I have a question that I hope someone can answer. I'm a big fan of the book, The moth in the iron lung by Maready as it opened my eyes to polio root causes. If polio is not a viral disease, what antigen is in the polio vaccine that can also induce polio symptoms?
The final question of your post is critical. We all need to move away from dependency on allopathic care. Do not expect our governments/healthcare to change. We need to do it. Still, I see many health aware people still thinking they need an allopathic primary care doctor and this is still the main person they see for their health concerns. Why?
Re polio, are you familiar with Judy Mikovits' books? She talks about polio vaccines. Also Jack Kruse talks about polio vaccines in his videos.
People have been programmed their entire lives to "ask their doctor if..." to get permission to eat, exercise, which drugs to take, everything. It's so absurd. I think people are terrified to think for themselves at all, let alone take charge of their own health. We've been programmed to be fearful. ..."You might be having a stroke, heart attack etc." "You might have cancer or some other terrible disease"... "You're pre - everything."
It seems people go to the emergency room for the most minor things. They just don't know self care, and they do think everything is an emergency.
Where do we start? Trying to gently nudge people to become independent of allopathic non-medicine and become DIY - Do it Yourself! Those of us who are older remember how to take care of ourselves and some of us learned about natural remedies. I have compiled a stock of remedies for if we get sick. I'm also trying to teach my family a different way of thinking close to what is written in this article.
I think words - language - is one place to change. Power in words. I use the word health so much, people tune me out. Now I'm using the word energy.. "This food gives energy. That one doesn't."
Asking questions works better than informing.
My primary care doctor is my chiropractor! Seriously. If he can't fix me, I might consider going to a real doctor!
Something else I thought of is Insurance vs cash. People with insurance follow the protocols, and are bound to the system. When we go outside of mainstream medicine, it is usually cash pay. A lot of people can't do that. They only do what their insurance pays for. Insurance usually doesn't pay for "alternative" healthcare.
Another issue is the medical police. Parents who don't follow mainstream protocols - like with vaccines and cancer treatments, may get an unwelcome knock at the door. I have read horror stories about this.
People who want to extricate themselves from mainstream medicine, especially parents of minor children have to learn how to maneuver through the mess.
The oral polio vaccine contains a live but weakened vaccine-virus. I am amazed that people believe in other pathogens but not viruses. Giant viruses can be easily viewed under a microscope.
sorry for the delay, Karen. This is interesting info.
In 1956 the American Medical Association mandated that all licensed medical doctors could no longer classify polio as polio. Many diagnosis AFP, MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre are all catch basket diagnosis, all similar in symtpoms, tied to heavy metal poisoning and high toxic load.
1953: Clothes are moth-proofed by washing them in EQ-53, a formula containing DDT.
1953: Dr. Biskind writes: 'It was known by 1945 that DDT was stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in their milk... yet far from admitting a causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which in any other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.'
1954: Legislation recognizing the dangers of persistent pesticides is enacted, and a phase out of DDT in the US accelerates along with a shift of sales of DDT to third world countries.
(Note that DDT is phased out at the same time as widespread polio vaccinations begin. Saying that, polio cases sky rocket only in communities that accept the polio vaccine, as the polio vaccine is laced with heavy metals and other toxins, so the paralysis narrative starts all over again. As the polio vaccines cause huge spikes in polio, the misinformed public demand more polio vaccine and the cycle spirals skyward exponentially)
1956: the American Medical Association mandated that all licensed medical doctors could no longer classify polio as polio. All polio diagnosis would be rejected in favor of Guillian-Barre Syndrome, AFP (acute flaccid paralysis), Bell's Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, ALS, (Lou-Gehrig's Disease), MS, MD etc etc. This sleight of hand was fabricated with the sole intent of giving the public the impression that the polio vaccine was successful at decreasing polio or eradicating polio. The public bought this hook, line and sinker and to this very day, many pro vaccine arguments are ignited by the manufactured lie regarding the polio vaccine eradicating polio.
1962: Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is published.
1968: DDT registration cancelled for the US.
2008: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is still a raging in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high, and DDT is still used. AFP, MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre are all catch basket diagnosis, all similar in symtpoms, tied to heavy metal poisoning and high toxic load.
2008: WHO states on its website: 'There is no cure for polio. Its effects are irreversible.'
