So, I have been actively learning hypnosis the past year. You will find fascinating the story of Milton Erickson. His personal story of healing himself from polio, learning to walk and regaining use of his body and managing pain. I have it in books, but I just found this retelling of it fit for sharing:
I cannot overemphasize what am inspiring, astounding, and foundational figure Erickson is, both in the realm of hypnosis as well as in the use of one's own mind and capacities, and also relational potential. There are two books which ANYONE would enjoy immensely, which are mostly stories of his experiences with patients (as a therapist) with much verbatim transcription, followed by some exploration of how in the world one can understand how these profound stories were facilitated. I found that the Audible versions worked wonderfully for me as both entertainment and learning. The stories are such that just hearing some of them can actually do some positive work in yourself.
"The goal is balance - neither ignoring genuine problems nor overreacting to minor ones, while maintaining the body's natural healing capabilities through appropriate activity and rest."
Another fantastic self healing story: Jordan Rubin, founder of Garden of Life, and his healing from cancer. You can easily search his story on YouTube.
There are so many incredible self healing stories like this if you access The Truth About Cancer documentary series and focus on the survivor episodes.
The movement and bodywork peeps have so many tools. Moshe Feldenkrais is another big story of self-healing that turned into an entire practice of bodywork. I'm currently playing with visualizations and dance movement, a la Eric Franklin (Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery). Eric Franklin also has A YouTube series of physical therapy kinds of tools, so it is very useful if you have various body pains. You don't have to be a dancer. It is under Franklin Method.
You beat me to the punch on this one, I'd barely started Part 1 when your summary arrived in my mailbox!
Point #1, that 90% of problems the body can be overcome without external intervention, is basically an expression of the Pareto Principle (that 10% of something requires 90% of the effort, and that the other 90% only takes 10% of the effort). When you see a book about health that incorporates the Pareto Principle, that's a very positive sign that you are being exposed to truth. Mainstream medicine seeks to over-amplify the rare 10% of things, for instance heart problems, to instill fear in anyone with that thing. Fear that can only be assuaged by the appropriate ritual performed by the Gods in White Coats. When COVID hit and hospitals shut down, deaths from heart attacks dropped significantly, suggesting their rituals weren't always necessary, nor successful at saving the patient (though those who survive their barbarism become devout true believers).
I'm starting to think that body temperature upon waking is one of the more important health metrics (and obviously not something your physician can do for you). It should be around 97.8 (measured with a glass thermometer under your tongue for 5 minutes). Lower than that suggests hypothyroidism, though I'm not so sure that it isn't actually a sign of something in your gut depleting your reserve of negative electrons.
A common consequence of gut dysbiosis is an overgrowth of the fungus Candida. And Candida results in leaky gut and increased endotoxins in your gut, causing a cascade of issues that deplete your immune system (#1 immune response - heat and inflammation).
It's about impossible to eliminate Candida, but the most effective treatment is heat. So I recently purchased a battery powered infrared heating belt, to see if it might help with my gut issues. It's too soon to tell, but since using the belt my waking body temperature has increased by more than 1 degree, and I've seen improvement in several niggling health issues. My fingers are crossed that it will help me turn the corner on resolving my gut dysbiosis issues. And once that is resolved, I suspect my thyroid function will return to normal on its own.
Interview 30, with Runa, is a story of self healing. It is about a mother who experienced extreme arthritis and excessive bleeding after the emotional shock of her child going trans and becoming estranged. It exemplifies the negative power to self-harm, and then the power to turn that around, as well as previewing what a medicalised path could easily have been.
I am sure there are many Unbekoming stories exemplifying self-healing, but I recalled this one because it is mine.
Thank you for all of this Unbekoming. I am addicted to learning, and you're making it so much easier for me! I just wish I could direct you to my personal list of books and interests, and I am grateful for the exposure to your well-placed path of inquiry.
I don't know of an easily accessible resource at the moment, but there are so many even fun hypnotic techniques for healing. I have been deep-diving with classes and readings. I'll have to think about how it can be most easily accessible. They are very easy to do with a hypnotist or facilitator who knows them. I do want to encourage anyone to understand that it is a very thin barrier to step over to be able to go from subject to agent/facilitator in your own health and psychological process. Once you get into it, you'll be surprised you've lived so long without so many easy practices, and will probably recognize the many that have already been utilized or are at play in your experience.
