Wow, it’s hard to absorb, how deliberate and creepy, switching preferences on our brains, culture and traditions…imagine! that skin color is so important in measuring a pilot, an engineer~~~let’s just agree that most likely our brains are all pale beige or pink, and start from there…~~~ Out of several kids in a family, I think it is magical that one boy wants to be a mountaineer, another wants to be a chef and a sister wants to be a neurosurgeon. And they may all be white, black or whatever! And here I say Good grief! Talk about alphabet soup, where did these leaders come from?~~~ Not even the most stupid assumes that a tall black boy has dreams of being an athlete; they may want to play the cello…. How we have messed with young lives and assumptions….. so sad, molding young lives, guiding their dreams, the freedom to be, but not squishing square pegs in a round hole. What a mess…..

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Elons ESG score fluctuates with his mouth. Never know what’s going to come out. Drives the ESG scorers absolutely bat shit crazy.

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ESG asset managers, corporate boards of directors and any and all corporate executives who make these decisions should be sued personally for failing to prioritize their fiduciary responsibilities. For instance, kick Budweiser legally while they're down, and make an example out of them.

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Pfizer's ESG score must be soaring, what with their "solutions" for the cancer, myocarditis, clotting, and neurodegenerative disease drugs they now have to combat all those shocking excess diseases (created by their injections).

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Coercion by any name, whether ESG or whatever, is still just that - coercion. Whenever coercion, or the potential to coerce, is a part of any equation, the results are always, predictably, the same. The power to coerce is invariably pursued by the same people, the parasites, those who add no value or take value to the detriment of everyone but themselves.

Until we develop the smarts to recognize coercion in any guise, and the spine to not just resist but smash it, our world will continue its descent into a global gulag. ( Deservedly so.)

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Yes, it’s all just nuts, so many long time friends dropped out these past few hears….not wanting to know truth, don’t want to hear my preferences politically…can’t be friends even with differences…usetah be, Oldsmobile or Pontiac? John Deere, or….So what? ~~~Shake hands, let’s be neighbors…..not even snowflakes, melt under heat of discussions, just unable to understand we are entitled to have our differences, our histories and our own pleasures, why, why are peepul so insecure!? I read things I disagree with, and I look for that! ~~~yesterday, listening to Mark Crispin Miller tell of a student who recommended he be fired because she didn’t agree with his teaching about handling propaganda! That’s the point! You have to discern propaganda….. just nuts! wait until these 22 year olds get into business and culture decisions~~~oh wait, they are now!!!! Oh dear oh dear

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