I really started to pay close attention to Communism/Marxism when I realised that it was a primary source of “woke.” And considering woke was taking over the world, I felt it deserved my attention.
One of the fascinating aspects of communism for me is that everyone has heard about it and virtually nobody understands it. Myself included although I feel I’m making some headway.
I’ve written more than my fair share on the subject, and the Marxism-Communism Series so far is:
It is many things, but it is most definitely the preferred power harvesting tool-system of Empire.
It is utopian-religious and taps into our deepest human urges and safety seeking biases.
It is a system of theft, and so it is evil.
Mass vaccination is not typically associated with communism, but it is. It’s the most collectivist ideology imposed, by force, on the whole globe. Interestingly, when you poison and weaken the individual, they will naturally seek shelter, safety and comfort within the collective.
Mass vaccination is collectivism that creates further collectivism.
James Lindsay has done wonderful work in trying to understand and explain it to the public. I’m a supporter of his work.
He has recently conducted a series of lectures that I will synthesize and summarize starting with the first lecture below.
With thanks to James Lindsay.
Let’s start with an analogy capturing the main essence of this first lecture.
Imagine a talented hypnotist who believes they've discovered the "true nature" of their audience. Instead of performing in small venues, they become convinced that humanity is actually in a mass hypnotic trance of individualism, and only they know our true collective nature. They then develop increasingly sophisticated methods to "awaken" everyone to this supposed truth.
At first, they try direct suggestion (Communism 1.0) - simply telling people they're really part of a collective consciousness. When that fails, they create elaborate stage shows with forced participation (Communism 2.0 - state communism), making people act as though they believe it. Finally, they convince theatre owners, producers, and entertainment companies (Communism 3.0 - corporate communism) to subtly incorporate their hypnotic suggestions into all forms of entertainment.
The hypnotist doesn't see themselves as manipulative but as a liberator, helping people "remember" their true nature. They view resistance not as genuine individual choice but as evidence of how deeply the "trance of individualism" runs. Each failure leads not to questioning the core belief, but to developing more sophisticated methods of implementation. The stage show transforms from obvious hypnosis to embedded suggestions in everyday entertainment, all while maintaining the original goal: making everyone "realize" they're really just parts of a collective consciousness.
The key parallel is that like our hypothetical hypnotist, communist ideology never questions its fundamental assumption about human nature. Instead, it continuously evolves more sophisticated methods to implement its vision, shifting from direct revolution to institutional and corporate control, all while maintaining its original transformative religious goal of forcing humanity to become something it insists we already are.
12-point summary
1. At its core, communism functions primarily as a transformative religion rather than merely an economic system. Its fundamental goal is the transformation of human consciousness to achieve a global metaorganism where humanity operates as a single collective being.
2. The human cost of communist implementations has been staggering, with approximately 200 million deaths and over a billion lives negatively impacted in the past 150 years, with the majority of this devastation occurring in the last century.
3. Communism has evolved through three distinct phases: Marx's original theoretical communism (1.0), followed by industrial/state communism as seen in the Soviet Union and China (2.0), and finally emerging as corporate communism through public-private partnerships (3.0).
4. The United Nations serves as a principal vehicle for communist and theosophical ideas, with organizations like the Lucius Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing Company) maintaining strategic offices at 866 UN Plaza and near other centers of global power, demonstrating the institutional embedding of these ideas.
5. The communist religious framework operates through several interconnected concepts: gnostic awakening or rebirth, spiral progression of consciousness, transformation of human nature, and return to humanity's supposed true socialist nature.
6. Marx outlined six historical stages of human development: beginning with primitive tribal communism, progressing through slave economies, feudal aristocracy, and capitalism, then advancing to socialism, and finally achieving global communism.
7. Modern manifestations of communist ideology appear in contemporary initiatives including Social Emotional Learning programs, sustainability movements, inclusion policies, corporate ESG frameworks, and public-private partnerships, all serving the broader goal of social transformation.
8. Technology serves as a crucial implementation tool through the internet's function as a noosphere, enabling social credit systems, the Internet of Bodies, digital surveillance, and the development of collective consciousness technology.
9. Marxist thought has spawned numerous variants applying its basic framework to different social categories, including Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, Disability Studies, Fat Studies, and Post-colonialism, all maintaining the same basic structure of oppressor versus oppressed.
