My granddaughter at 16 had Garadisil HPV, nearly died and was left with RA/FIBROMYALGIA. PAIN FOR LIFE.
RFK JR is correct they are bad. HPV is made up, not factual. Many carry HIV VIRUS. Up to 40 vaccines depending on state. No compensation for damage, the Makers are exempt. That alone tells you someting is wrong.
Thank you so much for compiling this easy to share and organized list. I just found out I will be a Grandma and my biggest hope is that this child can grow up to be healthy and free of any injections, but I’m not the parent and can only respect what the parents decide for themselves. I raised my two children somewhere between your number two and three states; delayed some “ critical” vaccines while foregoing others and that was over 30 years ago when I knew we were being lied to. Add that to the last 3 years and I now know I would completely forgo any vaccinations. I’ve met a few totally unvaccinated people and they said they have been very healthy their whole life. I myself have vowed never to take any more vaccines ever.....I was considering the shingles vaccine, but frankly, I don’t trust the whole pharmaceutical and medical insurance industry.
They started vaccinating about 200 years ago, when they had literally no idea how the immune system worked. They still don't understand how it works, and honest immunologists will readily admit that.
I read a great line recently, imagining our knowledge as an island in an ocean of ignorance, and as our island grows and gets bigger, so too do our shores that touch the ocean. Our ignorance grows with our knowledge.
So, within this ocean of ignorance how can you make a product that "works"?
These are the same people that said, take those tonsils out, they don't do much anyway...that is how much they understand the immune system. As for the shingles vaccine, don't get me started...
I have a 2 friends (brothers) who were both very healthy and fit.. one got a shingles vaX before Covid and then they both got three Covid jabs.. then, one got a horrible case of gout; then, pancreatitis which put him in the hospital for 5 days; along with his brother who also got the jabs and collapsed on stage; both are amazing musicians; he was in the hospital ICU at the same time for 6 days and almost died. Now, one of them has ALS and is dying..
I have no doubt it was the jabs that caused all these tragidies.
I'm 67, have never taken any flu nor Covid jabs, take NO medicine, but eat good food and take suppliments.
I didn't get covid; haven't been sick in decades & have no arthritis. I do hard physical labor, cleaning houses, shoveling snow, hauling wood, gardening and feel great. I am ANTI-VAX. Do NOT trust the pharma, medical criminal cabal that now works with governments around the world. They are using vaXines to depopulate humanity! Trust Nature; healthy foods; limit carbs;
grains, SUGAR & processed vegie oils. Use lots of X virgin olive oil, avacodo oil, unrefined coconut oil, Cod Liver Oil, butter. Good fats are GOOD FOR YOU!
Get SUNSHINE -do NOT use toxic sunscreen!
See: Dr. Eric Berg DC on YouTube for excellent nutritional information!
Thanks for making this a point. I also need to work out how to voice my opinion. I'm such an introvert it's hard for me to even start. I yell at my bedroom wall which doesn't help anyone including me.
My almost 17 year old is 100% Unvaxxed. He's been top student in his year all through high school and is school captain for year 12. I've kept him away from antibiotics for 10 years. I need to work out how to get the conversation right so he doesn't fall into pharma traps when he leaves home. Unfortunately school has taught him "the other way" and he'll often come out with "Show me the science".
He was surprised that I stood down from my job rather than follow the mandates. I was out of work for 9 months just living off savings. But I guess it drove home the point that I stand with my principles.
Yes indeed...the pharma traps are everywhere. I know of a single mother who raised her now 20 year old daughter unpoisoned, who both succumbed to the covid vaccine (the largest "trap" ever). The mother for work and the daughter so she could travel (she didn't in the end)...the daughter is now injured. What a disaster.
Wow, seeing all your stacks on this subject listed like that, I had no idea you'd written this much about it. Thank you for the work you've done, and kudos to you for not shying away from tough conversations with friends. I made the mistake once of telling my closest friend at the time that my daughter was jab-free. The friendship went cold almost immediately. Since then I've told no one, and always told my daughter to keep it a secret at school. It may sound callous, but I don't give a flying fig what other people want to do with their kids. All that matters to me is that mine is un-poisoned and that she, in turn, will not poison hers when they come along. It's a sorry state to feel that way towards your fellow humans, but this is what the past three years has done to me.
