All you need to know is that #BillGatesBioTerrorist has invested in this company.

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A limited volume of produce is permanently exposed to an unknown substance which tampers with the natural processes happening within the produce. The purpose is to slow down (or kill?) the natural process of losing nutritional value or usability of the produce.

The deterioration of the condition of the produce is a natural sign of its losing value for our (human) body and/or becoming potentially dangerous/toxic/lethal. With the artificial coat applied, the produce does not show these signs. Does it mean that the natural decomposition has been stopped? How? Or slowed down? How? For how long? With that side effects?

How does the dis-balanced produce affect biologically and chemically the human body? Does the body acquire the disturbed natural cycles from the produce? (by learning new patterns of interactions?)

Longer shelf life means that lower quantities of the produce may be necessary to meet the market demand by redistributing the same lot among slower-selling facilities. Which means taking the produce off the shelves, repackaging it, and trucking to another store, possibly without the observation of storage/transport temp requirements (“it’s only 2 hours’ trip”). Will the progressing decomposition within the produce show up? Or will it be suppressed?

The resulting reduction in buying orders from farmers/producers will reduce cashflows and profits for the producers. Their business capacity will suffer, with a probable winding up. After several such cycles, mega-farming will take over the entire food supply. Profit-driven methods will be applied, with the possible increased chemical/biological contamination of the produce.

Bon appetite…

The above business plan proves that part of the human population has been captured/hijacked/transformed into non-human beings. They wear human bodies, can talk, understand and interact, can smile and show (not express) emotions, can mimick human life (work, family, rest, entertainment), but they are no longer humans. Empty shells - the concept that has recently gained quite a traction in the movie industry.

Why these beings are not human?

Because no authentic human being would deliberately deteriorate the quality and/or nutritional value of the substances which are necessary for the immediate survival and health of other human beings.

No human being would deliberately cut off vegetation (including life-giving trees) to replace them with dead substances (plastics, composites).

There is a reason why “hybrid” is increasingly becoming a household name.

Are these non-human beings planning to hybridize the entire population of the Earth?

What part in this process could be played by injectable artificial substances of unknown composition (commonly called vaccines - meaning artificial substances put into the human body with the intent to deregulate/ downregulate/ upregulate selected natural physiological processes)? These injectables are not subject to legal regulation, are kept off independent analysis, are not disclosed and are increasingly being imposed on the population by various means.

Are we in the process of hijacking human beings and converting us into empty shells? Is it the true meaning of post-humanism or trans-humanism?

How is the desexualization (or sex suppression) trend integrated with the above processes?

It all started with one apple in the old times…

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I learnt about this, maybe four years ago, when I bought peaches from China, here in my home city in Thailand. I knew there was something "unnatural" about the texture and started doing a bit of amateurish research. I think so many people have no idea of what goes into the soil their food is grown in, what they do to make food look more edible, what they do to prolong shelf life. I just read an interesting article about cheese and how that is now GMO.

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Wow - thank you I didn’t know what you’ve provided. Woodstock generation granny- Chicago

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PEELZ, is another, I bought 1 Heritage orange to make Orange Cranberry bread. Scrubbed it well, then grated it, the peel smelled right, the juice tasted odd to the tip of my tongue. I don't eat oranges, I'm a Type 2 diabetic. This was for my husband. We both ended up with Food Posioning. And he got the worst of it, no way to treat it, he has Glaucoma, and not allowed many of the meds used to treat it. We were sick for over a month. My Primary grows fruit, and is a Master Bee Keeper, these coatings are forever, and last a year.

What about the diluted hand sanitizer they stores spray on fresh veggies? That is not just plain water anymore. Food DESTRUCTION IN PROGRESS.

Grocery Stores and Restaurants Are Dropping Beyond Meat



Lab-grown red meat for the base: GOP governors have a new culture-war scapegoat


Calls for insects to be added to processed foods to remove the ‘disgust factor’


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If you extend life of produce with a spray of some kind, you are using PRESERVATIVES. So you ruined organically grown food by using Apeel!

Look for bruised or food showing evidence of decay because those are biodegrading and natural!

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#4 says CostCo DOES use APEEL. #16 says it doesn't.

Am I misreading this? What am I missing?

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Thanks for the pick-up. #4 is correct. CostCo does use it.

As per the reference article "Is Apeel Safe?"

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"Supporting stores and suppliers that commit to not using Apeel, like some international names such as Costco USA"

That could be misinterpreted to me in that Costco does not use this product

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That error has been fixed. Costco does use it.

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What does "extending shelf life" even mean? Why would I believe that "still looking fresh" would somehow signal nutritional freshness? This would seem to apply to "refrigeration" as well.

