Thanks so much! These children are in deep trouble - mesmerized. I was working at a farmer's market today, and the teen boy next to me had his airpod in, and staring at the phone for over 5 hours straight - I don't even know how these kids are breathing - very shallow if at all. Why getting into the body with breath and getting out in nature is more important than ever for these children.
When my wife was pregnant with our first child, we went early to check out childcare facilities since there are year or longer waiting lists where I live. I saw the little infants laying in boxes looking at the fluorescent lights on the ceiling. They got checked on a schedule so if they soiled themselves, it could be two hours before they were changed. I told my wife that I just couldn't bear to put our child in there.
We never went back. We've just decided to suffice on one income despite the cost of living being astronomical here. I don't regret it at all. I've never been happier than when homeschooling my children and I get to see them grasp a difficult concept. They truly like studying and learning. Their experience couldn't be different than what I went through in public schools. For Christmas we took in some family contributions and got a set of Great Books of the Western World to use as a core for our future curriculum.
I'm just wondering out loud as I read this; are there any of the States in the US where homeschooling is illegal or not an option, and more to the point, what types of hurdles and obstacles are the government putting in to further restrict people's ability to make the homeschooling decision.
I read Tom Sawyer soon after my son was born and decided to raise him myself. Never regretted it. I think the issue today is not screen time for kids so much as screen time for parents.
I work in early childhood education. Yes, I do see huge problems in the structure of childcare. Childcare is structured in a way that does not meet the needs of all the children. I am also seeing a difference of ideology from myself and other co-workers. I see more children that are fidgety, have short attention spans, and have more language and developmental differences than the past. I honestly find the profession more stressful.
I am in Canadian and formally worked for a global non for profit.They mandated the vaccine for all employees. I already was asking questions and trying to research. I unfortunately got the two initial jabs begrudgingly. It has also become clear that they have adopted Agendga 2030 as well as the United Nations document on Children.
I am on a different path now learning, questioning and speaking out when needed.
As a retired early educator- when my preschoolers came it, usually the disheveled pale green/very pasty children had busy working parents. Ate fast foods for dinners, as moms expressed guilt for working. As time moved forward, less guilt from moms, working became a necessity... the short attention, pasty faced children grew to well over half the attendance of classes, many came to school in "sweat clothes" which were what they slept in the night before, boots, gloves optional...I must presume it is most all students these days far beyond pre-school and first grade...At that time, what they craved was adult interaction...probably the same today...
it was telling then, and to this day...I see young adults, working adults, all with that similar blank eyes and pasty faces...
...I left teaching, it was too much to bear emotionally....
Thanks Lisa...when you see Empire and its institutions and goals, you cannot unsee it. Amazing (at least to me) how effective its invisibility has been until Covid came along.
After one year maternity leave, I begrudgingly went back to work and put my daughter in day care (this was before the No Jab No Play came in). I lasted one week. They just left her to cry, sitting by herself, nobody consoling her. I quit my job and became a freelancer working from home. Yes, we sacrificed the money, and yes it was hard juggling work and parenting, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.
The thing about screen time is interesting. Does “screen time” mean dumping the kids in front of the TV/computer and otherwise ignoring them? Anyone could see that’s bad.
My (under 3 years old) grandkids like to sit cuddled up with me watching short videos on the computer. We make comments, laugh and point out interesting little details in the videos, and they love to choose the next one to watch from the thumbnails. We have our little inside jokes about funny things that happened in videos -- if my grandson, out of the blue, says “Farmer! Don’t kick the tractor!” I know what he means and we enjoy a laugh together. It’s a fun time for all of us, and it’s very hard to see how this might be harmful to them.
I doubt what you’re doing is harmful. Their screen time is censored by you with much interaction. It’s kids that are left with unlimited screen time that is poorly supervised that is damaging and addicting.
I was born a full 10 years after my 3 siblings. Much was different by the time I came along-a mother working 50 hours a week makes different choices; she hired caregivers, was a bit less enthusiastic about teaching me things, being more fatigued and having already raised a brood. They had all attended a Catholic elementary school that was long closed by my time, so I went to public schools only. (Glad I didn't go to Catholic school, lifelong Pagan). If I had to pick a number, I would say my upbringing was about 40% more depersonalized, had tons more TV watching time, and parents who had money to share with me and not time. Though I consider myself lucky to be born at all, (breech with complications, trying to run away from day 1), I can see the trajectory of this depersonalization in the structure of my family, and in me. A little less connected to the family than the rest. Acceptance.
"These are rich kids but they are neglected. It's an odd combination of high expectation but low emotional connection."
Thank you for another insightful essay. This observation alone has helped me to articulate something I have felt increasingly uncomfortable about but couldn't quite put my finger on. It starts with those 'cute', cleverly lit and filtered photos of newborns or months-old babies looking as though they have fallen feet-first into cabbages, flower pots, sunflowers and the like. They are almost always smiling or sleeping. I recently saw pre-edited photos of one baby forced into this pretend world who was having none of it. Only two weeks old, she alternately scowled and howled. I couldn't help laughing and thinking "Yes, this kid will go far."
Hiw can screen time cause ADHD?
Blue light also spikes and eventually depletes dopamine, as blue light destroys retinol in the eye, which ultimately makes growth hormone:
Thanks for the insightful article! Well done
Thanks Roman...great point to add.
