The climategate is a fascinating subject - it is so easy to manipulate because everyone can see as it is. “Manipulate” meaning whatever you want to tell people to believe. They will. If they don’t believe, their neighbors will force them to believe. Not that these neighbors know better, they will advocate for anything that is opposite to the views of their neighbors. The neighbor mentality, if you will.
Scattered, fragmented and modulated information gives the enormous edge to one side. The pressure of a handful of “scientists” who pushed the absurd climategate helped it gain momentum sufficient for its survival. Now it thrives. What can you do? Pay your bills, reduce gas, heat, A/C and whatever else you need to live efficiently - remember, you have to support our favorite jet travelers in their voyages across all skies in total disregard of environmental “protection”.
Ah, the sky. Watch the recent Highwire episode on climate engineering. This one is so different from everything else. I don’t know if it presents “truth” (what is it, anyway?) or an “angle”. But its 76 minutes explain practically everything you need to understand climategate. The speaker clearly is extremely well prepared and knows his stuff.
Key conclusions: 1) The real objective of the climate agenda is to melt the Arctic in order to gain easy access to new oil basins. 2) Geoengineering is being done 24/7 by all jest planes (explained nicely, no sensations, no conspiracies, pure physics). 3) Even if we stopped all spraying planes, the air will self-cleanse only after 2 years or so. 4) The contamination of the air with suspended chemicals is done 24/7 in a number of ways - with the purpose of reducing sunlight which reaches the surface of the Earth.
This last item is far worse than all covids. If they manage to do this, famine will only be mitigated by fake and artificial food (who benefits?). In the meantime, you will see the Earth desert growing daily. In the meantime all mechanical equipment will self-destroy due to accelerated oxidation (with reduced CO2 in the air). Animals and plants will die out sooner because they do not have human capabilities.
Two years ago I was half-joking with the Mad Max landscape desired by the ultra-rich useless eaters. After this interview… You will laugh at your concerns about masks, freedom of speech or vaccine mandates…
I watched this the other day and it’s great. BUT ... I do wonder who the target audience is. Those of us with spare brain cells to rub together who aren’t brainwashed and propagandised already know the bulk of the content, and the triple-boosted normies terrified of their own exhalations aren’t going to believe any of it, so who is it intended to persuade? What I would love is for the main protagonists and the producers to make a 6 episode series of ~45min episodes pulling apart the major climate lies and insane unscientific predictions, letting Happer, Lindzen, Heller et al loose to really lay out the case for cynical nihilistic mass insanity.
Not sure what you mean ... what other “mainstream bullshit” are they peddling? I have my own issues with the documentary but the individuals involved have often at great personal or reputational expense spoken out against the climate alarmism scam that the UN and the Australian govt itself are peddling.
So far, the other mainstream bullshit includes evolution (but not as a theory) and dinosaurs.
On top of that, the documentarian equates investigating the flat Earth model as denying science. That statement pretty much perpetuates the same problem this film is supposed to be combatting.
I get you. To be honest I cringed a little at the flat earther jibes too, but I don’t think going “there” is the purview of this sort of documentary. One thing at a time ... as with covid, the next big domino that must fall is the climate alarmism scam, and if normies are to be persuaded, it’s not going to be with science that they perceive as aligned with extreme conspiracy theory ... one doesn’t have to deny the existence of dinosaurs in order realise that one’s been lied to about the UN’s agenda etc. Covid, climate, 911, moon landings ... all of these are more readily explained to normies. I’m not a flat earther and not a palaeontologist, I just stick to things I can best articulate in a few words.
They could have steered clear of unrelated theories and wild speculation (which is exactly what climate alarmists operate on) and had a much more palatable documentary. Every good point they made could have been presented in an hour flat.
Great video.. though I fear too long for short attention spans.
I think these facts in the video could help RED PILL the climate brainwashed:
Fact: CO2 is only 0.04% of the atmosphere that includes 25 other greenhouse gases as well; and altogether, those greenhouse gases make up only 1% of Earth's entire atmosphere, which makes up the complex climate system. And, the most powerful influencer of LIFE on EARTH;
the SUN- and it's immense impact on climate systems & life on Earth, isn't even considered; measured or charted; in the fraudulent "climate science."
