Learn The Risks . Org, used to have many graphs, research & facts. Most of those “diseases”, dropped substantially with the introduction of wise & easy sanitation services, long before “vaccines” we’re introduced, but to this day, they try to take the credit. Thank a plumber!!
Learn The Risks . Org, used to have many graphs, research & facts. Most of those “diseases”, dropped substantially with the introduction of wise & easy sanitation services, long before “vaccines” we’re introduced, but to this day, they try to take the credit. Thank a plumber!!
Learn The Risks . Org, used to have many graphs, research & facts. Most of those “diseases”, dropped substantially with the introduction of wise & easy sanitation services, long before “vaccines” we’re introduced, but to this day, they try to take the credit. Thank a plumber!!
Guess their website is still up, kind of.. But the murder of BRANDY VAUGHAN, changed everything... 😢