Great article, the book Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff is a great resource for the understanding of Glyphosate.


This is also very interesting


Great comment from Kennedy

The domination of business by government is called communism, the domination of government by business is called fascism, our job is to walk that narrow trail in between. Our job is to keep big government at bay with our left hand and big business at bay with our right hand. The only way that we can do that.. is if we have an informed public that can recognise all the milestones of tyranny, and we have an informed independent press that is speaking truth to power

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Thanks Andrew, for both tips.

I'm halfway through Seneff's book and will end up doing a decent article on glyphosate. Might even summarize her book.

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What is being pushed though is technocracy

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Dr Zach Bush talks a lot about glyphosate and is an excellent speaker and educator if you are looking out for more information on this topic. (-:

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Thank you, I’ve been a landscaper most of my life and use Glyphosate all the time, and sometimes I don’t dress appropriately or use a respirator, good to have some information

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The podcast above includes a section where Kennedy talks about the first case they won against Monsanto for a grounds keeper (Dewyane Johnson). I think you'll value the discussion.


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Thank you!

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Are you talking about the YouTube posted by Andrew N ?

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I will listen to this tomorrow as it is very late. Is Kennedy still taking cases of people who came down with Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma due to Round Up? I always thought that you had to be a user of the product, it never occurred to me that it was in so many foods.

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I used to use roundup (can't believe that toxin is still being sold) to kill weeds in my driveway. All of a sudden blotches of blue green algae would show up. Nasty stuff that would make your fingers go numb if you touched it. I did research and EVERYBODY denied roundup caused it and that it was just the damp. Bullcrap. I haven't used roundup for four years now, and it is still as damp as ever - ABSOLUTELY NO ALGAE TO BE FOUND. Correlation does equal causation. Just like the covid bioweapon shots and heart attacks/strokes/SADS.

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I have been a student of the soil microbiome for 12 yrs now, and a lifelong farmer, educator and landscaper. The destruction of the soil microbiome closely correlates with the increase of carbon in the atmosphere. The regeneration of soil and thus the soil microbiome is the most efficient, fastest, and cheapest way to remove carbon from the atmosphere. We need the carbon that is now in the atmosphere (and the oceans) to regenerate soil, forests, prairies, grasslands... Carbon is life.

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Thanks Bill, that is fascinating.

If you feel like writing an article or essay about it so that we lay people can understand the problem, I would be happy to publish it (unbekoming@outlook.com)

Are you saying that you think that glyphosate has degraded the soil's ability to absorb the carbon it normally would, and that has likely contributed to the rising climate readings?

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I think that glyphosate is only one, an important one for sure, of many substances and procedures used in ranching and farming that are contributing to climate change When changed for different techniques and substances that are aligned with nature and health, this new system will alleviate and reverse climate change and improve the health of people and the planet. You will get my article soon.

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I love Kennedy's work on drawing attention to glysophate, regulatory capture and corporatism.👏👏

But even he is underplaying (or fails to understand) the truly heinous nature of this chemical. It is water soluble. As your commentor Kerry noted, Zac Bush is pretty up to date on the systemic effects of glysophate and has specifically outlined the water solubility function in his many webinars, but people really don't seem to understand what that means. Its in the water cycles. It is also in the air cycles, which Stephanie Senef has outlined, thanks to biofuels. But this antibiotic (first registered as such) has also decimated the specific microbes in the soil that help us to make tryptophan, and seratonin, and melatonin, and glutathione, which interacts with our sun, water and air, and helps mitigate all the other toxins that pollute our environment. And that's just the ones people have looked at. There are zero synergistic studies. So what happens when you combine atrazine, glysophate, heavy metals and Caramel III, within a biological organism? We don't know. But we are finding out.

So while the attention is good, innocuous statements like Kennedy's "Glyphosate is harmful to the soil microbiome, which is essential for healthy soil and carbon sequestration. The widespread use of glyphosate has therefore contributed to soil degradation and climate change."

Is fluffy, half truths, voter buying publicity. And it's just as dangerous as corporatism, because it still hides it, just in litigation and scientists. While people keep getting ill and being blamed for their own poisoning.😐🤐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Now I need to add Caramel 3 (which I had never heard of) to my list of rabbit holes 🤦‍♂️

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🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I would honestly say don't bother. Not because it's not carcinogenic, but because the the "Food Science" industry is frankly more despicable than Big pharma and Big Ag put together.😐🤔🤐

At least big pharma and big Ag (mostly) put warning labels on the toxic garbage they get the general public to buy😉

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Official Stories by Liam Scheff opened my mind

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What's scary is one of the few times the CDC/FDA was held accountable on what's in vaccines was due in part to the EPA. The EPA had listed a threshold for mercury in humans that the Vaccines had gone over. Thus the thimerosol debate and eventual partial removal of. If these regulatory bodies have only gotten worse not sure what institution left has the clout to do anything about any of this.

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Glyphosate is a desiccant. Canada uses it on large swaths of softwood forests to kill competing hardwood saplings. It's use probably has some connection to the latest wildfires.

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Interesting, thanks!

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Rockefeller and Gates are two family names that keep coming up regarding pig harma. Monsanto is another name that keeps rearing its ugly head of injuring society. Great post, thank you. Glyphosate is also on my list of deep dive investigate.

