In my early 20’s, a gynecologist told me that if I wanted to have a baby I’d better go ahead and do it and then everything would have to come out. My husband had been generously sharing his various diseases from his various liaisons and the treatments were taking their toll.

I didn’t know it but this was the same doctor who had tied my older sister’s tubes while she was under anesthesia (c-section) without her consent. He came out to the waiting room with bloody gloves and told her husband that it needed to be done and he was scared because of the blood and said okay. (I also didn’t know about the abortion clinic out back)

I dumped the doctor and the husband.

A few years later, I remarried after telling my husband-to-be that I probably couldn’t have a baby. He said it was okay but we’d try. We went on to have three babies. And the constant infections and other problems I thought were permanent went away with a clean sexual partner. (I know. TMI Lol)

I read that there are components in semen that keep a woman’s insides healthy and functioning. Who knew? But I learned

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Thanks for sharing that. Glad that you survived that doctor.

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Fascinating, I am so glad you were able to conceive.

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I just remembered-

When I was a teenager (eons ago-late 60’s early 70’s) one of my mother’s friends confided that there had been a mistake in her daughter’s treatment. The young woman had stopped having periods and was hoping she was pregnant, so she went to the doctor. He told her it was a tumor-cancer-and removed her uterus. Inside the uterus, the pathologist found a fetus

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That was hard to read.

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Unbelievable! I have lost so much faith in traditional medicine.

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That is horrific!

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It is. That was around 55 years ago.

Not much has changed.

Since then partial birth abortion was legalized. There is no limit to the evils of mankind. Doctors are no different. Most start to go into medicine to help, but medical school soon teaches them that it’s not about doing good. It’s about protecting a lucrative job, and going along in order to maintain the position.

Medicine is not about healing. Medicine is about maintaining customers

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John McKnight said "care is the mask of love." The caring professions lie. They say they are about love, which is what care is supposed to refer to, but real caring is relational and sacred. Nobody can be paid to care. It is not possible. It doesn't work like that. It doesn't help to put this kind of magical glamour upon what is occurring.

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used ta git some gawd-awful "cramps" back in the day an' as a young adult then discovered they could be full-out eliminated with the "magic" of "Evening Primrose" (a simple supplement that also takes down the tender hooters some've us gals git) Also no soy (thankfully never liked it anyhow) an' no sugar ('specially come cycle time). worked on my 2 daughters too... I know a gal that had pain/ cysts/fibroids an' got rid of the entire "endo" condition cuttin' out soy an' seed oils. Jus' sayin'--some'a this stuff is preventable. Meantimes, my granny--after child #2--had a rotten doctor that removed her lady organs when she wuz well under 40--supposedly "fibroids" were the issue. I hear she went into premature menopause an' wuz a nightmare (full personality change) fer years... thankfully long 'fore my time. She got arterial sclerosis / heart issues--never linked the two conditions! No matter, her dok-turds killed her with Vioxx (prescribed preventatively to ward off pre-dick-tive bone loss)... heart just failed --otherwise in good health. All 'fore the black box warnin'-- she near-raised me (long story) so the loss wuz deep--but she had little ta thank the medi-cull profession for! (If only she'd discovered Evenin' Primrose" in time!)

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Good info but why all the slang gibberish talk? This gives the impression of low intelligence.

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I see you're from the North and believe all people who live below the Mason-Dixon line are retarded. (Yeah, I used THE R word!)

Stop being a snob! Real people don't appreciate you acting in such a manner.

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Your first encounter with miss Daisy no doubt 😂. Me thinks it’s a brilliant no ‘bot’ here tactic, plus kinda confusing to AI language 😎

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see mah reply below

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Low intelligence, eh? Mebbe so, then indeed suit yerself as anybuddy's entitled to their "onions." Yer comment gives the impression of "low tolerance" of long-tested writin' styles fer literature in the "vernacular." As I have a stack an' have heard this swipe on my mental capacity before, when time permits, I'm prompted to reply--

1. writin' in the vernacular in the Joel Chandler Harris / Lil' Abner-Al Capp / Mark Twain tradition I admire* saves me from a lotta bullies, bots an' AI mayhem that jus' cain't troll me this'a way (an' I'm no fan'a bots, trolls, 'er bullies) AI just cain't figger me out!

