I cannot believe what I just read. We need to keep reminding ourselves that power resides where we believe it resides, and we need to do a better job of standing up to these people.
I couldn't believe it either, but alas, nothing really surprises me anymore about the medical system. I am expecting this stuff to be exported to Australia in the next few years, we are America Lite after all.
And yes, very well said "power resides where we believe it resides".
Alas, I cannot take credit for those words. They were said by Lord Varys in 'Game of Thrones': “Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick. A shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.”
I'm a numbers guy from Maine, a blue state. I've gone red. The pandemic did it. My wife and I (late 60s) never got jabbed. It's interesting to see how many of your subs are in CA, TX, NY, etc., but let's adjust for population. CA has 11% of US pop and 13% of your US subs, so is slightly over represented. That's encouraging, given Newsom, etc. NY has 6% of US pop and 8% of subs. Texas has 9% of US pop and 8% of your subs. Where are your subs above average? I have followed you on Substack for only some months. You are a keen observer with a wide wingspan. We need more people in blue states reading you, once adjusted for pop. Thanks for all you do!!
Thanks Sam. Unfortunately, I don't any more/deeper analytics than that screen grab from Substack, so don't know what is going on in the other States. I'm glad to see such big numbers from CA and NY, from where I'm sitting they look like two of the most abused populations.
Substack subscribers. He showed what percent of his subscribers live in each state but each state has a very different population. It would be informative to know where the Aussie bloke has a higher “penetration” rate. The pandemic may be over, but we need to know where our Allie’s are and where we need to make more headway. I now don’t miss a chance to tell people I am not vaxxed. Two years ago I had to hide that. People would have recoiled in horror. Now not so much.
I have many horror stories from the later days of my parents. Here’s one:
My 95-year-old-mother managed to acquire a hairline crack in a lumbar vertebra. It happens. It mostly didn’t it bother her, but one day she woke up in excruciating pain. I had an ambulance from the nursing home take her to the hospital because the nursing home could not or would not help.
We arrived at the almost empty ER (this was before the “Covid” scam) and she was placed in a room, clearly in agony. There we stayed, undisturbed by doctors and nurses for maybe 15 minutes. I picked up the phone to call the nursing station and reminded them that we were there and that there was acute suffering to be relieved. I was told a doctor had been assigned.
On my next call to the nursing station, 20 minutes later, to enquire about when the doctor might arrive, I was impatiently told that he was on an important phone call (remember: the ER was empty).
On my next call to the nursing station, some 15 or 20 minutes later I was given an irritated brush-off and was told that the doctor would be there when he finished his phone call. I asked if there was another doctor available and was told there was, but their procedures dictated that an assigned doctor could not be changed. I lost it.
I stomped down to the nursing station and said, in maybe a slightly too-loud voice, that things would quickly start to get unpleasant if someone didn’t attend to my suffering mother immediately. I may have banged on the desk.
I went back to my mother’s side and within two minutes a doctor accompanied by several nurses appeared with a cart full of stuff and they helped mother.
One of the nurses admonished me for “making threats”. I reassured her that I never made threats, only promises. She mumbled some more about procedures, as possibly some kind of excuse for their incompetence. I told her that I thought they were practicing bureaucracy, not medicine. She fell silent.
I have more shocking stories, including one from the Parramatta hospital in Australia.
I don’t go to hospitals often, but every time I have, save one, the experience has been disturbing.
Thanks for sharing that Lon. I know what you mean, I do my best to avoid going anywhere near an Australian Hospital, they are dangerous places now, or possibly they always have been but I just didn't used to see it.
Well, it seems this Car Seat Test or Car Seat Challenge is getting pushback even from some hospital systems now. I'd never heard of this practice prior to reading here, but found an interesting "Consensus Statement" against the practice from a CA based children's hospital's consortium. A glimmer of mainstream sanity? Perhaps you can send this along to your local hospital for consideration.
"Using a car seat challenge (ICSC) to determine if a baby can be safely discharged home should not
be standard practice due to inconsistency of ICSC results and lack of association with mortality risk."
Well done, Danielle! Way to stand up for your newborn and yourselves. That's not easy to do in the muddled post-partum minutes, especially post-Covid as well. Thanks for sharing this story, Unbekoming. Courage is contagious, so stories like these help us all stay strong.
I'm sitting here in a state of shock at what you shared about your birth experience. I swear the medical profession is designed by men who cannot bear the thought that women have the power to nurture and bear a living human being without being coerced and controlled by doctors and other medical professionals from the beginning of the pregnancy.
The medical system is a nightmare for women in so many ways. I'm 64 now and my children are grown. I have 1 granddaughter and likely no more will be forthcoming given that both my children are both over 40.
The human race is losing it's mind. The totalitarian drive to control and surveil the population comes from a patriarchal fear-based paranoid dominate and control mindset which affects everything around us. It's traumatizing to children, to women and even traumatizing to men. I don't know how it will end, but it must. We are headed over a cliff. Let's hope there are enough decent men left to become warriors against the oligarchs and psychopaths driving this diabolical behaviour.