Thanks Teresa. I get it, the social cost is astronomical. Decades of relationship can melt away in moments. In a global cult of manufactured ignorance, it makes perfect sense to me that one would be private about the subject in order to maintain friendship, relationship and connection. Being right but isolated and lonely is a shit trade.
I’ve had similar thoughts. “How does one encapsulate almost 20 years of information and research (that’s how long I’ve been learning) without overwhelming or driving away someone?”
Managed to persuade my (young adult) son not to get the Covid vaxx, despite the pressure from his employer who would have dismissed him, the advice of a local GP and peer pressure from his mates.
And something didn't seem quite right about the Gardasil vaccine being offered to high school students, both girls and boys. After what I've discovered in the last three years, I'm beginning to question the whole childhood vaccine schedule. Is it just possible that those hemp-wearing, crystal-touting, vegan wacko anti-vaxxers were right all along??
I keep re-reading vaccine history form liam scheff per your suggestion so hopefull when I have this conversation before the next vaccine for my kids I can do as best as I can. But its so much information fighting uphill against decades of propaganda . I'm not sure there is a 'right' way to do it. I wish the world would simply realize its time to audit the entire childhood schedule. Which arguably should be done periodically as other treatment options emerge for the respective diseases
Thanks Denis. Agree, there isn't a right way. But fire hosing someone (as I too often still do) is definitely not the way. We need to give people small cups to drink from and invite them to self-awaken. I don't think I can wake anyone up from the coma, I can only whisper in their ear, and they have to do the work of waking themselves up...or not. I need to get better at whispering rather than shouting.
Childhood vaccines are literally a satanic child sacrifice.
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. - Revelation 18:23
Same word used for Pharmaceuticals...
Definition of pharmakeí:
the use or the administering of drugs
sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
Biggest regret of my life. At the time I had a deep sense of knowing that I didn't want to jab my kids....unfortunately, I didn't have the confidence in my knowing and went along with the families wishes. My first child become someone else after the 18m jab and third now has AS. I'm struggling with the guilt.
I'm very sorry to hear that Dan. I managed to injury my two also, I understand the guilt. Writing this substack and helping some others to make better decisions is part of my therapy.
It's been 24yrs now and I'm glad i can finally start talking about it and SOME people are receptive to my experience. I have apologised to my kids and they are bloody awesome about it! It still doesn't help with the guilt though. Thank you for writing about it and sharing your knowledge and experience too. It's connecting and validating.
About people who ask questions about vexines, I think unless their mind is open by experiencing how unscientific medical science and practice actually is, they will not listen to any argument of any kind.
And most people are very well trained consumers who never question anything. They are ashamed to manifest their doubts. Modern medicine is largely like a cult and has been since the 1950s, at least.
But there is great honor in battling willful ignorance and in helping people to overcome their character flaws. First, people need to become morally competent, then morally strong, then morally courageous, and through those steps most of their problems will improve or resolve.
Depends where you are. The way to do it is find a local group of like minded parents, and within that network you will get the names of Drs etc that are awake or at least awake friendly.
The entire vaccine industry is a multibillion dollar per year lie based on fraudulent science and government payoffs.
Thank you for this list. Excellent!
My granddaughter at 16 had Garadisil HPV, nearly died and was left with RA/FIBROMYALGIA. PAIN FOR LIFE.
RFK JR is correct they are bad. HPV is made up, not factual. Many carry HIV VIRUS. Up to 40 vaccines depending on state. No compensation for damage, the Makers are exempt. That alone tells you someting is wrong.
HPV vaccine was created using Australian gain of function (bioweapon) research (p. 16 of the below report). Australia is still conducting gain of function research.
