I knew an old NASA engineer and former Marine who told me point-blank, regarding Apollo 1, "NASA killed those men". The capsule was a shoddily built deathtrap - which he claimed he warned his management about. He also told me the story about the radio signal delay on the Apollo 11 mission. The delay increased each day of the mission, until they were about to land on the Moon - then it dropped to zero.

He told me this more than 20 years ago. I'd accepted the Moon Landing narrative completely until that point.

At first I figured he was just an old drunk because of the crazy things he would say... but most of them later turned out to be true.

Now I'm fairly certain the Moon story is, let's say, less than entirely truthful.

For people like me who were born post-Apollo, it's almost like a founding myth of America. And fortunately some are willing to question it. But to others it is more like a religion, even among some who otherwise distrust the government.

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Great comment, thank you.

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Sure was a killer, read Gus claimed he saw CIA agents messing about the night before.?

Think we all did at first, without thinking about it, I dont buy Rockets pushing on themselves in vacuum, but that may not be the case.... Nor a big far Moon. Near 30% USA did not buy, was even mocked by New York Times until then.

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Rabbit holes. I went down this one long ago and never really found the bottom. But the end result of that and many other forays into bottomless rabbit holes has convinced me that basically every narrative we know is based upon, or primarily lies.

Yeah, we know that covid and the shots are lies. We know that much of the societal push twards Marxism is based upon lies. Why not this subject.

And if this subject, how far back do we go? Where do the lies start?

For instance, did the lies begin before WWI or the Fed Reserve? Did the lies start after WWI and during WWII. Did they lie to us about WWII and its reasons? What about that never again subject? Was all of that the truth?

Some people will claim that everything is a lie except THAT story. THAT story could never be a lie. Because the lying liars that lie about everything else tells us its the truth.

That's why.

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Exactly! It's like those who say...I will NEVER get the clot shot, but I'm still getting the flu vax! 😳🙄 Wait...what?! Remember the Bible verse about if you can't trust a man with very little you can't trust him with very much! So what you're saying is...the SAME pharmaceutical company okay with killing you with a new vax they KNEW during the little lousy bit of clinical trials they did were HORRIBLE, but their flu vax is good and no worries there?! I had one guy tell me his beloved Yorkie died from that new 2 year vax they put out several years ago, but trusts a vax for something they can't even isolate under a microscope, nor have a legit test for, that was BARELY tested?! It's absolutely mind blowing! It's so hard not to just be rude! My vet won't even prescribe a new drug NOR administrator a new vax for a year after release date due to that exact debacle with that 2 year vax! That guy also told me he was a cancer survivor...don't even get me started there...and got the clot shot because his cancer doctor never steered him wrong. Insert shaking head and rolling eyes! I wanted to say he's nice to you because you gave him ALOT of unnecessary money. Probably told you it didn't spread...and that they got it all...and I got news buddy...you'll be battling another cancer soon with the ooopsy comment...I guess we didn't get it all...ESPECIALLY since you were DUMB enough to take a guaranteed immune system killing shot! But I didn't...I said..."Weeeell good luck with that! Nice to meet you. Gotta go." Oh...you thought I was going to say I was emphatic...NOPE...I was my sarcastic, condescending self. At least I know Who to ask forgiveness to!

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Fashionable to admit GOV lies, as SG Collins stated.... but non of these sheeple /shills ever volunteer 1 real Conspiracy. Never had 1 offer 1 school education they rejected, or TV box programming.

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How those in power propagandise and control us started way, way, way back, at least Babylonian times ... and funnily enough they still use the same techniques today without the little people catching on. It's infuriating!

But the moon landings happened ... if virtually everything they tell us is a lie.

All the seeming anomalies have been explained perfectly reasonably and all the purported evidence is both consistent internally and with expectations considering the completely alien lunar conditions. American Moon has been resoundingly debunked.


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The fact that we are told that they have lost the plans for much of the equipment (like the lunar rover) tells me that we are being told massive lies.

I am not convinced like you are.

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As I say in another comment my second rule of critical thinking is:

Focus on the most relevant, irrefutable facts in the first instance

What facts do we really know about exactly what's supposedly been "lost" ... and even if those plans don't exist (that is, if the moon landings were faked we assume they were never lost but simply didn't happen) how much does that really tell us? Also, if they faked it why wouldn't they just fake the plans like they faked everything else?