*ye kin even add Steven Berkoff if ya like yer banter in cockney rhymin' slang

2. I'm an actor plyin' my trade anonymously via mah nom-de-plume cuz we "performers" who refused the jabs-bad-countermeasures & "mandates" became magically unemployed so I horizonally moved from stage to stack an' I frankly enjoy the "role" (now plyin' my trade in print) sans mandates an' still "in character"...

3. keepin' "in character" 'bout anythin' that so pleases me makes it less risky ta be frank, name names (I do!), an' pernt genu-ine fingers at the baddies while keepin' the target sign offa -- me an' my fambly... Ya might know that many who write on the stack have been targeted in all sorts'a ways--lit'rally included--which ain't good, no how...

Hope that'll suffice as an answer... if not, yer certainly free ta pick yer com(mints) from another garden of which there are many ;-)

ps not from the South myself but I'm'a HUGE fan've Southern writers, philosophers, moo-sicians, an' culcha' an' I got me fambly from Kentucky (one'a the smartest & wittiest fellers I ever met!)

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Those are some really great reasons. I would need to retrain my hands and mind to write like you do. Incredible!

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wull thank ye kindly! (an' also "runes" ain't a bad place ta start in terms of explorin' the alphabet fer all it's possibilities!)

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On the subject of women being used by medicine-

I am a DES daughter. My mother was given an experimental drug-a hormone-to see if it would stop labor. (She went into labor with me four times before I was born) The doctors were trying out diethylstilbestrol on pregnant women. They didn’t tell her it was an experiment.

She said after the first time she went to the hospital and was given a drug, the next time labor started she just sat in the car in the parking lot to see if it would stop. It always stopped on its own, and I was born on my father’s birthday.

When I was in my 20’s a notice came from the doctor’s office that I should be checked for cancer. “Ooops! Sorry about that.” No cancer for me so far, just a non-functioning cervix; and an ovarian cancer death for my mom.

I’m also the only rh positive baby (she was negative) my mother had, which might explain the preterm labor.

They experiment on kids too. Why do you think there are entire hospitals devoted to childhood cancer? Without pharma-and I’m including all the ag poisons they make along with the drugs and shots-the cancer rates in kids would go back down to what they were a couple hundred years ago. Before the poisoning started. Down to almost nothing.

I’ll shut up now…

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It is true. They use us in so many ways. When my son was 2 he was in the hospital quite a bit for arthritis. The doctors kept coming and going. More and more. And they wanted more and more procedures. And then upon questioning they would say that it wouldn't alter anything no matter what the procedure revealed, so why did they want to do it? And why did they want so many to get a chance at him? That was my wakeup.

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I honestly cringe when I see fundraisers for children's hospitals, cancer, etc. The virtue game is disgusting.

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It makes me angry to think of those kids. And the parents are unaware of why their kids are sick and think the drs are fighting to save them. But the drs are just as brainwashed as the parents. It’s like a big cult where everyone believes the senseless things they’re told, and they never look over the fence to see the reality

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I have a friend who lost medical custody of her son because she didn't want to do the chemo. The kid tested having no cancer, but the doctors insist on two years.

When my son was born, that was my first big encounter with medicine. His first doctor as a newborn said to feed him just every four hours. It only took a moment of his crying for me to throw that prescription away. I still didn't figure out how bad it was until my kid got much sicker.

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I’m sorry. Never take advice about your child from a doctor. They know very little about raising a child in a natural, healthy manner, and can’t afford to tell the truth if they do

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My youngest was just 5.8 lbs, born the hungriest of babies. He was my last C. Nurses complained of the every 2 hr feeding. Having had 2 other toddlers, I simply told them to widen the nipple hole and mix in Rice Cereal. End of Complaints. He had a bottle full of powered skim milk till the day I weaned him at 9 months as he was eating 'solids'. Yep, we hated formula, all 3 of my boys did. Dumb Nurses. He turns 42 in 5 days. And has a 6-year-old girl, and 1 due in June. Married late.

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The more I learn about the western medicine, the more I appreciate the Tibetan one.

I remember when I was complaining with my Tibetan doctor about the pain my period was giving me and that I was looking forward for when it will stop. He got scared and said:" Don't even think about that. The longer you will have your period, the better."

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It is a Muslim thing, or those religions who don't want their women to be able to orgasm and have sexual pleasure which I'm particularly good on advising about, if you have not been castrated as a female - I can guarantee multiple orgasms on the scale you just can't imagine, just ask me for free advice on what to do - it helps if you have a willing partner to do that for you, but you can do it for yourself easily enough, the free ways I suggest - my substack is free as is my advice.

