The core problem remains intact: what is “cancer”? Numerous approaches and explanations in the field only show the absence of the solid unanimous view on the nature of the condition. The ridiculous funds pumped into the war with (not against) cancer with systematical worsening of the outcomes prove that nobody really knows what to do, other than fund more research.
The Wakefield’s equivalent in the cancer business, Dr. Burzynski ( was a major example of how to prevent uncontrolled spread of alternative treatments within the standard medical industry. There is an interesting quote in the above film, summarizing why the newly promoted personalized medicine has been doomed from the very start of the concept:
“It is physically impossible to get a “personalized” regimen approved, when our current clinical trial structure is based exclusively on everyone getting the exact same medicines.” (23:21)
This simple sentence explains why the whole medical system is not geared towards health in general. The system is not interested in getting to know what a “healthy person” is, its focus is solely on finding a universal preparation applicable on a wide scale. Disregarding you, the person in need.
Thanks for the link, I find myself more and more attracted to Girardot's both contents and style. The latter more than the former probably, but it's due to his condensed information that demands undivided attention (my subjective view/need) - which is a huge advantage IMO.
However... We need to consider a common sense approach.
Personalized medicine is impossible - your doctor should live with you, work with you, and go everywhere with you to be able to take into account all variables that may determine your health and sudden changes to it as a result of spontaneous events like being frightened by a prank from your siblings. Yes, such 1-second things may cause a damage to your heart, and a fatal one in extreme cases. Routine complaining and stubborn development of bad moods as a habit of life may also degrade your life, but you are not supposed to show it to the world, so your doctor won’t know that you are an active participant in the deregulation of your mental-physiological health. And so on…
Medicine as a system has to be general, based on observation of similar symptoms in a number of patients. There is no other way.
Well, there could be.
We could (a wild dream) introduce “My health” subject in schools. From the first year of school education. Within about 8-10 years, the child, and then the teenager would know everything there is to know about himself/herself. Including self-diagnosis and first aid. 2 hours every week would tremendously improve the health of the whole population - because kids will relay this knowledge to their families.
That sounds very much like “prevention is better than cure...”, you heathen! Wash your mouth out with dogma and orthodoxy right this minute!
Well, it worked for the fire industry. Fire crews rarely attend to domestic fires these days simply due to years of community outreach, fire alarm tech developments, fire safety awareness, heck, even some common sense non-intrusive government regulations here and there... As for doctors and the medical establishment at large, I agree wholeheartedly - we need to get the next generation to a place whereby if you need a doctor or hospital (God forbid any from the National Homicide Service!), you’re either very unlucky or you’re doing life wrong.
It works for EVERY industry, except medicine. They force you to use seatbelts, to turn off cells in an airplane, to observe road signs, not to speed, to change tires, to wash ingredients before eating, to dry the floor before walking, and they put tons of warnings on labels and in user manuals. Except in medicine.
Either 1) we are too dumb to be taught prevention or 2) it is not environmentally sustainable or 3) the training would produce too much CO2. I’ll vote for 1) - the easiest explanation is the best.
Amen, and AMEN. The purpose of cancer screening is to keep people perpetually frightened, and "in the system." The entire covid strategy was largely built upon the cancer test-and-treat model.
I read the first few paragraphs and as a cancer survivor who did my own research (after the fact, alas), my conclusions very much align with what I have read in this piece so far. I look very forward to reading the rest. It was an industry when it should have been a treatable disease. Clive de Carle is a great resource, and is especially well-versed in the implications of the Cancer Act in the UK etc.
As a nurse (not a chemo nurse), I have observed a handful over my life of people who receive chemo and make it to the 5 year mark. Often, it comes back, but one could argue those 5 years are valuable. However what I have observed most of the time is the person gets chemo, and for the short time frame they are alive, they are suffering greatly. One time I met a guy who claimed to cure himself from pancreatic cancer by juicing broccoli and cauliflower...I thought that was amazing!
