Poor dogs. Dying for science. Like the cow farts of today.
Pasteur was a menace, though I hear that he recanted before his demise.
I feel fortunate to be a part of the scientific awakening of today. A century of fraud when all diseases disappeared in the 20 century to be replaced by poisonous injections.
Poor dogs. Dying for science. Like the cow farts of today.
Pasteur was a menace, though I hear that he recanted before his demise.
I feel fortunate to be a part of the scientific awakening of today. A century of fraud when all diseases disappeared in the 20 century to be replaced by poisonous injections.
Poor dogs. Dying for science. Like the cow farts of today.
Pasteur was a menace, though I hear that he recanted before his demise.
I feel fortunate to be a part of the scientific awakening of today. A century of fraud when all diseases disappeared in the 20 century to be replaced by poisonous injections.
Dumped Supplements too.