I also think I can get a castrated woman to orgasm, though from the other end, her breasts and possibly her anus, but unless we experiment together, we won't ever know, will we.

The greatest gift any woman has is her body and what it is really capable of, that many women don't ever discover, because men see their bodies as a receptacle to fuck, blow their load in, turn over and go to sleep, leaving the woman unable to satisfy her instinctive urges and not knowing how to.

I always wanted to see what a castrated woman's Cunt looked like, but I never came across one, where I got to have a look and feel - Muslim's guard their women and they are ferocious if their women stray, it becomes an honor thing and women die, simply from having disgraced their family

The above said - you don't know me and I don't know you and we can converse openly here, because what I discuss should not be hidden behind closed doors and viewed only by a few, but everyone who has an interest and desire to find the ultimate pleasure their bodies can deliver to them, if they are prepared to give it a try, irrespective of age or previous lack of experiences.

After all, what is in a name, especially if it is a fictitious one and does not identify you personally in any way, shape or form and this world is a huge world for anyone to identify just you in it- me. I wish, but it is how it is- shrug!!

Women that is, for women it is a whole body thing - for men the moment they ejaculate cum out of their penis - a second or two and that's it, generally - you want to discuss men and their pleasures, such as they are, we can discuss that too - no I am not a doctor, I have vast previous experiences of making selected women scream or groan their lungs out, from the intensity of their orgasms - I call it "like playing their bodies, as if they were my piano" - try me and see how to do that, for you or someone you love.

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I wonder how many of these trans kids would medicalize if they knew how to enjoy their bodies and were honestly informed just how compromised that enjoyment would be.

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This was very interesting to me, and it has made me interested in this book. Thank you for sharing so much of it. It really made me reflect upon my own experience, and so I wrote and wrote about it. Too much writing, but here is the part about my experience with the gynecologist after two months of mysterious heavy bleeding:

I recorded my meeting with the gynecologist and was determined not to prejudice her communications and to just listen and ask questions. If I were to jump in with all of my prior research and thoughts, how would I ever know with whom and with what sort of institution I was dealing? I wanted a chance to see and discover what was there.

So, the ultrasound showed nothing, she said. First she talked about taking hormones, just like I had read. Then she talked about doing a biopsy. It would be such a minor procedure that biopsy. I could really just come for a moment, with no disruption at all! They would barely intrude in my uterus. And actually they would just go in there and take a little piece to check out. They would just go in there and just give a scrape around to remove the lining. It would just be a D and C. And really it could be scheduled for this very next week!

It sounds a little strange, like the plan just kept getting modified with every moment that she kept talking, until she was essentially describing an abortion kind of procedure. She really talked like that! Within minutes she went from nothing to a minor something to a much bigger something! If I hadn't read up on so much prior, I wonder whether I would have missed that progression and thought she was merely clarifying one procedure. Instead, her talking sleight of hand turned nothing into a very big something.

And then I asked her about possible side effects, complications, and how likely they were. And she LIED! For example, the rate of infection she said was miniscule like a few percent, but in reading studies, I knew it was far more than that! I say lied because the only alternative is incompetence in her profession after so many years of schooling, regarding a procedure that she does frequently. There is no excuse for not knowing and not offering real information.

And then, she actually explained that this kind of procedure is their "bread and butter"! Wow! She meant to be reassuring, but I am thanking God that I am being allowed to see what is in front of me. She was willing to feast upon ME! My health. My vitality. My fertility. My womb. It's a figure of speech, but the truth of it couldn't be more plain.

So I listened and wrote notes and secretly recorded. Inside, I was so relieved. I didn't have to wait for a doctor to save me. It wasn't realistic nor credible. This lady wasn't ethical. She wasn't up on what she was doing. She wasn't curious about healing and the body. She by her actions was in truth a saleswoman dressed up in white priestly medical robes. She didn't realize it in that moment, but she would not be buttering her bread with me.

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Great comment, thanks.

"Feasting..." what a perfect framing.

Coffey in The H Word says that people think that it's generally male gynos that recommend hysterectomies, but the data shows that the female ones do it more often.

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It's very difficult to traverse the world with integrity, especially if you are professionalized or enter into a line of work or unreflective way of living. You pick up language without thinking what your words are tying you to. It's so easy to learn to do things the way that everyone does them and assume that is normal and good, and besides, people who start thinking about this stuff can end up getting removed from the machine when they are jamming the works. I am trying to think: what is needed to make apparent what is not perceived? I tend to have faith that there is significant potential for many to discover and hold themselves in integrity to new revelations. We really have to work hard to try to figure out what is going on.