In an earlier post you reviewed Dane Wigington's _The Dimming_ ( In his broadcasts Dane has often mentioned rising ocean temperatures reaching critical levels, and how hot the planet is becoming. I don't recall if he talks about this in _The Dimming_.
Here, you report that "Thermometer records, when adjusted for the urban heat island effect, show only a mild warming over the past 150 years, with most of that occurring before 1940. Satellite data shows even less warming." I have also heard this from another source (
I'm just asking, for anyone who can contribute, but are these two views consistent with each other? I've wondered about this ever since learning about the "urban heat island effect". It does not change what I see going on in the skies or read in alternative and non-alternative media (excepting the worst offenders and the debunkers), but is planetary heating at a critical stage or not?
Don't know what Dane has said about it, but if he has insinuated that anything to do with temperature is near "critical" then he is wrong on that point.
I think the basic thesis of this documentary is true...that there is likely to be a bit of warming, and no, we do not have a relevant contribution to it, and no its neither dangerous nor calamitous. It just is.
It's just cycles and volatility.
That is the bottom line of what a small group of very clever, very well-funded and very patient people have done...they have weaponized volatility.
I haven't been listening to Dane as much lately. The broadcasts are an hour long and are repetitive to some degree. To his credit, he faces considerable "debunking", which as many of us have observed can be an indication of saying things that are true.
I have been following the "chemtrail" stories for quite a long time. What I remember of it now goes back about 15 years, but I didn't come across Dane until a couple of years ago. Much of what he claims can be validated -- and he does offer evidence, unlike the "debunkers" -- but there are problems here and there. That's what I would expect, although it isn't proof of validity.
What caught my attention with him the most was that I had already observed how the "clear" sky has changed color and become milky, and I had noticed that the sun's intensity had changed character in a way suggesting increased UV exposure. Around the same time I began to notice chemtrails here in this area (Sacramento County, California), although my first siting was of a contrail. These have a distinctive appearance, and they dissipate quickly. Their appearance varies depending on atmospheric conditions, and I see them most often behind jets ascending in cold weather from McClellan Field, which is a few miles from here.
We live a couple of hours or so drive from Dane, and his observations of the weather there are somewhat related to ours, and the observations of what is happening elsewhere in the state can be quite relevant (and verifiable).
I don't know how to represent his view of planetary warming well. I don't have the time to go through his broadcasts and excerpt quotes, but he consistently warns of imminent disaster, as in "Global chaos is accelerating in lockstep with unfolding biosphere collapse, how long till impact?" (from his website). I recall repeated references to how the planet is burning up, and to rising ocean temperatures that are making it uninhabitable by sea life.
Another recent accuracy issue is his use of UNRWA (Hamas) statistics showing large numbers of Palestinian civilian deaths from the war. These stats have been analyzed by others and found wanting -- synthesized. I'm not taking sides, but I don't believe the truth of these statistics has been established.
Then there is his plan of action, which involves spreading the word about what is taking place in the skies by wearing clothing with chemtrail photos on them, and starting conversations with people. I'm over-simplifying, but I don't think he has a workable solution.
I'm not going to reject all of what Dane says because some parts of it could be wrong. I'm sure some parts of what I say will prove wrong as well. It's not like the information we work with is clean and trustworthy. It most certainly is not, and actual mistakes will be made, as opposed to veiled deceptions.
Dane at the very least presents the world as a created entity. He hails from a different spiritual tradition than I, but I appreciate that he isn't bound to the "official story" that we came into being by accident. That view causes him to, in my mind, stand out from the crowd as someone to listen to, though not to believe everything he says.
Not sure if this is the answer you are seeking, but in reality climate systems are orders of magnitude more complex than we are led to believe, with the measuring and modelling adopted by the UN and IPCC etc capable only of cherry-picking certain data points. So when they say there’s been X degrees of warming, they might cherry pick from certain data sets, land based thermometers, satellite data, oceanographic surface temp readings etc ... but ALL of this is simply a drop in the ocean of the entire complex system, typically then run through modelling software that is designed to spit out trends in favour of the climate alarmism scam.