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I remember the great controversy around the strange illnesses that afflicted hill farmers in 1970's England. These sheep farmers were obliged to 'dip' their sheep in a pit filled with concentrated organophosphate compounds in order to kill the ticks and other parasites in the fleece. There was a strange upsurge in neurological diseases amongst this population of farmers which 'baffled' the medical profession, yet suspicions grew that they were linked to the sheep-dipping. If my memory serves me well, the late Christopher Booker was a very vocal champion for these farmers and succeeded through his newspaper articles (despite blanket gaslighting attempts by the UK department of agriculture) in getting some kind of official recognition for their plight, if not compensation. Glyphosate is of course, yet another organophosphate. It seems short-term corporate financial gain trumps slow poisoning of global populations every time.

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Interesting article. It again illustrates that the COVID vaccine scam is not an outlier: there is nothing new in highly dangerous products being promoted by governments. When faced with evidence of harm all they have to do is deny, obfuscate, and drag their feet. The victims get nothing and are quietly forgotten.

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" It again illustrates that the COVID vaccine scam is not an outlier"

Isn't that the truth. One of the hardest parts for me when talking to very naïve people about ALL vaccines is ... The "Covid" vaccine, is NOT the first bioweaponized vacccine (or medication or whatever) to be foisted upon the public. Hell, the "harmless" and "innocuous" flu vaccine absolutely destroys the human CNS. Much to the chagrin of 'expert' substackers and Frontline Doctors. I have the proof. 28 years of proof, not CDC/FDA stats.

Whatever, good post.

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Kennedy's conception of modern corporatism as a truly bad kind of capitalism places him in the company of doctrinaire liberals, who argue that capitalism was mostly fine until megacorporations came along and ruined it.

RFK claims that American democracy has become unmoored and is “drifting” towards plutocracy, this situates his criticism as a liberal one—the idea that a country born as slaveholding settler-colonial empire could function in an essentially benign way is an analysis that is divorced from historical reality.

This is not "coporatism" it is capitalism, pure and simple and there can be no confusion. What we see is what it is.

Perhaps there was slightly more justification for this jive four decades ago. Today, there is no possibility of a debate. The End of Ideology has itself ended. Instead of bringing "stability" to the world, capitalism has brought depression and fragmentation. Instead of bringing democracy and prosperity to the world, it has wrecked local societies where they hung on by a fingernail. No extended criticism is needed because criticism itself - social, political, and economic - has become a criticism of capitalism.

It has been this way for a long time. In the 19th century, capitalism was that which ripped small holders from the land, chained children to machinery, and pushed entire populations, on threat of extinction, across the surface of the earth. In the first part of the 20th century, Capitalism was synonymous with War and Fascism. Imperialism? Colonialism? Famine? Genocide? All are faces of Capitalism.

They told you that Capitalism changed? They lied.

If you hang your hat on reforming Capitalism, believe that your "freedoms" depend on the continuation of Capitalism, or think that Capitalism is "still preferable to everything else", all it means is that your turn hasn't come yet.

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Thanks Allen. Unless I am missing something, I think you are making a Marxist critique of capitalism (which I don't say pejoratively).

I assume the inference is that it, by definition, it cannot be reformed, nor "contained" in the long run.

I don't know what the alternative is, but I'm certainly open to the critique.

Like we did last time with the repo story, if you feel like writing an essay on the subject, I'll publish it, even if I don't agree with everything in it.

I think that by now, capitalism is fair game for some rigorous scrutiny.

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Capitalism ends in feudalism and cycle starts again.

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We need a brand new cycle then don't we.

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Capitalism, communism, socialism - what do they all have in common?

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Truly Evil (beyond comprehension of most) Leaders + Stupid/Spineless/Gullible/Naïve People?

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Yeah but go deeper again, what makes them like that?

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The "capitalism" you describe so well and abhor so deservingly is actually called democracy.

Can you clearly state the difference between a democracy and a republic?

Can anyone reading this?

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Simple, a democracy is mob rule, where the 51% get to tell the 49% what to do and how to do it, a republic is when the people get to tell the mob to fuck off, simple as that! 👍

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It's kind of like trying to figure out the difference between being reamed up Uranus and getting an enema by a subterrean. Does that answer your question?

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Sure, we could talk about glyphosate and geoengineering, and child trafficking, and fluoride, and DEW's and DUMB's and straw man accounts, and a million other rorts, but what is the common factor? Why do we rarely talk about the common factor?

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It's been two days now and nobody has asked. This was an experiment of curiosity and you all didn't pass.

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Bobby says many wonderful things. Just like Trump did in 2015.

Many points can be agreed with, and they tickle my ears because no one else is saying them. (And this is exactly what Trump's attraction was). Its quite easy to say these things when the majority of the population is clamoring for someone, ANYONE to say them.

But the few things that he says that are simply downright bogus (and mimics Trump to a T) is his unyielding love and dedication to Israel and the ones who control him (and Trump). And Biden for that matter. And ALL of them, when the truth is known.

Bobby also thinks that Abe Lincoln was the greatest president we ever had, which tells me he is a Big Government clown and any echoes of Thomas Jefferson in his words are meat for the meat eaters (Abe's rule was diametrically opposed to Jefferson's idea of ruling).

Abe Lincoln was by far, the WORST president that ever served and the transformation of our country's makeup was forever changed, culminating in what we see today.

Abe Lincoln's presidency was the catalyst for what we are suffering now and RFKJr has no idea.

Prediction: RFKJr, if elected, will bring in the Climate Agenda as the next phase of the tyranny. And the masses will probably gobble it up.

That's what we do. Tickle our ears and we will bend over for you as fast as possible.

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... or the merger of Corporations, Pirates and State, Corpiratism.

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