But then, if the entire industry of ritualized medicine is so significantly iatrogenic then I'm thinking, how to offer for ourselves and to share with others something else that is viable and good? I'm not much of a reformer....

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"people who start thinking about this stuff can end up getting removed from the machine"

Yes indeed, all the incentives in The Machine are skewed towards not thinking or reflecting.

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I've been removed myself a bit. Caused some anguish until I had time to think around it.

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Me 🙏.

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Thank you for sharing this! I knew about genital mutilation in African countries, but in Europe...?

I knew my mother had a hysterectomy after giving birth to 5 children and was told she 'didn't need that uterus anymore' – she was treated for a series of serious illnesses after that, which eventually resolved themselves as soon as she stopped going to the doctors. I thought the surgeries were a 'trend' back then but had no idea about the history and continuing practice – and devastating consequences...

I learned so much from this post! 💕🙏

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Being one of the group, we are TOLD WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. It starts with C-Sections, back in my prime reproduction days 2 were all you were allowed. You get tour Tubes tied on #2 if you don't want or can't take the Pill. Then come Adhesions, and menses bleeding issues. A Lap surgery is required before anything else is done, they remove the Adhesions. But don't remove other issues like cysts or fibroids. In six months the Adhesions are back. A super tampon+ and a Super thick pad last 30-40 minutes, and blood is running down your legs when you get your more frequent Menses. You are Not asked if you want to keep your ovaries. Not all women can take hormones. I woke up PUKING ACID so bad it scalded my throat. Now my gastro tract is a total mess. As is my Degenerative spine. And those drugs are a Gastro mess, as well as side effects so bad death can result. Even the 'natural ones like Black Cohosh and Wild Yam' act the same. Pharma drugs are Poisons.

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Being one of the group, we are TOLD WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. It starts with C-Sections, back in my prime reproduction days 2 were all you were allowed. You get tour Tubes tied on #2 if you don't want or can't take the Pill. Then come Adhesions, and menses bleeding issues. A Lap surgery is required before anything else is done, they remove the Adhesions. But don't remove other issues like cysts or fibroids. In six months the Adhesions are back. A super tampon+ and a Super thick pad last 30-40 minutes, and blood is running down your legs when you get your more frequent Menses. You are Not asked if you want to keep your ovaries. Not all women can take hormones. I woke up PUKING ACID so bad it scalded my throat. Now my gastro tract is a total mess. As is my Degenerative spine. And those drugs are a Gastro mess, as well as side effects so bad death can result. Even the 'natural ones like Black Cohosh and Wild Yam' act the same. Pharma drugs are Poisons.

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If one has a cancerous uterine tumor, it’s a GOOD thing.

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A hysterectomy is a good thing if you have a cancerous uterine tumor. Saves your life.

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Honestly, for myself, I'd still go big time after a cure that is not itself harmful.

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I don’t feel harmed by the surgery at all. In fact, I feel very happy about it. I certainly don’t consider it was a bad choice. I’m cured. And I wasn’t going to wait around until the cancer spread to see if some other medication or treatment like fenben or ivy, worked. I am happy to take these meds as adjunct, but would never rely on them to cure a 4 cm tumor without first doing surgery to remove it. And I do not miss my uterus, not even a little bit.

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I suppose you read the post that we are commenting on. There are many women whose hysterectomies do cause actual harm. It is great that you feel good about how everything is going. I personally do not find the prospects favorable for surgery, and it is just not how I live my life.

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I understand. It really depends on what issue we are dealing with. Cancerous tumors can spread and take one’s life. Having a hysterectomy is a small thing compared to that. If you have other health reasons you are dealing with, then yes, I’d imagine you’d strive to avoid surgery in many cases. If I were a young woman, still fertile, I’d avoid it if I could. But being post menopausal with cancer made the choice an easy one for me. Robotics are amazing these days. I was up and feeling great within a week, completely better by three weeks. Pain was so minimal I was amazed. Cheers and best of health to you, R!

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You are given NO OTHER CHOICES. Edwin had a Sub-up on the subject. https://edwin797.substack.com/. I asked him to post to your Sub.

I'm one of the 'club'. Lots of Gastro and Spinal health issues.

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