You really should point people to https://t.me/FrontlineworkersSpeakOut if you want to read Australian stories from frontline workers - it's been going a while now. I've personal connections with nurses and paramedics (who are not on this particular video) who are saying exactly the same thing. Not a conspiracy theory, just a regular conspiracy.

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Thanks Winston for pointing me to the channel. Will do.

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'Waiting for Novavax' is not a solution.

It is no different than submitting to the current vaxxes or even getting a fake 'passport'.

Leaving aside the fact that there has NEVER been a succesful coronavirus vaccination, or that this particular CV is not especially dangerous and therefore almost no one needs a vaxx, getting ANY vaxx - or medical procedure - in order to be allowed to participate in society should not be condoned in any shape or form.

Any such 'solution' can only be temporary. It is no different than those many vaxxed who did accept the toxic jab in the mistaken belief that it would allow them again to travel, go to the pub etc.

People, this is not about virus. No vaxx will save you. Only civil disobedience will.


Passive resistance is the only thing that can break this.

No 'vaccines'.

No masks.

Do not patronise shops/venues that want 'passports'.

Let them sack you; tell them they will be sued - and hopefully bankrupted, eventually.

The vast majority are worse than sheep, hoping the big bad wolf will eat them last if they co-operate.

Do not be part of that particular mob of furry simpletons.

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I'm listening to it now. Soul-destroying. The worst part is when you tell people about this they say things like "my wife and I got it and we just had a sore arm". Until it happens to them or their loved ones, they just don't seem to care.

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Thank you for the heads-up about this! I’ve shared your post with the Queensland subscribers I’m in regular contact with about the progressing totalitarianism there.

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I am a usa hospital RN, witnessed shot death/injuries including blood clots, uterine bleeding, massive preterm deliveries, fetal death, new autoimmune diseases, and kidney failure.

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