This is great! Yes, I think you've got it exactly right! 🙌

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Thanks Toby, you more than anyone has helped me to see it.

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Autism & ADHD are both rampant… God help us.

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It was in Forrest Maready's book Crooked that I encountered the idea that circumcision might be partly responsible for the higher rate of autism in boys. He pointed out studies that show white blood cells are recruited to the brain during various forms of bodily inflammation. The immediate vaccination and then circumcision of infant boys provides a double whammy: 1) vaccine aluminum, and 2) recruitment of aluminum laden cells to the brain where they deposit an ultra-toxic load.

My daughter had development issues (thankfully resolved) such as delayed speech that I now realize were most likely caused by vaccines. During her birth, she was quite large (>10 lbs) and came late. Her head was deformed by the delivery. I believe she must have had more insult to her brain as the deformation of her skull would have led to inflammation. Follow that inflammation with an injection and then what? She would not stop crying after she was born for hours. I thought she was only hungry but now I've read about many stories of children crying after vaccinations during doctor visits only to later have their parents realize that this was a sign of vaccine injury.

In a separate thought, don't forget the effects of anti-depressants on empathy as well. Midwestern doctor has pointed out their link to violence against family members and school shootings numerous times.

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Great comment, thanks.

Our daughter also had delayed speech development, and took her and us years of work to help her through it. Vaccine injury.

Good point about anti-depressants (and SSRIs). I wrote about that recently here.


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Till states/schools mandated vaxes no one knew if you had them. My generation had a few major ones, my kids had few, and money was a factor. My mom never had any. Dad being WW2 had what the military ordered, but they didn't always work. He still caught Malaria.

US Military Study on Postvaccination Myocarditis Released


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Many cause autoimmune, crippling, or death, 75% are female. There are over 100 of them. Lost a good friend to EDS. Gardasil nearly killed my granddaughter and left her with RA/FIBROMYALGIA.

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It is so sad what the world has become, the evil that surrounds us. We are all just experimental pains in a rich man's game.

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As always, I learn so much from essays such as this and from the comments that follow. An earlier Substack essay of Toby Rogers referenced Harris L. Coulter's book Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain (1990). It makes for a fascinating if depressing read and certainly helps to explain/reinforce one possible pathophysiology of the END syndrome you describe.

I'm so glad I'm retired and have time to follow through with at least some of this reading. It's not what I had planned for retirement, and it takes a lot of time as I'm sure you've discovered, but it is well worth it.

Thanks again to you and to all those who post comments.

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Re Narcissism. There is another type of narcissism I see far more often than one in which grandiosity is at play. These people merely view every single situation as if they are the main character. Often these people aren’t feeling grandiose whatsoever. If someone is sick the situation is all about how it makes her feel. If someone is getting a lot of attention in front of them they do everything they can to get attention pulled away from that person. Every moment is really about them. They do manipulate, often being sad or dramatic, to get people attending to the important person! Not the other guy. It is like a minor, non evil, triad.

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Good point.

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"There is not enough demand in the real world for this volume of pontificators."

Beautifully framed. Concise and meaningful.

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Thanks Ted. That sentence felt right when it came out of the keyboard.

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You're welcome, and thank you (I hope) for the gestalt it is inducing.

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