It is breathtaking how quickly the population split into The Virtuous versus The Selfish based on nothing more than compliance with the State. What The Virtuous don’t realize is that The Selfish are fighting for everyone’s natural rights, not just their own. And yet The Virtuous are being conditioned to think of even natural human rights as an expression of selfishness. Would The Virtuous still believe in their own righteousness once we’re all in cattle cars or camps?
(Probably so. They’d still be wagging a finger at The Selfish instead of the State.)
Sadly, you're likely correct. As it stands right now, the virtuous are still virtuous and are not willing to apologize and admit any wrongdoing. What they did, they with virtuous intentions, so that makes it OK. They are not selfish like the "unvirtuous." I find that many of the virtuous are the social media "look at me" types. They always want people admiring them.
A bigger picture which allows the reader to autonomously use this article in every aspect of life:
We may roughly classify any community into two groups: suppliers and recipients. Some people feel fulfilled when they actively contribute to the community (of any scale), some do not share this call and are perfectly happy on the consuming end. This is a natural division. Plumbers and academic teachers are equally important and needed as house owners and students, and usually are not interchangeable.
Suppliers deliver what recipients need or want. Recipients compensate them with cash, products or services. So far, so good.
(For a universal picture, recipients may be seen as suppliers of funds for suppliers.)
Problems arise when suppliers want to force recipients to accept products or services which they perceive as unnecessary, unwanted or “not now, not here”. This is the point where compliance comes into play.
The easy way for suppliers is to make promises. If these are rational and based on actual capacity and approved intention, recipients (we) can accept them, knowing that it is a good investment for them. Like in upgrading a local road funded by local residents. We may call it (low level) social coexistence. It is low level because both parties are more or less equally supported by law.
Problems arise when one party takes advantage of its position, contacts or resources and makes empty promises, knowing from the start that they are all only selling points, no obligations related. All presidential campaigns all over the world are based on this premise. Before: “I will give you this and that.” After: “New circumstances force us to change…” or “We decided that it would not be in the best interest…” or any other story to disarm the original promise.
It was a promise. When offered a product or service, we tend not to watch out for small print. We jump right to how we could use the offer for our own benefit. And we usually accept the promise without asking the key question: “What happens when you do not deliver?”
Ask this question and proceed according to what you hear in the answer. Then, if you decide to accept the promise, sign a written paper with the relevant data - but first verify the identity AND credentials of the promising party. Simple, effective, this will minimize losses, if any.
This is commonly done in personal affairs (contract of marriage or divorce, distribution of assets), in business life (we sign a lot of contracts), there is no reason why it could not be introduced into the affairs of the state. Then, compliance by force could be minimized. Theoretically.
For the starters, you may demand from your local representative to present a legal contract under which he/she is remunerated by the government. There must be some form of employment or agency contract, otherwise no income. Step by step, go upwards the system and (try to) find a contract of employment under which top state officials receive their salaries…
Remember, they make promises every day. Plenty of them. Ultimately, you are the supplier of their funding. They are the recipients of your sweat, health loss, family time loss or time investment put in to generate the money which you are handing over.
No need to be hostile, militant or demanding. Only curious.
Nolte: Snickers Hits Back at Joe Biden over State of the Union Smear
Snickers released a statement hitting back at Joe Biden for smearing the candymaker during last week’s State of the Union address.
So, yeah, because of Joe Biden, you’re getting fewer chips and cookies. Not an ideal situation, but better than the alternative, which is a box of Cheerios priced out of your family’s budget. All of this is squarely Biden’s fault. (CHEERIOS AND QUAKER PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN LINKED TO 2 PESTICIDES CANCER-CAUSING AGENTS. TRADE AGREEMENT WITH CANADA ALLOWS HIGHER LIMITS IN THEIR OATS.) Don't be lazy look it up.
I think James is cleverly redirecting blame for the actions of our bureaucracy and political leaders onto Mao and China. The roots of this come from us, not China
How was Mao created. He didn't just appear out of no where, and for no reason was able to move/motivate the Chinese. Much history happens before Mao. It isn't pretty either.
Regarded from a Marxist viewpoint, your appellation "Neo-Maoism" is accurate.
Having thought that discarded mantle of Marxism a dim remembrance of youthful folly, it pains me to don it temporarily for any reason, but these are extraordinary times.
China's dynastic legacy of behavioral observation, shaped Mao's revolutionary methodology. His unique blend of coercion and targeted executions was highly effective within the choice architecture extant when he seized power.
I would very much like to see you make a study of how western behavioral science correlates with the Chinese methodology. What the Chinese learned over thousands of years was verified within the span of time between Pavlov and Skinner.
