Problem-Reaction-Solution- a time honored strategy.
The Virus™ is superfluous, all they need to do is create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models and fraudulent PCR tests to manufacture the perception that there is an alien invasion.
Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies and "health protocols" in response to the non- existent threat.
I cut my teeth on the massive amount of corruption and profiteering and Pharma con jobs back in 2005 with the Avian Flu hoax. They tried the same con, with mostly the same cast of characters, in 2009 with the Swine Flu hoax.
I spent a lot of time in both instances trying to alert people throughout the community to the realities of these frauds. Each time there was tremendous push back followed by acknowledgement that these were indeed scams. However it seems that there is a bizarre psychotic thirst for this hysteria in our present culture as after each fraud was proven it only needed a few years passing for these very same folks to become ready to accept a new fraud.
Since then I've delved into pretty much all of the so-called "pandemics"/ "epidemics" (Spanish Flu, HIV/AIDS, SARS, MERS, Ebola etc.) and discovered that they are all frauds that are pure inventions of the financial/medical cartel utilized for profit and control. Once you have explored the details, templates and patterns of these frauds it is easy to identify the scam as it is happening.
The playbook is pretty much the same, they simply refine the techniques. Not so easy to convince others of the scam as they are bombarded with fear porn 24/7.
I have to say that the "messaging" is far more comprehensive, insidious and sophisticated with Operation Covidius than all others before by quantum leaps.
That and they produced the cadavers this time through an array of medical democides (remdesivir, neglect, midazolam, ventilators, etc.) which solidified the fear mechanisms in the masses.
It's breathtaking really to witness the grip of fear "Covid" has on millions of people- a vast number of these people will be damaged for life. The shadow of this psychosis will follow them to their graves. This is particularly true among the "educated" classes who now have a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia.
I was a hospital resident MD in the 80's. Some of us knew something was just not quite right with the whole story. "We have all been here before" - David Crosby
In 2005, the AIDS research division under Fauci’s agency was also required to reinstate a whistleblower, Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, its chief of ethics and regulatory compliance after he had been wrongly fired in retaliation for raising safety concerns in Fauci’s agency’s research. The link is dead. Found this 1 Source used: Jon Solomon report, U.S. congressional investigation of Foster kids used for Aid research.
In 2005, the AIDS research division under Fauci’s agency was also required to reinstate a whistleblower, Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, its chief of ethics and regulatory compliance after he had been wrongly fired in retaliation for raising safety concerns in Fauci’s agency’s research. The link is dead. Found this 1 Sources used: Jon Solomon report, U.S. congressional investigation of Foster kids used for Aid research.
Are you familiar with the ’50s? era “Special Cancer Virus Program”? Scientists took monkey viruses, juiced them up & injected them into humans as part of a vaccine experiment. This is where RSV originated, & many of our modern-day viruses like MERS were borne from these types of programs. An anon researcher who has dug into the archives (much of which has been scrubbed) was just on a YT livestream presenting his findings & it was absolutely riveting.
The National Institutes of Health spent $1.2 million buying Beagle puppies for experimentation from a Virginia-based puppy breeding mill currently under federal investigation for animal cruelty.
I never could find out more about Willowbrook, which seems to be separate from Fauci's experiments. Parents sign their rights away when they institutionalize their children.
The House That AIDS Built has immediately reminded me of The House That Jack Built; in it, Matt Dillon effectively plays Fauci. It is rather difficult to watch yet educational as to what psychopaths are about. The hunting scene with family picnic is unforgettable, and figuratively representative of what has happened in the last couple of years.
When I read RFK Jr's book I wasn't ready to take it at face value but figured he had to be directionally right about most things. I think if I read it again now that I'm further along it would make my blood boil. If my memory serves me I remember RJF Jr. saying that at one point Reagan wanted Fauci to join him in conversation with Duesberg to hash out what the hell was going on...and Fauci told Reagan no. Did I misremember that or was that in the book? I know there was also a moment when Duesberg was supposed to be on with Larry King and Fauci took his place. If that happened, then that alone is a friggin movie. The story of Fauci is crazier than most fiction.
One more moment in censorship history around the AIDS epidiemic. One of the writer's of Dallas Buyer's Club wanted Mathew McCaughney's character to make a pass at femal Doctor making a reference to Duesberg saying the virus isn't even the real cause. They had it taken out in editing. It was bragged about in Slate, or some lefty magazine, as saving the movie from being homophoebic. Unreal.
Yes, I need to go back and read TRAF again, I got what I could get out of it on first reading, the second time will be different.
I don't believe there is a Reagan/Duesberg story in the book. Pretty sure there isn't.
Also I think the Larry King story was for Kennedy being swapped for Fauci last minute.
