Thank you for pulling this opus together, friend.

A precision dissection of the (public)Agenda.

For every public challenge of the day, the solution from Power always seems to be communism/authoritarianism.

Zooming down to the individual level, there are youths who have taken their lives over this issue. The existential dread that is being propagated in our children at the indoctrination centers known as schools is leaving some with the idea that suicide is the best choice. Some will survive, hobbled. Others, taken and likely seen as offerings to Moloch by the Luciferian devotees behind the curtain.

There is a human cost to these insane policies, even before they kill us wholesale with their lunatic ideas like sequestering all the CO2, or darkening the sky.

We need to roll back these global Organs, these unaccountable evil institutions.

Else they will be stomping our faces, forever.

There can't be co-existence with evil.


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Well, look at what they have been willing to do to humanity regarding COVID! Obviously they are pure Evil! —Disabling, maiming, torturing, and killing literally millions of human beings with injected clot-causing, tissue-destroying bioweapons is pretty damn heinous! And as if all that isn't bad enough, they are screwing with the human genome since the mRNA and DNA in the shots reverse transcribes into the nuclear DNA, including potentially into germinal cells. AND the lipid nanoparticles are concentrating in ovaries, and causing who-knows-what damage to women's ova. And they are also settling in the testes, reducing testosterone production AND reducing or eliminating production of viable, motile sperm. Add into this disaster all the spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths, dead neonates, malformed fetuses, autoimmune destruction of placentas, etc.

What does all this equal? A total attack on the hunan species! It might as well be a science fiction-type invasion and attack by space aliens! Except that out-of-control human (are they?) psychopaths are doing it!!!!

So the attack using climate as the excuse to deindustrialize us and eliminate fossil fuels, which will effectively send us back to a Stone Age level of existence, is right in character with everything else they are doing to us!

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One wonders, will we have better luck waking people up to the climate scam than we did about the 'virus' scam?

Based on limited attempts locally, I am not hopeful.

Climate scam seems even more ingrained. Vaxxines were just something in the background that we did because it was done.

The climate scam indoctrination is fresher. And more pervasive.

Yes, the Black Hats are pure evil. Luciferian demons that we need to defeat if our children are to have a future.

How does one defeat The Monster? When the Monster is literally every Organ, everywhere?

This is that scene from Star Wars, with the plucky band of rebels against the entire Empire.

The evil Bolshevik worm has become the Establishment, over generations. Has systematically corrupted everything.

Squashing that worm, killing The Monster, is going to take some doing.

But it can be done. And it will be done.


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Covid felt in some ways like a test run to see how much we would tolerate, how much fear was needed, how obedient we would be, and how much they could get away with. Now the cat is out of the bag, they're using the Grand Myth of climate change to provoke not just fear and existential dread but moral guilt if we don't comply. As I read recently in 180 Degrees (must read!), these psychopaths don't care how many laws they break, how many crimes they commit, how many people they hurt and kill to further their agenda of global domination, because they're psychopaths.

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Exactly! But they aren't simply psychopaths. Those at the top tend to be pedophiles and Satanic cult members who torture and murder children. They are Exterminists whose ultimate goal is dominating then killing all life on Earth! Those people MUST be stopped, no matter what! But killing some of them off won't work because there are plenty more where they came from. Apparently the only viable solution will be to wake up enough people so that, en mass, we just stop complying with their crap!

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Indeed. For a psychopath, all that goes with the territory. Which is why this is a spiritual war of good and evil. Or even a war of humans vs. non-humans.

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Human beings are unprincipled. Not by any conscious mechanism, we just aren’t hardwired for group think. We couldn’t solve the climate crisis even if it was a real thing. Those in power know this that is why we must be forced into compliance for their fake crisis. It’s a power and money grab, nothing more. And we know it’s a scam because those in power don’t take it seriously. The day the politicians, the bankers, the uber wealthy etc. give up their lavish lifestyles and take to biodynamic farming, getting around on horse and cart, living simple peaceful lives is the day I will pay them some attention.

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Thanks for the link to the Ed Berry book, not sure if you have read the Michael Crichton article

Aliens Cause Global Warming, that speaks about Carl Sagan.


It also contains the brilliant quote,

"I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.

Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world.

In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period."

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That is a great quote, thanks Andrew. Haven't seen that artcile.

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If it’s invisible and a threat and takes a global response to fix it’s fraud. Every time.

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Nick, gives us three general rules of thumb:

If any problem is being presented as a global crisis; then it is a scam.

If the only solutions that are permitted, are global ones, requiring global authority; then it is a scam.

If science is presented as static knowledge (consensus), The Science™; then it is a scam.

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I meant to credit him but forgot his name. Thanks

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BINGO! Catherine Austin Fitts says the same!!

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She’s bang on about the number crunchers too - they don’t see humans . They don’t see trees either they see wood. Only killing and selling.

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Good Heavens! And everybody thinks Carl Sagan is so brilliant. He is a friggin' idiot! OR a bought-and-paid-for shill of the Globalists!!!! Or both.

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I'm OK with both being a functional answer.

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I only know a few people who believe the global warming nonsense. I’d love to be able to share this with them, but they think I’m a knuckle-dragging mouth-breather and global warming is their religion. If I denigrate their religion, I won’t convince them, but I’ll have to listen to an interminable lecture on it. 🙄

I hate it that all reason has fled.

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It is a religion indeed. If everyone just went back to church once a week, we wouldn't have to contend with all this bullshit polytheism.

The problem is, that if you go to church you are likely now to be greeted with a Pride flag 🤦‍♂️

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I teach in a school and every teacher plus most of the students have bought global warming and CO2 hook line and sinker. I got hauled into the principals office for mentioning other theories say we are going into a cooling era. You can't even mention it is a THEORY, there is no proof.

I like what Jordan Peterson said about it..."Even if it is true, what can you do about it and how much would it cost"...and then goes on to explain all the wealth in the world and everything you could do would only change the temp maybe .003 percent......

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My mouth about fell open when I saw that name. I hadn't heard of the book, and I don't even have time to read your post right now (I will), but I know this person from a former life decades ago and I can vouch for his credentials and certain parts of his story according to what I knew back then. And that's all I can say.

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I appologize for the errors in grammar and spelling. I was unable to find the edit function.

Regarding "climate change" or whatever you want to call it (scam), Dr VA Shiva says it isn't climate change it is pollution. Check him out here: https://vashiva.com/

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Sagan always was a Goofball of the highest order.

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ad hominem. worse than worthless comment

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But he's right.

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Truth be told, Goofball is the kindest think I could say about Sagan, a Conman of the highest order. And perhaps the World's biggest hypocrite. Sagan coined the phrase 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof,' and yet Sagan provides no proof of anything approaching a scientific explanation of manmade climate change. If you want to see just how utterly rediculous climate 'science' is, just pose a few simple questions to Chat GPT and watch it squirm. https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/everyone-gets-a-1977-lincoln-town The Sagan standard, also known as ECREE, is an aphorism that states that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." It was popularized by science communicator Carl Sagan in his television program Cosmos in 1979, but no quantitative standards have been agreed upon to define whether or not extraordinary evidence has been obtained.2 The aphorism signifies that the more unlikely a certain claim is, given existing evidence on the subject, the greater the standard of proof that is expected of it.

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I don't know if you've seen this, but I thought it might interest you. A research paper, published in 2017, basically says that atmospheric and surface warming, on rocky planets that don't have significant geothermal surface warming, is a function of the amount of solar energy striking the atmosphere and atmospheric pressure....period. The makeup of the atmosphere, including greenhouse gasses, is irrelevant. The authors claim that this is universal to all of the rocky planets in the solar system, regardless of the makeup of their atmospheres. I've included links to the substack article about this research paper, and also to the research paper itself. The paper is quite technical, and I didn't make any attempt to understand the formulas and equations, but the conclusions drawn from the research certainly blow all of the mainstream climate modeling mumbo jumbo out of the water.

Thank you for all of the interesting things that you post.



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I hadn't seen that, thanks Rex.

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> But here he is, first finding a clever rationalization for why the government was right to spend all the wealth of the nation on something that didn’t happen, because well, it could have:

You need to watch again. He is not conflating. He pointed out that the argument that was use to justify spending on the cold war (the militaries argument*) could just as easily be applied to the threat of global warming. But here he is, first finding a clever rationalization for why the government was right to spend all the wealth of the nation on something that didn’t happen, because well, it could have been applied to Global Warming but it is not.

The real pt of my writing you is urge you and your subscribers to read the works of Dr Lynn Margulis. Your understanding of our current situation will be enlightened. I have notice that this climate nonsense is particularly in vogue to day because almost everyone has forgotton the work of Lynn Margulis with James Lovelock on Gaia/Earth.

So I do urge you to read her many books I have found them all worth while and I have read most several times of the last 20 or 30+ years.

* Along with all the money spent on the cold war. There was a huge amount spent on Vietnam. The argument of that day was the domino effect. That if we didn't save Vietnam from the communist that soon we would be surronded by communist nations looking to destroy the US.

Well we didn't save Vietnam from the communists and we are not threatened by them today. All the arguments by the military industrial complex, like the current rational for the Ukraine fiasco is nonsense.

be well,


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Thanks wm, we'll disagree on the conflation point.

But we agree on your point about Margulis and Lovelock, I definitely need to read more of their work and hopefully write about it also.

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I OK with that.

Interesting that the same logic isn't now applied to quackccines. Shouldn't they be tested for the worse case scenario?. These questionable products should be used by the elite who profit by selling them (verifying they take the most deadly lot vials)? Shouldn't we all know what is in them we paid for them? Shouldn't there be a truly independent random public inspection of the vials coming off the line to verify the standard of quality as well as the actual contents?

Sadly the burden of proof has shifted to we the people in this case. Nevertheless the health care industry profits mightily from fear porn as well as little to no testing. It used to the precautionary principal was especially applied to medical devices and Pharma. Not any more.

Sorry I went of topic. But what Carl Sagan was pointing out to me is these fallacious arguments are used to waste money. I couldn't watch the whole thing sorry. But if the United States could be purchase (less the land an interesting exception), tells me the climate fiasco could be solved just by cleaning up the manufacturing process, Transportation system (Think East Palestine), medical/pharma waste (some of the most toxic waste ever) and so on.

If we citizens of the Earth/Gaia cannot afford to purchase these products because the cost of cleaning up the manufacturing etc. is just to expensive, then maybe we don't need them. Because if we can't afford to clean up the mess as we make it we will we ever be able to afford cleaning it up in the future.

So all this and much more hit me when I watched Carl Sagan. I was a young adult at that time and very frustrated with the nonsense that was shoveled by these folks then. Now there children want to get rich faking a clean up of the mess they made but blame us for creating this pollution disaster called climate change.

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Too bad Sagan didn't delve into the profiteering, power manipulations, and dishonesty of the Cold War. Too bad that he didn't foresee that the same bad developments could happen with a "War On Carbon". Too bad he was so unscientifically sure of his own views on climate change. It's also too bad that I bought into his logic, at least partly, at the time this speech was made. However, I very much doubt that he was a shill for Empire, because in those days concern for climate change was not common. In every decade of every age, there are "gloom and doom" movements. Some of these movements gain traction and develop into full-fledged manias, and others fizzle out early. There are always profiteers lurking behind all such movements, waiting for opportunities. To avoid more such problems, we need to develop a cultural resistance to mania.

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There are 7 Major theories of Climate Change, and a new one by Ethical Skeptic that points out only the warming of our core can account for the recent fast warming of the oceans. In addition to this,

I like this youtube video....the Greenland Ice core...of course they are messing with the interpretiation of what the cores mean vs. temp and Co2, but this guy seems to be on the up and up :https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-best-911-truth-video-you-will?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

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The Undesigned Universe - Peter Ward

“ . . . it is these ocean state changes that are

1:02:28 correlated with the great disasters of the past impact can cause extinction but

1:02:35 it did so in our past only wants[once] that we can tell whereas this has happened over

1:02:40 and over and over again we have fifteen evidences times of mass extinction in the past 500 million years

1:02:48 so the implications for the implications the implications of the carbon dioxide is really dangerous if you heat your

1:02:55 planet sufficiently to cause your Arctic to melt if you cause the temperature

1:03:01 gradient between your tropics and your Arctic to be reduced you risk going back

1:03:07 to a state that produces these hydrogen sulfide pulses . . . “


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Carl Sagan reminds me of Mr. Rogers - It's a wonderful day in the Milky Way, a wonderful day in the Milky Way, won't you be mine, could you be mine... :)

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Here's another you can ignore if you "don't need no education"..


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