10. The ideology operates through an interconnected network of organizations linking the Theosophical Society, United Nations, UNESCO, the Fetzer Institute, and major corporations, creating a web of institutional influence.
11. These ideas are transmitted through multiple channels including education systems, corporate policies, media platforms, international institutions, and public-private partnerships, ensuring widespread dissemination and implementation.
12. The complexity and scope of this material, according to Lindsay, would ideally require nine lectures rather than four, suggesting that approximately 60% of the potential content remains unexplored in this presentation, highlighting the vast scale of communist influence and evolution.
35 Questions & Answers
How does Lindsay differentiate between crude communism and Marx's transcendent communism?
Crude communism, exemplified by Babeuf, focuses solely on the hatred of private property and the urge to reduce everything to a common level through envy and force. It lacks the spiritual and transformative elements that Marx believed were essential, resulting in a society of basic needs without higher culture, art, or civilization.
Marx's transcendent communism goes beyond mere property abolition to emphasize the spiritual transformation of human consciousness. It seeks to return humanity to its true social nature through a voluntary, family-like relationship among all people, where sacrifice and sharing come naturally rather than through force. This higher form of communism aims to preserve and enhance culture while achieving collective harmony.
What is the central religious aspect of communism according to Lindsay?
Communism functions as a transformative faith aimed at evolving humanity into a single, collective metaorganism. This religion believes humans are inherently social beings who have been alienated from their true nature by private property and individualism. The goal is spiritual advancement that will allow humanity to return to Eden on its own terms.
The religious aspect manifests through the belief in awakening or becoming "woke" to one's true socialist nature, similar to a gnostic rebirth. It promises a utopian endpoint where humanity functions as a perfectly coordinated social species, with everyone living for one another like an ideal family scaled to global proportions.
Why does Lindsay characterize communism as a transformative faith rather than just an economic system?
Communism seeks to fundamentally change the human soul and consciousness rather than merely redistribute wealth or reorganize economic systems. The goal is to transform people's understanding of their own nature, convincing them they are intrinsically social beings whose true identity is communist.
This transformation occurs through a circular or spiral logic where society changes people and people change society, elevating consciousness to higher levels with each revolution. The economic aspects serve only as tools for achieving this deeper spiritual transformation, making it fundamentally a religious movement focused on human evolution rather than just economic reform.
How does the concept of "species being" relate to communist ideology?
Species being represents Marx's vision of humanity's true nature as creatures who live for the whole species rather than individual interests. It suggests humans are fundamentally collective beings whose natural state is to function as cells within the larger organism of humanity, working together for the common good.
This concept forms the theological foundation of communist thought, proposing that private property and capitalism have alienated humans from their true nature as species beings. The goal of communism is to return humanity to this essential state where individual identity becomes properly subordinated to collective identity.
What role does private property play in Marx's understanding of human alienation?
Private property functions as the primary mechanism of alienation, preventing humans from recognizing their true social nature. It creates artificial distinctions between people, forcing them to see themselves as separate individuals rather than parts of a collective whole, and establishes the basis for competition rather than cooperation.
The existence of private property leads to what Marx sees as false consciousness, making people believe they are individuals with separate interests rather than cells in a larger social organism. By abolishing private property, Marx believed humanity could overcome this alienation and return to its true collective nature.
How does Lindsay explain the relationship between man and society in communist theory?
Man and society exist in a dialectical relationship where each creates and shapes the other in an ongoing cycle. Society conditions people to be who they are, while people simultaneously participate in producing and shaping society, creating a circular dynamic of mutual influence and transformation.
This relationship forms the basis for communist theory's understanding of how change occurs, with the goal being to hijack this productive cycle to transform both society and human nature. By controlling the means of producing society, communists believe they can control the means of producing human consciousness itself.
What is meant by "being able to see what can be unburdened by what has been"?
This phrase encapsulates the gnostic aspect of communist thought, suggesting that people must awaken to possibilities beyond their current historical conditions. It represents the ability to envision and work toward a transformed future without being constrained by existing social structures and traditions.
The concept appears throughout communist literature and modern discourse, including Kamala Harris's statements, reflecting the core communist belief that current reality is a prison from which humanity must break free. It suggests that true revolutionaries must be able to imagine and implement a new world order unburdened by existing social, economic, and cultural constraints.
Who was Babeuf and why is he significant to communist history?