Didn't know about the Duesberg edit in the movie, wow. They caved to pharma at the very end by saying that it was the "dosage" of AZT that was the issue and that got rectified!
I tracked down the Reagan thing because I still can't believe it myself. Like this moment alone warrants a feature length film around it. (hmm I think I'd like to randomly cast Tom Hanks as Reagan...but I digress) The excerpt:
'....On the night preceding his appearance, a GMA producer called to say the show was canceled. In the morning, he turned on his hotel TV and saw Anthony Fauci himself on the show. Similarly, Larry King asked Duesberg for a televised interview in 1992 and then abruptly canceled the night before. Dr. Fauci took Duesberg's place at King's table. In 1987, when President Reagan invited Duesberg and Dr. Fauci to the White House for a friendly debate in front of the president, Dr. Fauci forced Reagan to cancel. A member of President Reagan's administration told Duesberg that "Anthony Fauci, far from reacting as . .. anticipated, threw a 'small fit' when he was invited, and demanded to know why the White House was interfering in scientific matters that belonged to the NIH and the Office of Science and Technology Assessment. --RFK Jr. TRAF pg 472 per my kindle version.
Larry King did schedule a CNN interview with Duesberg on August 6, 1992, but it was cancelled just hours before airtime. Fauci was interviewed instead and no mention was made of the HIV dispute. As described in Duesberg, Inventing the AIDS Virus, pages 392-93. It wasn't the only time Duesberg was replaced by Fauci on TV interviews.
Hypothesis became fact by repetition.👏👏👏👏👏💯💯💯💯👍🎩🎩🙏
"Hypothesis became fact by repetition."- David Crowe.
Yep. For anyone wondering still, that sentence sums up how we got here.
And one person who was trying to report on all of that, and was caught up in the original cancellations over "Aids controversy" was Celia Farber (See her Substacks and book, the details are incredible. Pretty sure Kennedy got only one chunk of the disgusting saga. Celia got it all). The whole grubby, open murder-for-profit show, is on repetition. Yes, that quote from Africa's IS chilling and what keeps me up at night. 😐😭
Jon Rappoport was one of the first to publicize the fraud around AIDS.
Wonderful quotes at the beginning and good summary!
Considering Fuxxi was involved in AZT (just like in Remdesivir recently) that also caused "AIDS" symptoms, it can be conjectured that some of the "covid" vials also include AZT
Farber began reporting on HIV/AIDS in the late 1980's mainly via Spin Magazine.
Not that it matters much. There are those who preedate both of these individuals and they all focus on some different aspects of the fraud and some similar.
I've typed your link into my phone browser to watch the second film (for some reason my laptop mutes itself after 2-3 minutes/erratically on all video media). Quite a bit of duplicated material but a useful addition, thanks.
When laying out what exactly are the parallels between the AIDS scamdemic and Covid (has anyone done this in an easy-to-visualise way?) - and relating to your previous article about communication strategy and the "lizard people" question - it is unhelpful to claim viruses don't exist. But useful to point out the pseudo-equivalence that a) There is a genuine question about the existence of HIV and b) SARS-CoV-2 was probably a lab-leak or (cf Couey) a viral clone and not a natural virus. If only Kary Mullis were alive today...
Shit, now I've lost the link to an interview between Hennigsen (Patrick?) and a UK doctor from 2021 talking about this. Help? I seem to remember "wire" was part of the name...
I'd just like to check in with everyone about the virus purification/isolation question here, has been informed by above interview... From what Corbett says the classical virology route was to conform to Koch Postulates in diagnosing viral disease whereas SARS2 and possibly HIV as well those requirements have been swept aside. Did I understand correctly?
There is an aspect of this I always stumble over, as I person who lived through the AIDS crisis. I can understand that having HIV, by itself, cannot be enough to cause AIDS, because there are so many people who have HIV in their bodies but are healthy. But, just to cite one example, my father died of AIDS in 1989, but he did not use poppers, or lead a wild, dissolute life in any way, but rather he led the ordinary life of an educated professional. He had the same diet and lifestyle as everyone else in my family, but no one else in the family got sick and died. The one thing that made my dad different is that he was HIV positive and we were not. It's true that he took AZT, but he had all the classic AIDS symptoms before he began taking it. I know many, many people for whom this is true: they led the same lifestyles as all the people who remained healthy, and only one thing made them different: being HIV positive. They all had AIDS and died. Some took AZT and some did not. It does make it seem like getting HIV is somehow very strongly correlated with having AIDS, even if it doesn't directly cause it all by itself. And some mechanisms of how the HIV virus attacks the immune system are known in detail.
Problem-Reaction-Solution- a time honored strategy.
