I have been using DMSO for decades.

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I’d love to know the specifics of how you use it, and to what effect. Also, I see that Amazon has many options — what should we look for exactly?

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Dr Amandha Vollmer (yummy.doctor) published a book on the use of DMSO. In her book, are many recipes for using DMSO, both topically and internally. The book is easy to read and provides clear instructions on its use. You can find the book on Kindle and many other resources. Searching: Healing with DMSO by Amandha Vollmer.

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Dr Jacobs died, but his children still produce and sell his original formula, as far as I know? https://jacoblab.com/?v=0b3b97fa6688

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This link is not working for me. Says ...."PAGE CANNOT BE FOUND"....

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Which one do you use?

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It depends. I use 70% for topical pain, etc., and I use higher concentrations for nebulizing, even ingestion.

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Thank you Timothy. Do you have a preferred brand/supplier?

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Can you re commend a specific brand/ type ? I know there are so many out there that have ingredients we don`t want in them .Thank you

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On Amazon, look for 99.995% pure/pharmaceutical grade DMSO esp if you are going to use it internally. There are easy to apply roll-ons that are 99% pure and mixed with aloe vera gel. These are generally used for joint pain and inflammation. Do get a book like Vollmer's though and read it so you know the guidelines. All the best!

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DMSO 8 oz. Glass Bottle Non-diluted 99.995% Low Odor Pharma Grade Liquid

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Dr Jacobs died, but his children still produce and sell his original formula, as far as I know? https://jacoblab.com/?v=0b3b97fa6688

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Excellent article. Please read Sally K Norton‘s book Toxic which explains why DMSO heals so many conditions. Specifically page 248. Removing the root cause of illness which happens to be oxalates, promote healing throughout the body. It’s all about accumulation.

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It is great that some people find it of benefit but when one looks into the extraction processing of dmso it doesnt seem like anything you would want to put in or on your body. Especially when there are so many herbs/plants growing that will support healing of body mind spirit .

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I just read a counter-article by GeoffPain PHD, who strongly disadvized to use it. Some people just cannot think outside the chemicals box. Such a pity. I use herbal and homeopathic with great results.

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It's basically sulfur the 3rd most common substance in your body. See my other comment

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You are spot on! Most people don't know about sulfur and its role in our bodies but they have heard about the benefits of eating broccoli, caulifower, cabbage, garlic and onions . . . all of which have a high sulfur content.

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Propagates? You mean promotes, right? That is his right as it yours to disagree. Just in case this last bastion of free speech goes under attack.

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No one here is advocating against the use of herbs or homeopathy -- in case you got confused.

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Agreed. If you don't want to put it in your body no matter how weak your argument against using a natural substance made by trees, then please resist it.

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I got it for arthritis, also after reading that it was used on race horses. It actually does work for me topically.

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DMSO is used in most major league contact sports like football and even in college and high school football. A man I know who was a high school coach in the 1960s and 1970s always had a bottle of DMSO at practice and at game time. On the off chance, that people new to DMSO think its use is new. It is not.

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Two questions:

1. How is DMSO diluted? Is it with water? ( I imagine it should be filtered water?)

RE: "It's crucial to note that these dosages should be determined by a healthcare professional, as improper use can lead to side effects or reduced efficacy."

2. This seems a bit of a conundrum as most doctors wouldn't prescribe it at all. How to get around this problem?

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Most doctors have never heard about DMSO and most wouldn't know how to use it even if they knew about it. And no, it is very difficult to get a "side effect" from using DMSO . . . however there are lots of side effects from pharmaceutical drugs and I rarely read about people worrying about them and we can start with the now demonstrably dangerous Covid shots. Plus why would you want anything prescribed by a doctor? None of their offerings cure anything and are slow-acting toxins to the body as they damage the detox pathways.

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make sure you are not allergic to sulfur like I am. Then this therapy can probably kill you - just like the hailed metformin almost killed me.

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It is highly doubtful you are allergic to sulfur however you may be allergic to sulfa drugs. They are basically horrible for the body as are all antibiotics.

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I had heard dmso is stinky so I use MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) instead. I add it to a lime water drink

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For those who are interested, Dr Stanley Jacobs on 60 Minutes back in the early 1980s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XEt0n6LPrk

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I have to admit - I’m am shocked to see DMSO being touted as the latest miracle approach. And while I’ll yield to AMD and others about the possibility of “medical” uses for it, I’d like to share the following.

1) I have up-close, personal experience with DMSO. I was one of the early people treated with it for interstitial cystitis (prior to full “approval” by FDA). It was a horrifying experience. Six weeks of having DMSO inserted into my bladder with a catheter … and having to hold it for 1.5 hours. It was the worst pain I’d ever experienced. And it DID NOT do anything towards solving the IC problems. (I later found out that was due to aspartame sensitivity, but that’s a different story.) [Ref: question 31]

2) Question 1 states that it started as a “liquid solvent.” That “DMSO was valued for its ability to dissolve almost any chemical dropped into it, making it useful as a degreaser, paint thinner, and antifreeze.”

**This statement alone should give people pause.**

3) Question 3 states that it passes through the skin so fast that you can taste it within 30 seconds. This is true. ANYTHING that passes through a naturally designed barrier that fast and acts as a carrier, should also give people PAUSE.

This is not a product to mess around with. Used any poisons (knowingly or unknowingly) recently? Any insecticides that got on your skin? That will get carried into the body with DMSO use.

I have more to share (had horses for years where DMSO really got its jump-start as an arthritis “treatment”), but will save it. There is another side to this product, and I think it does a dis-service to promote it in this manner.

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Any treatment must show results after just a few or several uses; otherwise, it's an ineffective therapy.

I believe the effectiveness of DMSO should be verified within a few months.

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Does it improve cataracts? Can you apply it to the eyes in micro/diluted doses?

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I would LOVE to purchase a kit like what you described!

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Thank you.

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