Eg we have NO idea how the ocean depths are impacted below say 1km, and 99% of the planet has no long-term temperature data, eg South America for instance might be a massive land mass, but a handful of stations only are used to extrapolate temp forecast for the entire continent.
None of these measurements can paint a picture of the earths climate. It has warmed slightly this century and may continue to do so, but none of it is scary, extreme or even noteworthy. It has been warmer previously. Sea levels are not going to flood the coastlines, Arctic and Antarctic ice is within centuries-old norms, we are not going to “boil”.
There is literally no evidence that mankind is contributing any more than a tiny amount to this anyway, and there is no evidence that our generation of CO2 is contributing in any meaningful way, so even if we do go “net zero” the earth’s climate will continue to shift regardless. It is all a gigantic con.
Specifically, the past couple of years climate and weather data has been significantly impacted by a single event - the eruption of the subsea volcano ‘Hunga Tonga’ in early 2022. This eruption released an enormous column of water vapour into the upper atmosphere, which has led to unusual extremes of temperature in various locations around the world in 2023 and 2024 ... this event has been deleted from history by climate alarmists who of course are using the outcome of this eruption as “proof” of sudden, unprecedented manmade global boiling.
I could type thousands of words but that’s it in a nutshell.
I really wish this documentary stuck to the topic of climate and what we can prove using sound science.
I'm 10 minutes in and they've taken multiple shots at people who believe the Earth is flat, talked about alleged dinosaurs, mentioned evolution as if it's a fact rather than a theory, and made statements about the temperature 500,000,000 years ago with no evidence whatsoever. These people are just as bad as the climate alarmists with their so-called "science" they are presenting.
It begins by showing you people in satanic colors and then a blood ritual, hmmmm, and then "We are not flat earthers". Hmmmm, it's a Gatekeeper's movie.
It’s just pointing out the absurdity of the Extinction Rebellion mob ... the cretins in the red outfits were just the most visible (newsworthy) of the paid activist twats who’ve now started throwing tomato soup on artworks to save the planet from themselves.
Possibly, but knowing how the Cabal uses symbolism for their agenda, I think their is a double meaning and by watching you/we are participating in their mind/control games. Just be aware.
Thanks very much for the link; fascinating hypothesis.
Back when the hysteria began to ramp up, I thought it prudent to put my pet projects aside and look into what the fuss was all about.
I expected to find robust and rigorous debate conducted openly according to scientific principles.
What I discovered was something quite the opposite; an incurious, quasi-religious paradigm with extremely disturbing associated money trails and myriad instances of corruption and manipulation.
Somewhere beneath all of that, I reasoned, there must be an honest inquiry of some sort. It's been extremely irritating to wade through the mountains of spurious correlation, unsupported assertion and motivated reasoning.
It would appear that putting aside the study of economics and psychology was not possible; all attempts to glean verifiable facts and properly skeptical analyses about climate change, led right back to behavioral science and capital flows.
The Ethical Sceptic's article is a breath of fresh air amidst the toxic cloud of obscurantism and induced hysteria that has poisoned the air of the public discussion of weather pattern variation over time.
The climategate is a fascinating subject - it is so easy to manipulate because everyone can see as it is. “Manipulate” meaning whatever you want to tell people to believe. They will. If they don’t believe, their neighbors will force them to believe. Not that these neighbors know better, they will advocate for anything that is opposite to the views of their neighbors. The neighbor mentality, if you will.
Scattered, fragmented and modulated information gives the enormous edge to one side. The pressure of a handful of “scientists” who pushed the absurd climategate helped it gain momentum sufficient for its survival. Now it thrives. What can you do? Pay your bills, reduce gas, heat, A/C and whatever else you need to live efficiently - remember, you have to support our favorite jet travelers in their voyages across all skies in total disregard of environmental “protection”.
