Great article, thanks! Those of us who follow the Weston A Price Foundation have been aware of the scam of the Blue Zones. Sally Fallon Morell made us aware of the fact that the author left out the large quantities of meat these societies ate. Can’t remember her Loma Linda explanation. We’ve been aware of scientists and authors like Nina Teicholz and Zoe Harcombe who pointed out the fallacy of Keys’ Seven Country Study.

The Weston A Price Foundation suggests an ancestral diet, closest to that which one’s ancestors ate hundreds of years ago is best. This is not a one size fits all diet and includes meat, raw dairy and fermented foods depending on one’s ethnic heritage.

And in 2020 the organization negotiated to hold its annual conference of over 1000 people without masks indoors but was forced to abandon these plans when the conference center pulled out. Since then we’ve had such notable keynote speakers as RFK, Jr, Catherine Austin Fits and this year Sasha Latypova.

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Great comment, thanks Karen. I'm late to the party on how Blue Zones have been weaponized. It shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it still does.

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I remember all to well when heart disease and the cholesterol scam became big business. First known heart attack was 1910 I believe in the US. Childhood maladies were on their way out before vaccines were introduced. That's another non-issue that I do not accept other opinions because mine is the right one. Stay away from all of them if you want to live healthy, period, end of story.

Enter cotton seed oil aka Crisco, enter margarine, demonize butter, a decade later force feed low fat everything, enter heart bypass and Lipitor. It is so monstrously evident what allopathy is doing.

Like everything coming from MSM, just reverse it, everything, do the opposite and live a healthy life. Never known is a case of cancer in the unvaccinated. Use logic and common sense. No need to dissect anything, just follow the money trail.

Fats!! It's all about fats, not seed oils that your body does not recognize. Your brain is full of fats. Deny your brain fat and your on a one-way trip to dementia. Deny fats to your cells and they will die off and you will die off.

Lord, I am so sick of reading labels I could spit. But I have to. I refuse to be force fed poison. But they got me anyway. No beef in my local stores or prices for which are in the stratosphere. All vaccinated pork and fake chicken. They are hell bent on removing fats from your diet. Better to eat grass and parasitical bugs. If they are taking something away from you it only means it benefits you. If they are forcing something on you, they want you sick and dead as quickly as possible. It really is just that simple.

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It is that simple. I've become like George (in Seinfeld) doing the opposite of whatever they are telling me.

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Background to veganism: In 1944, Donald Watson watched a pig being slaughtered. This experience convinced him that animal life was sacred and should never be sacrificed for human ends. He decided to never eat animal products again and coined the idea and word “vegan” for his followers. According to prominent plant eater Michael Gregor, acolytes must eat “nothing with a mother or a face.” Some of them even avoid leather belts—or killing insects.

It was a new philosophy that has never before or since been successfully implemented for large groups. People who eat solely plants have trouble with long-term health. But they never seem to have trouble with the wholesale slaughter of animals like mice and insects by modern agriculture.

There is, of course, an entire subcontinent of “vegetarians” in India who traditionally consume eggs, cheese, milk, and sometimes fish. But modern America is where the vegan fad rooted the most deeply. Even here, despite cult members shaming backsliders who are caught buying so much as an egg or two, few are able to continue their strict habit for more than a few years. There are a claims about professional athletes who can sustain vegan living, but they are rare, possibly mythical animals.

Here is an updated post about diet and seed oils: FOOD: MERCOLA DISCOVERS THE ROSETTA STONE

https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/219-mercola-may-have-discovered-the#details. This is another critical health issue that is slowly being recognized. For a window into the keto/carnivore world, neurosurgeon Dr. Chaffee says that plants are trying to kill you: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1300429/10232095-plants-are-trying-to-kill-you-dr-anthony-chaffee-m-d. He eats primarily beef. I am currently modeling him because diets like this improve Parkinson’s, arthritis, and elevated glycosylated hemoglobin, a pre-diabetic marker. I have all three.

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Plenty of great stuff here. Thanks Robert!

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There are some, like this guy


He does eat a lot of supplements. Then again, that's not exactly uncommon among body builders etc.

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My thing about Blue Zones is I think its about the water source as much as all that other nice stuff. I read Imagine your and aluminum Atom by Dr. Exley and that lead to a recommendation of another book that was a pragmatic next step to the understanding of aluminum toxicity and how silicate can alleviate chronic exposure to aluminum. Anyway, a common denominator for these blue zones is a water source high in silicate. Silicate will bind with aluminum in the body and makes it easier for us to eliminate as demonstrated in animal studies. It may just be a scam to drink Fiji water but if that is the scam then I guess I don't mind that much.

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Fiji water is part of the toxic empire of Stewart Resnik who also owns Franklin Mint, TeleFlora, POM, most almond & pistachio crops grown in California & major water thief for farming major pollution & wage theft in FiJi bottling operation..BigAg Kingpin at Aspen with his wife https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Stewart_A._Resnick

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I must say that Dr. Exley never touted Fiji water specifically, he chose some european brand insteads despite it having a less silicate in it, and neither did the 2nd book I read, (I need to lookup the title and author). The 2nd book had steps for making your own silicate water on the cheap. Exley was a bit surprised when he approached some big silicate water bottler in Europe figuring they'd want to maybe market on the idea of being good for mitigating long term harms of aluminum but they went suspiciously cold on him. He was left to wonder if parent companies and interests entered into the equation.

So is Fiji water itself bad, or just the product of an evil corporation...which I know thats bad too but tough to avoid in this world

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Consumer Reports remain tops in my trusted sources for rating product claims & performance.. they also have fab section that rate food product labels..


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Typical intellectual claptrap, and hypocrisy.

Rather than focus their investigations on the millions of young people who have been harmed or killed by government mandated 'Experimental' vaccinations, they spend their research grants on the back end of the demographic curve which is very safe because nobody cares about that. I'm certain that none of them highlight the uncomfortable fact that life expectancy in China now exceeds that of the United States?

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Incredibly eye opening, reinforcing that so much “news” and “information” is - in fact - the empire’s narrative/ agenda for us peons. Thank you

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Simply living in a region which is not too cold or too warm allows spending a lot of time outdoors, in contact with the earth under the life giving sun, could be the number one factor for longevity.

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Thank you. Good article. Again they have chosen what suits their narrative rather than the facts.

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I have been trying to think of what the characteristics of propaganda 1 - 10 reminded me of just recently - oh thats right - the referendum

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Thank you for this. I always look forward to your Substack essays.

I'm reminded of a brilliant presentation by Dr. Zoe Harcombe PhD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRQ2ciJ1ncQ&t=242s in which she explains the origins of plant-based diets (at around the five-minute mark).

Going all the way back to Sylvester Graham (1794-1841) of Graham Cracker and Garden of Eden Diet fame along with well-intentioned but fundamentalist plant-based diet advocates such as Ellen G. White (1827-1915), a founding member of the Seventh Day Adventist movement, who believed 'carne' inevitably lead to 'carnal', meat eating has been demonised.

"'Lifestyle Medicine' on the other hand, is based on the Ideology of the Seventh-day Adventist Church including the 1863 Health Reform visions of their Prophetess and the subsequent Church doctrine around the (vegan) Garden of Eden diet for Salvation.

It is important to clarify right at the beginning of this article that the 19th Century Adventist 'anti-meat' message was never about saving animals from harm, nor was it about climate change. Meat was considered a toxic stimulant that corrupted moral values and led not only men, but women and children to the act of 'Self-Vice'. Meat was considered a stimulant equally, if not more harmful, than alcohol and tobacco ..." Belinda Fettke https://isupportgary.com/articles/the-plant-based-diet-is-vegan

It's amazing how many 'experts' don't appreciate just how vital protein and fats are to the human species.

"The lower limit of dietary carbohydrate compatible with life apparently is zero, provided adequate amounts of protein and fat are consumed." The Panel on Macronutrients. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients): The National Academies Press, 2005:1357.

It seems the only thing these plant-based diets are good for are commercial and politic interests - and to prop up the 'expertise' of people who really should know better.

Oh, and this study, small as it is, is revealing: J Tomlin et al. Investigation of normal flatus production in healthy volunteers. BMJ Gut. 1991.

Let he who eateth the first bean...... ;)

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Wonderful, thank you for all that! I should spend some time with Harcombe and come to know her work.

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"Blue zone" is copyrighted and they pursue people who use it for commercial purposes.

Although it is not the veganism, there is something to it because these areas are rich in silica water, which forces aluminum excretion, which remediates aluminum toxicity. Or maybe I have been lied to again. See: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/256-chris-exley-the-aluminum-man#details


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The wrong fats clog your arteries, Fast Food oils. After a Quad Bypass, they put my 52-year-old eldest son on a Soy Boy Diet, and his cholesterol still tests high. He is smart, and refused the Statins, as do I, they are bad. Carbs in the form of cereal and bread hit the other cholesterol numbers. And both are fed to kids too often. 4 ounces of white meat a week, beef once a month. No one sticks to too strict a diet, you need a little pleasure food in reasonable quantities. Or other health issues clash. Like GI/Heart.

I may not like his politics, but he hires the best researchers.


The Nutritional ‘Dark Matter’ in Your Food — And Why Synthetic Food Is So Dangerous

Remarkable as it may seem, 99% of the proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and other biochemical components making up whole food are a complete mystery. So how can scientists replicate those components in lab food? And what are we missing in our diets if those components aren’t all there?