I shrunk and killed a breast tumor using mistletoe IV, and direct tumor injections. I am in the southeast United States. I did this back on 2018. My doctor is in Atlanta, Georgia. >I want to mention, I never went to an oncologist because I knew they would attempt to fear me with BS stats and those stats would get lodged in my subconscious and it would negatively effect me. I did a lot of research. I will say I started with the book Radical Remission by Kelly Turner and this gave me the confidence I needed to plot my own path. Once I realized that, yes, other people were healing themselves without chemo and radiation, I knew it was possible for me too. The books shares stories of every type of cancer, stages...people who did conventional and it failed, as it often does and these people still healed. Rich people, poor people.. it doesn't matter, everyone can heal their body from cancer. Poisoning it back to health is not the answer. The #1 common thing between all people that heal themselves, is a great attitude and a belief that they too can do it as they have seen others do it.
As I see it, education about what cancer is and what it's not is essential. Knowing other people have healed it without conventional is helpful. It's not something to fear. If your body created it, it can heal it. Once we learn about something we demystify it and its not something we can't face.
Handing over our health and our bodies to people who see us as a profit source is the wrong move.
***More about mistletoe: A man that was healing at the same time as me who had stage 4 prostate that had spread to bones, healed fully even bone Mets using mistletoe and vitamin c. People are healing themselves all over the world without conventional.
Chris Wark aka Chris Beat Cancer healed from stage 3 colon cancer over 15 years ago and is an important voice in this space. So are Ty and Charlene Bollinger.
Believe Big is the organization that brought mistletoe to the US doctors. Its fever therapy. Fevers kills cancer cells. No wonder they teach us to suppress fevers in our kids. All those vaccines that cause cancer would go to waste. That's was sarcasm. Sorry.
The Mistletoe is a book written by doctors in the US and Germany with the intent to educate doctors and lay people about the benefits of mistletoe in conjunction with conventional therapies. It is my belief that no conventional therapies besides surgery are needed and even then it's not always needed. The US doctors can't say this because, well, the medical they offer its a complimentary therapy. It can be used alone and should be.
Dr. Nasha Winters is a great voice in this space about how cancer is a metabolic disease that can be managed. She has a website and is on IG and wrote the book The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. She has a podcast as well.
October is breast cancer awareness month. Total BS. It is a month long marketing campaign for early detection. For the most part, early detection doesn't save lives, it just makes more customers and ultimately harms and kills more woman than cancer ever would. Do we really need a whole month to be aware of breast cancer? Anyone who knows anything about our awareness knows, what we focus on grows and what we ignore fades away. So makes sense that they would want to continually remind woman of breast cancer once a year for an entire month with their bullshit propaganda campaign. It wasn't until this pysop with covid that it became more clear how they use the fear of illness or suffering to get people to willingly, out of fear, harm themselves, and they make money off of it. I am surprised they haven't come up with a BC vaccine to push on the moronic population. By now so many are waking up to the fact that we really need to be our own advocates and help one another see the truth.
I watched my sister suffer greatly with chemotherapy until the cancer center decided to stop treating her. She died soon after but also had her first covid jab--a tiny woman who had NO immune system and died about 2 weeks later. She didn’t complain much but her body was ravaged--I believe mostly by the chemo. It wasn’t pleasant for her at all. The tumors were slow growing. She almost went to a Mexican clinic first to get her immune system stronger and healthier before further treatment but decided to go to the big Cancer Treatment Center. It was all downhill after that. They get you over excited by some tumor shrinkage which encourages victims to continue. I will not chose chemo first if stricken.
Thanks for the quote from Butchered by "Healthcare." Here is how your readers can download the whole book free: Best, Robert Yoho, MD
If one does decide to do chemo, having fresh herbs daily like rosemary is supposed to help as the antioxidants of these herbs help buffer free radicals. Our environment often holds the clues we need to follow, and most of our environment, actually all of it, is full of energy in the form of EMF.
My son has autism. His thymus organ was taken as a newborn during heart surgery without my permission or consent. The article I published yesteday may interest you, link below.
Medical literature shows these children become immunodeficient and at high risk of cancer. My article is on thymus cures the medical establishment has hidden from us.
I've also published other medical substacks including one on vaccine adjuvants' damage of immune cells. Stimulating the immune system at the same time poisoning it leads to increased risks.
My wife had a biopsy last Thursday. She knew the answer by Sunday and told me yesterday she had a breast cancer. She's been firmly of the mind that cancer is an industry that enriches doctors and the pharmacutical industry. And today you drop this.
I don't believe in coincidences.
As soon as I can I will upgrade to a paid subscription because your work is to important not to support.
Hey Steve, go to the website of the hero docs who’ve helped with early tx for Covid from the start and you’ll find that the great Dr. Paul Marik has written a 200 page “Cancer Monograph” - just type in Cancer Monograph into the FLCCC’s search bar. I think you’ll find some wonderful suggestions for your wife here. Good luck to both of you. You guys can beat this. Also the “fenbendazole can cure cancer” substack is another must-read. Cheers and Merry Christmas. Mel
I'm familiar with flccc for the illness called COVID.
I typed "Cancer Monograph" into the search bar an several items populated but none directly too Cancer Monograph . They all seemed to be podcast interviews that Dr. Marik participated in. I'll continue to look for the "Cancer Monograph" but if you have a link to this paper I'd sure appreciate it.
Steve, I STILL can’t find the darned thing in its entirety. So frustrating. I emailed FLCCC and asked them to make it easy for people to find it. I tried typing in “Cancer Care Monograph” and it just led me to this link. Maybe you could also email them under the contact us tab and try and get them to respond by mailing you the full document. I know it’s in there somewhere.
It’s not the whole 100 page (not 200 like I’d originally thought) document, but it’s a good presentation. When you find it, you’ll know. Write them about it. I did and am waiting to hear back.
I’m trying to find it myself again, Steve. It was so easy to find recently and now, it’s almost like the full document is hidden. I saved a file of it and can’t get it to paste into my comment here. I’ll keep trying!
I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. I hope you both find the right resources to navigate this challenging journey. My thoughts are with you both.
Sadly cancer research has become too big a business to ever find a cure that's why any remedy and doesn't involve drugs is verboten.
Where is all the information about strengthening your immune system? Why can't anyone answer why some people get cancer, I mean in general, and some don't?
If you've never seen the Ty and Charlene Bollinger documentary series on Cancer that's a good one to find and watch as well.
AND don't forget ONLY Oncologists are allowed to prescribe and SELL the patient the chemo drugs. Hmm isn't that a conflict of interest???
Luc, do you have any documentation about oncologists profiting from chemo drugs? My husband told me that if that is true, it will change his view of medical doctors. Any help would be appreciated!
I DM’d you about a dozen links but really all you have to do is search for it and it’s all there.
I mean talk about a conflict of interest.
Ask your husband who pays Doctors… the insurane company does… the insurance company decides what the doctor gets paid. Is i always in the patient’s best interest?
The doctor associations (AMA and APA and whatever) are lobbying groups.
Great post. It is sacrilege if one speaks against the fable that chemotherapy is the best treatment for cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation both cause cancer. That is a fact.
I wrote a post about my real life experiences with "cancer treatments":
Cancer is a huge cash grab for big pharma and the oncologists.
Chemotherapy should only be used in cancers where it has curative potential (testicular cancer, Hodgkins disease, certain non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, and certain leukemias). The more common solid tumors? It's gratifying that after decades of suppression, information on alternative effective non toxic treatments are getting out there.
Same. Any Screening is no more than a blood test now for me. I never went regular for mammograms and my doc doesn’t recommend Pap tests anymore. I’m kind of old. 😏. I stay away from those vans that go around with multiple disease screening come ons.
Thanks for all the great comments here. Our family relies almost completely on 'Mental Attitude', unprocessed foods, and Natural Medicines. But, we are lucky enough to also have a caring (and common sense) physician for diagnostics. As many here have alluded, 'Fear' is a very bad thing!
I don't seek death. But, I accept it as natural, I don't obsess. The worst thing about death, is that it will interrupt my plans....D
My mom was just diagnosed with periampullary cancer and may be receiving a second diagnosis for bladder cancer after a procedure tomorrow. I am beside myself. We started her on fenbendazole and are looking into alternative treatments. I'd really like to start the vitamin C. I wish people were more knowledgeable on this but the reality is they are not and the ones that are cost a fortune. I appreciate your worrying on this subject because I've watched many people suffer through chemotherapy and it destroys you. I had breast cancer and in lieu of chemo and radiation decided to have my breasts removed and ovaries taken out. In hindsight, I wish I knew about alternative therapies because I may have preserved my body. It's not about the physical attributes but the side effects that follow. They are going to want to do the Whipple procedure on my mom and there is not a chance she will be able to survive it.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis and the difficult decisions you've had to make. It's a challenging journey, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. Sharing experiences and knowledge with others who have been through similar situations can be a great source of support and comfort. Stay strong and keep exploring different options for your mom's treatment. I hate Western medicine too.
Thank you... it's sad things have gotten too this point. There are some great doctors out there but they are so hard to find. I appreciate you and am grateful for your writing. Have a blessed Christmas!
Tibetan medicine says that there are different kind of "cancer". Several things that our medicine call "cancer" they think is another stuff completely. For several they have totally harmless remedies. The only catch is that you have to be consistent, take your (natural) medicines three times a day for months and follow the diet the doctor will prescribe you.
BTW in Italy there was a survey between oncologists a few years ago, a good 80% would NOT accept chemotherapy.
"The truth: Colonoscopy for random patients looking for colon cancer has no benefit."
No direct, statistical benefit. I finally gave in and had a colonoscopy, at age 67. It revealed a birth defect in my ascending colon that I needed to know about and compensate for. But no allopathic doctor ever investigated those symptoms, let alone recommended this procedure for them, and while the one alternative practitioner I worked with did investigate the symptoms, he wasn't able to diagnose the problem using his lab testing methods.
I am glad to know what's wrong with my gut and to find ways to better deal with it, but how many people are harmed for every person benefitting significantly from a colonoscopy? I don't know. I know that my mother died at age 54 after a bout with cancer and with chemotherapy. The latter did not help. It was like a disease added to a disease.
The core problem remains intact: what is “cancer”? Numerous approaches and explanations in the field only show the absence of the solid unanimous view on the nature of the condition. The ridiculous funds pumped into the war with (not against) cancer with systematical worsening of the outcomes prove that nobody really knows what to do, other than fund more research.
The Wakefield’s equivalent in the cancer business, Dr. Burzynski ( was a major example of how to prevent uncontrolled spread of alternative treatments within the standard medical industry. There is an interesting quote in the above film, summarizing why the newly promoted personalized medicine has been doomed from the very start of the concept:
“It is physically impossible to get a “personalized” regimen approved, when our current clinical trial structure is based exclusively on everyone getting the exact same medicines.” (23:21)
This simple sentence explains why the whole medical system is not geared towards health in general. The system is not interested in getting to know what a “healthy person” is, its focus is solely on finding a universal preparation applicable on a wide scale. Disregarding you, the person in need.
Thanks Dan. Great comment.
I find Girardot's stem cell based theory of cancer very elegant and compelling.
Thanks for the Burzynski reminder, it's on my todo list to watch and write about that doco.
Thanks for the link, I find myself more and more attracted to Girardot's both contents and style. The latter more than the former probably, but it's due to his condensed information that demands undivided attention (my subjective view/need) - which is a huge advantage IMO.
Bingo on that statement!!
However... We need to consider a common sense approach.
Personalized medicine is impossible - your doctor should live with you, work with you, and go everywhere with you to be able to take into account all variables that may determine your health and sudden changes to it as a result of spontaneous events like being frightened by a prank from your siblings. Yes, such 1-second things may cause a damage to your heart, and a fatal one in extreme cases. Routine complaining and stubborn development of bad moods as a habit of life may also degrade your life, but you are not supposed to show it to the world, so your doctor won’t know that you are an active participant in the deregulation of your mental-physiological health. And so on…
Medicine as a system has to be general, based on observation of similar symptoms in a number of patients. There is no other way.
Well, there could be.
We could (a wild dream) introduce “My health” subject in schools. From the first year of school education. Within about 8-10 years, the child, and then the teenager would know everything there is to know about himself/herself. Including self-diagnosis and first aid. 2 hours every week would tremendously improve the health of the whole population - because kids will relay this knowledge to their families.
That sounds very much like “prevention is better than cure...”, you heathen! Wash your mouth out with dogma and orthodoxy right this minute!
Well, it worked for the fire industry. Fire crews rarely attend to domestic fires these days simply due to years of community outreach, fire alarm tech developments, fire safety awareness, heck, even some common sense non-intrusive government regulations here and there... As for doctors and the medical establishment at large, I agree wholeheartedly - we need to get the next generation to a place whereby if you need a doctor or hospital (God forbid any from the National Homicide Service!), you’re either very unlucky or you’re doing life wrong.
It works for EVERY industry, except medicine. They force you to use seatbelts, to turn off cells in an airplane, to observe road signs, not to speed, to change tires, to wash ingredients before eating, to dry the floor before walking, and they put tons of warnings on labels and in user manuals. Except in medicine.
Either 1) we are too dumb to be taught prevention or 2) it is not environmentally sustainable or 3) the training would produce too much CO2. I’ll vote for 1) - the easiest explanation is the best.
Amen, and AMEN. The purpose of cancer screening is to keep people perpetually frightened, and "in the system." The entire covid strategy was largely built upon the cancer test-and-treat model.
I read the first few paragraphs and as a cancer survivor who did my own research (after the fact, alas), my conclusions very much align with what I have read in this piece so far. I look very forward to reading the rest. It was an industry when it should have been a treatable disease. Clive de Carle is a great resource, and is especially well-versed in the implications of the Cancer Act in the UK etc.
As a nurse (not a chemo nurse), I have observed a handful over my life of people who receive chemo and make it to the 5 year mark. Often, it comes back, but one could argue those 5 years are valuable. However what I have observed most of the time is the person gets chemo, and for the short time frame they are alive, they are suffering greatly. One time I met a guy who claimed to cure himself from pancreatic cancer by juicing broccoli and cauliflower...I thought that was amazing!
I shrunk and killed a breast tumor using mistletoe IV, and direct tumor injections. I am in the southeast United States. I did this back on 2018. My doctor is in Atlanta, Georgia. >I want to mention, I never went to an oncologist because I knew they would attempt to fear me with BS stats and those stats would get lodged in my subconscious and it would negatively effect me. I did a lot of research. I will say I started with the book Radical Remission by Kelly Turner and this gave me the confidence I needed to plot my own path. Once I realized that, yes, other people were healing themselves without chemo and radiation, I knew it was possible for me too. The books shares stories of every type of cancer, stages...people who did conventional and it failed, as it often does and these people still healed. Rich people, poor people.. it doesn't matter, everyone can heal their body from cancer. Poisoning it back to health is not the answer. The #1 common thing between all people that heal themselves, is a great attitude and a belief that they too can do it as they have seen others do it.
As I see it, education about what cancer is and what it's not is essential. Knowing other people have healed it without conventional is helpful. It's not something to fear. If your body created it, it can heal it. Once we learn about something we demystify it and its not something we can't face.
Handing over our health and our bodies to people who see us as a profit source is the wrong move.
***More about mistletoe: A man that was healing at the same time as me who had stage 4 prostate that had spread to bones, healed fully even bone Mets using mistletoe and vitamin c. People are healing themselves all over the world without conventional.
Chris Wark aka Chris Beat Cancer healed from stage 3 colon cancer over 15 years ago and is an important voice in this space. So are Ty and Charlene Bollinger.
Believe Big is the organization that brought mistletoe to the US doctors. Its fever therapy. Fevers kills cancer cells. No wonder they teach us to suppress fevers in our kids. All those vaccines that cause cancer would go to waste. That's was sarcasm. Sorry.
The Mistletoe is a book written by doctors in the US and Germany with the intent to educate doctors and lay people about the benefits of mistletoe in conjunction with conventional therapies. It is my belief that no conventional therapies besides surgery are needed and even then it's not always needed. The US doctors can't say this because, well, the medical they offer its a complimentary therapy. It can be used alone and should be.
Dr. Nasha Winters is a great voice in this space about how cancer is a metabolic disease that can be managed. She has a website and is on IG and wrote the book The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. She has a podcast as well.
October is breast cancer awareness month. Total BS. It is a month long marketing campaign for early detection. For the most part, early detection doesn't save lives, it just makes more customers and ultimately harms and kills more woman than cancer ever would. Do we really need a whole month to be aware of breast cancer? Anyone who knows anything about our awareness knows, what we focus on grows and what we ignore fades away. So makes sense that they would want to continually remind woman of breast cancer once a year for an entire month with their bullshit propaganda campaign. It wasn't until this pysop with covid that it became more clear how they use the fear of illness or suffering to get people to willingly, out of fear, harm themselves, and they make money off of it. I am surprised they haven't come up with a BC vaccine to push on the moronic population. By now so many are waking up to the fact that we really need to be our own advocates and help one another see the truth.
Brilliant! Thank you for making the time to write that.
thank-you for sharing this
I watched my sister suffer greatly with chemotherapy until the cancer center decided to stop treating her. She died soon after but also had her first covid jab--a tiny woman who had NO immune system and died about 2 weeks later. She didn’t complain much but her body was ravaged--I believe mostly by the chemo. It wasn’t pleasant for her at all. The tumors were slow growing. She almost went to a Mexican clinic first to get her immune system stronger and healthier before further treatment but decided to go to the big Cancer Treatment Center. It was all downhill after that. They get you over excited by some tumor shrinkage which encourages victims to continue. I will not chose chemo first if stricken.
Thanks for the quote from Butchered by "Healthcare." Here is how your readers can download the whole book free: Best, Robert Yoho, MD
Just sent the link to 26 people!
Thank you and
If one does decide to do chemo, having fresh herbs daily like rosemary is supposed to help as the antioxidants of these herbs help buffer free radicals. Our environment often holds the clues we need to follow, and most of our environment, actually all of it, is full of energy in the form of EMF.
Thank you for sharing this valuable resource!
My son has autism. His thymus organ was taken as a newborn during heart surgery without my permission or consent. The article I published yesteday may interest you, link below.
Medical literature shows these children become immunodeficient and at high risk of cancer. My article is on thymus cures the medical establishment has hidden from us.
I've also published other medical substacks including one on vaccine adjuvants' damage of immune cells. Stimulating the immune system at the same time poisoning it leads to increased risks.
My wife had a biopsy last Thursday. She knew the answer by Sunday and told me yesterday she had a breast cancer. She's been firmly of the mind that cancer is an industry that enriches doctors and the pharmacutical industry. And today you drop this.
I don't believe in coincidences.
As soon as I can I will upgrade to a paid subscription because your work is to important not to support.
Thank you very much.
Hey Steve, go to the website of the hero docs who’ve helped with early tx for Covid from the start and you’ll find that the great Dr. Paul Marik has written a 200 page “Cancer Monograph” - just type in Cancer Monograph into the FLCCC’s search bar. I think you’ll find some wonderful suggestions for your wife here. Good luck to both of you. You guys can beat this. Also the “fenbendazole can cure cancer” substack is another must-read. Cheers and Merry Christmas. Mel
Thank you very much Mel. I really appreciate it.
I'm familiar with flccc for the illness called COVID.
I typed "Cancer Monograph" into the search bar an several items populated but none directly too Cancer Monograph . They all seemed to be podcast interviews that Dr. Marik participated in. I'll continue to look for the "Cancer Monograph" but if you have a link to this paper I'd sure appreciate it.
Thanks again for your support Mel.
Steve, I STILL can’t find the darned thing in its entirety. So frustrating. I emailed FLCCC and asked them to make it easy for people to find it. I tried typing in “Cancer Care Monograph” and it just led me to this link. Maybe you could also email them under the contact us tab and try and get them to respond by mailing you the full document. I know it’s in there somewhere.
Love, Mel
Hey Mel, thank so much for trying.
I found this slide presentation shortly after I posted my previous request to you. Is this it? It seemed very informative.
Thanks again
It’s not the whole 100 page (not 200 like I’d originally thought) document, but it’s a good presentation. When you find it, you’ll know. Write them about it. I did and am waiting to hear back.
I’m trying to find it myself again, Steve. It was so easy to find recently and now, it’s almost like the full document is hidden. I saved a file of it and can’t get it to paste into my comment here. I’ll keep trying!
I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. I hope you both find the right resources to navigate this challenging journey. My thoughts are with you both.
Thank very much. It really means allot to me.
Do you subscribe to "2nd smartest guy in the world"? Also here is a you tube link for you to peruse.
Yes I do. And thank you very much for the link.
Sadly cancer research has become too big a business to ever find a cure that's why any remedy and doesn't involve drugs is verboten.
Where is all the information about strengthening your immune system? Why can't anyone answer why some people get cancer, I mean in general, and some don't?
If you've never seen the Ty and Charlene Bollinger documentary series on Cancer that's a good one to find and watch as well.
AND don't forget ONLY Oncologists are allowed to prescribe and SELL the patient the chemo drugs. Hmm isn't that a conflict of interest???
Thanks for the Bollinger tip. Added to the homework list.
The Bollinger cancer series is outstanding and clued me in some years ago right before Covid.