The Virus™ is superfluous, all they need to do is create the perception of a pandemic/mass panic with staged Hollywood productions, doomsday models and fraudulent PCR tests to manufacture the perception that there is an alien invasion.
Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies and "health protocols" in response to the non- existent threat.
I cut my teeth on the massive amount of corruption and profiteering and Pharma con jobs back in 2005 with the Avian Flu hoax. They tried the same con, with mostly the same cast of characters, in 2009 with the Swine Flu hoax.
I spent a lot of time in both instances trying to alert people throughout the community to the realities of these frauds. Each time there was tremendous push back followed by acknowledgement that these were indeed scams. However it seems that there is a bizarre psychotic thirst for this hysteria in our present culture as after each fraud was proven it only needed a few years passing for these very same folks to become ready to accept a new fraud.
Since then I've delved into pretty much all of the so-called "pandemics"/ "epidemics" (Spanish Flu, HIV/AIDS, SARS, MERS, Ebola etc.) and discovered that they are all frauds that are pure inventions of the financial/medical cartel utilized for profit and control. Once you have explored the details, templates and patterns of these frauds it is easy to identify the scam as it is happening.
The playbook is pretty much the same, they simply refine the techniques. Not so easy to convince others of the scam as they are bombarded with fear porn 24/7.
I have to say that the "messaging" is far more comprehensive, insidious and sophisticated with Operation Covidius than all others before by quantum leaps.
That and they produced the cadavers this time through an array of medical democides (remdesivir, neglect, midazolam, ventilators, etc.) which solidified the fear mechanisms in the masses.
It's breathtaking really to witness the grip of fear "Covid" has on millions of people- a vast number of these people will be damaged for life. The shadow of this psychosis will follow them to their graves. This is particularly true among the "educated" classes who now have a warped sense of purpose beyond the dull, aimless wanderings of Academia.
I was a hospital resident MD in the 80's. Some of us knew something was just not quite right with the whole story. "We have all been here before" - David Crosby
Thank you for such amazing resources, your research and devotion to sharing this info. 🙏❤❤❤
Fauci Ran Grotesque AIDS “Vaccine” Experiments on MINORITY Children in the ’90s, Causing ORGAN FAILURE, DEFORMITIES, BRAIN DAMAGE, DEATH
Testing on Orphan Children
good old Hatch ran an inquiry see the link below
In 2005, the AIDS research division under Fauci’s agency was also required to reinstate a whistleblower, Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, its chief of ethics and regulatory compliance after he had been wrongly fired in retaliation for raising safety concerns in Fauci’s agency’s research. The link is dead. Found this 1 Source used: Jon Solomon report, U.S. congressional investigation of Foster kids used for Aid research.
They’re still testing on orphan kids apparently- Dr. Davey Crocko has been covering this
The House That AIDS Built
1955–1970: Saul Krugman, MD, conducted despicable medical experiments at Willowbrook
HPV Vaccine Risks Include Genocide
Anthony Fauci’s Wife: Christine Grady – Hidden Face of the Vaccine Trials?
Guinea Pig Kids
2nd Source
while I've not been able to tie this to Fauci it needs more digging
More children there is a link in the article where Geraldo did a story on it
This is the Beagle Puppy experiments
Investigation Reveals Damning Info On Dr. Fauci Torturing ORPHAN BABIES And CHILDREN In His AIDS Drug Experiments
NEWS Fauci’s NIH Division Paid $205K For Researchers To Study T Monkeys
Fauci Ran Grotesque AIDS “Vaccine” Experiments on MINORITY Children in the 90’s, Causing ORGAN FAILURE, DEFORMITIES, BRAIN DAMAGE
Testing on Orphan Children
In 2005, the AIDS research division under Fauci’s agency was also required to reinstate a whistleblower, Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, its chief of ethics and regulatory compliance after he had been wrongly fired in retaliation for raising safety concerns in Fauci’s agency’s research. The link is dead. Found this 1 Sources used: Jon Solomon report, U.S. congressional investigation of Foster kids used for Aid research.
They’re still testing on orphan kids apparently- Dr. Davey Crocko has been covering this
The House That AIDS Built
1955–1970: Saul Krugman, MD, conducted despicable medical experiments at Willowbrook
HPV Vaccine Risks Include Genocide
Anthony Fauci’s Wife: Christine Grady – Hidden Face of the Vaccine Trials?
Guinea Pig Kids
2nd Source
while I've not been able to tie this to Fauci it needs more digging
More children there is a link in the article where Geraldo did a story on it
This is the Beagle Puppy experiments
Investigation Reveals Damning Info On Dr. Fauci Torturing ORPHAN BABIES And CHILDREN In His AIDS Drug Experiments
NEWS Fauci’s NIH Division Paid $205K For Researchers To Study T Monkeys
Are you familiar with the ’50s? era “Special Cancer Virus Program”? Scientists took monkey viruses, juiced them up & injected them into humans as part of a vaccine experiment. This is where RSV originated, & many of our modern-day viruses like MERS were borne from these types of programs. An anon researcher who has dug into the archives (much of which has been scrubbed) was just on a YT livestream presenting his findings & it was absolutely riveting.
