Doctor here; unjabbed for Covid. Regretting giving my kids their jabs, one currently being reviewed for autism spectrum, dyspraxia and dyscalculia. My youngest is due her last MMR etc, refusing them all, the missus (nurse) also on board.

Looking back through my own history; eczema and colitis (both relatively mild, thankfully) coincide with an accelerated Hep B vax course.

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I think my hashimotos is from injections. GI issues as well. All who have been inoculated have been harmed. I’m so disappointed in my profession.

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I'm reading Cowan's "Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Assault on Childhood" and he talks about Hashimotos quite a bit in case you'd like to check it out.

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I have a neighbor, a cousin and a Functional Nutrition mentor, all with Hashimoto’s. The mentor unfortunately bought into all the Covid lies and I have lost respect for her.

I’ve been trying to explain to my neighbor, since the beginning of this debacle, that the childhood vaccines create many the diseases and health conditions in Western society. She has a hard time believing me but she understands nothing about the human body. She’s taken every C-19 shot and booster plus Flu & Shingles vaccines. I keep expecting her to be disabled one day, unfortunately.

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My acupuncturist bought in to it too. Thinks she’s treating me for post covid vs post injections. It was a crazy psyop and many fell hard and haven’t recovered.

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Me too...a friend of mine just did the same...going for her final Shingles in January. I don't expect it to end well.

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That is my sister and my niece. Both had that plus thyroid cancer. I think it is also the Guardisil vax in my niece's case. Her mother won't even entertain the thought.

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Gardisil was one of the worst— until covid.

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Thank God you now know! 🙏🏼🙏🏼I’ve known for 30 years and before I had my last two children which I gave birth to at home.

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Nb kids didn't get Covid jabs..

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As a former MD, who is completely disgusted by what I've seen these last few years, I am proud to say I've gone from pro-vaxx 3 years ago (but definitely not Covid jabs) to questioning some to now completely against. The lies, the malfeasance is just incredible. Ethics? Unfortunately most doctors chose their careers and their livelihood over their sworn duty to protect their patients lives.

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I don’t know if you’re in the United States but I was most shocked to see the Institute for Functional Medicine recommending the shots. I just sent them an email saying I would never take a course from them because I knew the shots would be dangerous before they came out, but somehow they did not!

Maybe they were afraid to go against the status quo and be shut down by the government, but I cannot believe for a minute that they did not know what was coming our way with those shots! 

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Likewise in the Alternative medicine arena. They, who have and should still know better that health doesn't come in a syringe, have been infiltrated by pharma. It was a far more subtle conversion, but there nonetheless.

Those in my field that expouse tte importance of diet, lifestyle, environment and emotional/mental hygiene and wellness. Yet so many, don't so much as blink an eye, at shooting the kids full of toxic junk, under the illusion of protecting them from a particular virus- out of the 10 to the power of 30, virus on, in and around them!!🤔😐😑🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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I’m in the same field.

Same thing happened in the yoga community, to which I also belong.

We are a society petrified of death.

It was mind blowing to witness the Traditional Medicine, as I like to call it, community, get brainwashed. Never in 1 million years would I have imagined that Chiropractors, Acupunture Physicians, Naturopaths, Herbalists, etc. would fall for the fraud & BS!

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I believe my "alternative" nurse practitioner may have saved my life by providing me with a generous prescription for Ivermectin *before* I caught Delta back in August of 2021. (I'm in 3 high risk groups.)

At my last (virtual) appointment with her (July 2022), she told me she is now the ONLY person among ALL of her professional (alternative) medical colleagues who did NOT get the jab.

I am still speechless.

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If there was ever a group that should have had a deep understanding and instinctive distrust of Pharma lies, it was the alternative health crowd. Your anecdote is stunning, truly stunning.

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Couldn't agree more.

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'A very small minority of those doctors are waking up to the sins of childhood vaccination. I would have thought it was a small jump to go from one lie to the next, as all they have to do is ask; What else have they lied to me about?'

'Apparently not.'