Conclusion: Modern belief that polio is caused by a virus is an ongoing tragedy for the children of the world. Public funds are wasted on useless and dangerous vaccines when the children could be treated with antitoxins. A call into failing vaccine mythology is warranted, as is a complete investigation of the real agenda being executed against humanity involving science, chemicals, vaccines, the medical field in general, and the government.
much of this is worthy but why does it need to maintain the zero virus proposition. Contrary to what is said, there is good evidence for viral and viral transmission. Is it perfect? No.
i mean of course: The argument isn't that people don't get sick, but rather that illness attributed to viruses may have other causes. " lots of other causes. Doesnt mean viruses cant be one of them
Anyone who has had dengue fever and/or Chikungunyah certainly believes in viruses and contagion. I've had both. The "no-virus" crowd need to spend more time in the tropics in sub-$10 a night hotels and guesthouses. Nothing beats lived experience. A virus hits fast and it hits hard. And all a person can do is rest until the immune system sorts it out. About two weeks of hell for dengue. Chikungunyah isn't quite as bad, although the first night feels pretty close to death. It's a time for prayer for sure:).
I agree. When you watch someone dying or sick from a viral contagion that has been well documented, those who dogmatically insist that it is due to anything other than a virus look foolish. Also, the virus skeptics refer to very old science to prove their argument. Giant viruses are easily viewed under the scope, it's like being skeptical of seeing a bacterium under the scope.
I have a relative who had Dengue fever in Honduras. He was very sick. I have a semi relative who had Hanta virus. He and his marine buddies were scouting an area for a camp. They all got very sick. I wondered if it was some kind of military set-up. There were about five guys. He was the only one who survived.
I don't believe in viruses - as advertised - but what was it? It still could be toxin, bacteria, or parasite. In both cases it could also be fungal. Their pathology is under-rated.
The most common disease associated with slugs is rat lungworm, which is caused by a parasitic worm called Angiostrongylus cantonensis. This worm can infect humans who eat raw or undercooked snails or slugs. Other diseases that can be carried by slugs include:
I read books. Based on empirical evidence, paper, ink, signatures verified. Not 2nd or 3rd hand books based on tales. I tune in to reporters ON THE GROUND for info. Not talking heads on TV who never left Pokipsee. I believe Christine Massey & Kary Mullis.
I believe we never went to the moon, 9/11 was an inside job, allopathy is a for-profit-only scam and Covid was the greatest takedown of the entire world ever. You can't have viral transmission if you can't prove the virus exists. And they can't. THEY ARE LYING.
One night in 1995, as Mullis took a stroll on his property in Mendocino County, he encountered a glowing raccoon. “Good evening, doctor,” the raccoon said. The next thing Mullis remembered he was walking along a nearby road in the light of morning, a time gap he attributed to alien abduction. He detailed the encounter in his memoir, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field.
1994, Mullis spoke on PCR at the annual scientific meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation where he attacked the science on AIDS. (Chairman) His discussion of AIDS was “incoherent and insubstantial.” President Thabo Mbeki, influenced by the HIV not causing AIDS belief from those such as Mullis, blamed poverty for AIDS, and so many were denied treatment. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes- 2008 estimated that as a result, 35,000 babies were born with HIV and 330,000 South Africans died of AIDS unnecessarily. “The pursuit of … scientific truth is not an individual game,” Rabinow says. “It takes multiple different contributions … to make something like this happen. And it’s not to take any credit away from Mullis. It’s just that’s not what science is.”
Appreciate this article and found it eye-opening that medical research around viruses (and medicines) is so corrupt and in service of big pharma vs actual science. So glad I long ago dismissed mainstream medicine, nutrition and now at nearly 70 am incredibly healthy. Tested positive for COVID antibodies yet never experienced the slightest symptoms. No longer afraid of ‘bad’ germs but DEFINITELY afraid of toxic chemicals in food and medicine.
I have a question that I hope someone can answer. I'm a big fan of the book, The moth in the iron lung by Maready as it opened my eyes to polio root causes. If polio is not a viral disease, what antigen is in the polio vaccine that can also induce polio symptoms?
The final question of your post is critical. We all need to move away from dependency on allopathic care. Do not expect our governments/healthcare to change. We need to do it. Still, I see many health aware people still thinking they need an allopathic primary care doctor and this is still the main person they see for their health concerns. Why?
Re polio, are you familiar with Judy Mikovits' books? She talks about polio vaccines. Also Jack Kruse talks about polio vaccines in his videos.
People have been programmed their entire lives to "ask their doctor if..." to get permission to eat, exercise, which drugs to take, everything. It's so absurd. I think people are terrified to think for themselves at all, let alone take charge of their own health. We've been programmed to be fearful. ..."You might be having a stroke, heart attack etc." "You might have cancer or some other terrible disease"... "You're pre - everything."
It seems people go to the emergency room for the most minor things. They just don't know self care, and they do think everything is an emergency.
Where do we start? Trying to gently nudge people to become independent of allopathic non-medicine and become DIY - Do it Yourself! Those of us who are older remember how to take care of ourselves and some of us learned about natural remedies. I have compiled a stock of remedies for if we get sick. I'm also trying to teach my family a different way of thinking close to what is written in this article.
I think words - language - is one place to change. Power in words. I use the word health so much, people tune me out. Now I'm using the word energy.. "This food gives energy. That one doesn't."
Asking questions works better than informing.
My primary care doctor is my chiropractor! Seriously. If he can't fix me, I might consider going to a real doctor!
Something else I thought of is Insurance vs cash. People with insurance follow the protocols, and are bound to the system. When we go outside of mainstream medicine, it is usually cash pay. A lot of people can't do that. They only do what their insurance pays for. Insurance usually doesn't pay for "alternative" healthcare.
Another issue is the medical police. Parents who don't follow mainstream protocols - like with vaccines and cancer treatments, may get an unwelcome knock at the door. I have read horror stories about this.
People who want to extricate themselves from mainstream medicine, especially parents of minor children have to learn how to maneuver through the mess.
Good post
The oral polio vaccine contains a live but weakened vaccine-virus. I am amazed that people believe in other pathogens but not viruses. Giant viruses can be easily viewed under a microscope.
excellent question Karen. It's likey the arsenic and/or other poisons and toxins in the polio vaccines that cause "polio" symptoms.
If that is the case, then we would see polio-like symptoms from numerous other vaccines containing the same adjuvants.
sorry for the delay, Karen. This is interesting info.
In 1956 the American Medical Association mandated that all licensed medical doctors could no longer classify polio as polio. Many diagnosis AFP, MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre are all catch basket diagnosis, all similar in symtpoms, tied to heavy metal poisoning and high toxic load.
1953: Clothes are moth-proofed by washing them in EQ-53, a formula containing DDT.
1953: Dr. Biskind writes: 'It was known by 1945 that DDT was stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in their milk... yet far from admitting a causal relationship between DDT and polio that is so obvious, which in any other field of biology would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite this overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander, and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign.'
1954: Legislation recognizing the dangers of persistent pesticides is enacted, and a phase out of DDT in the US accelerates along with a shift of sales of DDT to third world countries.
(Note that DDT is phased out at the same time as widespread polio vaccinations begin. Saying that, polio cases sky rocket only in communities that accept the polio vaccine, as the polio vaccine is laced with heavy metals and other toxins, so the paralysis narrative starts all over again. As the polio vaccines cause huge spikes in polio, the misinformed public demand more polio vaccine and the cycle spirals skyward exponentially)
1956: the American Medical Association mandated that all licensed medical doctors could no longer classify polio as polio. All polio diagnosis would be rejected in favor of Guillian-Barre Syndrome, AFP (acute flaccid paralysis), Bell's Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, ALS, (Lou-Gehrig's Disease), MS, MD etc etc. This sleight of hand was fabricated with the sole intent of giving the public the impression that the polio vaccine was successful at decreasing polio or eradicating polio. The public bought this hook, line and sinker and to this very day, many pro vaccine arguments are ignited by the manufactured lie regarding the polio vaccine eradicating polio.
1962: Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is published.
1968: DDT registration cancelled for the US.
2008: Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is still a raging in many parts of the world where pesticide use is high, and DDT is still used. AFP, MS, MD, Bell's Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Guillian-Barre are all catch basket diagnosis, all similar in symtpoms, tied to heavy metal poisoning and high toxic load.
2008: WHO states on its website: 'There is no cure for polio. Its effects are irreversible.'
Conclusion: Modern belief that polio is caused by a virus is an ongoing tragedy for the children of the world. Public funds are wasted on useless and dangerous vaccines when the children could be treated with antitoxins. A call into failing vaccine mythology is warranted, as is a complete investigation of the real agenda being executed against humanity involving science, chemicals, vaccines, the medical field in general, and the government.