What I'm saying, is that you have identified the situation accurately, but are still in the first stage, that of parameterizing the problem. The solution(s) are forthcoming. Because you are "ahead of the curve," it falls to you to bring it to the next stage.
> These collective, compliance-demanding ideas evolve with time and are upgraded as the geography, people and the times require.
You assert Mao as the sole mover in this essay. Mao received higher education at "Harvard in China". Sadly I could not find the in depth article describing this event. I had read it about 5 or more years ago. I will continue to search for it.
The point being that Mao's world view was shaped in part by his education at "Harvard in China".
Below there is much history about the suffering of China before Mao. I provide a link to an article by Larry Romanoff.
Larry's take Khazarian Jews is modified if not countered by the work of Ron Unz that follows. Near the end of Ron Unz article he points to the Phoenicians as being the principal genetic linage of the Semitic Jews. He is worth a read.
> The objective is to force people to see things from the perspective of “the people,” which is to say from the perspective of compliance.
It is surprising to me how fascism (think 3P or Public Private Partnerships) is mistaken for Communism.
Then McKay's account is riddled with errors. For one thing, the definition of fascism commonly attributed to Mussolini is "the merging of the state and corporate power," not "the corporation," as McKay presents it.
It seems that whenever the topic of China arises, we are flooded with the most amazing observations, statements, conclusions, almost all of which appear to come from outer space. There surely cannot be another subject on this planet on which so many people are so amazingly misinformed and arrive at the most unrealistic conclusions...
... after living in China for nearly 20 years, I find myself constantly challenged and “corrected” by persons who have never been to China, have obviously never read anything useful about the country, and who may not even actually know a single Chinese person. Yet this total lack of knowledge is apparently not a hindrance to the huge amount of philosophical pontificating about “how things really are in China”.
... We are heavily penalised by the Western Jewish-owned media in each and every one of its aspects, because the media frame for us a picture of China that is nearly 100% false or at least badly misleading,
...Keep in mind that the Khazarian Jews were actively involved in the destruction of China (opium, banking theft, political and social destruction, massive wars and the most despicable cultural genocides, among other things) for about 200 years and the Americans weren’t far behind them. Thus, almost anything written by either the Jews or Americans is likely to be rubbish because both were more intent on papering over their sins than in presenting an accurate picture on any topic or aspect of China.
... Jewish encyclopedias boast that opium in China was “entirely a Jewish business” and that Sassoon refused to let any non-jews participate. And the Americans, in addition to half a dozen military invasions, had their Treasury Department, their beloved Jewish-owned FED, J. P. Morgan and Citibank (4) (5), and many others, all cooperating in looting the carcass while they were busy fostering yet a massive civil war through Zhang Jie Shi (Chiang Kai-Shek to you) and T. V. Soong, busily destroying any remaining semblance of government, economy, and society. Both parties failed because of Mao Tze-Dong and they of course bitterly hate him to this day.
Prof. John Beaty and the True Origin of the Jews
The Palestinian Jews had no sea-faring tradition nor any history of colonization and were never known as merchants, with their most notable characteristic being their religious fanaticism and the violent rebellions it regularly inspired. But by the time of the early Roman Empire, we find enormous Jewish populations in coastal trading cities and islands, with Josephus making the (probably exaggerated) claim that 500,000 Jews lived in Cyrenaica on the Libyan coast, not far from destroyed Carthage. How plausible is it that Judean peasants could have migrated to all those distant locations in such large numbers, or had suddenly become the successful merchants and traders that many of these Jews seemed to be?
Outside the vicinity of the Middle East, those regions that later became centers of large Jewish populations were Spain and portions of the North African coast, both of which had been Carthaginian territory, a very suggestive pattern. And even as the Jewish population of the Roman Empire grew larger and became an increasing topic of discussion in the histories of that era, any mention of the residual Phoenicians or Carthaginians became less and less frequent, with those two historical trends possibly being connected.
It is breathtaking how quickly the population split into The Virtuous versus The Selfish based on nothing more than compliance with the State. What The Virtuous don’t realize is that The Selfish are fighting for everyone’s natural rights, not just their own. And yet The Virtuous are being conditioned to think of even natural human rights as an expression of selfishness. Would The Virtuous still believe in their own righteousness once we’re all in cattle cars or camps?
(Probably so. They’d still be wagging a finger at The Selfish instead of the State.)
Sadly, you're likely correct. As it stands right now, the virtuous are still virtuous and are not willing to apologize and admit any wrongdoing. What they did, they with virtuous intentions, so that makes it OK. They are not selfish like the "unvirtuous." I find that many of the virtuous are the social media "look at me" types. They always want people admiring them.
Great piece! James Lindsay is ✨👌🏾
EXCELLENT. All the clothes at Walmart are MAO clothes, just in different colors.
After 8 consecutive months of 3% inflation, the Fed's 2% goal remains elusive
The biggest economic story of the post-pandemic period has been inflation.
BUT HE IS DOING IT! The White House Claims Borrowing $16 Trillion Over the Next Decade Is Fiscally Responsible
The dramatic examples discussed need to be paired with the more insidious examples we might not notice...
Quality standards in health care
Our entire educational system
On and on and on...
A bigger picture which allows the reader to autonomously use this article in every aspect of life:
We may roughly classify any community into two groups: suppliers and recipients. Some people feel fulfilled when they actively contribute to the community (of any scale), some do not share this call and are perfectly happy on the consuming end. This is a natural division. Plumbers and academic teachers are equally important and needed as house owners and students, and usually are not interchangeable.
Suppliers deliver what recipients need or want. Recipients compensate them with cash, products or services. So far, so good.
(For a universal picture, recipients may be seen as suppliers of funds for suppliers.)
Problems arise when suppliers want to force recipients to accept products or services which they perceive as unnecessary, unwanted or “not now, not here”. This is the point where compliance comes into play.
The easy way for suppliers is to make promises. If these are rational and based on actual capacity and approved intention, recipients (we) can accept them, knowing that it is a good investment for them. Like in upgrading a local road funded by local residents. We may call it (low level) social coexistence. It is low level because both parties are more or less equally supported by law.
Problems arise when one party takes advantage of its position, contacts or resources and makes empty promises, knowing from the start that they are all only selling points, no obligations related. All presidential campaigns all over the world are based on this premise. Before: “I will give you this and that.” After: “New circumstances force us to change…” or “We decided that it would not be in the best interest…” or any other story to disarm the original promise.
It was a promise. When offered a product or service, we tend not to watch out for small print. We jump right to how we could use the offer for our own benefit. And we usually accept the promise without asking the key question: “What happens when you do not deliver?”
Ask this question and proceed according to what you hear in the answer. Then, if you decide to accept the promise, sign a written paper with the relevant data - but first verify the identity AND credentials of the promising party. Simple, effective, this will minimize losses, if any.
This is commonly done in personal affairs (contract of marriage or divorce, distribution of assets), in business life (we sign a lot of contracts), there is no reason why it could not be introduced into the affairs of the state. Then, compliance by force could be minimized. Theoretically.
For the starters, you may demand from your local representative to present a legal contract under which he/she is remunerated by the government. There must be some form of employment or agency contract, otherwise no income. Step by step, go upwards the system and (try to) find a contract of employment under which top state officials receive their salaries…
Remember, they make promises every day. Plenty of them. Ultimately, you are the supplier of their funding. They are the recipients of your sweat, health loss, family time loss or time investment put in to generate the money which you are handing over.
No need to be hostile, militant or demanding. Only curious.
That Lindsey video was FANTASTIC!
So very validating too. :-)
Thanks, I had missed James Lindsay's presentation.
Really profound and to the point.
Nailed it, as usual.
Fantastic post. Truly excellent.
Nolte: Snickers Hits Back at Joe Biden over State of the Union Smear
Snickers released a statement hitting back at Joe Biden for smearing the candymaker during last week’s State of the Union address.
So, yeah, because of Joe Biden, you’re getting fewer chips and cookies. Not an ideal situation, but better than the alternative, which is a box of Cheerios priced out of your family’s budget. All of this is squarely Biden’s fault. (CHEERIOS AND QUAKER PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN LINKED TO 2 PESTICIDES CANCER-CAUSING AGENTS. TRADE AGREEMENT WITH CANADA ALLOWS HIGHER LIMITS IN THEIR OATS.) Don't be lazy look it up.
Is there a direct link to the video?
(preferably not YouTube)
I think James is cleverly redirecting blame for the actions of our bureaucracy and political leaders onto Mao and China. The roots of this come from us, not China
Trends are trends, regardless of the culture they arise in. Mattias Desmit might say that parallel stories will follow the same course.
The difference now, is that the seed which was Mao, is now a global tree.
> seed which was Mao, is now a global tree.
How was Mao created. He didn't just appear out of no where, and for no reason was able to move/motivate the Chinese. Much history happens before Mao. It isn't pretty either.
Are our accounts of Mao even the truth? I don't think the are. They are certainly disputed.
Larry Romanoff who lives in China for at least the last 25 years is a source I respect. See below where I reference an article by him.
You are quite right though the West's view of China is blinkered.
More a bramble thicket than a tree.
Regarded from a Marxist viewpoint, your appellation "Neo-Maoism" is accurate.
Having thought that discarded mantle of Marxism a dim remembrance of youthful folly, it pains me to don it temporarily for any reason, but these are extraordinary times.
China's dynastic legacy of behavioral observation, shaped Mao's revolutionary methodology. His unique blend of coercion and targeted executions was highly effective within the choice architecture extant when he seized power.
I would very much like to see you make a study of how western behavioral science correlates with the Chinese methodology. What the Chinese learned over thousands of years was verified within the span of time between Pavlov and Skinner.
What I'm saying, is that you have identified the situation accurately, but are still in the first stage, that of parameterizing the problem. The solution(s) are forthcoming. Because you are "ahead of the curve," it falls to you to bring it to the next stage.
If not you, then who?
> These collective, compliance-demanding ideas evolve with time and are upgraded as the geography, people and the times require.
You assert Mao as the sole mover in this essay. Mao received higher education at "Harvard in China". Sadly I could not find the in depth article describing this event. I had read it about 5 or more years ago. I will continue to search for it.
The point being that Mao's world view was shaped in part by his education at "Harvard in China".
Below there is much history about the suffering of China before Mao. I provide a link to an article by Larry Romanoff.
Larry's take Khazarian Jews is modified if not countered by the work of Ron Unz that follows. Near the end of Ron Unz article he points to the Phoenicians as being the principal genetic linage of the Semitic Jews. He is worth a read.
> The objective is to force people to see things from the perspective of “the people,” which is to say from the perspective of compliance.
It is surprising to me how fascism (think 3P or Public Private Partnerships) is mistaken for Communism.
Then McKay's account is riddled with errors. For one thing, the definition of fascism commonly attributed to Mussolini is "the merging of the state and corporate power," not "the corporation," as McKay presents it.
Some Things You Should Maybe Know About China
It seems that whenever the topic of China arises, we are flooded with the most amazing observations, statements, conclusions, almost all of which appear to come from outer space. There surely cannot be another subject on this planet on which so many people are so amazingly misinformed and arrive at the most unrealistic conclusions...
... after living in China for nearly 20 years, I find myself constantly challenged and “corrected” by persons who have never been to China, have obviously never read anything useful about the country, and who may not even actually know a single Chinese person. Yet this total lack of knowledge is apparently not a hindrance to the huge amount of philosophical pontificating about “how things really are in China”.
... We are heavily penalised by the Western Jewish-owned media in each and every one of its aspects, because the media frame for us a picture of China that is nearly 100% false or at least badly misleading,
...Keep in mind that the Khazarian Jews were actively involved in the destruction of China (opium, banking theft, political and social destruction, massive wars and the most despicable cultural genocides, among other things) for about 200 years and the Americans weren’t far behind them. Thus, almost anything written by either the Jews or Americans is likely to be rubbish because both were more intent on papering over their sins than in presenting an accurate picture on any topic or aspect of China.
... Jewish encyclopedias boast that opium in China was “entirely a Jewish business” and that Sassoon refused to let any non-jews participate. And the Americans, in addition to half a dozen military invasions, had their Treasury Department, their beloved Jewish-owned FED, J. P. Morgan and Citibank (4) (5), and many others, all cooperating in looting the carcass while they were busy fostering yet a massive civil war through Zhang Jie Shi (Chiang Kai-Shek to you) and T. V. Soong, busily destroying any remaining semblance of government, economy, and society. Both parties failed because of Mao Tze-Dong and they of course bitterly hate him to this day.
Prof. John Beaty and the True Origin of the Jews
The Palestinian Jews had no sea-faring tradition nor any history of colonization and were never known as merchants, with their most notable characteristic being their religious fanaticism and the violent rebellions it regularly inspired. But by the time of the early Roman Empire, we find enormous Jewish populations in coastal trading cities and islands, with Josephus making the (probably exaggerated) claim that 500,000 Jews lived in Cyrenaica on the Libyan coast, not far from destroyed Carthage. How plausible is it that Judean peasants could have migrated to all those distant locations in such large numbers, or had suddenly become the successful merchants and traders that many of these Jews seemed to be?
Outside the vicinity of the Middle East, those regions that later became centers of large Jewish populations were Spain and portions of the North African coast, both of which had been Carthaginian territory, a very suggestive pattern. And even as the Jewish population of the Roman Empire grew larger and became an increasing topic of discussion in the histories of that era, any mention of the residual Phoenicians or Carthaginians became less and less frequent, with those two historical trends possibly being connected.