There has to be more people doing this. Kirsch did it. For me it got to the point where it felt I owed it to the OG anti-vaxxers to at least hear them out considering how much everybody was getting accused of being one. The crazy thing is there aren't many 'vaccines' that are one in done. They almost all are series. Another crazy thing is as much as they exaggerated this epidemic, of course they do it with the outbreaks reported in regions of low vaccine uptake. I have a sneaking suspicion even if there is any reckoning for Covid somehow it'll stop there and not lead to the obvious audit of the entire schedule.

I'm trying to aggregate vaccines schedule data by nation and year and then dig up estimates on rates of chronic conditions. Right away reviewing the list of what nation has the highest rate of autism, its Qatar...guess who has had recent exemplary vaccine uptake...its Qatar. It can't be this obvious?

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Thanks for the Qatar lead, if you have any data to share, I'll write something around that...consider it a world cup special :)


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Jesus Christ! How many shots did they put into that little boy? 😢😢😢😢😢 I cannot even bear to watch the babies get pricked & poisoned.

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I can't find a GP who DIDN'T take the vaccine, let alone one who regrets it........sad

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The only doctor in my hospital, unjabbed.

One of my good friends is a porter, he has been far more knowledgeable about it all than all the jabbed doctors, up to and including consultants. Incredible how the doctors took the Covid 'advice' in blind faith without question. As they do with EVERYTHING.

Statins; now there's another HUGE rabbit hole, dr Malcolm Kendrick's books opened my eyes to all this... fantastic books and blog..

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A Quote From the Article: “If you read Maready, you will understand the significance of the crying that engages the fight or flight response and the significance of that for all manner of illnesses caused by the scenes above.

Surely, you can only identify as ethical if you act ethically? I suspect there is a disconnect between how most GPs they see themselves and how they act. Perhaps they think no further than 'I am a doctor, therefore I am an ethical person'. Perhaps their failure to warn patients about the side effects of drugs they prescribe or drugs prescribed for their patients by other doctors / health experts, has no bearing on their self-image as 'ethical' people.

Among other things, the fight or flight response assists with the delivery of the aluminum into the brain. It has especial significance for boys, which I may deal with in another stack, or you could read his book Crooked, which is his best work on the subject."

My Response:

Traumatizing babies by neglecting them in incubators, giving them multitudes of shots and heel jabs, and yes - mutilating their genitals! All of this puts them into fight or flight and then eventually deep freeze mode, a dissociative state that all mammals go into when they sense they are being harmed and they cannot get away.

This is functional freeze mode, aka, high tone dorsal vagal nervous system activation.

Look at Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Practice, Polyvagal Theory, and more to learn about how we traumatize babies, en masse.

This leads to chronic illness!

Look at the book, "The Body Keeps the Score", anything by Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, Kathy Kain, Steve Terrell, or Irene Lyon of irenelyon.com for free resources on trauma.

The body encodes and remembers the trauma - even if we cannot consciously recollect the memory!

It is known that the more ACEs (Adverse Childhood Events) - the more chronic illness and lower life expectancy.

Irene Lyon has free resources that I highly recommend!

Here is Irene Lyon’s superb and free introduction course on the different types of trauma! Including preverbal trauma – trauma before you could talk or form conscious memories!


All of Irene Lyon’s free resources below.


Seth Lyon, Irene Lyon’s husband, also a somatic practitioner, speaks out about male genital mutilation in the article below.


A quote from the above article when Seth Lyon speaks about the preverbal trauma of circumcision.

“Underneath all that, I was circumcised – an incredibly traumatic experience which linked violence and violation with the sexual organs in the somatic unconscious, and also established an unconscious hatred of the feminine because my mother did not protect me from that experience, and was reinforced by my isolation and separation from her in an incubator due to being born six weeks premature.”

More links on trauma.

"Neonatal male circumcision is associated with altered adult socio-affective processing"


Circumcised boys show many symptoms of PTSD, too - I'll look for this study - I read it in the book, "Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma", by Dr. Ronald Goldman.

Fight or flight amygdala autism connection.


Fight or flight makes the blood brain barrier more permeable, leading to more heavy metal deposits in the brain - another way to understand why boys are more likely to be autistic.

Jeanice Barcelo - an expert on the medical systems role in traumatizing baby boys and girls - affecting these new humans for their entire life if they do not become aware of their trauma and seek intervention through Somatic Experiencing, and other modalities.


