He was such a great teacher. His chapters teaching that we live in an electric universe really lit a fire in me and led me on a mind-exploding journey I'd never imagined. Have you gone any further in this field? You must! How about a book summary on Immanuel Velikovsky's books "Worlds in Collision" and "In the Beginning"? For starters, c…
He was such a great teacher. His chapters teaching that we live in an electric universe really lit a fire in me and led me on a mind-exploding journey I'd never imagined. Have you gone any further in this field? You must! How about a book summary on Immanuel Velikovsky's books "Worlds in Collision" and "In the Beginning"? For starters, check out the following 15 min video which Liam Scheff also did.
But first, I've got a strong suspicion that "they" know all this EU stuff (they dumb down/misdirect/gate keep Everything). The evidence to support my EU suspicions is grounded on what happened September 11, 2001. Possessing, researching and perfecting the technology which Tesla pioneered, they weaponized it and performed a deadly trick on the whole world. Because we are ignorant of this technology, they are able to manipulate us to believe the impossible (aluminum plane wings slicing through steel beams for starters). My two cents.
He was such a great teacher. His chapters teaching that we live in an electric universe really lit a fire in me and led me on a mind-exploding journey I'd never imagined. Have you gone any further in this field? You must! How about a book summary on Immanuel Velikovsky's books "Worlds in Collision" and "In the Beginning"? For starters, check out the following 15 min video which Liam Scheff also did.
But first, I've got a strong suspicion that "they" know all this EU stuff (they dumb down/misdirect/gate keep Everything). The evidence to support my EU suspicions is grounded on what happened September 11, 2001. Possessing, researching and perfecting the technology which Tesla pioneered, they weaponized it and performed a deadly trick on the whole world. Because we are ignorant of this technology, they are able to manipulate us to believe the impossible (aluminum plane wings slicing through steel beams for starters). My two cents.
Now back to Liam:
People Who Worship Saturn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQyqEthDkxM