
Are the kids OK?

Who cares about human shields anyway?

So McCullough got booted off Twitter recently.

The video above is the reason. I thought it worthy of its own stack, plus if Twitter doesn’t want you to see it, then I definitely need to do my bit to make sure you do.

This was the last Tweet that did it for Peter.

With Musk, seemingly inching closer to buying Twitter, after all, we might see McCullough back.

The first thing that I thought of as I watched the 3.5 minute clip was how society has used kids as human shields. Baby boomers, as a class, did it. Teachers did it. Parents did it. Have I missed anyone…?

They all accepted the premise that a virus was going to kill them. They accepted the premise that the virus was going to get to them via a kid. They eagerly accepted the premise that to stop the virus in its tracks, in the child’s body no less, they should inject the child with a genetic injection, never before tried in humans. They did something to their kids and grandkids, that they wouldn’t do to their pet.

Lies are Unbekoming
"Vaccinated" children as human shields: A Saddam Hussein Story
I saw the picture above on Twitter recently and it made me stop and think. I’ve had plenty of thoughts about the evils of vaccinating kids but the framing of the sentence on the banner was especially true. You are right honey, it’s not your job at all…
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Where is the loud lobby of older Australians out in force arguing for a complete stoppage to the child jab campaign? How many grandparents have you come across screaming at their kids “Don’t you dare inject my grandchild!!”. Crickets.

Now, let’s talk about “the afraid” a bit. Well certainly the baby boomers are terrified, why wouldn’t they be, it’s pretty much certain death if they get the virus, isn’t it?

That terror has co-opted their kids into this “human shield building entity”. The kids, the 30-50 year old’s now want to “protect grandma” and they will do whatever it takes to protect grandma. The one-two of the baby boomers and their kids are the primary source energy of this zeitgeist, this entity as I call it. You might argue that the kids of the baby boomers (Gen X I think) are volunteering as human shields for their parents, sure, whatever. But you don’t get to “volunteer” your 5 year old as a human shield for grandma.


We are compassionate creatures, and that compassion has been weaponised.

Evil is both a noun and a verb. To become the noun, you need to do the verb.

If you are a baby boomer and expect your grandkids to get injected to become a human shield to protect you, your expectation and entitlement is the verb and you have become the noun.

If you are the child of a baby boomer and you want to use your child’s body as a human shield to protect yourself and your parents, your usage of that body is the verb and you have become the noun.

It’s easy to point at Saddam Hussein and tell all that would listen “There stands evil”. But it’s far harder to look in the mirror and realise that the person you are looking at is pure evil, arguably worse than Saddam.

When you accept that we are STILL in a global, coordinated, psychological operation (something that is very hard to accept for most) then you can understand and relate to these types of myocarditis normalising ads more correctly.


If you are still confused about who THEY might be, click on the link and educate yourself.

As I was watching the clip, I was wondering how many Australian kids have been injected with this shit.

Vaccination numbers and statistics | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

So, 2.2m is the answer.

That doesn’t take into account the KIDS who are 16 and 17, I don’t know what that number is, they lump them in with the adults.

2.2m children got injected with something that was only previously injected into rats, mice and ferrets.

We have done something to the immune systems of these kids, what exactly I, and many others, don’t quite know, but damage has been done. As Hoffe said, in simple English:

At around 1:48:06 Hoffe talks about cancer. This is a subject I want to understand better. I want to understand what we know about the mechanism of action between genetic jabs and rises in cancer. I especially need to find teachers who can explain it in simple English to a layperson like me.

Anyway, Hoffe put it this way. Very simple and very helpful. I am happy to assume that it is basically true. This is the shape of what he said:

That spike damages your ability to repair DNA which means you’ll have a much higher cancer risk, and they also damage your body’s ability to recognise tumour cells.

These genetics will damage the kids’ immune system leading to a whole array of delayed adverse reactions, and the emergence of seemingly “unrelated” disease and suffering that has already started to show itself at levels materially higher than historical baselines.

McCullough himself has done some very important work on the way in which spike proteins RUIN our immune system. This is a great summary of a recent paper by McCullough:

The Digger
The McCullough paper
In this article, I will summarise an extensive paper on mRNA vaccine safety recently published by Dr Peter McCullough. It’s an unusual thing for a ‘layman’ to summarise a paper like McCullough’s, so why am I doing it? If I’ve learned anything throughout this pandemic, it’s that we need more participation in our own health. We’ve been cajoled into a pos…
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In an in vitro experiment on human cells, the SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike glycoprotein was specifically shown to enter the nucleus and hinder the recruitment of the repair proteins to the site of a double-strand break “spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1” (Jiang and Mei, 2021)

The paper “presents evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signalling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health.” It goes on to “identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell's palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis.”

To be terse, the authors think the vaccine impairs our immune system and that may have serious consequences, triggering health issues as varied as clotting to cancers.

Neither Pharma nor its sock puppets of captured Governments will shine the torchlight in any direction that might highlight and prove the link between the genetics and future disease. It will be an invisible crime, but a crime against kids, and against all humanity never the less.

Watching the clip reminded me of a discussion I had with a friend, a young man and soccer player who got jabbed and was going to get his booster:

Lies are Unbekoming
Myocarditis: Breaking Hearts and Reducing Mileage
Watch now (13 min) | (Note to learners both current and future: About 25 minutes of reading time and 45 minutes of viewing time. By the end you will understand the myocarditis issue as well as we mortals can currently understand it. Make yourself a cup of tea first.) It was lunchtime on an oddly sunny day in Sydney (we’ve had weeks of non-stop rain) and I was on my way back …
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He said that he had and that he would take the booster, especially if “there was a bit of pressure” and if he needed it to travel.

He asked me if I had taken it, I said no. He asked if any of my family had taken it, I said no. He looked at me a bit strangely and asked why? I just told him straight. They are dangerous and you shouldn’t put that junk into your body anymore. If there is a price to pay, then pay it. He smiled awkwardly.

I told him that if he was interested in knowing more, I’d gladly spend the time to explain things to him. We parted.

I think the odds of him calling me for a longer chat is about 5%. So, I decided to send him an email anyway:

Hi Mate

I’m glad you saw me and came over to say hello…was good to see you.

Did you ever watch The Truman Show? One of my all-time favourite quotes from towards the end of that movie was:

"We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented. It's as simple as that."

I want to show you a bit of a different reality from that with which you have been presented and being an athlete, this will be of interest.

Athlete collapses/deaths following vaccination (substack.com)

This list is from late December for all of 2021 (first full year of injections).

I hope you come and talk to me at some point, and I can explain why it’s happening.


He just doesn’t know; he has been brainwashed and nobody is going to tell him. He will keep letting them coerce him into a jab and, God forbid, all that spike protein might catch up to him one day. You can only run through a minefield so many times until you step on one. Let’s see if he comes back to me.

Well, he did reply:

Interesting and obviously a bit concerning.

I guess considering lots of these athletes have also had covid at some point (as well as the vaccine), is there any evidence of heart related issues post covid or for people with ‘long covid’?

To which I replied:

Definitely nothing to do with Covid or Long Covid. That’s the story that’s being told…the Shane Warne story is heading in that direction.

The explanation is much simpler than that.

Did I ever tell you about Occam’s razor back in the day? This is a good explanation of what it means:

Essentially, when faced with competing explanations for the same phenomenon, the simplest is likely the correct one.

It’s a tool to help “probabilistically” find our way through uncertainty…it’s a good tool to use in poker.

I didn’t hear from him after that. He never took me up on my offer of a longer chat.

A good way to end this section is to listen to Dr. Russell Blaylock discussing what we already know about childhood vaccination and it’s damaging impact on the immune system:


Industrial Pharma has been at war with our immune system, the natural immunity grid, for about 200 years. It has won that battle to date and these last two centuries and especially the last century and especially the last 50 years we have been living through The Great Poisoning.

These genetics are the culmination of that story. The silver lining, if one is to be found, is that they went too fast and too hard and in doing so woke up a large portion of the planet. This awakened crowd, you, me and many others, are their biggest problem.

Let’s see how the next phase of the war plays out.

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and jab) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories help others.

In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.

You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com

If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

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