A podcast with Jeanice as a guest on the Luke Storey podcast.


"The War Against Boys: Ending The Torture Of Circumcision In America #192"


"Passion Meets Pleasure: The Ultimate Sex Episode With Kim Anami #186

men’s sex lives. The travesty of male circumcision and how men can heal from what was forced on them at …"


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Wonderful stuff...thank you!!

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It's my absolute honor!

I yearn and strive for the reformation of the medical system into something that actually heals, respects new life and patients of all ages, and is trauma informed.

Thank you for your writings!

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Would you consider turning all of that into an article and I will use that as a basis for a substack. It would be my first on the subject and I'd be happy to do it as I know it's wrong and it's clear to me that it's just another industrial scale medical malfeasance. I just don't know enough about the whole thing, you clearly do.

You can email me directly here: unbekoming@outlook.com


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I'd love to.

You've moved me to subscribe to you as of a few minutes ago.

I will clean up/structure this information to increase readability - and send it to you via email!

Information inbound.

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Great, and thank you!

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Very, very rarely is circumcision medically "necessary".

Studies out of Spain showed something like 0.01% of males needed circumcision due to medical necessity. Infections, like balanitis, are rare and can be treated with oral antibiotics, like an ear infection. For reference around 46% of infants will have an ear infection by age 1.

Honestly, that number can be reduced to zero. Zero "needed" circumcisions if proper intact penis care is used.

The only exception might be rare congenital birth defects and only sometimes is it even the necessary.

USA people have more issues with natural penis because they don't know that the foreskin is adhered to the glans at birth, so they try to pull it back and it causes injury and pain, the same adhering like the fingernail to the finger. This causes injury and higher likelihood of infection and formation of scar tissue which reduced elasticity.

This is called a forcible retraction and doctors have been successfully sued. Look at the website doctors opposing circumcision for more info on forcible retraction malpractice.

USA healthcare workers do not get trained that the natural penis is healthy and superior, so they damage the intact boys out of ignorance, to create problems to create demand for mutilation.

Women get antimicrobials for infections, why not for boys, too?

Amputation for infection is medieval idiocy.

Also, USA people don't know that only water should be used to clean a retracted penis under the foreskin...it has a special pH balance like the vagina.

The forcible retraction and the usage of soap all give USA people more complications with natural penis - all borne of ignorance.

Hospitals like money and Americans are trained to do what they're told by authority figures like doctors by the "education" system


His penis, his choice.

It causes preverbal birth trauma - puts the boy into fight or flight mode then deep freeze because he can't get away. He becomes disassociated.

This is the torture of a human being.

All the USA issues of foreskin comes from ignorance here is the explanation for USA issues for foreskin below. Ponder why Europe doesn't have these issues, because they don't forcibly retract, they boy doesn't use harsh soap when it naturally retracts at around age 10.5 on average.

My evidence is below. Fact check me. The USA has terrible "science" with manipulative data and crap study designs like the COVID jabs.

Very, very rarely is circumcision medically "necessary".

Studies out of Spain showed something like 0.01% of males needed circumcision due to medical necessity. Infections, like balanitis, are rare and can be treated with oral antibiotics, like an ear infection. For reference around 46% of infants will have an ear infection by age 1.

Honestly, that number can be reduced to zero. Zero "needed" circumcisions if proper intact penis care is used.

The only exception might be rare congenital birth defects and only sometimes is it even the necessary.

USA people have more issues with natural penis because they don't know that the foreskin is adhered to the glans at birth, so they try to pull it back and it causes injury and pain, the same adhering like the fingernail to the finger. This causes injury and higher likelihood of infection and formation of scar tissue which reduced elasticity.

This is called a forcible retraction and doctors have been successfully sued. Look at the website doctors opposing circumcision for more info on forcible retraction malpractice.

USA healthcare workers do not get trained that the natural penis is healthy and superior, so they damage the intact boys out of ignorance, to create problems to create demand for mutilation.

Women get antimicrobials for infections, why not for boys, too?

Amputation for infection is medieval idiocy.

Also, USA people don't know that only water should be used to clean a retracted penis under the foreskin...it has a special pH balance like the vagina.