Babeuf, known by his Illuminati nickname "Gracchus," represents the first true communist in history according to Marx. He was a French revolutionary who formed the Conspiracy of Equals, advocating for radical equality and the abolition of private property through revolutionary conspiracy against the government.
Despite being executed during the French Revolution for pushing too radical an agenda, Babeuf's crude communism became a blueprint for later revolutionary movements. However, Marx saw his approach as limited by its focus on basic needs and envy rather than spiritual transformation, making him an important but incomplete predecessor to true communist thought.
How did Helena Blavatsky's theosophical ideas influence communist thought?
Blavatsky's theosophical society and her book "The Secret Doctrine" introduced key concepts that became intertwined with communist ideology. Her ideas about spiritual evolution, the Aryan race, and collective consciousness helped shape the religious aspects of communist thought and influenced various social movements.
Her work created a bridge between ancient mystical traditions and modern revolutionary movements, establishing a framework for understanding human progress in terms of spiritual evolution. Her influence extended through disciples like Annie Besant and Alice Bailey, connecting theosophical ideas to institutions like the United Nations and modern educational systems.
What was Robert Mueller's vision for the United Nations and how did it relate to communist ideology?
Mueller envisioned the UN as the "biggest teaching-learning Society on Earth," aimed at transforming humanity into a cooperative metaorganism. His ideas explicitly rejected competition and individual survival in favor of global harmony and collective evolution, directly aligning with communist concepts of species being and social transformation.
His vision positioned the UN as a vehicle for implementing theosophical and communist ideals on a global scale, seeing humanity as cells within a larger planetary organism. This approach directly connected to Marx's concept of species being and the communist goal of creating a single, unified human consciousness.
How does Marx's six-stage historical progression explain human development?
Marx viewed history as moving through distinct stages, beginning with primitive tribal communism where people shared everything. This progressed through slave economies, feudal aristocracy, capitalism, socialism, and finally global communism. Each stage emerges from the contradictions and conflicts inherent in the previous stage.
The progression follows a spiral pattern, returning to communism but at a higher level. While primitive communism existed in small tribal groups, the final stage represents global communism achieved through advanced consciousness. This framework presents history as a scientific process moving inexorably toward communist transformation.
What role did secret societies play in the development of communist thought?
Secret societies like the Illuminati and Rosicrucians served as incubators for esoteric and mystical ideas that influenced communist ideology. These groups maintained and transmitted occult knowledge about human transformation and social evolution, providing an intellectual framework that Marx and others would later adapt.
Babeuf's membership in secret societies, particularly his connection to the Illuminati, demonstrates how these organizations helped develop and spread revolutionary ideas. They provided networks for sharing radical thoughts about social transformation and human nature that would later become central to communist ideology.
How did Rousseau's ideas influence Marx's conception of human nature?
Rousseau's famous statement "man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains" represents a Gnostic sentiment that deeply influenced Marx. This concept suggests humanity exists in a prison of social constraints, alienated from its true nature - a fundamental premise of communist thought.
Rousseau transformed traditional Gnostic ideas by identifying society, rather than spiritual demons, as the force imprisoning humanity. This secular adaptation of Gnostic thought provided Marx with a framework for understanding human alienation and the need for social transformation.
Why didn't Marx's original vision of spontaneous worker revolution materialize?
Workers in capitalist societies proved more interested in practical reforms and immediate improvements to their lives than in total social transformation. They sought better working conditions, reasonable hours, and fair wages rather than the complete overthrow of the existing social order.
Additionally, workers maintained strong connections to their families, religions, and national identities, making them resistant to adopting an international communist identity. This attachment to existing social structures prevented the development of the class consciousness Marx believed would spark spontaneous revolution.
What is cosmological monism and how does it relate to communist ideology?
Cosmological monism represents the belief that everything in the universe is actually part of one undifferentiated whole, with apparent differences being illusions preventing us from seeing the underlying unity. This philosophical concept aligns with communist goals of eliminating distinctions between individuals and classes.
In communist thought, this manifests as the belief that humanity should function as a single organism, with individuals serving as cells within the larger whole. This monistic worldview provides the philosophical foundation for communist efforts to eliminate private property and individual identity in favor of collective consciousness.
How does the concept of "As Above, So Below" manifest in Marxist thinking?
The hermetic principle of "As Above, So Below" appears in Marx's understanding of the relationship between society and individual consciousness. Just as society shapes individuals, individuals shape society, creating a circular dynamic of mutual influence and transformation.