Ah, the sky. Watch the recent Highwire episode on climate engineering. This one is so different from everything else. I don’t know if it presents “truth” (what is it, anyway?) or an “angle”. But its 76 minutes explain practically everything you need to understand climategate. The speaker clearly is extremely well prepared and knows his stuff.
Key conclusions: 1) The real objective of the climate agenda is to melt the Arctic in order to gain easy access to new oil basins. 2) Geoengineering is being done 24/7 by all jest planes (explained nicely, no sensations, no conspiracies, pure physics). 3) Even if we stopped all spraying planes, the air will self-cleanse only after 2 years or so. 4) The contamination of the air with suspended chemicals is done 24/7 in a number of ways - with the purpose of reducing sunlight which reaches the surface of the Earth.
This last item is far worse than all covids. If they manage to do this, famine will only be mitigated by fake and artificial food (who benefits?). In the meantime, you will see the Earth desert growing daily. In the meantime all mechanical equipment will self-destroy due to accelerated oxidation (with reduced CO2 in the air). Animals and plants will die out sooner because they do not have human capabilities.
Two years ago I was half-joking with the Mad Max landscape desired by the ultra-rich useless eaters. After this interview… You will laugh at your concerns about masks, freedom of speech or vaccine mandates…
I saw the Highwire. Jim Lee was the guest. It’s worth the listen. His website is
Quick Dick McDick's response to chicken little sky is falling:
(I love this clip)
That guy is hilarious!
Thanks for the link.
I watched this the other day and it’s great. BUT ... I do wonder who the target audience is. Those of us with spare brain cells to rub together who aren’t brainwashed and propagandised already know the bulk of the content, and the triple-boosted normies terrified of their own exhalations aren’t going to believe any of it, so who is it intended to persuade? What I would love is for the main protagonists and the producers to make a 6 episode series of ~45min episodes pulling apart the major climate lies and insane unscientific predictions, letting Happer, Lindzen, Heller et al loose to really lay out the case for cynical nihilistic mass insanity.
There is a growing, curious yet skittish "middle". I think it's very well done for them.
They are its best audience I think, and they are certainly my target audience.
You are right, no point preaching to the choir nor casting pearls before swine.
I don't know. They are climate deniers yet they put forth a bunch of other mainstream bullshit. They lost me in the first 10 minutes.
Not sure what you mean ... what other “mainstream bullshit” are they peddling? I have my own issues with the documentary but the individuals involved have often at great personal or reputational expense spoken out against the climate alarmism scam that the UN and the Australian govt itself are peddling.
So far, the other mainstream bullshit includes evolution (but not as a theory) and dinosaurs.
On top of that, the documentarian equates investigating the flat Earth model as denying science. That statement pretty much perpetuates the same problem this film is supposed to be combatting.
I get you. To be honest I cringed a little at the flat earther jibes too, but I don’t think going “there” is the purview of this sort of documentary. One thing at a time ... as with covid, the next big domino that must fall is the climate alarmism scam, and if normies are to be persuaded, it’s not going to be with science that they perceive as aligned with extreme conspiracy theory ... one doesn’t have to deny the existence of dinosaurs in order realise that one’s been lied to about the UN’s agenda etc. Covid, climate, 911, moon landings ... all of these are more readily explained to normies. I’m not a flat earther and not a palaeontologist, I just stick to things I can best articulate in a few words.
They could have steered clear of unrelated theories and wild speculation (which is exactly what climate alarmists operate on) and had a much more palatable documentary. Every good point they made could have been presented in an hour flat.
Great idea. The Climate Brainwashed certainly aren't going to watch much of it ..
it is far too long for their short attention spans..
Loved your main points...I cannot show the video to my kids but might be able to get a point t or two across....thank yiu!
Great video.. though I fear too long for short attention spans.
I think these facts in the video could help RED PILL the climate brainwashed:
Fact: CO2 is only 0.04% of the atmosphere that includes 25 other greenhouse gases as well; and altogether, those greenhouse gases make up only 1% of Earth's entire atmosphere, which makes up the complex climate system. And, the most powerful influencer of LIFE on EARTH;
the SUN- and it's immense impact on climate systems & life on Earth, isn't even considered; measured or charted; in the fraudulent "climate science."