You will like to hear from Steve Bierman, a doctor who used hypnosis in his emergency practice to regulate blood flow and loss. Here is a reference to an interview that I listened to with him:
Steve Bierman. Doctor who uses hypnosis and wrote a book.
On Skeptiko podcast with Alex Tsakiris. September 20, 2022
Here are a portion of personal notes that I took from the podcast. Sorry if some are unintelligible scratch-hand:
40-45 minutes in begins until 48. How to deliver a dire diagnosis and prognosis. Example of cancer.
Don't say "try" because it highlights an obstacle.
Put risks over there, with hand, "some people.."
Benefits discuss here, pertaining to You.
Statistics may not have anything to do with you.
First. Miracles happen and I see them. You could be the next miracle.
The news that WE got... It is cáncer. Together WE take measures to stop and GET YOU WELL. Risks are SOME PEOPLE have xyz (over there). If THEY do, we have the medicines and techniques to help them.
On the other hand. There are many patients, perhaps just like you, who do quite well, have a comfortable course, and you go on to survive. I wouldn't be surprised if after all of this, you and I are sitting here, and looking back realize that you're chances of survival in retrospect were 100%.
What are my chances? (You don't know and can't know. What is your health tomorrow? Nobody can answer. David Deutch. The fallacy of prophecy.) We won't know until we're through this thing and hopefully you're well. What I can tell you, in a group of 100 people (over there with hands), 80 will not make it, and on the other hand (hand to patient) , 20, for reasons we don't fully understand, perhaps much like you.. WILL SURVIVE (emphasize).
Primary care doctors do better because they understand that they don't know for many things. Resistance comes from the science of billiard balls. But someone put that ball. People can resist changing paradigms despite glaring anomalies (Thomas Kuhn).
Anecdote. Had a ruptured disc. Couldn't do push up. Colleagues want to cut into neck, put cadaver bone to give more space. Unattractive option. I went to every alternative modality. Feldenkrais... Less than perfect. Read Andrew Weil. Read Way off the Shaman. Ayahuasceros. Called doctor who spoke Spanish. I said we're going on a drug trip. Tamakas. Walked hours into jungle to most powerful brujo of the area. Two hours before we arrived, shaman commented they were coming and to wait. Stayed several days. Ritual. Suck and blow. Didn't tell him. He used crystal and found neck. Blew on it, like ice. Did again. Said curado. Within days pain went almost completely. Mystery.
Friends with Daoist priest who was energy healer. Saw him heal. I monitored as doctor.
Reading hypnosis literature. Example. Heal migraines by making hand hot. Other groups had hand cold.
1 hour, bit less. Trance is an effect that you command. Hypnotic influence comes from authority. I went in jungle, helpless to get out and helpless to heal self. All over same suggestion. If you do credible intervention, whatever it is, and submit, the prescribed outcome will occur. The generic placebo effect. Be careful what you prescribe. Prescribe a cure, not a curse.
But shaman knew you were coming. More going on. How understand?
Paradigm anomaly. Prompts you to either abandon paradigm or expansion.
Hypnosis. There is a connection between operator and subject. Example. Deepening with leaf coming to rest. Subject said saw it coming before. Happens all the time.
Authority pattern. More likely to identify with you.
Rapport. As people align externally, also internally.
If you can't go in that room with curative intent, don't go in.
Anecdote. Scott. Physician in community. Life sucks. Hate xyz. Overwhelming to hear this hate speech. Father was well respected but unfaithful. Catharsis is not cure.
Authority must not show doubt to person in need.
Politics. Create helplessness and dependency. Then present certainty. Enters psyche without resistance. A sodden scourge. No cure. Lockdown and isolates. Precondition for an authority to emerge. Says I am science, I speak for science. The authority pattern. Malevolent application.
The generic placebo is in operation in every venue. In any study, you want to know exact words used.
Vernon Coleman is exceptional. His very early 2020 & continual sage insights, advice & warnings delivered in videos & articles helped many. As the world went crazy, he helped us who are critical thinkers not feel alone
If you are still struggling with chronic illness please seek out information from The medical medium, free information via website, vids and podcasts and more, books can be borrowed from your local library, bought as e-books or hardcopies:
So, I have been actively learning hypnosis the past year. You will find fascinating the story of Milton Erickson. His personal story of healing himself from polio, learning to walk and regaining use of his body and managing pain. I have it in books, but I just found this retelling of it fit for sharing:
I cannot overemphasize what am inspiring, astounding, and foundational figure Erickson is, both in the realm of hypnosis as well as in the use of one's own mind and capacities, and also relational potential. There are two books which ANYONE would enjoy immensely, which are mostly stories of his experiences with patients (as a therapist) with much verbatim transcription, followed by some exploration of how in the world one can understand how these profound stories were facilitated. I found that the Audible versions worked wonderfully for me as both entertainment and learning. The stories are such that just hearing some of them can actually do some positive work in yourself.