“Virtually every one of those vials, was an American patent and manufacture, delivered by a medical industrial complex that is wholly American”.
Respectfully, the above statement is wholly incorrect. You need to read the Pfizer documents. But let me do a TLDR for you.
If you read the Pfizer documents, you will learn that BioNTech actually developed the jab technology. BioNTech is a German Company. BioNTech then transferred the jab IP to Fosun Pharmaceutical. (Actually the exact document language states that 100% of the IP was “wholly transferred to China”. No explanation is provided as to what actual entity in China was given the IP. I think we can make a pretty good guess.
Fosun Pharmaceutical is a Chinese Company. (No pharmaceutical firm, or any other large firm for that matter) operates in China without direct approval and involvement of the CCP. And maybe the PLA.
Fosun Pharmaceutical then built or repurposed 14 jab and PCR manufacturing facilities, mostly in Western Europe, to produce both the PCR tests and the jabs. They also built two plants in the US. One in Princeton NJ. I think the other is in Springfield MA (not 100% on this).
So. The DeathVax being injected into billions of people around the world, and a couple hundred million in the US was developed by a German company and manufactured by a Chinese company who, by definition, has close ties to the CCP. And since we all now know it is a bioweapon, and that the PLAs favored vector of its asymmetric war against the west is biowarfare, by definition all this was/is being done under the watchful eyes (if not the direct control) of both the CCP and the PLA.
95% of what I just wrote is in the Pfizer documents. The only things that are not there in writing is the direct involvement of the CCP and PLA.
You can draw your own conclusions there.
Pfizer is obviously at the top of the pyramid in all of this. But the reality of what happened is much more frightening than placing all of it on them.
Today's medicine is about lists and following instructions. They have absolutely no idea what is a risk to the child. I guarantee the highest risk to your baby was you not strapping the seat in the car properly because 99% of people don't do it right.
I cannot believe what I just read. We need to keep reminding ourselves that power resides where we believe it resides, and we need to do a better job of standing up to these people.
I couldn't believe it either, but alas, nothing really surprises me anymore about the medical system. I am expecting this stuff to be exported to Australia in the next few years, we are America Lite after all.
And yes, very well said "power resides where we believe it resides".
Alas, I cannot take credit for those words. They were said by Lord Varys in 'Game of Thrones': “Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick. A shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.”
I'm a numbers guy from Maine, a blue state. I've gone red. The pandemic did it. My wife and I (late 60s) never got jabbed. It's interesting to see how many of your subs are in CA, TX, NY, etc., but let's adjust for population. CA has 11% of US pop and 13% of your US subs, so is slightly over represented. That's encouraging, given Newsom, etc. NY has 6% of US pop and 8% of subs. Texas has 9% of US pop and 8% of your subs. Where are your subs above average? I have followed you on Substack for only some months. You are a keen observer with a wide wingspan. We need more people in blue states reading you, once adjusted for pop. Thanks for all you do!!
Thanks Sam. Unfortunately, I don't any more/deeper analytics than that screen grab from Substack, so don't know what is going on in the other States. I'm glad to see such big numbers from CA and NY, from where I'm sitting they look like two of the most abused populations.
I’m in NYC. What are subs?
Substack subscribers. He showed what percent of his subscribers live in each state but each state has a very different population. It would be informative to know where the Aussie bloke has a higher “penetration” rate. The pandemic may be over, but we need to know where our Allie’s are and where we need to make more headway. I now don’t miss a chance to tell people I am not vaxxed. Two years ago I had to hide that. People would have recoiled in horror. Now not so much.
I have many horror stories from the later days of my parents. Here’s one:
My 95-year-old-mother managed to acquire a hairline crack in a lumbar vertebra. It happens. It mostly didn’t it bother her, but one day she woke up in excruciating pain. I had an ambulance from the nursing home take her to the hospital because the nursing home could not or would not help.
We arrived at the almost empty ER (this was before the “Covid” scam) and she was placed in a room, clearly in agony. There we stayed, undisturbed by doctors and nurses for maybe 15 minutes. I picked up the phone to call the nursing station and reminded them that we were there and that there was acute suffering to be relieved. I was told a doctor had been assigned.
On my next call to the nursing station, 20 minutes later, to enquire about when the doctor might arrive, I was impatiently told that he was on an important phone call (remember: the ER was empty).
On my next call to the nursing station, some 15 or 20 minutes later I was given an irritated brush-off and was told that the doctor would be there when he finished his phone call. I asked if there was another doctor available and was told there was, but their procedures dictated that an assigned doctor could not be changed. I lost it.
I stomped down to the nursing station and said, in maybe a slightly too-loud voice, that things would quickly start to get unpleasant if someone didn’t attend to my suffering mother immediately. I may have banged on the desk.
I went back to my mother’s side and within two minutes a doctor accompanied by several nurses appeared with a cart full of stuff and they helped mother.
One of the nurses admonished me for “making threats”. I reassured her that I never made threats, only promises. She mumbled some more about procedures, as possibly some kind of excuse for their incompetence. I told her that I thought they were practicing bureaucracy, not medicine. She fell silent.
I have more shocking stories, including one from the Parramatta hospital in Australia.
I don’t go to hospitals often, but every time I have, save one, the experience has been disturbing.
Thanks for sharing that Lon. I know what you mean, I do my best to avoid going anywhere near an Australian Hospital, they are dangerous places now, or possibly they always have been but I just didn't used to see it.
Well, it seems this Car Seat Test or Car Seat Challenge is getting pushback even from some hospital systems now. I'd never heard of this practice prior to reading here, but found an interesting "Consensus Statement" against the practice from a CA based children's hospital's consortium. A glimmer of mainstream sanity? Perhaps you can send this along to your local hospital for consideration.
"Using a car seat challenge (ICSC) to determine if a baby can be safely discharged home should not
be standard practice due to inconsistency of ICSC results and lack of association with mortality risk."
Thank you, that's useful and good to know.
They don’t like it when you don’t “syringe heil!” After the baby is born!
Good point, I wonder how much the unpleasantness of their treatment was influenced by their choice to not juice up their newborn...
Well done, Danielle! Way to stand up for your newborn and yourselves. That's not easy to do in the muddled post-partum minutes, especially post-Covid as well. Thanks for sharing this story, Unbekoming. Courage is contagious, so stories like these help us all stay strong.
Thanks Mary. Indeed, you are right "courage is contagious"!
I'm sitting here in a state of shock at what you shared about your birth experience. I swear the medical profession is designed by men who cannot bear the thought that women have the power to nurture and bear a living human being without being coerced and controlled by doctors and other medical professionals from the beginning of the pregnancy.
The medical system is a nightmare for women in so many ways. I'm 64 now and my children are grown. I have 1 granddaughter and likely no more will be forthcoming given that both my children are both over 40.
The human race is losing it's mind. The totalitarian drive to control and surveil the population comes from a patriarchal fear-based paranoid dominate and control mindset which affects everything around us. It's traumatizing to children, to women and even traumatizing to men. I don't know how it will end, but it must. We are headed over a cliff. Let's hope there are enough decent men left to become warriors against the oligarchs and psychopaths driving this diabolical behaviour.
I've come to the recent realization that pound for pound women are the more abused by medicine from men. It's not even close.
“Virtually every one of those vials, was an American patent and manufacture, delivered by a medical industrial complex that is wholly American”.
Respectfully, the above statement is wholly incorrect. You need to read the Pfizer documents. But let me do a TLDR for you.
If you read the Pfizer documents, you will learn that BioNTech actually developed the jab technology. BioNTech is a German Company. BioNTech then transferred the jab IP to Fosun Pharmaceutical. (Actually the exact document language states that 100% of the IP was “wholly transferred to China”. No explanation is provided as to what actual entity in China was given the IP. I think we can make a pretty good guess.
Fosun Pharmaceutical is a Chinese Company. (No pharmaceutical firm, or any other large firm for that matter) operates in China without direct approval and involvement of the CCP. And maybe the PLA.
Fosun Pharmaceutical then built or repurposed 14 jab and PCR manufacturing facilities, mostly in Western Europe, to produce both the PCR tests and the jabs. They also built two plants in the US. One in Princeton NJ. I think the other is in Springfield MA (not 100% on this).
So. The DeathVax being injected into billions of people around the world, and a couple hundred million in the US was developed by a German company and manufactured by a Chinese company who, by definition, has close ties to the CCP. And since we all now know it is a bioweapon, and that the PLAs favored vector of its asymmetric war against the west is biowarfare, by definition all this was/is being done under the watchful eyes (if not the direct control) of both the CCP and the PLA.
95% of what I just wrote is in the Pfizer documents. The only things that are not there in writing is the direct involvement of the CCP and PLA.
You can draw your own conclusions there.
Pfizer is obviously at the top of the pyramid in all of this. But the reality of what happened is much more frightening than placing all of it on them.
I was referring to childhood vaccination as an industrial construct.
As for Fosun, I wrote this last year. We agree. The Chinese are part of this whole thing.
Ah, copy. Indeed they are.
Thanks for the link. I just began reading your work a short time ago, hence I have not read that post. But it is next on my
Sending Blessings. From the crew on S/V Blessings. From an undisclosed location in the North Atlantic Basin!
Today's medicine is about lists and following instructions. They have absolutely no idea what is a risk to the child. I guarantee the highest risk to your baby was you not strapping the seat in the car properly because 99% of people don't do it right.
“HCW Guidelines to Make Patients Obedient” - is this a book, article or joke?