Top shelf. Thanks for sharing and the notes.
The lies of lying liars.
Wow - wow - wow. Thank you all for your courage, tenacity, and integrity.
In an earlier post you reviewed Dane Wigington's _The Dimming_ ( In his broadcasts Dane has often mentioned rising ocean temperatures reaching critical levels, and how hot the planet is becoming. I don't recall if he talks about this in _The Dimming_.
Here, you report that "Thermometer records, when adjusted for the urban heat island effect, show only a mild warming over the past 150 years, with most of that occurring before 1940. Satellite data shows even less warming." I have also heard this from another source (
I'm just asking, for anyone who can contribute, but are these two views consistent with each other? I've wondered about this ever since learning about the "urban heat island effect". It does not change what I see going on in the skies or read in alternative and non-alternative media (excepting the worst offenders and the debunkers), but is planetary heating at a critical stage or not?
Don't know what Dane has said about it, but if he has insinuated that anything to do with temperature is near "critical" then he is wrong on that point.
I think the basic thesis of this documentary is true...that there is likely to be a bit of warming, and no, we do not have a relevant contribution to it, and no its neither dangerous nor calamitous. It just is.
It's just cycles and volatility.
That is the bottom line of what a small group of very clever, very well-funded and very patient people have done...they have weaponized volatility.
I haven't been listening to Dane as much lately. The broadcasts are an hour long and are repetitive to some degree. To his credit, he faces considerable "debunking", which as many of us have observed can be an indication of saying things that are true.
I have been following the "chemtrail" stories for quite a long time. What I remember of it now goes back about 15 years, but I didn't come across Dane until a couple of years ago. Much of what he claims can be validated -- and he does offer evidence, unlike the "debunkers" -- but there are problems here and there. That's what I would expect, although it isn't proof of validity.
What caught my attention with him the most was that I had already observed how the "clear" sky has changed color and become milky, and I had noticed that the sun's intensity had changed character in a way suggesting increased UV exposure. Around the same time I began to notice chemtrails here in this area (Sacramento County, California), although my first siting was of a contrail. These have a distinctive appearance, and they dissipate quickly. Their appearance varies depending on atmospheric conditions, and I see them most often behind jets ascending in cold weather from McClellan Field, which is a few miles from here.
We live a couple of hours or so drive from Dane, and his observations of the weather there are somewhat related to ours, and the observations of what is happening elsewhere in the state can be quite relevant (and verifiable).
I don't know how to represent his view of planetary warming well. I don't have the time to go through his broadcasts and excerpt quotes, but he consistently warns of imminent disaster, as in "Global chaos is accelerating in lockstep with unfolding biosphere collapse, how long till impact?" (from his website). I recall repeated references to how the planet is burning up, and to rising ocean temperatures that are making it uninhabitable by sea life.
Another recent accuracy issue is his use of UNRWA (Hamas) statistics showing large numbers of Palestinian civilian deaths from the war. These stats have been analyzed by others and found wanting -- synthesized. I'm not taking sides, but I don't believe the truth of these statistics has been established.
Then there is his plan of action, which involves spreading the word about what is taking place in the skies by wearing clothing with chemtrail photos on them, and starting conversations with people. I'm over-simplifying, but I don't think he has a workable solution.
I'm not going to reject all of what Dane says because some parts of it could be wrong. I'm sure some parts of what I say will prove wrong as well. It's not like the information we work with is clean and trustworthy. It most certainly is not, and actual mistakes will be made, as opposed to veiled deceptions.
Dane at the very least presents the world as a created entity. He hails from a different spiritual tradition than I, but I appreciate that he isn't bound to the "official story" that we came into being by accident. That view causes him to, in my mind, stand out from the crowd as someone to listen to, though not to believe everything he says.
Not sure if this is the answer you are seeking, but in reality climate systems are orders of magnitude more complex than we are led to believe, with the measuring and modelling adopted by the UN and IPCC etc capable only of cherry-picking certain data points. So when they say there’s been X degrees of warming, they might cherry pick from certain data sets, land based thermometers, satellite data, oceanographic surface temp readings etc ... but ALL of this is simply a drop in the ocean of the entire complex system, typically then run through modelling software that is designed to spit out trends in favour of the climate alarmism scam.