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I've been watching labels hoping it would never come to pass the same as Hell's Gates and Saggy Eyed Soros pcr testing company they purchased together. Been crickets every since that announcement!

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My first thought when I started this article was about Teflon. Because of the nefarious nature of the company, lack of proper testing, etc etc, Teflon is now a part of every living organism on this planet! Our soils are being destroyed, GMOs are destroying nature, microplastics are ubiquitous, graphene oxide is wreaking havoc on our total ecosystem, and finally cattle, pork, and poultry are getting infected with mRNA and other toxins. This area alone constitutes dystopian living and we haven’t even talked about the rest of what the Cabal has been destroying for us useless eaters!

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There are multiple Recalls on dairy products in 29 states, from Ice Cream to Cream Cheese. You can't shop until you check the Recall list. They want you to dispose of it, without getting a REFUND. Save your receipts for a month at least. We are talking Billions in extra profit if you don't get a refund.

METHANE JABS FOR COWS https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-10/a-drug-for-cows-could-curb-methane-emissions-from-meat-and-dairy

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At the simplest and most benign level, sugar, caffeine, and nicotine change our body's chemistry. In the 21st century, narcissistic "scientists" inject self-replicating nanobots in the bloodstreams of babies. Additives are put in our food that may reduce our ability to fight off illness. Microplastics are in everything and no one knows the long term effects on our lungs from breathing them.

Maybe those turning our produce into cancer-causing poison are unconsciously sparing us from a worse death.

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Actually nicotine is a natural substance found in tobacco and nightshade veggies like eggplant and tomatoes. We are being lied to that nicotine is bad because it attaches to the Ace2receptors aka nicotigenic receptors better than the mRNA clot shots. So a person who smoked actually did much better when they caught Covid because of NICOTINE!

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Easy to avoid if one wnats to.

My preferred method - I don't eat plants.

If you feel you need to eat plants, grow your own.


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Not eating plants, which I assume means no veggies, fruits, or legumes, isn’t the solution to good health or a balanced diet. If you only eat meats and eggs those are tremendously fraught with mRNA “vaccines” and other unhealthy medications. Unless you are raising your own cattle, pork, and/or poultry, or you are an avid hunter then all of the above should worry you if bought it in a chain store.

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Thanks for your concern. I have not eaten plants since 2012 because of health problems I suffered as a result of eating them. All of which were resolved very quickly since ditching them. I too believed plants are good to eat. For me that is just not so. Yes, I do raise my own cattle sheep and chickens. I do eat wild fish. I know, there are concerns there for heavy metals etc so I am judicious with that. I do also shoot and eat wild animals. I do not eat pork.

As to industrial animals being :tremendously fraught with mRNA “vaccines” and other unhealthy medications" I agree that much industrially farmed meat has its downsides, which is why I support local and organic farmers who, though not perfect, tend to have a better track record. Folk think that this proper meat is expensive. It s not, for the food value it is cheaper than plants.

As a registered organic farmer I can tell you that a lot of the perception of farming, even non organic, is just plain wrong. Most farmers do not routinely spend money on medications unless it is essential.. That stuff is expensive. I also do not think that mRNA injections are yet routinely given to animals. It's on the cards, as I understand, it is not yet ubiquitous. Given the difficulties we are seeing with mRNA injections in the human population I cannot see a widespread uptake in animals. Yes, animals are often routinely given so called 'traditional vaccines' but certainly not all of them. Most people are routinely give 'traditional vaccines'. I am not standing up for that as I now believe all that is nonsense and probably dangerous. What I am saying is that there is a lot of Chinese whispers in these spaces.

Can you point me to the source for the perceptuon of the routine veterinary use of mRNA injections? I will be interested to see just how widespread it actually is. Happy to bang that drum with you if it is true.


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Maybe explains the brown in avocados that is common these days. Unfortunately here in Dunedin it’s not easy to buy avocados directly from the farmers.

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If your avocado is degrading then it most certainly is not coated with Apeel

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That’s not necessarily the case. I had put it down to fruiterers freezing the avocados but I don’t think that’s the case either. The flesh is just brown rather than degrading, but stil firm but the fruit lacks taste.

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It sucks that we just don’t know if our food is safe anymore.

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Well we pretty much know that most of it isn’t.

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Just FYI - it is my understanding that in the USA, produce BOXES are labeled as being treated with Apeel but individual fruits and veggies do not always have the identifying stickers. Once the boxes are emptied into the produce bins, you have no way to know unless the store has put up a sign or you ask (and whoever you ask actually knows). 🤷‍♀️

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