This principle underlies the communist belief that transforming social structures will transform human consciousness and vice versa. It provides the theoretical basis for using social revolution to achieve spiritual transformation, linking material conditions to consciousness in a dialectical relationship.
What is the significance of the spiral pattern in communist philosophical thought?
The spiral pattern represents how communist transformation moves society forward while returning to its original nature at a higher level. Rather than simple circular repetition, each revolution elevates consciousness and social organization to a more advanced state.
This pattern explains how global communism represents a return to primitive tribal communism but at a higher, more evolved level. The spiral symbolizes progress through revolution while maintaining connection to humanity's supposed original communist nature.
How does Lindsay connect Gnostic religious concepts to Marxist theory?
Gnostic beliefs about humanity being imprisoned in a false reality created by malevolent forces parallel Marx's view of capitalism alienating people from their true nature. Just as Gnostics seek awakening to transcend their prison, communists seek awakening to class consciousness to overcome capitalist alienation.
The Gnostic emphasis on hidden knowledge revealing true reality corresponds to Marx's concept of false consciousness versus revolutionary awareness. Both systems propose that most people live in ignorance of their true nature and require awakening or transformation to achieve liberation.
What is the role of consciousness transformation in communist ideology?
Consciousness transformation represents the key to achieving communist goals. People must undergo a Gnostic rebirth or awakening to recognize their true nature as social beings and embrace collective identity over individual existence.
This transformation goes beyond mere intellectual understanding to involve a fundamental change in how people perceive themselves and their relationship to society. It requires abandoning individualistic thinking in favor of species consciousness, seeing oneself as part of a larger social organism.
How does the concept of dialectical materialism function in Marxist theory?
Dialectical materialism provides the mechanism for historical progress through class conflict and contradiction. It suggests that opposing forces in society create tension that leads to revolutionary change and advancement to higher stages of development.
This concept explains how social transformation occurs through the conflict between oppressor and oppressed classes. Each stage of history contains contradictions that generate conflict, leading to revolutionary change and progression toward communist consciousness.
What is the relationship between theosophy and communist thought?
Theosophy and communism share fundamental beliefs about human evolution and collective transformation. Both systems envision humanity evolving toward a higher state of consciousness through stages of development, ultimately achieving a unified global consciousness or metaorganism.
Theosophical ideas, particularly through figures like Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, influenced institutional development of communist thought through organizations like the United Nations. The shared vision of human spiritual evolution and collective consciousness creates a direct lineage between theosophical beliefs and communist goals.
What distinguishes Eastern communism from Western Marxism?
Eastern communism, developed in peasant societies like Russia and China, focused on forced transformation through state power to create the "new socialist man." This industrial or state communism attempted to rapidly modernize agricultural societies through collective force and central planning.
Western Marxism, evolving in developed capitalist societies, emphasized cultural and social transformation through institutions and intellectual movements. This approach focused on subverting existing capitalist structures rather than direct revolutionary overthrow, leading to different strategies and theoretical developments.
How does corporate communism differ from traditional Marxist concepts?
Corporate communism represents a seemingly paradoxical development where major corporations become primary agents of communist transformation through public-private partnerships. This version operates through institutional power rather than traditional class struggle or state control.
This evolution demonstrates communism's adaptability, showing how its transformative goals can be pursued through corporate structures rather than traditional revolutionary means. It represents what Marx called "the riddle of history solved," though in an unexpected form through corporate rather than proletarian action.
What role does the public-private partnership play in modern communist evolution?
Public-private partnerships create a new single sector that transcends traditional distinctions between government and business. This merger allows for implementation of communist goals through institutional power rather than revolutionary action.
These partnerships enable social transformation through corporate and governmental cooperation, creating a system where major institutions work together to reshape society and consciousness. This approach represents a more subtle but potentially more effective means of achieving communist objectives.
How has communist ideology evolved from 1.0 to 2.0 to 3.0?
Communism 1.0 represents Marx's original theoretical framework, emphasizing spontaneous worker revolution and class consciousness. This version focused on theoretical understanding and worker awakening to trigger social transformation.
Communism 2.0 emerged as state or industrial communism in the East, while version 3.0 developed as corporate communism through public-private partnerships. Each evolution adapted the core transformative goals to different contexts and methods of implementation.
What is the significance of the "noosphere" concept in communist evolution?