Uncommon Therapy
My Voice Will Go With You
I found a nice video telling Erickson's self-healing story. It's a real pleasure, so please take some minutes to listen:
Interesting , though still works alongside conventional treatments, which I no longer trust or would use unless in an accident.
"The goal is balance - neither ignoring genuine problems nor overreacting to minor ones, while maintaining the body's natural healing capabilities through appropriate activity and rest."
easier said than done.
Another fantastic self healing story: Jordan Rubin, founder of Garden of Life, and his healing from cancer. You can easily search his story on YouTube.
There are so many incredible self healing stories like this if you access The Truth About Cancer documentary series and focus on the survivor episodes.
The movement and bodywork peeps have so many tools. Moshe Feldenkrais is another big story of self-healing that turned into an entire practice of bodywork. I'm currently playing with visualizations and dance movement, a la Eric Franklin (Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery). Eric Franklin also has A YouTube series of physical therapy kinds of tools, so it is very useful if you have various body pains. You don't have to be a dancer. It is under Franklin Method.
You beat me to the punch on this one, I'd barely started Part 1 when your summary arrived in my mailbox!
Point #1, that 90% of problems the body can be overcome without external intervention, is basically an expression of the Pareto Principle (that 10% of something requires 90% of the effort, and that the other 90% only takes 10% of the effort). When you see a book about health that incorporates the Pareto Principle, that's a very positive sign that you are being exposed to truth. Mainstream medicine seeks to over-amplify the rare 10% of things, for instance heart problems, to instill fear in anyone with that thing. Fear that can only be assuaged by the appropriate ritual performed by the Gods in White Coats. When COVID hit and hospitals shut down, deaths from heart attacks dropped significantly, suggesting their rituals weren't always necessary, nor successful at saving the patient (though those who survive their barbarism become devout true believers).
I'm starting to think that body temperature upon waking is one of the more important health metrics (and obviously not something your physician can do for you). It should be around 97.8 (measured with a glass thermometer under your tongue for 5 minutes). Lower than that suggests hypothyroidism, though I'm not so sure that it isn't actually a sign of something in your gut depleting your reserve of negative electrons.
A common consequence of gut dysbiosis is an overgrowth of the fungus Candida. And Candida results in leaky gut and increased endotoxins in your gut, causing a cascade of issues that deplete your immune system (#1 immune response - heat and inflammation).
It's about impossible to eliminate Candida, but the most effective treatment is heat. So I recently purchased a battery powered infrared heating belt, to see if it might help with my gut issues. It's too soon to tell, but since using the belt my waking body temperature has increased by more than 1 degree, and I've seen improvement in several niggling health issues. My fingers are crossed that it will help me turn the corner on resolving my gut dysbiosis issues. And once that is resolved, I suspect my thyroid function will return to normal on its own.
Interview 30, with Runa, is a story of self healing. It is about a mother who experienced extreme arthritis and excessive bleeding after the emotional shock of her child going trans and becoming estranged. It exemplifies the negative power to self-harm, and then the power to turn that around, as well as previewing what a medicalised path could easily have been.
I am sure there are many Unbekoming stories exemplifying self-healing, but I recalled this one because it is mine.
This is an incredible compendium!
Thank you!
Thank you for all of this Unbekoming. I am addicted to learning, and you're making it so much easier for me! I just wish I could direct you to my personal list of books and interests, and I am grateful for the exposure to your well-placed path of inquiry.
I don't know of an easily accessible resource at the moment, but there are so many even fun hypnotic techniques for healing. I have been deep-diving with classes and readings. I'll have to think about how it can be most easily accessible. They are very easy to do with a hypnotist or facilitator who knows them. I do want to encourage anyone to understand that it is a very thin barrier to step over to be able to go from subject to agent/facilitator in your own health and psychological process. Once you get into it, you'll be surprised you've lived so long without so many easy practices, and will probably recognize the many that have already been utilized or are at play in your experience.
