics of today, as these are supposed to be the best candidates the citizens of the USA can put forth.

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My Body My Choice applies to all individual healthcare matters, whether you agree with them or not.

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Yes but if you recall, when push came to shove during covid, the public and many feminists chose not to respect that choice if it meant you chose not to vaccinate your body. So they were all for my free choice until they disagreed with it.

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Wokeism isn't feminism.

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Who said it was? I'm just pointing out that feminism as a movement wasn't prepared to defend my body or my choice when push came to shove

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Thank you for sharing and promoting this valuable information and the work of this valiant & insightful author!!! 🙏❤️

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Some interesting points. Would disagree with many of them though.

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