Here is my article about it
Thank you so much for compiling this easy to share and organized list. I just found out I will be a Grandma and my biggest hope is that this child can grow up to be healthy and free of any injections, but I’m not the parent and can only respect what the parents decide for themselves. I raised my two children somewhere between your number two and three states; delayed some “ critical” vaccines while foregoing others and that was over 30 years ago when I knew we were being lied to. Add that to the last 3 years and I now know I would completely forgo any vaccinations. I’ve met a few totally unvaccinated people and they said they have been very healthy their whole life. I myself have vowed never to take any more vaccines ever.....I was considering the shingles vaccine, but frankly, I don’t trust the whole pharmaceutical and medical insurance industry.
They started vaccinating about 200 years ago, when they had literally no idea how the immune system worked. They still don't understand how it works, and honest immunologists will readily admit that.
I read a great line recently, imagining our knowledge as an island in an ocean of ignorance, and as our island grows and gets bigger, so too do our shores that touch the ocean. Our ignorance grows with our knowledge.
So, within this ocean of ignorance how can you make a product that "works"?
These are the same people that said, take those tonsils out, they don't do much anyway...that is how much they understand the immune system. As for the shingles vaccine, don't get me started...
I have a 2 friends (brothers) who were both very healthy and fit.. one got a shingles vaX before Covid and then they both got three Covid jabs.. then, one got a horrible case of gout; then, pancreatitis which put him in the hospital for 5 days; along with his brother who also got the jabs and collapsed on stage; both are amazing musicians; he was in the hospital ICU at the same time for 6 days and almost died. Now, one of them has ALS and is dying..
I have no doubt it was the jabs that caused all these tragidies.
I'm 67, have never taken any flu nor Covid jabs, take NO medicine, but eat good food and take suppliments.
I didn't get covid; haven't been sick in decades & have no arthritis. I do hard physical labor, cleaning houses, shoveling snow, hauling wood, gardening and feel great. I am ANTI-VAX. Do NOT trust the pharma, medical criminal cabal that now works with governments around the world. They are using vaXines to depopulate humanity! Trust Nature; healthy foods; limit carbs;
grains, SUGAR & processed vegie oils. Use lots of X virgin olive oil, avacodo oil, unrefined coconut oil, Cod Liver Oil, butter. Good fats are GOOD FOR YOU!
Get SUNSHINE -do NOT use toxic sunscreen!
See: Dr. Eric Berg DC on YouTube for excellent nutritional information!
Nice one Virginia!!...I haven't forgotten the pertussis story...I will eventually get around to it!!
No worries! You've got LOTS of important info to get out there -
and you're doing an incredible job! Thank you for what you do!!!
Eric Berg is excellent, perhaps the best presentation of the truth on health I have seen.
Good for you. Avoid vaccines like the plague.
Avoid big pharma drugs like the plague.
Why medication causes decimation.
The lighter side to darkness.
Thanks for making this a point. I also need to work out how to voice my opinion. I'm such an introvert it's hard for me to even start. I yell at my bedroom wall which doesn't help anyone including me.
My almost 17 year old is 100% Unvaxxed. He's been top student in his year all through high school and is school captain for year 12. I've kept him away from antibiotics for 10 years. I need to work out how to get the conversation right so he doesn't fall into pharma traps when he leaves home. Unfortunately school has taught him "the other way" and he'll often come out with "Show me the science".
He was surprised that I stood down from my job rather than follow the mandates. I was out of work for 9 months just living off savings. But I guess it drove home the point that I stand with my principles.
Yes indeed...the pharma traps are everywhere. I know of a single mother who raised her now 20 year old daughter unpoisoned, who both succumbed to the covid vaccine (the largest "trap" ever). The mother for work and the daughter so she could travel (she didn't in the end)...the daughter is now injured. What a disaster.
If he says 'Show me the science' I would say show him logic. This is my attempt.
Wow, seeing all your stacks on this subject listed like that, I had no idea you'd written this much about it. Thank you for the work you've done, and kudos to you for not shying away from tough conversations with friends. I made the mistake once of telling my closest friend at the time that my daughter was jab-free. The friendship went cold almost immediately. Since then I've told no one, and always told my daughter to keep it a secret at school. It may sound callous, but I don't give a flying fig what other people want to do with their kids. All that matters to me is that mine is un-poisoned and that she, in turn, will not poison hers when they come along. It's a sorry state to feel that way towards your fellow humans, but this is what the past three years has done to me.