What I always start with is the purported evidence and if there's an awful lot of it as there is with the moon landings if it all adds up and there's nothing massively at odds outside the purported evidence then I see no reason to disbelieve it. The masses and masses of purported evidence is all internally consistent and consistent with expectations of the alien lunar conditions, notably the very brightly sunlit lunar surface against a pure black sky. If they lost some plans I don't see that as some kind of deal-breaker, especially when I don't know for sure the exact scenario.

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If the landings were real, then what does that say about our society now? The devolution continues at full speed. If the landings were real, why don't we use THE EXACT SAME technology to do it again? It worked perfectly before, no need to reinvent the wheel - no?

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They don't want to repeat what they did, they want to do something different. The point is though that it makes no difference why haven't gone again - the evidence is there for their going in the first place and that's what we judge by. End of. Not having gone again in no way acts against that evidence.

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My son never would believe that the moon landings were faked. However, he finally watched American Moon and changed his mind.

He told me that the thing that impacted him the most from the movie was at the end where it shows the video of the astronauts when they were interviewed “after returning to earth”. That part starts at 3:23. These are not men that have been positively moved by their experience. They struggle to say anything positive about it. Their faces and body language tell all. They are embarrassed by the whole thing. Compare their demeanor to that of William Shatner after his brief trip into low earth orbit.

If I (or I’ll bet anyone here) had done what no human had ever done before, we would be ecstatic about it. I would be on a high that would last months. I’d want to share that feeling with anyone who would listen. I would not be sullen.

Listen to what Buzz Aldrin says to people who want to become astronauts. This is not a man who is proud of what he has done.

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This is why they call them the Astro-Nots.

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Reason #137 for why I love your stack so much:

"So, if Empire doesn’t want you to see it, that generally means I want to write about it."

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Operation Paperclip to NASA…

Wernher von Braun 1912 - 1977 personal engraved epitaph…

Psalms 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork.

(the mother of all clues 😹)

… well at least it was a good promo for Tang.

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OMG. They didn't go! The two things that really hit home for me were 1) the Van Allen radiation belts and 2) the demeanor of the astronauts after they "returned".

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I believe for way longer than I've been alive governments have been corrupt to the core. We were never meant to be RULED by someone or something that isn't being ruled/led by our Creator...God. Just look at the Scamdemic when pastors allowed their churches to be shut down even though by law...they didn't have to! Why alot get fooled is because a normal person wants to fundamentally believe there's more good than bad. I still hope in the general population that's true. However, in government if you are good you soon become corrupted by money, fear, or you get blackmailed! Like Epstein's Island! So you're a new and upcoming star...business person...whatever. You believe being invited is a big deal that could boost you to the top! You get there and you're in awww of all the ELITES in your presence! You're smiling trying to get into every picture possible! Then bam...the hammer drops and you're like WTF am I witnessing and WHY are all these people..my idols...okay with it??? So...do you stand up in a huge room full of people seemingly okay with what's going on and say...knock it off this is wrong and I'm telling?! Or do you sit there and keep your mouth shut?! Afterwards you want to tell someone, but remember you're in a crap ton of photos smiling like you're having the time of your life! With government officials...3 letter agencies involved...who's going to protect you??? Like my husband always says...they've been desensitizing us all for YEARS! Look at video games and commercials...and now kid's movies and cartoons! OH MY LANTA!

I can't remember the skinny, curly headed guy's name who made a few videos about Epstein Island, but I remember his video about he would not kill himself...then 'supposedly' did! You either play along or get suicided in the back of the head! You have to at least feel for those that guilt ate them alive, but it's sad they never realized 'the truth will set you free'. God gave us this life to live joyfully for Him. It's very sad to me we allow so much to steal that joy! Me included!