Learn what foods you eat have Glyphosate. Roundup weed killer It’s in more products than you can imagine. General Mills Brands is one of the longest lists. The cereals your children ask for, and you buy.


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What a lot of those people in the 'Blue Zones' have in common is that they don't sit behind a computer in an airless, artificially-lit office for 8-10 hours a day, followed by an evening on the couch watching Netflix. They are out working the land, and spend evenings with their large families or enjoying the camaraderie of good friends. Diet obviously factors into this too, but it probably doesn't matter all that much whether they eat beef or beans. I haven't eaten meat in 25 years, and it pisses me off to no end that my beautiful, peace-loving way of eating has been appropriated by those I most despise in this world.

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Good morning Unbekoming, your post recalls this lengthy WSJ article just last week on the use and promise of colchicine, as an illustration of the dead hand of the past:

A New Way to Protect Against Heart Attacks

It is increasingly clear to researchers that inflammation can raise the risk of a heart attack. Now doctors have a drug that addresses that risk.

The drug colchicine has been used for more than 2,000 years to treat the fiery joint-pain ailment called gout. It also is a remedy for a genetic disorder called familial Mediterranean fever, and for pericarditis, an inflammation of the sac around the heart.

Now colchicine may be set for a surprising new role. In June, the Food and Drug Administration approved a new low-dose version of the drug as the first-ever medicine to treat cardiovascular inflammation, marking a new approach for heart-attack prevention...


[We find out that a doctor in Australia successfully used colchicine to treat a young person with pericarditis long before covid or the vaccines:]

Enter colchicine. Its path to FDA approval began in a hospital ward in Western Australia in 2006, where Dr. Mark Nidorf, a cardiologist at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, in Perth, was treating a patient with severe pericarditis. He gave him a single dose of colchicine.

“The next day he just felt fantastic,” Nidorf says. He wondered if a drug that had such a rapid impact on pericarditis might be useful against atherosclerosis by treating arterial inflammation.

He recruited a group of his own patients who were on statins and had high CRP levels and randomly allocated them to take colchicine or no colchicine. A month later, CRP levels of those given the drug had come down “quite dramatically,” Nidorf says.

[I can't help but wonder if the WSJ target audience was both young and old professionals who all got shot up with mRNA because it was the smart thing to do, and are now worried. Of course, the article had to make it clear that colchicine would be used in concert with statins, the current standard of care, and with other more sophisticated medications in development by pharmaceutical companies who love us and do not want us to suffer from heart ailments:]

The bedrock strategy for heart-attack prevention has long been lowering LDL cholesterol with drugs called statins. Adding low-dose colchicine—which in one study reduced cardiovascular risk by 31% in patients already treated with statins and other preventive medicines—would enable doctors to simultaneously hit two biological targets that cause heart attacks.

“This is about combining therapies” that are both effective ways to reduce risk, says Dr. Paul Ridker, director of the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston. “They’re not in conflict, they’re synergistic...”

Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk is among several companies with new anti-inflammatory drugs in development to reduce heart risk...

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You have obviously done your homework on Colchicine. I have heard of it but paid little attention. More to the point, GcMAF, Colloidal silver, Laetrile among others have been wiped from the market as was Ivermectin these last few years. Why was that? Statins have been shown to help 1 in 10,000 live 1 day longer. Not exactly an endorsement.

Other than vaccines, I believe heart disease and cancer treatments are the overwhelming cash cows of allopathic medicine. Statins are a major cash cow for Pharma. Why in the world would they want to eliminate one of those cows? Especially since they lied and demonized chelation therapy for a century for doing exactly what you claim colchicine does.

A doctor once told me as he was admonishing me for not accepting Lipitor as him saving his father-in-law from having another heart attack by putting him of statins, but sadly he died of dementia. His exact words. Our medical system is for profit only. There is no profit in cures.

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It doesn't matter what the diet or lifestyle of a nation is when the population is being bombarded with negative subliminal messaging literally 24/7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zddQ7bIfBR4

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This is a strawman logical fallacy. The evidence for the link between cholesterol and CVD risk and cholesterol and saturated fat intake is not based on ambiguous Blue zones or nationwide observations but on 1000s of measurements, prospective studies and ward experiments.

Like Jordon Peterson and Joe Rogan and others sponsored by or promoting the $trillion animal ag industry; Saladino is nowhere near being censored from the internet.

It is so obvious where the conspiracy about the world economic fantasy wanting us all to eat bugs came from and why they created it.

Yes statins are very unhealthy because they block the body's ability to make and regulate the cholesterol that it needs. It makes all it needs, any eaten, particularly oxidised from cheese and meat is too much and causes athersclerosis and plaques.

Yes stents are useless because the damage is often occurring in smaller vessels.

There is only one diet proven to prevent and reverse heart disease one of the top killers in the west since the second world war.

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