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inflammation is the goal of aluminium but i wonder if it even helps at all in the desired outcome as the body is looking at the al instead of the dead virus.

im not sure about jason fungs mention of using cream or mct oil in coffee (im actually sat here drinking coffee with double cream) as the body will stop its autophagy and use its new food source first.

my research leads me to suggest 16-24h fasts regularly are best for autophagy but i have done 72h once a month in the past and my skin looked better (youthful) for it

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YouTube’s Dr. Eric Berg has lots of good info on this, along with many others.

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I’m sitting here a little tipsy on Saturday night and so sorry but TL:DR. I can, however, attest to the power of autophagy. Using intermittent fasting of 1-3 days periodically over the course of about two years, I had quite a few improvements in a variety of maladies including: HBP, weight loss, vision improvement, healing of a long-term wound on my shin, healing of toenail fungus, healing of carpal tunnel syndrome, and a few other things that lingered. Powerful stuff. I did this combined with a ketogenic diet for the most part for the beginning 3.5 months where I lost 50 pounds without any exercise at all. Deep ketosis is a powerful healer but I believe it should be done intermittently. It may not be ideal to stay in ketosis long term.

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Thank you, great comment, and yes it was a bit on the long side :)

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I would normally read it all but short attention span last night. Saving it for later though.

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Thank you so much for writing on this topic! I have downloaded Toby Roger's thesis but I struggled to read it. Just not good with that kind of formal language and don't have the time with my busy stressful job (that I love) to take the info in that way. I'm also wanting to look again at autophagy as I need to do some detoxing right now for my own health so I was delighted when I saw the title of your article. I really enjoy your contributions in this field. You are good at making ideas more accessible for others so the process that works for you to understand the material benefits us all. Thank you very much. (-:

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Thank Kerry 👍

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What adjuvant is used in the MMR vaccine then? If its not thimerosol or aluminum what other ingredient gets the immune system to pay attention?

Here's some fly-by speculation for you, 'So, fasting is a key component of vaccine injury recover.' What if one of the major ways Chemotherapy works is that it leads to the patients losing their appetite? What if the real work being done is by the chemo induced fasting?

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Thimerosal is a preservative, while aluminum is an adjuvant (that penny only recently dropped for me).

I thought AL was used in MMR, apparently not. Here the CDC says that MMR has no adjuvant


Turns out there are other adjuvants they use, such as:

MF59: an oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant that is used in some influenza vaccines

AS03: a adjuvant system used in some influenza vaccines, it's made of a mixture of DL-alpha-tocopherol (a type of vitamin E) and squalene (a natural oil found in the human body)

Adjuvant systems like AS04, which is a combination of aluminum hydroxide and MPL (3-deacylated monophosphoryl lipid A)

ISCOMS: a complex of phospholipids, cholesterol, and protein that are used in some veterinary vaccines

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To your question on the ‘point’ of the AL adjuvants…framing it as just ‘inflammation’ is probably inaccurate. It is complex, and not fully understood, to be clear. The role of the adjuvant, however, is to amplify (exaggerate) the immune response to an antigen; rather like throwing lighter fluid in to start a fire. The goal being to generate more antibodies, and faster. But it does much much more than encourage the target response. Inflammation is a protective response, but can get out of control. The aluminum has the unfortunate consequence of amplifying the response in a systemic and uncontrolled manner, and unnaturally, to be sure. Microglia activation, for example, was probably an unintended consequence born out of hubris and ignorance—this is the reckless nature of western medicine, as we know.

It has to be emphasized that aluminum didn’t exist for nearly all of our evolutionary history. Neither did injected pathogens. Our immune systems did not evolve in a way that built a coordinated response to pathogens inserted directly into the blood stream via a needle. We also did not evolve alongside aluminum, as that is bound up in bauxite, and only quite recently has become ubiquitous in the environment. Our gastrointestinal systems are nevertheless still somewhat functional in protective capability, but only if our tight junctions in the gut are not compromised (as many people’s are).

You might want to look at the research of Russell Blaylock on the microglia activation and their role in deposition of aluminum in the brain. It’s quite eye-opening.

The short answer is that we probably should never have ‘liberated’ aluminum from bauxite in the first place. And now that we have, and have amplified its use to extraordinary levels, we are faced with the fallout: environmental toxicity and medical misuse. It is yet another one of those ‘advancements’ of modern technology and ‘convenience’ that continues to beget unforeseen (at least initially) consequences. And now that a good deal of those consequences are fairly well-established, industry works to produce counter narratives that obfuscate and continue harm in the name of profit.

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That's great stuff, thank you!

I will look up Blaylock.

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There are *both* environmental and genetic factors influencing the rise of ASD. The genetic aspect is overblown by the pharma narrative, but it is not completely invented, and not insignificant. The narrative you are rightly critical of ignores the impact of things like AL adjuvant exposure. See James Lyons-Weiler book, The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism.


Specific to the research you looked at, Dr. Crepeaux’s research I believe has hypothesized that AL affects some people differently because of genetic predisposition or the way their body handles autophagy. This has been observed in mouse studies. Her current research, I believe is looking at this more closely (in mice).

Also worth noting that her work has not been “easy”. She’s had to deal with a lot of negativity for her research, but has persisted. She’s really worthy of respect, imo.

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I admit, I haven't looked at Jame's work on the subject (on the list for further study)

I am very dubious of a genetic (only) explanation, but am open to its possibility (and even if true is surely wildly exaggerated

I certainly accept that certain genes interacting with environment (AL) can lead to bad, specific outcomes, but here I refer back to my sidewalk analogy

and lastly, I think there's been a misunderstanding...I know it isn't easy doing what she and her team are doing:

"How the hell do these researchers get to do this type of work and then get it published. Basically, pointing an accusatory finger at vaccine aluminium and autism. No way it would be published in the US. But France is no better, it is the land of Pasteur and Sanofi, a holy cathedral of germ theory and vaccination. It cannot be easy and my hat off to all the researchers doing this work. They must be under intense pressure."

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I have read somewhere that USA dod already foresee problems with recruiting healthy young men by the year 2030/2040?? (Can't recall the exact year) due to the fact that so many people get to become autistic or even born that way (mother's immune system being either genetically compromised or environmentally as well, who knows, since alluminium is all over, in shampoos, deodorants, weather manupilators, the trojan horse like graphene oxide). And doesn't autism affect more males than females? Whereas autism affected the population in a limited way after 2nd ww, i know statistically where there was 1 in every 100 children with autism, now the predictions to autism climbing will be a major factor in the recruiting of healthy soldiers for the feauture in 20 years time?

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