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Oh man, as always, I love your work. I haven’t even read past the first paragraph and I already feel so happy you write about this topic. 🙏🏾

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I think it's healthy to think critically about both official narratives as well as skeptical narratives. It is not healthy to assume that either are true without weighing a lot of evidence carefully. I thought American Moon was interesting to watch because it is a very dogged attempt at poking holes in an official narrative. It should NEVER be shadow-banned, as what is apparently happening on Youtube. However, for me perhaps the only compelling doubts that the documentary casts--the hardest ones to answer--are with regard to some observations made by various professional photographers regarding characteristics of some lunar photos and the nature of the film and cameras used. On the other hand there are apparently many lunar photos and videos that do not exhibit the problematic lighting/shadows that American Moon questions and which indicate a much bigger terrain than would likely be present in a faked studio setting (see for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awtg5qIGJ0Q). For anyone very interested in looking further into the truth of either narrative, I suggest the Swiss Policy Research page https://swprs.org/the-moon-landing-debate/ . I think it's critical to read the links it provides under the heading "counter-arguments to the documentary" after watching American Moon. It is always very difficult to assess truth. Although it may be possible that the landings were faked, I am not convinced by American Moon that this is the case.

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A few years ago I would have scoffed at anyone who thought the moon landings were faked but the truth is I never looked into it. Since then, I've changed my mind and I'm doubtful that Apollo astronauts walked on the moon. American Moon is excellent and I also recommend reading Wagging the Moondoggie here: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie-1/

If you truly believe the moon landings are real and exactly as history says, what evidence would you provide to a skeptic? How would you "prove" man walked on the moon? We can't go there to check it out for ourselves. Yes, big rockets blasted off but that is the only thing we saw with our own eyes. Other than that we only have grainy tv footage. Hardly compelling evidence. We believe it because we always believed it and everyone else around us believes it but that alone doesn't make it true. Changing your mind about something you always believed and everyone you know believes is hard. For those that think this would be too hard to fake, I disagree - the only eyewitnesses to what really happened are a few astronauts. They could have been blackmailed or convinced that it was in the best interests of the country to play along. Apollo 11 was an extremely risky endeavor; what if they had failed and the astronauts died? That wouldn't have worked out well for the administration in power and wouldn't be a good look for those fighting the Cold War. How could they guarantee success? A faked moon landing would guarantee success and no one could really check it out for themselves. Subsequent Apollo missions could be faked the same way and lend credence to the first being real. I can't "prove" that that the moon landings are a hoax but how can anyone "prove" they are real? Those who believe them accept all the rationalizations for each anomaly that is pointed out but ask yourself - why are there so many questions and anomalies in the first place?

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The funniest thing is, Notch, you CAN prove that the moon landings were a hoax - - by studying the official photographic material and the easily observable "hotspots" which are all over the place on the film set, proving artificial lighting. Highly skilled videographers have even determined precisely how far away offscreen these lighting fixtures were. Again, no need to even get into radiation, the piece of sh!t lunar vehicle construction, anything. The official, NASA-supplied photos reveal all.

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I agree but true believers could backtrack and say: "Well, the photos may be fake but the astronauts said they were there and brought back rocks!". I wouldn't buy this argument but I imagine many might. The burden of proof should be on the government to prove it happened as they say. The best proof, IMHO, would be to have a trustworthy third party go to the moon and show the leftover equipment and footprints, etc. The problem here is that people are emotionally attached to the triumph of landing on the moon so it's difficult to persuade otherwise with logic and facts. Not sure who said it first - It's easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled (paraphrasing).

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This was the first and possibly only debunking video that was not only thorough, but actually examined counter-arguments and drilled into them fully. Outstanding.

A lot of the prior arguments I have read, do not pass the depth test. For example: They could not have gone to the moon because of the deadly Van Allen Belt. That is where most people stop, except that argument alone is not true, because there are possible launch trajectories that could have minimized the radiation exposure. However, this video explains that at least one of the missions took a launch trajectory that went through the middle of the belt.

This is the case with almost every evidentiary element supporting "Moon landing was faked". You actually have to drill into each argument and provide not just the initial evidence, but the complete set of evidence to make a proper argument.

This video does it in spades.

Very few other conspiracies have this level of argument laid out in this way. Certainly not chemtrails and not any of the 9/11 theories I've read or watched.

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Yes but in regards to 911, how much evidence do we really need that it's not as they claim - - a perfect passport from the hijackers found in the rubble? A hole from the one airplane downed in a rural area...with no plane parts found? A "video" of the Pentagon plane which is missing...the plane? The complete incompetence of the supposed 19 hijackers themselves?

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There is a huge difference in poking holes about a narrative we are given. Whether it was incompetence or intent, one would expect the government to lie. That is a given.

Motive is not direct evidence unless someone testifies and provides evidence to back up their testimony. We don't have any.

Theories about explosives, holograms, DEWs and atomic bombs, none of them have any direct evidence, and frankly sound far too complicated to pull off compared to uncontained fire causing structural failure.

These are the theories I have a problem with.

I have little doubt it was a false flag operation involving government malfeasance. But there are many different ways to pull that off. Same applies to the fires in Lahaina. Why on earth use some science fiction secret energy weapon when gasoline will accomplish the same thing?

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Another excellent post! I think the two issues that are most damning to the mainstream story are the Van Allen radiation belts and the body language of the astronauts who went to the moon. I'm not enough of a card shark to read that body language, but it looks pretty strange for people who purported to have accomplished such an amazingly historic thing as visiting the moon for the first time in human history. But maybe fighter pilots aren't "normal." The Van Allen radiation belts seem to be a potentially fully dispositive issue. It is very interesting that to this day, no mammal (or human other than Apollo astronauts) has ever been instrumented and tested passing through the Van Allen belts. Why wasn't NASA worried about this issue, given the enormous attention given to Van Allen in the 1950s? Why didn't they send up a dog like the USSR did first? Well they actually did send up animals (insects) and the fruit flies did fine!


Those who say that the Van Allen belts are mortal to life need to explain why 100s (1000s?) of space flights have passed through the Van Allen belts with no anomalies, including those that have had instruments to measure radiation and have seen nothing serious. See this youtube post.


I'm going to take off one layer of tin foil from my hat on this one! I don't expect life-ending REMS! Plus; as an economist I always say "follow the money!" Musk and Bezos are sufficiently plugged in to know about this shit if it were really important. And they don't seem to care.

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The moon landing is total bullshit. Greedy foolish people can’t see how they are being led passively by the globalist’s piles of fiat money they print out of thin air. Another giant lie that is more widely accepted than the moon landing are nuclear bombs. Explosive nuclear decay is physically impossible. Nukes are total bullshit.

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This was the best resource for this debate that I’ve seen. I did watch almost everything a couple of years ago when I first came across it. I still don’t know what to think and have resigned myself to never having enough knowledge in the relevant areas to be able to assess it - unlike my opinions on covid formed after having been a doctor!

On the one hand, why are there no dissident physicists campaigning to let the world know what really happened, like there are dissident doctors for covid and dissident engineers for 9/11? The debunking website mentioned in the link above ( of which I only read a few) seemed very plausible with my A level Physics. If we went 6 times then that’s an awful lot of faff to fake 6 times and a lot of people to keep quiet. I’d be more inclined to be suspicious if we only went once. My husband has a keen interest in astronomy etc and follows all the recent rocket launches. I asked him why it was so difficult to do nowadays if we’d done it so successfully all those years ago and he explained about the difference between government funding and pulling everyone together then, whereas now we’re trying to use new technologies and ‘small’ companies are competing and not sharing ideas. We used to have a supersonic passenger jet, Concorde, and now we don’t.

On the other hand, the behaviour of the people involved, their quotes at the time and the many tragic deaths alluded to in that link are suspicious. Part of me wonders if they faked the first landing and I can see that some of the images used might have problems, but maybe they filmed a ‘fake’ as a way of choreographing what was actually going to happen, like a dress rehearsal, and some of that footage has been used to embellish the story.

Who knows!

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I think we can know if we went to the moon or not because the mountains of purported evidence are internally consistent and also perfectly consistent with expectations which is a massive feat considering the completely alien lunar terrain and all the seeming anomalies have been explained perfectly reasonably unlike the alleged debunking of the refutation of the covid bs, the 9/11 bs and lots of other bs.

After partly awakening to the truth of 9/11 (it took four years to get to the fundamental truth of staged death and injury ... which as a doctor you shouldn't have any problem realising yourself if you look at all the evidence put forward from hospitals and any other purported evidence of death and injury) I started to look at the moon landings with a very skeptical eye as they did, after all, seem rather implausible. I read Wagging the Moondoggie which seemed pretty compelling, however, when I started to look at the evidence myself I stopped dead in my tracks when I got to the audio between the astronauts and mission control. It seemed completely authentic and I could not see how astronauts would be persuaded to or be able to sit in a studio pushing out very convincing-sounding dialogue for hours and hours. That makes absolutely no sense.

Psyops are done Hidden in Plain Sight, that is, they undermine their purported evidence by making it obvious they're lying - that's how we know they staged the death and injury on 9/11 - they could have made death and injury more convincing but they didn't. That's the rule. It's also known as Revelation of the Method. The 9/11 story is obvious nonsense from go to whoa but they overegg the omelette at every turn ... and they did it with covid with the medical staff dancing, with stories of the virus found in snakes and pangolins, hospitals being erected in 48 hours and on and on. They ALWAYS give us the signs, always ... except supposedly with the moon landings.

Ironically, where we see clear signs of a psyop with the moon landings are in the prominent people who said we didn't go, notably Bill Kaysing and Dave McGowan. On the very, very odd occasion where those in power tell us a truth that is easy to find implausible they will encourage those who tend to disbelieve them to disbelieve that truth in order to create a Boy Who Cried Wolf situation (don't believe the moon landings, you're a silly conspiracy theorist, why would I believe you on anything!)

American Moon has been refuted by someone who also defends vaccinations (totally not on board with that), however, his refutation of the film I find painstaking and accurate.


I believe so very, very little from the authorities but the moon landings really were an astonishing achievement. I highly recommend the series Moon Machines (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6syfevpG-1U&list=PLZJna6W59fFr04zJ3Pp3CJ4TtXMRkGPMV).

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I just went to your link and see your page links to the refutation I link to as well as others and I like the one that breaks the questions up under headings - I will edit my post to do the same. I think the debunkings are very convincing and there's simply nothing the disbelievers have that holds any water in my opinion, I wonder why you feel uncertainty. I mean I know they lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie ... but on the odd occasion when the truth is told, it shines like a beacon! BTW, the Challenger disaster is the most brazen psyop of all time - https://fakeotube.com/video/3665/nasa-challenger-crew-alive

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Obviously anything can be faked, but what was the motivation to fake the Challenger disaster?

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"Anything can be faked" is not the same as "Anything can be faked convincingly". You can attempt to fake something, however, depending on its nature, to do it convincingly is another matter. Certain things can be faked convincingly easily but what's involved in big psyops cannot easily be faked convincingly - the thing is they don't even try, they go the other way. They let you know underneath the magic propaganda dust that they're faking it in sloppiness of execution and other deliberate clues, the reason being that the less propaganda corresponds with reality the better it works despite how counterintuitive that might seem at first sight.

"The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control."

Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.


And with the Challenger disaster they really, really, really went the other way. The Challenger disaster really is the most brazen psyop of all time because all the crew members who supposedly died (bar one) are walking around, clearly still alive, UNDER THE SAME NAME in most cases.

What was the motivation? That is a very, very good question. I don't know, however, what I do know is that this brazen psyop is helpful in maintaining the belief among the disbelievers of the moon landings that they didn't happen. NASA lied about the Challenger disaster ... well, they must have also lied about the moon landings, right? And they really want to encourage disbelief of the moon landings among those who tend to (rightly) disbelieve the authorities in order to maintain the undermining of the so-called "conspiracy theorists" when they call out the real lies.

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I agree that sloppy psy-ops are preferred because they demonstrate their power in a more intimidating way. But, please give me some evidence that the Challenger crew are openly living among us. Is Christa McAuliffe still teaching school in New Hampshire?

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The evidence is in the video I linked to. The images in the video aren't very clear but you can look all the people up for better images.


Christa McAuliffe now goes by what was her middle name, Sharon, and is a law professor at Syracuse University.


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I boycott Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Paypal among others.

I try to boycott YouTube.

Please promote links to Rumble instead: The Dimming is there, so is American Moon.

I honestly think every time we consciously erase these pariah corporations from our lives we move a tiny bit closer to the world we want.

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Just want everyone here to know I went to the moon when I was twelve. It was fantastic, anyone can do it. It’s better than church. On a warm clear night lie on your back and gaze at the full moon. Turn up your empathy energy and you will travel there. Enjoy. Probably easier for boys going through puberty. Warning: in this vulnerable state sexual perverts can abuse you. Shun perverts at all times, but especially when astral traveling.

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