Eg we have NO idea how the ocean depths are impacted below say 1km, and 99% of the planet has no long-term temperature data, eg South America for instance might be a massive land mass, but a handful of stations only are used to extrapolate temp forecast for the entire continent.
None of these measurements can paint a picture of the earths climate. It has warmed slightly this century and may continue to do so, but none of it is scary, extreme or even noteworthy. It has been warmer previously. Sea levels are not going to flood the coastlines, Arctic and Antarctic ice is within centuries-old norms, we are not going to “boil”.
There is literally no evidence that mankind is contributing any more than a tiny amount to this anyway, and there is no evidence that our generation of CO2 is contributing in any meaningful way, so even if we do go “net zero” the earth’s climate will continue to shift regardless. It is all a gigantic con.
Specifically, the past couple of years climate and weather data has been significantly impacted by a single event - the eruption of the subsea volcano ‘Hunga Tonga’ in early 2022. This eruption released an enormous column of water vapour into the upper atmosphere, which has led to unusual extremes of temperature in various locations around the world in 2023 and 2024 ... this event has been deleted from history by climate alarmists who of course are using the outcome of this eruption as “proof” of sudden, unprecedented manmade global boiling.
I could type thousands of words but that’s it in a nutshell.
That does help. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing
Thank you for all your work!
Keep it up.
Want to force my family to watch this. As a former democrat my son calls me a flat earther now. 🤦🏻♀️
I really wish this documentary stuck to the topic of climate and what we can prove using sound science.
I'm 10 minutes in and they've taken multiple shots at people who believe the Earth is flat, talked about alleged dinosaurs, mentioned evolution as if it's a fact rather than a theory, and made statements about the temperature 500,000,000 years ago with no evidence whatsoever. These people are just as bad as the climate alarmists with their so-called "science" they are presenting.
yes, I noticed all those things too. I had to stop watching.
I pushed through today. It actually gets much better, but it starts off so poorly. I am going to do a Substack critique of this today.
It begins by showing you people in satanic colors and then a blood ritual, hmmmm, and then "We are not flat earthers". Hmmmm, it's a Gatekeeper's movie.
It’s just pointing out the absurdity of the Extinction Rebellion mob ... the cretins in the red outfits were just the most visible (newsworthy) of the paid activist twats who’ve now started throwing tomato soup on artworks to save the planet from themselves.
Possibly, but knowing how the Cabal uses symbolism for their agenda, I think their is a double meaning and by watching you/we are participating in their mind/control games. Just be aware.
Thanks very much for the link; fascinating hypothesis.
Back when the hysteria began to ramp up, I thought it prudent to put my pet projects aside and look into what the fuss was all about.
I expected to find robust and rigorous debate conducted openly according to scientific principles.
What I discovered was something quite the opposite; an incurious, quasi-religious paradigm with extremely disturbing associated money trails and myriad instances of corruption and manipulation.
Somewhere beneath all of that, I reasoned, there must be an honest inquiry of some sort. It's been extremely irritating to wade through the mountains of spurious correlation, unsupported assertion and motivated reasoning.
It would appear that putting aside the study of economics and psychology was not possible; all attempts to glean verifiable facts and properly skeptical analyses about climate change, led right back to behavioral science and capital flows.
The Ethical Sceptic's article is a breath of fresh air amidst the toxic cloud of obscurantism and induced hysteria that has poisoned the air of the public discussion of weather pattern variation over time.
GREEN NUTS: Plans to cool the Earth by blocking sunlight are gaining momentum, but critical voices risk being excluded
PROPAGANDA CLIMATE NUTS COMPLAINT: New report reveals over 130 organizations funded to spread lies to the public: 'We should know who'
Influential people connected to the dirty energy industry are funding groups that spread false information about our changing climate.
I DO agree with the quote by Ssgt Holland..., that is about the truth of it!