The forcible retraction and the usage of soap all give USA people more complications with natural penis - all borne of ignorance.

Hospitals like money and Americans are trained to do what they're told by authority figures like doctors by the "education" system.

Many European doctors have never seen a UTI or infection of the natural penis in their 60+ year careers - look at the doctor's opposing circumcision group - they attest to that and explain why the USA has more issues - they forcibly retract boys out of ignorance, causing pain, bleeding and scar tissue which leads to infection, inflammation and leaves the foreskin less elastic and can make phimosis more likely due to less elasticity from scar tissue from the forcible retraction.

USA healthcare workers are not trained on purpose to increase the myth that the foreskin is problematic.


Four out of ten intact (not circumcised) boys will experience having their foreskin forcibly torn from its foundation by misguided adults. This traumatic, painful and unnecessary action can lead to complications, such as bleeding, infection and eventual amputation of the foreskin. Early traumas are known to cause developmental and lifelong psychological problems."

Source: https://intactamerica.org/

Here's a form to fill out to file against a healthcare worker that forcibly retracted and injures a boy's penis. Yes, it's that common to have a form and a formal complaint procedure. Pure ignorance. The intact penis is pleasurable and superior, and every boy and man's birthright.


"When you wash your son’s penis, no special care is needed. Wash it like you would a finger, from the body to the tip, with warm water only. No retracting or even checking to see if it retracts a little! The boy should be the first person to retract his own foreskin.

If your son’s foreskin is red, it’s probably caused by an overgrowth of yeast, which occurs when bacteria die from the use of soap, shampoo, bubble baths, or swimming in a chlorinated pool. The solution is simple: bacterial replacement therapy. Apply liquid Acidophilus culture or another probiotic to the boy’s outer foreskin six times a day for three days and watch it return to normal health.

If your son’s foreskin has a white lump, it’s called a smegma pearl. Smegma is made up of sloughed-off cells, and smegma pearls tell you that the foreskin and glans are separating. As the separation of the foreskin and glans makes its way to the tip of the foreskin, the smegma is easily wiped away.

Let your son’s penis develop naturally as it should, and make sure no one – not a doctor or nurse, not a babysitter or another relative – tries to forcibly retract his foreskin. This is the best way to avoid injury and make sure he’s healthy and happy."


The Europeans know.

USA has been trained to be disgusted by the natural penis, as if baby boys require surgical correction because they're born defective.

The USA marketing effectively brainwashed Americans.

Baby boys need and deserve love and proper care.

Leave his penis alone, take care of him correctly.

Men are not falling over in the streets, their foreskins suffocating them and producing disease. An indoctrinated American doctor will tell you that. Just like they tell you the vaccine is safe and effective, too.

European countries that have medical associations that publicly state circumcision is unectand cruel, that's a part of their training and they have no financial incentive.

Few intact men in foreskin educated countries ever, ever opt to get cut - why? Because it's ludicrous to them, and they were taken care of properly by their mothers, fathers and anyone else in that culture that understood natural male anatomy.

This is pure cultural blindness, and many cut men get super defensive and upset and they just have to cut their sons because, "they turned out fine"...it's called the Adamant Father Syndrome - cut men are far more likely to genitally mutilate their kids.

It's all psychological avoidance and a lack of critical thinking.

I have sympathy for them, though, it's emotionally difficult, but this needs to stop.

They're selling foreskin online and celebrities out it on their face - this is organ/ce harvesting - this is so dehumanizing and demeaning.

And callous Americans make jokes about cutting their sons and violating their rights and sexuality.

It's an evil world.

This deserves maximum elucidation and eradication.

Girls get protected and cherished, but boys? Treated like cattle to brand.

Boys aren't doing we because we don't treat them well.

This birth trauma, see the book, The Body Keeps the Score, putting a baby in a deep sense of pain and danger negatively affects brain development and overall development - the baby boys disassociate and stay that way their whole life unless they do somatic psychotherapeutic work.

I'm not here to make you feel attacked or bad - please, really grapple with the material and feel.

Everyone makes mistakes.

I'm not here to attack anyone - everyone gets pressured and fooled by social peer pressure.

Now is the time to end this.

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So true. Every doctor needs to read before getting their license to practice.

