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Thanks for posting. I've had Metabolical on my reading list for several months now and it doesn't seem likely I'll get to it any time soon. Too many other health topics have my attention now.

Some thoughts:

First, when I tried to discuss with a physician friend that calories in didn't equal calories out, her eyes instantly rolled back into her head. Her feeling was that it was impossible to converse with someone who could reject such a fundamental truth.

Second, it was Burkitt in the late 70s who developed the notion that fiber was a health component, based upon extensive research by bush doctors (like himself) throughout the British Empire. He noticed that people in the bush didn't have the health problems that he had been taught to solve, and wanted to understand why. He felt it was the fiber in the native diet that conferred health, though I suspect it is diminished nutrition and added toxins in "foods of modern commerce" that bestow disease. So now we have food companies adding cellulose to food, and companies pushing metamucil et al for restoring bowel health. I'm guessing the cellulose (wood fiber) is not something that our 'good' microbiome knows what to do with, so likely it increases the 'bad' gut bugs. And there are studies that the bowel supplements can cause the intestine to dilate several times its normal diameter, so it doesn't solve the problem better than just drinking lots of water, and probably chronic use will result in colon damage. And a damaged colon will change your life quality for the worse quite dramatically.

Third, Dr. Mark Sircus posits that you need to have a deficiency of magnesium to develop diabetes, that it's a lack of mg that prevents sufficient creation of pancreatic enzymes that starts the snowball of problems that culminates in diabetes II. This fits with Dr. Bruce Nathan Ames' Triage Theory of Disease - that when faced with an insufficiency of a nutrient, your body will prioritize preserving those functions that are most critical for your survival. Your heart trumps your pancreas.

Fourth, in 1985 and 1986 I wandered off on a 17,000 mile bicycle tour. I ate 7,000 calories of sugary, low fiber crap every day. Every time I weighed myself (perhaps a half dozen times) I always weighed 167 lbs. And I have never crapped so well in my life. Every day, within ten minutes of waking up, I'd have a massive bowel movement and I'd be good for the day.

Fifth, Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas klimer, thanks for a very interesting, broad sweeping, comment.

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The coffee shop I frequented had a customer most days that was a serious biker. Helmet, tight bike pants, 😱 and had an energy drink clipped to his bike. He was also very overweight. He would get some big latte nonsense and a donut. I saw him weekly for a few years. If he was biking to lose weight, it wasn’t working. I haven’t finished the article but the calories in calories out, eat less, move more , low fat is total hogwash invented by the toxic food industry and their handmaidens of death--the U$ government. Vegetable oil overuse directly corresponds to the rise of obesity in all ages. It’s in every commercial food and restaurants are a nightmare source of it. I’m a home cook again.

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