After suffering a seemingly devastating blow that I was not recovering from I finally went to a homeopath because previous doctors thought my problem was psychosomatic. The look on Dr Maulfair's face when we first met told me how bad my outward appearance was. He chelated me immediately, a 3 hr intravenous, followed my a 2 hr nutritional and finally a 1 hr Vit C infusion, followed by exactly the same for the next 3 days.
The first thing Dr Maulfair checked for when we finally got to the physical exam was candida. An easy visual diagnosis by just opening your mouth, looking & swabbing. A list of foods was printed out for me by his wife and off I went to adapt, followed by continual checks to make sure the candida was resolved. It was during that time I found Dr Simoncini's work.
I know of no one personally but have read the testimonials of US citizens who flew to Italy to personally see Dr Simoncini. It went like this: The patient flew to Rome with a family member and checked into the hotel. At a designated time a nurse would arrive and take you to Dr Simoncini's clinic where treatment commenced. Duration was based on size and condition.
After release from clinic you would return to hotel for roughly a week accompanied by said nurse, who walked you thru every step of the procedure so that upon return to the US you could continue with your treatments in your own home.
I was like WHOA!! think of the magnitude of this. Can't remember, but somewhere around $20,000 comes to mind for treatment. No hospitals involved, that's a "hell no", no constant tests and blood draws, no doctors poking there noses into your room and charging you for a visit, no shit food, you're in Italy for God's sake, no followup doctor visits, no 1/2 million price tag when you leave the hospital. THAT'S how I know Dr Simoncini is the real deal. And THAT'S the reason he had to be destroyed, just like Dr Moulden, Kary Mullis etc, etc, etc.
I would love to read the research on this theory as well. Many new theories of causes of cancer and treatments are being posited almost daily. I try to read as many as I can in order to try and find the common threads of success and failure among them.
And therein lies the rub......common threads. One can go blind reading research, picking every known molecule apart. We think the scientists did their job down to the last possible detail. But one can always create a scenario and prove it.
To save my eyesight and eliminate the dictionary always by my side, I go to the Abstract on drugs and procedures, always available. Always telling. I also invoke Occam's Razor. If the same afflictions affect X amount of people, after taking Y, then Y is the cause. Everything relevant is irrelevant, IMO. But that's just me.
And that continued poisoning would be vaccines, the perfect delivery system for poison championed as the greatest cure-all of all time. Way too many doctors I can cite who have claimed NEVER, ever to have seen cancer in an unvaccinated person. Perfect example is Covid's turbo cancer injections.
I know I come down hard on vaccines, but that's where it all starts, unless you can give me another reason why children, babies really, come down with cancer when they haven't lived long enough to be exposed to environmental toxins. Of course cancer comes from other factors. I've seen the seafood harvested after the BP oil spill in the Gulf. It was horrific. Then you have glyphosate causing leukemia and lymphoma. Nagalese and Atrazine in the food supply are poisons. Now we have bioengineered foods.
Vaccine poison is shot right into the bloodstream so there's no chance it won't hit your immune system with a massive onslaught. Without the vaccines your immune system might actually do it's work. With the vaccines, I believe you may not be able to recover.
The doctors I made mention of had a 30-40 year practices and have never seen cancer in the unvaccinated, or Rabies, ever, and they were GP's who delivered babies at home, rural and urban area doctors who made house calls. Some things doctors never do today.
Think about it, besides all the improvements in our existence, purified water, sanitation,nutrition, balanced exercise, no smoking or limited alcohol, we should all be fit & healthy. The additive is toxicity that is manmade thru water, fluoridation, air from toxic chemtrails, unnecessary sugar & GMO foods. And of course biotech gene 'therapy' & contaminated vaccines. We would all be living to at least 100 without all this toxicity.
Alas we also have bacterial, mold & fungal issues that need to be countered.
The body needs an alkaline diet, removal of toxic waste thanks to manmade stuff. I've been using methylene blue & herbal bitters daily followed by vit C Muli electrolytes product is called EnerC with good success. I take berberine to balance sugars. I haven't tried DMSO & aloe vera due topical treatment yet it's meant to work at cellular level. Makes sense as it comes from the tree the substance like sinew that holds the tree up. Just imo I'm not a doctor but commonsense is the tree of life. 🌲
So true. Fungus is there to try to eliminate dead and dying body tissue. Stop putting the poison in the body and detox to get the toxins out.Cancer is a coping mechanism to try to protect the body.
Though I am ignorant of all this; You have an interesting thought Ali.
What I have learned is that 'Life on earth would not exist without Fungus'. Therefore the fungus is part of us and we are part an ecosystem. Our obsessions with 'perfect and eternal health, simply deny our biological place reality.
An advertisement for cybernetics? I don't want to live forever....
Yet another inexpensive, naturally occurring solution to cure cancer and to think of the likely trillions of dollars people have spent through the last 100 years on medicine, chemotherapy, and surgeries to cure cancer…It ain’t called Big Pharma and Cartel Medicine for no reason!
The worst part is I know so many people and loved ones who have needlessly died because of the suppression of truly simple, safe, and effective treatments.
A lot of what you are saying here may very well be true.
One thing that is not advisable is to "inject" anything into a tumor.
The Tumor is the body's intelligence naturally encapsulating malignant cells that it is not yet able to get rid of. This is why biopsies and aspirations are very dangerous and the cause of cancer spreading throughout the body. Cancer will spread of its own nature but in the same general area forming new tumors. This phenomena of cancer spreading throughout the body is because of the biopsies and aspirations There are only 2 documentaries that I have found that discusses this. One is "Mammograms: The War Against Breasts" and the other is "The Breast Kept Secret". This is such an obvious and yet much overlooked and denied Hazard. If you explain the facts to a fairly bright 10 year old child, they would know biopsies and aspirations are not a good idea. What are the well known facts, even with in the medial community? If a malignant tumor shows up on a mammogram, it already contains a hundred million malignant cells and has been growing for 3-5 years. And that 2 weeks after a biopsy shows a malignancy, and you haven't had radical surgery yet. your survival statistics go way down. Why should your survival statistic go WAY DOWN within 2 weeks, when it's been growing for 3-5 years? Because the malignant cells are now quickly spreading throughout the body. Everyone need to WAKE UP on this point!
If you want to know if a tumor is malignant then use thermography. I take the attitude toward any lump that it wasn't there when I was a young person, it doesn't belong there. I need to follow holistic, non-intrusive methods so the body's intelligence breaks it down and eliminates it fit thru the feces and urine.
The Analogy is incorrect - cancer is not an “invading army” or a malignant disease - it is a coherent healing mechanism as a result of a specific biological adaptation initiated by a psycho-emotional conflict shock. All “cancer” manifests this way
Fungi and microbacteria are controlled by the Endoderm germ layer - they assist in tissue proliferation and decomposition processes during a biological program and healing phase.
Dr. Tuillo Simoncini found candida specifically in cancers of the colon and lungs, where this particular fungi lays dormant until it is required to assist in decomposition of tumorous growths - he confirms Dr.Hamer’s assertations (the creator of German New Medicine) that the fungi and bacteria present in our bodies are “seasonal workers” activated during a “special biological program”
So Dr. Tuillo Simoncini made the correct observation, but his conclusion was wrong - fungi/microbacteria do not CAUSE the cancer they REMOVE the cancer.
About the only thing that can be said with certainty is that most of the cancer industry is a huge scam. I tend to the view that most chronic illness in developed countries is metabolic in origin, from a diet excessively high in starches, sugars, processed seed oils and foods. Walking into a supermarket in a small regional town a day ago the first thing I saw was an entire wall stacked with multipack take-home cases of cans of soda - Coke, Pepsi, the gamut of soft drinks. A heavily overweight woman working in a thrift store told me that while she had given up coffee as "unhealthy" she now consumed 10 cans of Pepsi Max a day and thought it was ok because it was sugar free. Artificial sweeteners while being harmful chemicals in themselves also fool the body into mimicking the insulin response to sugar. Hello diabetes and obesity, with cancer and heart issues not far behind. This is not rocket science.
What can you do? Most are guzzling this junk throughout the day.
Interesting, sodium bicarbonate is a base and neutralizes acids. Cancer love acidic surroundings to feed off of. I always wondered as hydrogen peroxide is basic as well provides oxygen when in reaction if you injected into a tumor if it would wipe it out. How would a tumor react with a ivermectin and fenbendazole injection? I'm pretty sure simple remedies could be used but unfortunately the all mighty dollar will continue which procedures are used in this trillion dollar pharma drug industry. You are a pawn and dispensable.
The Cancer Resolution?: Cancer reinterpreted through another lens Paperback – May 15, 2023
by Mark Lintern (Author)
Enter Mark Lintern, a visionary researcher who's developed a revolutionary new model of cancer that purports to have identified cancer's elusive origin. Over eight painstaking years of research, Mark unveils a formidable body of evidence that challenges prevailing beliefs and unveils an overlooked thread of consistency within the complex fabric of the disease. He compellingly demonstrates that certain pathogens possess not only the ability to initiate cancer, but also to actively drive its progression through a suppressive mechanism of control not yet considered by scientists. [i.e. fungus]
For anyone else experiencing this problem, the link in the email from Unbekoming is still defective, but you can access the corrected link directly on his Substack post:
Excellent topic - we need to explore the cause and correction for cancer that affects so many. I would like to see you interview Paul Leendertse from His treatment of many cancer patients points to unresolved chronic emotional stress as the underlying cause of the tumors. It would be a good addition to your body of work. Thanks.
The very expensive Mebendazole ( ~$555 per 100 mg pill) is the FDA approved human version,
while the much cheaper Fenbendazole is the veterinary version ("horse paste", about $15 for one week's supply) of a common worm medicine... [note: prices not current]
and both have been suggested in a new cancer treatment protocol (Makis, 2024).
But the cheap Fenbendazole seems to work much better (10x better) for fungal growth inhibition than the expensive Mebendazole human version for this worm medicine.[24]
Research is needed to test on other fungal types, such as Candida.
. . . "... in one such study fenbendazole was demonstrated to be much more successful than mebendazole and other drugs in fighting Cryptococcus neoformans – an opportunistic fungus which can be found anywhere in the world and may cause Cryptococcus meningitis in some people. "
Feb 1994 -- ASM Journals: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Vol. 38, No. 2, "In vitro susceptibility of the opportunistic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans to anthelmintic benzimidazoles" by M C Cruz, M S Bartlett, T D Edlind. . . . " Drug concentrations inhibiting 50% of growth (IC50s) were determined. Four derivatives, including mebendazole and albendazole, had moderately high activities (IC50 = 0.1 to 0.3 microgram/ml). Fenbendazole, however, was 10-fold more active (IC50 = 0.01 to 0.02 microgram/ml) ..."
Cost: . . "Mebendazole is expensive ~$555 per 100 mg pill, while fenbendazole is inexpensive ~48 cents per 222 mg free powder dose (Williams, 2019). As you may recall, albendazole is the form used to treat intestinal parasites in India and these cost 2 cents per pill. FYI, to illustrate how Americans are screwed by Big Pharma, two pills of mebendazole cost just $4 in the UK, 27 cents per 100 mg pill in India and $555 per 100 mg pill in the US." [22] on 27 Aug 2023.
Good general introduction: Dr. David Williams -- [18] . . . "A Cure for Cancer Hidden in Plain Sight", July 2019. . . describes the Joe Tippens case for Fenbendazole cure, with background about the obstructionist medical system.
Journal article gives introduction to Fenbendazole and a summary of the Joe Tippens case: ..[19] . . "Complete Cure for Cancer by Self-Administering FZ with Supplements -- In August 2016, a businessman from Oklahoma, Joe Tippens, was diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer and underwent a clinical trial under the supervision of his oncologist. He was informed of a short life expectancy from 3 months to 1 year. However, a veterinarian recommended to try FZ with vitamin E supplements, cannabidiol (CBD) oil, and bioavailable curcumin while going through the clinical trial. A positron emission tomography (PET) scan after 3 months did not detect any cancer cells anywhere in his body. Tippens was the only patient cured of cancer among the 1100 patients included in that clinical trial."
After suffering a seemingly devastating blow that I was not recovering from I finally went to a homeopath because previous doctors thought my problem was psychosomatic. The look on Dr Maulfair's face when we first met told me how bad my outward appearance was. He chelated me immediately, a 3 hr intravenous, followed my a 2 hr nutritional and finally a 1 hr Vit C infusion, followed by exactly the same for the next 3 days.
The first thing Dr Maulfair checked for when we finally got to the physical exam was candida. An easy visual diagnosis by just opening your mouth, looking & swabbing. A list of foods was printed out for me by his wife and off I went to adapt, followed by continual checks to make sure the candida was resolved. It was during that time I found Dr Simoncini's work.
I know of no one personally but have read the testimonials of US citizens who flew to Italy to personally see Dr Simoncini. It went like this: The patient flew to Rome with a family member and checked into the hotel. At a designated time a nurse would arrive and take you to Dr Simoncini's clinic where treatment commenced. Duration was based on size and condition.
After release from clinic you would return to hotel for roughly a week accompanied by said nurse, who walked you thru every step of the procedure so that upon return to the US you could continue with your treatments in your own home.
I was like WHOA!! think of the magnitude of this. Can't remember, but somewhere around $20,000 comes to mind for treatment. No hospitals involved, that's a "hell no", no constant tests and blood draws, no doctors poking there noses into your room and charging you for a visit, no shit food, you're in Italy for God's sake, no followup doctor visits, no 1/2 million price tag when you leave the hospital. THAT'S how I know Dr Simoncini is the real deal. And THAT'S the reason he had to be destroyed, just like Dr Moulden, Kary Mullis etc, etc, etc.
Wrong. Cancer is just a symptom of continuing poisoning. Cancer cells are made by our bodies to contain those toxic substances.
I would love to read the research on this theory as well. Many new theories of causes of cancer and treatments are being posited almost daily. I try to read as many as I can in order to try and find the common threads of success and failure among them.
Not a theory, but a set of laws, reproducible for all humans without exception.
And therein lies the rub......common threads. One can go blind reading research, picking every known molecule apart. We think the scientists did their job down to the last possible detail. But one can always create a scenario and prove it.
To save my eyesight and eliminate the dictionary always by my side, I go to the Abstract on drugs and procedures, always available. Always telling. I also invoke Occam's Razor. If the same afflictions affect X amount of people, after taking Y, then Y is the cause. Everything relevant is irrelevant, IMO. But that's just me.
I agree, the simplest answer is usually correct.
And that continued poisoning would be vaccines, the perfect delivery system for poison championed as the greatest cure-all of all time. Way too many doctors I can cite who have claimed NEVER, ever to have seen cancer in an unvaccinated person. Perfect example is Covid's turbo cancer injections.
"NEVER, ever to have seen cancer in an unvaccinated person."
that can only suggest that those Doctors?, have limited experience....
There were cancers before vaccines and I have seen cancers in wild animals and fish which have certainly never been vaccinated.
Don't load everything on the "Vaccine bandwagon".
I know I come down hard on vaccines, but that's where it all starts, unless you can give me another reason why children, babies really, come down with cancer when they haven't lived long enough to be exposed to environmental toxins. Of course cancer comes from other factors. I've seen the seafood harvested after the BP oil spill in the Gulf. It was horrific. Then you have glyphosate causing leukemia and lymphoma. Nagalese and Atrazine in the food supply are poisons. Now we have bioengineered foods.
Vaccine poison is shot right into the bloodstream so there's no chance it won't hit your immune system with a massive onslaught. Without the vaccines your immune system might actually do it's work. With the vaccines, I believe you may not be able to recover.
The doctors I made mention of had a 30-40 year practices and have never seen cancer in the unvaccinated, or Rabies, ever, and they were GP's who delivered babies at home, rural and urban area doctors who made house calls. Some things doctors never do today.
Think about it, besides all the improvements in our existence, purified water, sanitation,nutrition, balanced exercise, no smoking or limited alcohol, we should all be fit & healthy. The additive is toxicity that is manmade thru water, fluoridation, air from toxic chemtrails, unnecessary sugar & GMO foods. And of course biotech gene 'therapy' & contaminated vaccines. We would all be living to at least 100 without all this toxicity.
Alas we also have bacterial, mold & fungal issues that need to be countered.
The body needs an alkaline diet, removal of toxic waste thanks to manmade stuff. I've been using methylene blue & herbal bitters daily followed by vit C Muli electrolytes product is called EnerC with good success. I take berberine to balance sugars. I haven't tried DMSO & aloe vera due topical treatment yet it's meant to work at cellular level. Makes sense as it comes from the tree the substance like sinew that holds the tree up. Just imo I'm not a doctor but commonsense is the tree of life. 🌲
So true. Fungus is there to try to eliminate dead and dying body tissue. Stop putting the poison in the body and detox to get the toxins out.Cancer is a coping mechanism to try to protect the body.
Though I am ignorant of all this; You have an interesting thought Ali.
What I have learned is that 'Life on earth would not exist without Fungus'. Therefore the fungus is part of us and we are part an ecosystem. Our obsessions with 'perfect and eternal health, simply deny our biological place reality.
An advertisement for cybernetics? I don't want to live forever....
True fungus loves feeding like a parasites so its growth is dependent on excess toxins in the body.
Yet another inexpensive, naturally occurring solution to cure cancer and to think of the likely trillions of dollars people have spent through the last 100 years on medicine, chemotherapy, and surgeries to cure cancer…It ain’t called Big Pharma and Cartel Medicine for no reason!
The worst part is I know so many people and loved ones who have needlessly died because of the suppression of truly simple, safe, and effective treatments.
A lot of what you are saying here may very well be true.
One thing that is not advisable is to "inject" anything into a tumor.
The Tumor is the body's intelligence naturally encapsulating malignant cells that it is not yet able to get rid of. This is why biopsies and aspirations are very dangerous and the cause of cancer spreading throughout the body. Cancer will spread of its own nature but in the same general area forming new tumors. This phenomena of cancer spreading throughout the body is because of the biopsies and aspirations There are only 2 documentaries that I have found that discusses this. One is "Mammograms: The War Against Breasts" and the other is "The Breast Kept Secret". This is such an obvious and yet much overlooked and denied Hazard. If you explain the facts to a fairly bright 10 year old child, they would know biopsies and aspirations are not a good idea. What are the well known facts, even with in the medial community? If a malignant tumor shows up on a mammogram, it already contains a hundred million malignant cells and has been growing for 3-5 years. And that 2 weeks after a biopsy shows a malignancy, and you haven't had radical surgery yet. your survival statistics go way down. Why should your survival statistic go WAY DOWN within 2 weeks, when it's been growing for 3-5 years? Because the malignant cells are now quickly spreading throughout the body. Everyone need to WAKE UP on this point!
If you want to know if a tumor is malignant then use thermography. I take the attitude toward any lump that it wasn't there when I was a young person, it doesn't belong there. I need to follow holistic, non-intrusive methods so the body's intelligence breaks it down and eliminates it fit thru the feces and urine.
The Analogy is incorrect - cancer is not an “invading army” or a malignant disease - it is a coherent healing mechanism as a result of a specific biological adaptation initiated by a psycho-emotional conflict shock. All “cancer” manifests this way
Fungi and microbacteria are controlled by the Endoderm germ layer - they assist in tissue proliferation and decomposition processes during a biological program and healing phase.
Dr. Tuillo Simoncini found candida specifically in cancers of the colon and lungs, where this particular fungi lays dormant until it is required to assist in decomposition of tumorous growths - he confirms Dr.Hamer’s assertations (the creator of German New Medicine) that the fungi and bacteria present in our bodies are “seasonal workers” activated during a “special biological program”
So Dr. Tuillo Simoncini made the correct observation, but his conclusion was wrong - fungi/microbacteria do not CAUSE the cancer they REMOVE the cancer.
About the only thing that can be said with certainty is that most of the cancer industry is a huge scam. I tend to the view that most chronic illness in developed countries is metabolic in origin, from a diet excessively high in starches, sugars, processed seed oils and foods. Walking into a supermarket in a small regional town a day ago the first thing I saw was an entire wall stacked with multipack take-home cases of cans of soda - Coke, Pepsi, the gamut of soft drinks. A heavily overweight woman working in a thrift store told me that while she had given up coffee as "unhealthy" she now consumed 10 cans of Pepsi Max a day and thought it was ok because it was sugar free. Artificial sweeteners while being harmful chemicals in themselves also fool the body into mimicking the insulin response to sugar. Hello diabetes and obesity, with cancer and heart issues not far behind. This is not rocket science.
What can you do? Most are guzzling this junk throughout the day.
Love to see a discussion/debate about this and cancer as a metabolic disease.
Team Metabolic for the win!
Interesting, sodium bicarbonate is a base and neutralizes acids. Cancer love acidic surroundings to feed off of. I always wondered as hydrogen peroxide is basic as well provides oxygen when in reaction if you injected into a tumor if it would wipe it out. How would a tumor react with a ivermectin and fenbendazole injection? I'm pretty sure simple remedies could be used but unfortunately the all mighty dollar will continue which procedures are used in this trillion dollar pharma drug industry. You are a pawn and dispensable.
The Cancer Resolution?: Cancer reinterpreted through another lens Paperback – May 15, 2023
by Mark Lintern (Author)
Enter Mark Lintern, a visionary researcher who's developed a revolutionary new model of cancer that purports to have identified cancer's elusive origin. Over eight painstaking years of research, Mark unveils a formidable body of evidence that challenges prevailing beliefs and unveils an overlooked thread of consistency within the complex fabric of the disease. He compellingly demonstrates that certain pathogens possess not only the ability to initiate cancer, but also to actively drive its progression through a suppressive mechanism of control not yet considered by scientists. [i.e. fungus]
As Hubris mentions, the link to download the PDF has some sort of error in it.
Should be fixed now.
For anyone else experiencing this problem, the link in the email from Unbekoming is still defective, but you can access the corrected link directly on his Substack post:
Excellent topic - we need to explore the cause and correction for cancer that affects so many. I would like to see you interview Paul Leendertse from His treatment of many cancer patients points to unresolved chronic emotional stress as the underlying cause of the tumors. It would be a good addition to your body of work. Thanks.
Downloading the pdf fails:
Header value cannot be represented using ISO-8859-1.
attachment; filename="Cancer_Is_A_Fungus_Simoncini_Tullio_2007_Edizioni_Lampis_79e7a384b39b1d20f36fae84f6fb099e_Anna’s_Archive.pdf"
Please retry, should be fixed now.
It does - thank you <3!
Chlorine dioxide is a highly effective disinfectant. If sodium bicarbonate is replaced with chlorine dioxide, wouldn't the effect be even better?
Latest Clinical Summary of Intratumoral Injection of Chlorine Dioxide Therapy
the download seems faulty
Fungal growth inhibition:
The very expensive Mebendazole ( ~$555 per 100 mg pill) is the FDA approved human version,
while the much cheaper Fenbendazole is the veterinary version ("horse paste", about $15 for one week's supply) of a common worm medicine... [note: prices not current]
and both have been suggested in a new cancer treatment protocol (Makis, 2024).
But the cheap Fenbendazole seems to work much better (10x better) for fungal growth inhibition than the expensive Mebendazole human version for this worm medicine.[24]
Research is needed to test on other fungal types, such as Candida.
. . . "... in one such study fenbendazole was demonstrated to be much more successful than mebendazole and other drugs in fighting Cryptococcus neoformans – an opportunistic fungus which can be found anywhere in the world and may cause Cryptococcus meningitis in some people. "
Feb 1994 -- ASM Journals: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Vol. 38, No. 2, "In vitro susceptibility of the opportunistic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans to anthelmintic benzimidazoles" by M C Cruz, M S Bartlett, T D Edlind. . . . " Drug concentrations inhibiting 50% of growth (IC50s) were determined. Four derivatives, including mebendazole and albendazole, had moderately high activities (IC50 = 0.1 to 0.3 microgram/ml). Fenbendazole, however, was 10-fold more active (IC50 = 0.01 to 0.02 microgram/ml) ..."
Cost: . . "Mebendazole is expensive ~$555 per 100 mg pill, while fenbendazole is inexpensive ~48 cents per 222 mg free powder dose (Williams, 2019). As you may recall, albendazole is the form used to treat intestinal parasites in India and these cost 2 cents per pill. FYI, to illustrate how Americans are screwed by Big Pharma, two pills of mebendazole cost just $4 in the UK, 27 cents per 100 mg pill in India and $555 per 100 mg pill in the US." [22] on 27 Aug 2023.
(Williams, 2019)
Good general introduction: Dr. David Williams -- [18] . . . "A Cure for Cancer Hidden in Plain Sight", July 2019. . . describes the Joe Tippens case for Fenbendazole cure, with background about the obstructionist medical system.
Journal article gives introduction to Fenbendazole and a summary of the Joe Tippens case: ..[19] . . "Complete Cure for Cancer by Self-Administering FZ with Supplements -- In August 2016, a businessman from Oklahoma, Joe Tippens, was diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer and underwent a clinical trial under the supervision of his oncologist. He was informed of a short life expectancy from 3 months to 1 year. However, a veterinarian recommended to try FZ with vitamin E supplements, cannabidiol (CBD) oil, and bioavailable curcumin while going through the clinical trial. A positron emission tomography (PET) scan after 3 months did not detect any cancer cells anywhere in his body. Tippens was the only patient cured of cancer among the 1100 patients included in that clinical trial."