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Circumcision is male genital mutilation.


Foregen will fully reverse circumcision with regenerative medicine using ECM (extracellular matrix) technology - all of your own body cells, nerve endings, mucosal lining, musculature, Meissner's corpuscles, etc., shall be regenerated.

Their goal is 100% circumcision reversal.


Here is a video summary from Foregen about who they are and what they do.


They're in phase 2 of 3 animal trials - phase 3 of 3 starts on April, 1st, 2023 and lasts for one year - until March, 31st, 2024.

The ECM technology is already FDA approved and has been used successfully in many other scenarios/applications.

The FDA approval that Foregen is seeking is for the novel application of ECM technology for the particular use of circumcision reversal - to regrow the 15 square inches of healthy, densely innervated erogenous tissue (the foreskin/male prepuce) that many men were immorally deprived of, painfully, near birth.

They have received north of $1,000,000 in donations - and that is a number from a while ago, 6+ months ago - and they're receiving about $20,000 a month in recurring donations.

More donations are welcome for the success of this healing technology to be available to all mistreated men.

This will be a huge win for men's rights, for men's body automy and genital integrity.

You can use Amazon Smile in the USA to donate 0.5% of each purchase you make at no added cost to you - to Foregen.


Here is a guide from the r/Foregen subreddit on how to set up Amazon Smile, which can be used with your Prime, non-Prime, or even your Amazon Business account.


You can also donate directly as a one time donation or a recurring donation - via multiple methods.


Thank you for your consideration and generosity.

May the Wind Be at Your Back.

Disclaimer: I am not an official representative of Foregen. I am an enthusiastic donor and supporter.

Note: Please copy and paste this message as you see fit - if you feel inclined to.

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Circumcision - the genital mutilation of boys violates all bioethics - just like the jab mandates, and the jab itself being promoted on shoddy science, statistical manipulation, and poor study design...on purpose...

Circumcision, male genital mutilation, is not a life saving procedure - the foreskin is healthy, protective, erogenous tissue.

Therefore, the "procedure" is damaging, a violation of human rights, and legalized and culturally normalized torture.

The article below from Doctors Opposing Circumcision outlines the human rights violation in greater detail.


"First do no harm".

They love the money, though, and the average American can't grapple with the uncomfortable fact that this is wrong because it either happened to them or they did it to their son(s) or both.

Men that live with their entire penises never opt to mutilate themselves because it's an inferior option.


The above video series speaks about the sexual function of the foreskin and the intact penis as a whole.

Here are more links on the missing elements of sexual function.




This is what mutilated men and their partners are missing out on.

We just don't give boys a chance, baby boys cannot consent - and they won't "consciously remember"...so strap them down to a circumstraint table and start chopping away, right?

Then those boys that grow into adults make jokes about European men and their intact penises, they get defensive and angry when the topic is attempted to be discussed in a serious manner, instead of using crass humor to pave over what lies beneath - a violation of the body, pain, sexual diminishment, profiteering off of their body (foreskin harvesting, and the profit made from the "procedure" itself), etc...

American liberty and freedom? What a joke.

Our great old USA country has been selling foreskin to biotech companies to do all sorts of testing.

Look up HFF, human foreskin fibroblast.


Look you can buy baby foreskin fibroblast online - a vial of it....



Harvesting baby boys' genital tissue, healthy, erogenous tissue for profit - is that freedom? Disgusting.

"The foreskin has important sexual nerve receptors that are removed during circumcision.[9][1][15][27] Circumcision removes the most sensitive part of a man's penis. The five most sensitive areas of the penis are on the foreskin. The transitional region from the external to the internal foreskin is the most sensitive region of the fully intact penis, and more sensitive than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis.[28]"



Circumcision is a disgusting and torturous scam and it removes 15 square inches of densely innervated erogenous tissue (as an adult that is what the foreskin grows into, size wise).

Here is a video playlist on the functions of the intact male genitalia.


Companies like SkinMedica love to use foreskin of baby boys in their products.

Look up Sandra Bullock Penis Facial on YouTube - they laugh about rubbing baby boy genital cream on their faces for their vain youth. Like old witches that eat babies to stay young, like Blood Mary.....All the old folktales of witches and vampires.




