Chronic mercury toxicity is epidemic and mercury messes with the way minerals are transported across cell membranes. This shows up in hair tests as what Andy Cutler, PhD called, "deranged mineral transport." Only mercury does this. It is how we evaluate people for mercury toxicity.
Diagnosing and treating people based on hair tests is useless because so many of them have this deranged mineral transport situation going on. Andy Cutler, PhD wrote a book about this called "Hair Test Interpretation, Finding Hidden Toxicities. The link is above.
I think people improve with M Robbins protocols because they start eating some good food and taking vitamins. Above is also a link to an article I wrote for the Weston A. Price Foundation's journal about the Andy Cutler protocol.
Copper is used in IUDs to destroy women's fertility. This simple fact should tell you that adding copper to your system is harmful to normal function. The Nutrition Detective, Dr. Garrett Smith, has done several livestreams on youtube showing the evidence that copper is connected to many illnesses, including cancer, and can cause agitation and difficulty falling asleep.
Liver and cod liver oil are toxic and should never be taken.
please look at @nutridetect on twitter. thank you
Chronic mercury toxicity is epidemic and mercury messes with the way minerals are transported across cell membranes. This shows up in hair tests as what Andy Cutler, PhD called, "deranged mineral transport." Only mercury does this. It is how we evaluate people for mercury toxicity.
Diagnosing and treating people based on hair tests is useless because so many of them have this deranged mineral transport situation going on. Andy Cutler, PhD wrote a book about this called "Hair Test Interpretation, Finding Hidden Toxicities. The link is above.
I think people improve with M Robbins protocols because they start eating some good food and taking vitamins. Above is also a link to an article I wrote for the Weston A. Price Foundation's journal about the Andy Cutler protocol.
Copper is used in IUDs to destroy women's fertility. This simple fact should tell you that adding copper to your system is harmful to normal function. The Nutrition Detective, Dr. Garrett Smith, has done several livestreams on youtube showing the evidence that copper is connected to many illnesses, including cancer, and can cause agitation and difficulty falling asleep.
Liver and cod liver oil are toxic and should never be taken.