The noosphere, conceived by Teilhard de Chardin, represents a sphere of human thought and consciousness surrounding Earth. This concept suggests humanity will become unified through shared consciousness, particularly through technological connectivity.
Modern implementations of this idea appear in internet technologies, social credit systems, and the Internet of Bodies, creating infrastructure for collective consciousness and control. This technological manifestation of shared consciousness aligns with communist goals of species being and collective identity.
How does social emotional learning connect to communist ideology?
Social emotional learning, developed at the Fetzer Institute, represents an educational implementation of theosophical ideas about human transformation. It serves as a mechanism for shaping consciousness and social behavior through institutional education.
This approach connects to communist goals of transforming human nature and consciousness through social institutions. It demonstrates how theosophical and communist ideas have been integrated into modern educational systems to influence human development.
What role does sustainability play in modern communist thought?
Sustainability represents a modern manifestation of communist ideas about resolving conflicts between humans and nature. It provides a framework for implementing collective control over human activity and resource use in service of supposed global welfare.
This concept aligns with communist goals of overcoming alienation between humans and nature, while providing justification for institutional control over human behavior and economic activity. It demonstrates how communist ideas adapt to contemporary concerns and vocabularies.
How does Critical Race Theory relate to Marxist thought according to Lindsay?
Critical Race Theory represents a species within the broader genus of Marxist thought, applying the same dialectical framework of oppressor versus oppressed to racial categories rather than economic classes. It maintains the same revolutionary and transformative goals while using race as the primary line of social division.
Like classical Marxism, it seeks to create revolutionary consciousness and social transformation, but focuses on racial identity rather than class identity as the key to understanding social conflict and necessary change. This demonstrates how Marxist methods can be applied to different social categories while maintaining the same basic structure.
What is the connection between the United Nations and theosophical ideas?
The United Nations serves as an institutional embodiment of theosophical and communist ideas about human evolution and global transformation. Through figures like Robert Mueller and organizations like the Lucius Trust, theosophical concepts became embedded in UN programs and objectives.
This connection appears in UN educational initiatives, sustainability goals, and visions of global governance, all reflecting theosophical ideas about human evolution and collective consciousness. The UN thus serves as a vehicle for implementing theosophical and communist transformative goals on a global scale.
How does modern corporate adoption of communist ideas manifest?
Major corporations, particularly through ESG initiatives and social justice programs, now function as primary drivers of communist transformation. They implement collective consciousness and social control through corporate policies, hiring practices, and public messaging campaigns.
This represents an evolution of communist methods, using corporate power rather than state power to reshape society and human consciousness. Fortune 1000 companies now actively promote and implement communist transformative goals through their institutional influence and economic power.
What role does the internet play in modern communist evolution?
The internet functions as the realization of Teilhard de Chardin's noosphere concept, creating a technological infrastructure for collective consciousness. This digital network enables the monitoring, shaping, and controlling of human thought and behavior on a global scale.
Through social media, surveillance systems, and the Internet of Bodies, this technology creates the possibility of implementing communist goals of collective consciousness and social control. It provides the practical means for achieving the metaorganism of humanity that communist ideology envisions.
How does the concept of inclusion relate to communist ideology?
Inclusion represents the opposite of the law of exclusion that defines private property. While private property creates distinctions and separation between individuals, inclusion seeks to eliminate these distinctions in favor of collective identity and consciousness.
This modern terminology masks traditional communist goals of eliminating private property and individual identity. It promotes the dissolution of distinctions between people in favor of collective consciousness, directly serving communist transformative objectives.
What is the significance of the Lucius Trust in modern institutional frameworks?
The Lucius Trust, originally named the Lucifer Publishing Company, serves as the publishing arm of the United Nations and represents direct institutional connection between theosophical ideas and global governance. Its strategic locations near centers of power demonstrate its influence on international policy.
Through its connection to Alice Bailey's writings and theosophical concepts, the Lucius Trust helps implement communist and theosophical ideas through institutional channels. It represents the continuing influence of theosophical thought on modern global institutions.
How does Lindsay connect Kamala Harris's statements to communist ideology?
Kamala Harris's statement about "being able to see what can be unburdened by what has been" directly parallels Marx's writings about historical conditions weighing like a nightmare on the brains of the living. This demonstrates the continuity of communist concepts in modern political discourse.