Any of you that know of the lies of the MRNA SHOT - yet, think genital mutilation is okay...you're still blind - just like a lot of those that think the jab is "safe and effective"...

Fauci and Bill Gates love genital mutilation - they have spent millions of dollars mutilating boys in Africa!



The same men who spearheaded this death campaign of the jab, actively have supported genital mutilation.

Healthy baby boys are not good candidates for surgery.

The foreskin is healthy erogenous tissue that protects the head of the penis - and the majority of nerve endings are in the foreskin - the majority of pleasure comes from the foreskin.

Generations and generations of mutilated men in the USA - where's the critical thinking? The liberty? The freedom?

I recommend the documentary, The American Circumcision on Amazon Video, or the presentation on YouTube, Circumcision: The Elephant in the Room.



They've been profiting hundreds of millions a year on baby boy genitals - and advancing their research to bring you all the technologies that will destroy and oppress people.

I wish Americans would really realize how they failed when it came to be fooled that circumcision was "medicine" and had any kind of "benefit" at all...

Another good book is: Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma, By Dr. Ronald Goldman.


A video playlist of Dr. Ronald Goldman addressing this issue - the psychological damages and emotional avoidance of those affected by this violation.


Doctors Opposing Circumcision Video Playlist


The president of Doctors Opposing Circumcision​ delivers a somber appeal to the American people: "Circumcision is unconstitutional... To do this to an infant is an atrocity, a savage, brutal act.... This tragic practice, cutting the genitals of children, is an epidemic." ~Dr. George Denniston

IntactAmerica is also a good website.


"Immediately prior to the training, I remember a blond-haired resident giddy with excitement at being able to learn the procedure, and vividly recall her saying: “Have the nursing staff line the boys up. Go Chop! Chop! Chop! Think of all the RVUs you can make??” RVU stands for Relative Value Unit, which is a figure used for compensation. Obviously, her main concern was the amount of money that could be generated by sexually maiming newborn boys in the name of profit. "


Also, Foregen is the name of a biotech company that is seeking to regrow foreskins in labs (no involvement of stem cells from babies or anything unethical like that) - with the patient's own body cells. They're almost in phase 3 of 3 human trials on April 1st 2023, and it will last for 1 year. I can't wait for men to start gaining full sexual function and feeling back.


Spread the word. Americans have been whoring out their boys for big pharma profit and mutilating them in a brainwashed fashion for decades. Search within your heart.

Medical freedom means ending genital mutilation. It's his penis, not society's penis or his parent's penis.

If you did this to your son or it happened to you, process the emotions, grapple with the issue, and evolve. Don't chronically beat yourself up about it, forgive yourself - we all get fooled some of the time.

Edit: I may or may not respond to replies. The majority of questions can be answered with the sources and claims I have mentioned. I spend a good amount of time on these forums as is - and I have many responsibilities. Please understand. Also, it takes a bit of an emotional toll on me to respond to those that are angry and are still under the circumcision cognitive dissonance/Stockholm Syndrome mode.

For my own quality of life, I sometimes have to take a step away.

Thank you.

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I find this exceedingly strange myself. If you read Forrest McCready, Dissolving Illusions, and a couple of people here on Substack...and combine that with rising autism rates (which really IS a PANDEMIC), you cannot help but be convinced that the 72 shot childhood vaccine schedule needs to be abolished.

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I believe all the “hereditary” autism, egg/peanut/pet dander allergies as well as most of the autoimmune are due to ingredients in childhood vax. After all, HOW can the body distinguish between what is supposed to mount an attack against like mumps, v. the other ingredients. They GROW the proteins in vax on aborted fetal cells, eggs, peanuts, canine/porcine cells, even some equine and monkey kidney cells. How does the body go, “I’m attacking mumps but I’m NOT attacking eggs or peanuts or pet dander?” Or in the case of the fetal cells in the shots (BOTH male & female— WHAT could go WRONG?!) how does the body know not

to mount an attack on human cells but to mount an attack in mumps? How does it differentiate?

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Wheat too 🤨 asshats

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Dec 13, 2022Edited
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Thanks Allan...MM...multiple myeloma?

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