Luc, do you have any documentation about oncologists profiting from chemo drugs? My husband told me that if that is true, it will change his view of medical doctors. Any help would be appreciated!
I DM’d you about a dozen links but really all you have to do is search for it and it’s all there.
I mean talk about a conflict of interest.
Ask your husband who pays Doctors… the insurane company does… the insurance company decides what the doctor gets paid. Is i always in the patient’s best interest?
The doctor associations (AMA and APA and whatever) are lobbying groups.
Great post. It is sacrilege if one speaks against the fable that chemotherapy is the best treatment for cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation both cause cancer. That is a fact.
I wrote a post about my real life experiences with "cancer treatments":
Cancer is a huge cash grab for big pharma and the oncologists.
Chemotherapy should only be used in cancers where it has curative potential (testicular cancer, Hodgkins disease, certain non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, and certain leukemias). The more common solid tumors? It's gratifying that after decades of suppression, information on alternative effective non toxic treatments are getting out there.
Same. Any Screening is no more than a blood test now for me. I never went regular for mammograms and my doc doesn’t recommend Pap tests anymore. I’m kind of old. 😏. I stay away from those vans that go around with multiple disease screening come ons.
Another book to read about the efficacy of screening is.
How We Do Harm by Dr. Otis Brawley
Good tip, thank you!
Thanks for all the great comments here. Our family relies almost completely on 'Mental Attitude', unprocessed foods, and Natural Medicines. But, we are lucky enough to also have a caring (and common sense) physician for diagnostics. As many here have alluded, 'Fear' is a very bad thing!
I don't seek death. But, I accept it as natural, I don't obsess. The worst thing about death, is that it will interrupt my plans....D
My mom was just diagnosed with periampullary cancer and may be receiving a second diagnosis for bladder cancer after a procedure tomorrow. I am beside myself. We started her on fenbendazole and are looking into alternative treatments. I'd really like to start the vitamin C. I wish people were more knowledgeable on this but the reality is they are not and the ones that are cost a fortune. I appreciate your worrying on this subject because I've watched many people suffer through chemotherapy and it destroys you. I had breast cancer and in lieu of chemo and radiation decided to have my breasts removed and ovaries taken out. In hindsight, I wish I knew about alternative therapies because I may have preserved my body. It's not about the physical attributes but the side effects that follow. They are going to want to do the Whipple procedure on my mom and there is not a chance she will be able to survive it.
I hate western medicine.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis and the difficult decisions you've had to make. It's a challenging journey, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. Sharing experiences and knowledge with others who have been through similar situations can be a great source of support and comfort. Stay strong and keep exploring different options for your mom's treatment. I hate Western medicine too.
Thank you... it's sad things have gotten too this point. There are some great doctors out there but they are so hard to find. I appreciate you and am grateful for your writing. Have a blessed Christmas!
Ps.. Essiac tea and Soursop too.
Are there any brands that you recommend of either? Is soursop the tea form?
Not sure. You can check comments section of articles on Second Smartest Humans Substack. I haven't used but intend on buying both.
Go look at Second Smartest Human Substack. Fenbendazole and Ivermectin. All kinds of success stories too.
I'm using fenben... looking at Joe Tippins protocol
Was just going to mention that!
Tibetan medicine says that there are different kind of "cancer". Several things that our medicine call "cancer" they think is another stuff completely. For several they have totally harmless remedies. The only catch is that you have to be consistent, take your (natural) medicines three times a day for months and follow the diet the doctor will prescribe you.
BTW in Italy there was a survey between oncologists a few years ago, a good 80% would NOT accept chemotherapy.
I would love to get my hands on that Italian survey!
"The truth: Colonoscopy for random patients looking for colon cancer has no benefit."
No direct, statistical benefit. I finally gave in and had a colonoscopy, at age 67. It revealed a birth defect in my ascending colon that I needed to know about and compensate for. But no allopathic doctor ever investigated those symptoms, let alone recommended this procedure for them, and while the one alternative practitioner I worked with did investigate the symptoms, he wasn't able to diagnose the problem using his lab testing methods.
I am glad to know what's wrong with my gut and to find ways to better deal with it, but how many people are harmed for every person benefitting significantly from a colonoscopy? I don't know. I know that my mother died at age 54 after a bout with cancer and with chemotherapy. The latter did not help. It was like a disease added to a disease.