This is excellent. I think this book would be a good gift. His other books look interesting also.
much of this is worthy but why does it need to maintain the zero virus proposition. Contrary to what is said, there is good evidence for viral and viral transmission. Is it perfect? No.
i mean of course: The argument isn't that people don't get sick, but rather that illness attributed to viruses may have other causes. " lots of other causes. Doesnt mean viruses cant be one of them
Anyone who has had dengue fever and/or Chikungunyah certainly believes in viruses and contagion. I've had both. The "no-virus" crowd need to spend more time in the tropics in sub-$10 a night hotels and guesthouses. Nothing beats lived experience. A virus hits fast and it hits hard. And all a person can do is rest until the immune system sorts it out. About two weeks of hell for dengue. Chikungunyah isn't quite as bad, although the first night feels pretty close to death. It's a time for prayer for sure:).
I agree. When you watch someone dying or sick from a viral contagion that has been well documented, those who dogmatically insist that it is due to anything other than a virus look foolish. Also, the virus skeptics refer to very old science to prove their argument. Giant viruses are easily viewed under the scope, it's like being skeptical of seeing a bacterium under the scope.
I have a relative who had Dengue fever in Honduras. He was very sick. I have a semi relative who had Hanta virus. He and his marine buddies were scouting an area for a camp. They all got very sick. I wondered if it was some kind of military set-up. There were about five guys. He was the only one who survived.
I don't believe in viruses - as advertised - but what was it? It still could be toxin, bacteria, or parasite. In both cases it could also be fungal. Their pathology is under-rated.
It could also be - wait for it - a real genuine virus! 😄
I wonder how the no virus crowd explains rabies and its transmission
There are people now who depend on virus skepticism to make a living, in books and videos.
Agreed, 99% chance the deaths were due to Hanta. Pathology from other sources have different symptoms, that is how differential diagnosis works.
Of course, bacteria, fungi, radiation, bad food, viruses, lack of exercise etc....can all result in symptoms.
The most common disease associated with slugs is rat lungworm, which is caused by a parasitic worm called Angiostrongylus cantonensis. This worm can infect humans who eat raw or undercooked snails or slugs. Other diseases that can be carried by slugs include:
Lyme disease
I read books. Based on empirical evidence, paper, ink, signatures verified. Not 2nd or 3rd hand books based on tales. I tune in to reporters ON THE GROUND for info. Not talking heads on TV who never left Pokipsee. I believe Christine Massey & Kary Mullis.
I believe we never went to the moon, 9/11 was an inside job, allopathy is a for-profit-only scam and Covid was the greatest takedown of the entire world ever. You can't have viral transmission if you can't prove the virus exists. And they can't. THEY ARE LYING.
One night in 1995, as Mullis took a stroll on his property in Mendocino County, he encountered a glowing raccoon. “Good evening, doctor,” the raccoon said. The next thing Mullis remembered he was walking along a nearby road in the light of morning, a time gap he attributed to alien abduction. He detailed the encounter in his memoir, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field.
Agreed. Read the counter arguments to Cowan and Fallon. The book is full of misrepresentations.
Meanwhile people on Substack are getting flagged for posting about anti cancer foods. As of today.
1994, Mullis spoke on PCR at the annual scientific meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation where he attacked the science on AIDS. (Chairman) His discussion of AIDS was “incoherent and insubstantial.” President Thabo Mbeki, influenced by the HIV not causing AIDS belief from those such as Mullis, blamed poverty for AIDS, and so many were denied treatment. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes- 2008 estimated that as a result, 35,000 babies were born with HIV and 330,000 South Africans died of AIDS unnecessarily. “The pursuit of … scientific truth is not an individual game,” Rabinow says. “It takes multiple different contributions … to make something like this happen. And it’s not to take any credit away from Mullis. It’s just that’s not what science is.”
Appreciate this article and found it eye-opening that medical research around viruses (and medicines) is so corrupt and in service of big pharma vs actual science. So glad I long ago dismissed mainstream medicine, nutrition and now at nearly 70 am incredibly healthy. Tested positive for COVID antibodies yet never experienced the slightest symptoms. No longer afraid of ‘bad’ germs but DEFINITELY afraid of toxic chemicals in food and medicine.