In New Hampshire USA my husband's CARDIOLOGIST called him "selfish" for declining to accept any covid shots. My husband came home from his appointment very shaken. He is being treated for congestive heart failure and does not wish to exacerbate his condition with an unsafe and ineffective mRNA injection. He has my full support as I am also unvaccinated. We were against it from day one.
Here in Australia, you cannot see a specialist without a referral from a GP, and virtually no specialist would allow you to book an appointment and visit their clinic without vaccination. So, the injection became the ticket to see any specialist in the land. And it was all managed by their receptionists, so they personally didn't need to do the dirty work of coercion and enforcement.
Yes, I see a dermatologist (too much tennis played in the blazing Australian sun in my younger days!) and his practice had a vaxx passport system for a while. The poor receptionist seemed stunned when I didn't flash the big green tick on my mobile and then, somewhat warily, asked when I was scheduled for my first jab. Won't be having one, I replied. 'Oh', she said and instructed me to take a seat. No doubt my disobedience to the Goo Of Deliverance (GOD) was recorded on my electronic record and forwarded to the specialist but no more was said about it when I went in to see him. Perhaps some residual medical ethics prevailed and they couldn't, in all conscience, refuse treatment because I didn't have the magic passport that doesn't even work.
All trace of vaccine passports - and masks (Halleleujah!), and compulosry sanitiser stations - have now gone. It's almost like being back to normal - except my trust in medical professionals has taken a real beating. What was seen can not be unseen.
PS - I gave you a well-deserved little shout-out in a recent post
Let's complicate things more: I don't know about Australia, but in the US, the combo tetanus shot (DTaP) is routinely administered as a preventative, treatment and/or cure. Which is it?
In New Hampshire USA my husband's CARDIOLOGIST called him "selfish" for declining to accept any covid shots. My husband came home from his appointment very shaken. He is being treated for congestive heart failure and does not wish to exacerbate his condition with an unsafe and ineffective mRNA injection. He has my full support as I am also unvaccinated. We were against it from day one.
Here in Australia, you cannot see a specialist without a referral from a GP, and virtually no specialist would allow you to book an appointment and visit their clinic without vaccination. So, the injection became the ticket to see any specialist in the land. And it was all managed by their receptionists, so they personally didn't need to do the dirty work of coercion and enforcement.
Yes, I see a dermatologist (too much tennis played in the blazing Australian sun in my younger days!) and his practice had a vaxx passport system for a while. The poor receptionist seemed stunned when I didn't flash the big green tick on my mobile and then, somewhat warily, asked when I was scheduled for my first jab. Won't be having one, I replied. 'Oh', she said and instructed me to take a seat. No doubt my disobedience to the Goo Of Deliverance (GOD) was recorded on my electronic record and forwarded to the specialist but no more was said about it when I went in to see him. Perhaps some residual medical ethics prevailed and they couldn't, in all conscience, refuse treatment because I didn't have the magic passport that doesn't even work.
All trace of vaccine passports - and masks (Halleleujah!), and compulosry sanitiser stations - have now gone. It's almost like being back to normal - except my trust in medical professionals has taken a real beating. What was seen can not be unseen.
PS - I gave you a well-deserved little shout-out in a recent post
Thanks for sharing your story and for the shout out Phil!
yes, fixed, thanks Allan.
I've gotten into verbal altercations with several "doctors" of late. Apparently I do not trust them anymore..
I am impressed with your work here helping us to understand medicine in Australia. If I may ask, do you live in Australia?
Yes, I and Ameila, co-author of the piece, both live in NSW Australia.
Thank you.
Let's complicate things more: I don't know about Australia, but in the US, the combo tetanus shot (DTaP) is routinely administered as a preventative, treatment and/or cure. Which is it?
Good question!
Justin - maybe this will give you some shelter (or respite) from the storm. Peace.