Thanks Teresa. I get it, the social cost is astronomical. Decades of relationship can melt away in moments. In a global cult of manufactured ignorance, it makes perfect sense to me that one would be private about the subject in order to maintain friendship, relationship and connection. Being right but isolated and lonely is a shit trade.
Phenomenal post.
I’ve had similar thoughts. “How does one encapsulate almost 20 years of information and research (that’s how long I’ve been learning) without overwhelming or driving away someone?”
Thank you for doing this.
Thank you.
It is hard to to turn the firehose off.
I would add to eye opening items the depositions of Stanley Plotkin and Kathryn Edwards located at the highwire site.
Plotkin has been on my to-write list for a while, but Edwards I need to look up...thanks.
Managed to persuade my (young adult) son not to get the Covid vaxx, despite the pressure from his employer who would have dismissed him, the advice of a local GP and peer pressure from his mates.
And something didn't seem quite right about the Gardasil vaccine being offered to high school students, both girls and boys. After what I've discovered in the last three years, I'm beginning to question the whole childhood vaccine schedule. Is it just possible that those hemp-wearing, crystal-touting, vegan wacko anti-vaxxers were right all along??
Yes indeed, those hemp people were right all along!!
Certainly much closer to the truth than Nazi big pharma. This a brief post on childhood vaccinations in USA.
The entire vaccine industry needs to be struck down! Stop the jabbing now!
I keep re-reading vaccine history form liam scheff per your suggestion so hopefull when I have this conversation before the next vaccine for my kids I can do as best as I can. But its so much information fighting uphill against decades of propaganda . I'm not sure there is a 'right' way to do it. I wish the world would simply realize its time to audit the entire childhood schedule. Which arguably should be done periodically as other treatment options emerge for the respective diseases
Thanks Denis. Agree, there isn't a right way. But fire hosing someone (as I too often still do) is definitely not the way. We need to give people small cups to drink from and invite them to self-awaken. I don't think I can wake anyone up from the coma, I can only whisper in their ear, and they have to do the work of waking themselves up...or not. I need to get better at whispering rather than shouting.
Childhood vaccines are literally a satanic child sacrifice.
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. - Revelation 18:23
Same word used for Pharmaceuticals...
Definition of pharmakeí:
the use or the administering of drugs
sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
Biggest regret of my life. At the time I had a deep sense of knowing that I didn't want to jab my kids....unfortunately, I didn't have the confidence in my knowing and went along with the families wishes. My first child become someone else after the 18m jab and third now has AS. I'm struggling with the guilt.
I'm very sorry to hear that Dan. I managed to injury my two also, I understand the guilt. Writing this substack and helping some others to make better decisions is part of my therapy.
It's been 24yrs now and I'm glad i can finally start talking about it and SOME people are receptive to my experience. I have apologised to my kids and they are bloody awesome about it! It still doesn't help with the guilt though. Thank you for writing about it and sharing your knowledge and experience too. It's connecting and validating.
Super helpful.
Thanks Robert :)
Very good. Thank you.
About people who ask questions about vexines, I think unless their mind is open by experiencing how unscientific medical science and practice actually is, they will not listen to any argument of any kind.
And most people are very well trained consumers who never question anything. They are ashamed to manifest their doubts. Modern medicine is largely like a cult and has been since the 1950s, at least.
But there is great honor in battling willful ignorance and in helping people to overcome their character flaws. First, people need to become morally competent, then morally strong, then morally courageous, and through those steps most of their problems will improve or resolve.
Biggest struggle since my awakening. Finding a pediatrician. Any help?
Depends where you are. The way to do it is find a local group of like minded parents, and within that network you will get the names of Drs etc that are awake or at least awake friendly.
Yes but how to find the like minded group. I don’t do standard social media anymore. Too bad for my health.
If social is not an option, find some local health food stores and talk to the owners, they are likely to know if there are groups in the area