Thanks so much! These children are in deep trouble - mesmerized. I was working at a farmer's market today, and the teen boy next to me had his airpod in, and staring at the phone for over 5 hours straight - I don't even know how these kids are breathing - very shallow if at all. Why getting into the body with breath and getting out in nature is more important than ever for these children.
When my wife was pregnant with our first child, we went early to check out childcare facilities since there are year or longer waiting lists where I live. I saw the little infants laying in boxes looking at the fluorescent lights on the ceiling. They got checked on a schedule so if they soiled themselves, it could be two hours before they were changed. I told my wife that I just couldn't bear to put our child in there.
We never went back. We've just decided to suffice on one income despite the cost of living being astronomical here. I don't regret it at all. I've never been happier than when homeschooling my children and I get to see them grasp a difficult concept. They truly like studying and learning. Their experience couldn't be different than what I went through in public schools. For Christmas we took in some family contributions and got a set of Great Books of the Western World to use as a core for our future curriculum.
I'm just wondering out loud as I read this; are there any of the States in the US where homeschooling is illegal or not an option, and more to the point, what types of hurdles and obstacles are the government putting in to further restrict people's ability to make the homeschooling decision.
There is a resource for that fortunately.
Perfect, thank you.
I read Tom Sawyer soon after my son was born and decided to raise him myself. Never regretted it. I think the issue today is not screen time for kids so much as screen time for parents.
I work in early childhood education. Yes, I do see huge problems in the structure of childcare. Childcare is structured in a way that does not meet the needs of all the children. I am also seeing a difference of ideology from myself and other co-workers. I see more children that are fidgety, have short attention spans, and have more language and developmental differences than the past. I honestly find the profession more stressful.
I am in Canadian and formally worked for a global non for profit.They mandated the vaccine for all employees. I already was asking questions and trying to research. I unfortunately got the two initial jabs begrudgingly. It has also become clear that they have adopted Agendga 2030 as well as the United Nations document on Children.
I am on a different path now learning, questioning and speaking out when needed.
As a retired early educator- when my preschoolers came it, usually the disheveled pale green/very pasty children had busy working parents. Ate fast foods for dinners, as moms expressed guilt for working. As time moved forward, less guilt from moms, working became a necessity... the short attention, pasty faced children grew to well over half the attendance of classes, many came to school in "sweat clothes" which were what they slept in the night before, boots, gloves optional...I must presume it is most all students these days far beyond pre-school and first grade...At that time, what they craved was adult interaction...probably the same today...
it was telling then, and to this day...I see young adults, working adults, all with that similar blank eyes and pasty faces...
...I left teaching, it was too much to bear emotionally....
Powerful, thanks for sharing that Vinnie.
Thanks Lisa...when you see Empire and its institutions and goals, you cannot unsee it. Amazing (at least to me) how effective its invisibility has been until Covid came along.
Sorry for saying obvious but children are at risk.
I always thought having children was a privilege, not a right.
After one year maternity leave, I begrudgingly went back to work and put my daughter in day care (this was before the No Jab No Play came in). I lasted one week. They just left her to cry, sitting by herself, nobody consoling her. I quit my job and became a freelancer working from home. Yes, we sacrificed the money, and yes it was hard juggling work and parenting, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.
The thing about screen time is interesting. Does “screen time” mean dumping the kids in front of the TV/computer and otherwise ignoring them? Anyone could see that’s bad.
My (under 3 years old) grandkids like to sit cuddled up with me watching short videos on the computer. We make comments, laugh and point out interesting little details in the videos, and they love to choose the next one to watch from the thumbnails. We have our little inside jokes about funny things that happened in videos -- if my grandson, out of the blue, says “Farmer! Don’t kick the tractor!” I know what he means and we enjoy a laugh together. It’s a fun time for all of us, and it’s very hard to see how this might be harmful to them.
I doubt what you’re doing is harmful. Their screen time is censored by you with much interaction. It’s kids that are left with unlimited screen time that is poorly supervised that is damaging and addicting.
I was born a full 10 years after my 3 siblings. Much was different by the time I came along-a mother working 50 hours a week makes different choices; she hired caregivers, was a bit less enthusiastic about teaching me things, being more fatigued and having already raised a brood. They had all attended a Catholic elementary school that was long closed by my time, so I went to public schools only. (Glad I didn't go to Catholic school, lifelong Pagan). If I had to pick a number, I would say my upbringing was about 40% more depersonalized, had tons more TV watching time, and parents who had money to share with me and not time. Though I consider myself lucky to be born at all, (breech with complications, trying to run away from day 1), I can see the trajectory of this depersonalization in the structure of my family, and in me. A little less connected to the family than the rest. Acceptance.
The best part of Substack is the comments...thanks for sharing that Jacquelyn.
"These are rich kids but they are neglected. It's an odd combination of high expectation but low emotional connection."
Thank you for another insightful essay. This observation alone has helped me to articulate something I have felt increasingly uncomfortable about but couldn't quite put my finger on. It starts with those 'cute', cleverly lit and filtered photos of newborns or months-old babies looking as though they have fallen feet-first into cabbages, flower pots, sunflowers and the like. They are almost always smiling or sleeping. I recently saw pre-edited photos of one baby forced into this pretend world who was having none of it. Only two weeks old, she alternately scowled and howled. I couldn't help laughing and thinking "Yes, this kid will go far."
Did you get that fixed? Really scary place now!!