Thanks so Much for looking out for us. Just forwarded this to everyone I know that drinks this stuff. Warren Buffet & Donald Trump have stated proudly they consume 12 Diet Cokes a day?

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Aspartame is the poster child for FDA revolving door & toxic product approval. As horrifying as it is to discover the truth has been known for decades and rather than providing consumer protections the system is dying for profits. Much of this story has been public for decades but thanks to lying corp media and corrupt Congress this is still breaking news to most consumers. Tragic.


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This thing is added to everything. Read labels in your favorite shop.

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Good call, reading labels and understanding them!

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Aspartame also causes chronic/repeat UTIs, which can lead to interstitial cystitis.

Modern medicine approaches for IC include a series of "DMSO treatments" inserted into the bladder. (Horrific, painful, and FDA-approved of course.) Tell a doctor that quitting aspartame alleviates all symptoms you will likely get that "deer in the headlights" look.

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Thank God I already knew that artificial sweeteners are bad. Will pass this on as so many people consume them.

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I think many of us know.

I was warned about it years ago. I knew it wasn't helping, but for the longest time, I didn't think it was harming me either. Or maybe I weighed the risks vs, the benefits. How fun is drinking water on its own?

But if we look at what we do, I doubt any of us have escaped some toxic aspect on our lives. Some people smoke, others drink, some consume way too much sodium. If we all took a life audit, we would find something.

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Yet we're supposed to "trust the science"!

I'm fortunate in that my first encounter with aspartame gave me a raging headache so I knew to avoid it. (There are advantages to being a canary in a coal mine!) Same thing happens with MSG, which is why I don't eat anything with "natural flavours" or "nutritional" yeast. Those additives are, btw, simply MSG cleverly rebranded after its dangers became known. That would make an excellent article too ... if you can find sources which isn't easy.

Thanks for your work!

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Interesting on the headache. I tried drinks with Aspartame a few times and they made my neck hurt - it was the strangest feeling. I thought “what in the hell is in this stuff that would do that to me”.

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Artificial sweeteners are problematic, even the non toxic ones.

Your brain and body use taste to set up digestion.

If the sweetness doesn't come with the expected calories, the digestion batch process is wrong and can cause imbalances.

It's simple chemistry. If you expect sugars, your body sets up the ideal path to absorb them. But if there's no sugar there, the environment set up to get those sugars is not optimal and can cause confusion with our natural body processes.

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Of course, a sick population is a very lucrative industry.

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I’ve found a zero or low calorie sweetener I like and trust. I hope I am correct to trust it. It’s PURE Monk fruit. You HAVE to read labels

because many sweeteners that say monk fruit turn out to be nothing more than aspartame or some such, “in a monk fruit base”.

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a couple of thoughts, neither of them well developed but would like your insights.

1) Despite years of continual "scientific" reassurance about the BBB for substances like aspartame but including MSG, i have long wondered if that is really all it is cracked up to be. Leaving aside the fact that this barrier can be compromised by a whole host of conditions, I am more focused on the delicate critical connections between gut and brain in terms of human neurochemistry. Perhaps the excitotoxins don't need to cross the BBB to work their "charm"...perhaps they work as you mention at hte level of gut bacteria, but perhaps their are a hundred other pathways for damage to ensue, One can easily imagine that nerves (say in the mouth) with direct connections to the brain, might be overstimulated...

2) One should not underestimate the power of a multibillion dollar additive industry to control the narrative in a hundred different ways. My first exposure to "bots" was posting questions about the safety of msg in many different parts of the web, only to see my post rapidly downvoted, disappeared, criticized, demonized in a matter of seconds....andthis took place 20 years ago!

3) I hope you will do MSG next!

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This is an excellent Stack. None of the information provided comes as news to me; I've avoided the stuff since the 1980's after I read a spread in a UK newspaper (back in the days when investigative journalism actually existed). What I read horrified me. I made photocopies of the article and posted it to friends and family, at considerable cost to myself.

Later that year I attended a few barbecues and a wedding. Finally a big family get together for Christmas. To my dismay, diet sodas were at each of the aforementioned socials and people were necking it smugly ("cos it's guilt free").

I shouldn't have wasted my time and money!

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Glad you posted on this. Somehow my mother knew it was bad from day #1. I never like the taste anyways, but always knew it was bad.

I'm pretty sure when I was in my 20's (1990's) I found some studies linking it to MS symptoms which would go away if consumption was halted. I looked into it then because a friend of mine used to consume a lot of it and didn't believe me that it was bad.

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In my younger years I would eat everyday for lunch at work, an apple, a lowfat yogurt with aspartame and a diet soda. I had terrible headaches everyday, popped ibuprofen daily like it was candy. It took a long time for me to realize that those food choices, including the artificial sugar was making me sick.

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I remember when these sugar substitutes came out. I tried them several times & I remember my grandmother would use them. Fortunately I never took to it and I always thought "my body knows sugar" and that other stuff was just "weird". I felt the very same thing for as long as I can remember with butter versus margarine... I am SO glad I listened to my body/taste buds.

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Wowee--quite the expose! However, ya need ta add that Aspartame wuz a mind-weapon (makes minds more compliant, kills the pineal gland an' numbs the brain) an' roundly used in mind control / MKUltra where Monarch an' other programmed folks were fed tons of the stuff:


(Cathy also writes 'bout it in her books but the above tweet is a good shorthand quote...)

Also, the FDA is a full-out oxyMORON ! (food an' drugs should not be lumped together - ass-part-tame is a drug an' a toxic one at that as ya 'splain so well here):


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Why does the public so willingly believe time and time again? One doesn’t have to research for very long before they discover that big corporations do not have your best interest at hand.

The noose is tightening on the neck of free speech these days thus we must all speak truth louder and more often. It is because there are still people who not only seek truth but speak truth that we are still alive today. The powers that shouldn’t be want us all dead, that’s plain to see. Let’s do the opposite, shall we. Let’s love each other, take care of one another, and figure out unique ways to no longer need the beast system.

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