You will like to hear from Steve Bierman, a doctor who used hypnosis in his emergency practice to regulate blood flow and loss. Here is a reference to an interview that I listened to with him:
Steve Bierman. Doctor who uses hypnosis and wrote a book.
On Skeptiko podcast with Alex Tsakiris. September 20, 2022
Here are a portion of personal notes that I took from the podcast. Sorry if some are unintelligible scratch-hand:
40-45 minutes in begins until 48. How to deliver a dire diagnosis and prognosis. Example of cancer.
Don't say "try" because it highlights an obstacle.
Put risks over there, with hand, "some people.."
Benefits discuss here, pertaining to You.
Statistics may not have anything to do with you.
First. Miracles happen and I see them. You could be the next miracle.
The news that WE got... It is cáncer. Together WE take measures to stop and GET YOU WELL. Risks are SOME PEOPLE have xyz (over there). If THEY do, we have the medicines and techniques to help them.
On the other hand. There are many patients, perhaps just like you, who do quite well, have a comfortable course, and you go on to survive. I wouldn't be surprised if after all of this, you and I are sitting here, and looking back realize that you're chances of survival in retrospect were 100%.
What are my chances? (You don't know and can't know. What is your health tomorrow? Nobody can answer. David Deutch. The fallacy of prophecy.) We won't know until we're through this thing and hopefully you're well. What I can tell you, in a group of 100 people (over there with hands), 80 will not make it, and on the other hand (hand to patient) , 20, for reasons we don't fully understand, perhaps much like you.. WILL SURVIVE (emphasize).
Primary care doctors do better because they understand that they don't know for many things. Resistance comes from the science of billiard balls. But someone put that ball. People can resist changing paradigms despite glaring anomalies (Thomas Kuhn).
Anecdote. Had a ruptured disc. Couldn't do push up. Colleagues want to cut into neck, put cadaver bone to give more space. Unattractive option. I went to every alternative modality. Feldenkrais... Less than perfect. Read Andrew Weil. Read Way off the Shaman. Ayahuasceros. Called doctor who spoke Spanish. I said we're going on a drug trip. Tamakas. Walked hours into jungle to most powerful brujo of the area. Two hours before we arrived, shaman commented they were coming and to wait. Stayed several days. Ritual. Suck and blow. Didn't tell him. He used crystal and found neck. Blew on it, like ice. Did again. Said curado. Within days pain went almost completely. Mystery.
Friends with Daoist priest who was energy healer. Saw him heal. I monitored as doctor.
Reading hypnosis literature. Example. Heal migraines by making hand hot. Other groups had hand cold.
1 hour, bit less. Trance is an effect that you command. Hypnotic influence comes from authority. I went in jungle, helpless to get out and helpless to heal self. All over same suggestion. If you do credible intervention, whatever it is, and submit, the prescribed outcome will occur. The generic placebo effect. Be careful what you prescribe. Prescribe a cure, not a curse.
But shaman knew you were coming. More going on. How understand?
Paradigm anomaly. Prompts you to either abandon paradigm or expansion.
Hypnosis. There is a connection between operator and subject. Example. Deepening with leaf coming to rest. Subject said saw it coming before. Happens all the time.
Authority pattern. More likely to identify with you.
Rapport. As people align externally, also internally.
If you can't go in that room with curative intent, don't go in.
Anecdote. Scott. Physician in community. Life sucks. Hate xyz. Overwhelming to hear this hate speech. Father was well respected but unfaithful. Catharsis is not cure.
Authority must not show doubt to person in need.
Politics. Create helplessness and dependency. Then present certainty. Enters psyche without resistance. A sodden scourge. No cure. Lockdown and isolates. Precondition for an authority to emerge. Says I am science, I speak for science. The authority pattern. Malevolent application.
The generic placebo is in operation in every venue. In any study, you want to know exact words used.
Vernon Coleman is exceptional. His very early 2020 & continual sage insights, advice & warnings delivered in videos & articles helped many. As the world went crazy, he helped us who are critical thinkers not feel alone
Helen Bremner, a nurse who uses hypnosis with IBS.
The only thing that cured my IBS was change of diet, exercise and consuming celery juice as per The medical medium protocols:
If you are still struggling with chronic illness please seek out information from The medical medium, free information via website, vids and podcasts and more, books can be borrowed from your local library, bought as e-books or hardcopies: