«Bad symptoms are the circuit breaker, they keep you in bed, they reduce circulation and spread. Duh!»

The Church of Covidology™ attempts to get around this by postulating an incubation period during which you don't feel anything yet but can already spread it. It's a dubious theory at best.

«People moving around will spread the virus, stop people moving. (Fast thought)»

The virus, although not even being alive in the commonly accepted sense of the word, is still subject to natural selection. People moving around spread lighter varieties of the virus, and people lying in their beds keep the heavier varieties to themselves. This selective pressure would make lighter varieties prevail... unless movement restrictions interfere.

tl;dr: restriction on movements made the whole thing longer than it would otherwise have been.

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I always remember Knut Wittkowski: you leave it alone, it'll go away, don't do anything weird or it'll get worse.

I didn't know then, in April 2020, that probably they knew they had to do something, or people would notice they were the prey.

The set-up was a masterpiece. Everything was done against the accumulated experience. Not one thing was done correctly. It was an artifical stampede. And probably, all other epidemics, even that of the Athens of Pericles, was probably a fabrication. They really lie about everything, and it is so difficult to understand that so many people can act together. I can't be true, right? But it is true.

Incredible and true.

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No the Spanish Flu is not what we've been told at all.

In 1918 a sickness swept parts of the world. It was characterised by a variety of symptoms; trouble sleeping, fever, cough, headache, body ache, chills, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhoea, and lethargy. It occurred after millions were shot at, bombed, exposed to mustard gas, malnourished, terrified, made homeless, separated from their family, vaccinated and had seen their friends blown to pieces.

Doctors and scientists thought that the symptoms must be all be part of one disease, with a single cause and that cause must be a virus. This virus was thought to transmit between people, although the illness appeared simultaneously in widespread parts of the world before commercial plane travel existed.

Some experiments were set up to show the mode of transmission of this highly virulent and deadly virus. The experiments on 'Spanish Flu' patients were published in 1918 ‘Experiments Upon Volunteers to Determine the Cause and Mode of Spread of Influenza, Boston, November and December, 1918 M. J. Rosenau.’ (see page 11) (1).

They showed that after 62 healthy volunteers were exposed to the alleged virus by breathing the fetid air of very sick ‘flu’ patients and having them repeatedly cough in their faces, much to the researchers surprise; only one developed a sore throat and not one developed influenza like illness at all.

Lab experiments on animals are not only barbaric but also have a 100% failure rate. Large amounts of fluid from cell cultures or ground up brains and spinal cords of sick animals are injected directly into the tracheas, abdomens or brains of small mammals. Not only would this never happen outside a lab but the experiments can only show the same genetic fragments, which never shown to come from a virus, coming back out again later. This does not demonstrate infection.

No symptoms of having any disease has ever been shown to pass between animals. They do sometimes sneeze when you stick things up their tiny noses. Leave them alone.

Pandemics also cannot happened because flu like illness is not caused by infectious agents- merely symptoms of detox https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing


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Thank you Jo for calling out our abuse of animals for the sake of 'progress'. I believe we as a species will never become enlightened while these despicable practices on other sentient beings continue.

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Upon discovering the collusion and pre-planning and the patents related to this "event" it becomes obvious to anyone who can rub two brain cells together—our species has been played.

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‘Truth resides in slow thought. Learn to think slowly’, pay more attention to your experiences and do some research as you will find that due to the infamous Germ Theory we have been held captive by big pharma and big medical, keeping us a guinea pigs/lab rats, $ick and di$ea$ed taking more of their toxic meds and vaccines. Viruses are not contagious! It is the illusion of Germ Theory. Check out and learn and have no fear: virusesarenotcontagious.com 🥰

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Unfortunately, institutional setting do not have these circuit breakers, which is why the majority of respiratory infection hotspots are aged care homes and other such institutional settings where staff and residents can unknowingly spread infections throughout them, causing mass casualty events.

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Dear Lies,

What do we do now that we know that these gene injections are like getting allergy shots? People indeed walk around without symptoms but are probably highly infective now...the only success and the point of the original trials was to reduce mild symptoms of covid (in the Pfizer docs)...so now, it seems like we do have the ridiculous asymptomatic spreaders. Who also end up being variant factories.

I continue to be gobsmacked by the lies we were told and how much everyone around me believes in them. I never bought into the asymptomatic spreader, but I do now. I am even starting to get a bit apprehensive about being around jabbed people...I never was before. Now I think "Marek's disease".

Can you slow think this for me?

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I think you are basically right, something has happened to the immunity grid surrounding us. If all the vaccinated have impaired immunity, then the grid we walk around in is impaired.

So, what does that mean? Well if I look at myself, I have fallen ill about 5 times in the last 2 months, in each case after a public event, and in each case for a period of about 12 hours (not even a full day) to recovery. A friend of mine said he was experiencing a similar thing after public events (he is unvaccinated also), and both of us very pretty fit men in our 50s. Something is going on.

It's either shedding, which turns out to be real, I need to write something on that soon.

Or because of the impaired grid, there are more "alive" bugs floating around, that a healthy grid would have eliminated, and that's what is causing the recurring bouts of "something".

Ot it's some new cocktail of both dynamics, shedding and bugs.

What to do about it, honestly not sure, I think taking high doses of C and D and zinc and quercetin on a regular basis will should help.

As you know, we are in unchartered waters Duchess.

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We really are. Thanks for sharing. I will up my Vit C...I do know my high D levels have provided a lot of protection as I work with kids and the poor things are always sneezing lately and we've had daily messages about covid in classrooms...another reason I suspect the teachers are giving it to the kids. I m lucky as I dont' have to stay near the grownups. I'd much rather take my chances with the kids...I've been with them for over a year and half, and so far never been sick.

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