Lindsay identifies this as core communist religious language about transcending current conditions to achieve transformation. Harris's articulation of this concept for younger audiences shows how communist ideas continue to be repackaged and promoted in contemporary contexts.
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Hopefully in your quest to "understand" communism, Marxism socialism etc. you'll get past the rank sophistry of the likes of James Lindsay.
This guy is not only wrong on just about every point he shoehorns into his ridiculous attempt to "explain communism" he is simply making shit up and pasting his ludicrous ideas atop various other ideas which he knows nothing about.
While capitalist savages are ravaging the planet, waging war everywhere you turn and wiping out large swaths of people through medical tyranny we turn to such hacks as Lindsay to point the finger elsewhere?
Maybe this clown can tell us how Blackrock is actually a commie front and Bill Gates is secretly reading Marx' Das Kapital in his quest to monopolize the planet?
Think about what passes for political discussion in either the narrow terms of the "left" or "right" websites or in the larger sense of politics in America or the EU, as a whole. What is the basis the most fundamental basis for debate? What is the common language of that "debate"?
You can fill in the gory details of the problem: on the one hand, anything goes; on the other hand anything is acceptable and must be accepted (in the name of tolerance). Opinions are personal, categories are arbitrary and foggy, and the only basis for commonality is a very loose and changing list of policy statements that could just as easily be their opposites. It is not just mysticism and pop-theories that are at issue. There is a century worth of slogans, assumptions, "facts" which are "well known" or "commonly known." Even simple logic is not required.
Yes, class perspective is the key to it but the political chaos extends so far that even that is tough to put your finger on in a practical way.
Materialism, "cold" pursuit of the "truth" for practical reasons, basic class partisanship, a method for determining what is correct and accurate and what is not, agreement on these methods and the history from which these are derived - these are the most rudimentary tools of a political movement.
Otherwise, everything just spins like water in a toilet bowl just to be dumped into the sewer and get piped into the Idea Treatment Plant only to go through the same cycle once again.
It ain't "philosophy", it's a common language and method very rigorously adhered to at a hundred different levels of sophistication but fundamentally starting with the soldiers' quote in John Reed:
"If you aren't for one class, you are for the other..."
We don’t know much about the inside mechanisms of the “communist” states, other than second-hand stories and our own elaborations on the random snapshots that the media choose to relate. By “we”, I mean “we”, not the people who managed to flee their homelands and can provide more insight.
However, we can have a much deeper insight into certain developments in our own backyard. For example, how about our whole food supply system being controlled by 11 mega-corporations based in the US? Or, our whole media world being controlled by 6 mega-corporations based in the US? Or our whole financial system being controlled by 2 mega-corporations based in the US? How different are those from the similarly concentrated capitals of the communist reality?
Or our deeply professed religions like the cult of the successful entrepreneur, the “keep smiling” programming of the mind or the “fake it till you make it” denial of the actual circumstances? We have recently added the social media cult programming (deployed by one supposedly private initiative) and the smartphone ideology religion, both of which have already hijacked (and probably permanently compromised) our young generations. How different is this human cost, resulting in the mass of socially unfit people who will probably never contribute to the society? How different is the human cost which is the consequence of blanket poisoning of every person with fake or empty food and toxic household chemicals? How different is the human cost of providing “education” whose sole lasting effect is a lifelong debt and the absence of real work opportunities?
True, we are not dying right away. Instead, we are becoming overweight, chronically ill, physically unfit blobs perpetuating patterned days, with no deeper sense of purpose to our individual lives. The religions we have been given are not there for our salvation, though. Aren’t they more like a pre-formed grooves which hold us inside and are deep enough to discourage us from having a curious look outside? Isn’t this zombiefication our own version of the communist picture we are being shown?
I don’t mean elevating one over the other. All social structures exist for a reason, I guess. We may not understand or accept “their” reasons, because we have our own, and we value ours higher, obviously and reasonably. However... The laughter of the history is that the modern communism (whatever it means) is the product of our (Western) own making, through our own creators and agents, with our own money, supplies and resources, intricate labyrinths of diplomacy, politics, social engineering and economic incentives.
We have managed to spread it all over the place. Almost, if we don’t account for the last two standing: North Korea and Iran. Everywhere else, our dollars have become the top religion that determines literally everything. Was the collapse of the communism a deliberate development? Was it the reason why we have created the European Union, a replacement “they” white-stars block following the footsteps of yellow- or red-star “enemies”?
May we live in interesting times...