Starts at 21:00ish:
Yell at someone who will hear you.
Fauci's dead babies
NIH under investigation for $1.2M purchase of beagles for ‘hideous’ experiments: PETA VP
The National Institutes of Health spent $1.2 million buying Beagle puppies for experimentation from a Virginia-based puppy breeding mill currently under federal investigation for animal cruelty.
NIH Files Federal Investigation into Primate Facility
National Institutes of Health investigate AZ primate research lab over animal welfare concerns
Thank you Gail, a lot of great stuff here.
I never could find out more about Willowbrook, which seems to be separate from Fauci's experiments. Parents sign their rights away when they institutionalize their children.
It was, but just as bad.
I'm more of an info hunter than a writer.
The House That AIDS Built has immediately reminded me of The House That Jack Built; in it, Matt Dillon effectively plays Fauci. It is rather difficult to watch yet educational as to what psychopaths are about. The hunting scene with family picnic is unforgettable, and figuratively representative of what has happened in the last couple of years.
When I read RFK Jr's book I wasn't ready to take it at face value but figured he had to be directionally right about most things. I think if I read it again now that I'm further along it would make my blood boil. If my memory serves me I remember RJF Jr. saying that at one point Reagan wanted Fauci to join him in conversation with Duesberg to hash out what the hell was going on...and Fauci told Reagan no. Did I misremember that or was that in the book? I know there was also a moment when Duesberg was supposed to be on with Larry King and Fauci took his place. If that happened, then that alone is a friggin movie. The story of Fauci is crazier than most fiction.
One more moment in censorship history around the AIDS epidiemic. One of the writer's of Dallas Buyer's Club wanted Mathew McCaughney's character to make a pass at femal Doctor making a reference to Duesberg saying the virus isn't even the real cause. They had it taken out in editing. It was bragged about in Slate, or some lefty magazine, as saving the movie from being homophoebic. Unreal.
Yes, I need to go back and read TRAF again, I got what I could get out of it on first reading, the second time will be different.
I don't believe there is a Reagan/Duesberg story in the book. Pretty sure there isn't.
Also I think the Larry King story was for Kennedy being swapped for Fauci last minute.
Didn't know about the Duesberg edit in the movie, wow. They caved to pharma at the very end by saying that it was the "dosage" of AZT that was the issue and that got rectified!
I tracked down the Reagan thing because I still can't believe it myself. Like this moment alone warrants a feature length film around it. (hmm I think I'd like to randomly cast Tom Hanks as Reagan...but I digress) The excerpt:
'....On the night preceding his appearance, a GMA producer called to say the show was canceled. In the morning, he turned on his hotel TV and saw Anthony Fauci himself on the show. Similarly, Larry King asked Duesberg for a televised interview in 1992 and then abruptly canceled the night before. Dr. Fauci took Duesberg's place at King's table. In 1987, when President Reagan invited Duesberg and Dr. Fauci to the White House for a friendly debate in front of the president, Dr. Fauci forced Reagan to cancel. A member of President Reagan's administration told Duesberg that "Anthony Fauci, far from reacting as . .. anticipated, threw a 'small fit' when he was invited, and demanded to know why the White House was interfering in scientific matters that belonged to the NIH and the Office of Science and Technology Assessment. --RFK Jr. TRAF pg 472 per my kindle version.
Thanks Denis, I'd forgotten about that.
Larry King did schedule a CNN interview with Duesberg on August 6, 1992, but it was cancelled just hours before airtime. Fauci was interviewed instead and no mention was made of the HIV dispute. As described in Duesberg, Inventing the AIDS Virus, pages 392-93. It wasn't the only time Duesberg was replaced by Fauci on TV interviews.
Thank you for the correction.
Duesberg’s book is outstanding, by the way.
Hypothesis became fact by repetition.👏👏👏👏👏💯💯💯💯👍🎩🎩🙏
"Hypothesis became fact by repetition."- David Crowe.
Yep. For anyone wondering still, that sentence sums up how we got here.
And one person who was trying to report on all of that, and was caught up in the original cancellations over "Aids controversy" was Celia Farber (See her Substacks and book, the details are incredible. Pretty sure Kennedy got only one chunk of the disgusting saga. Celia got it all). The whole grubby, open murder-for-profit show, is on repetition. Yes, that quote from Africa's IS chilling and what keeps me up at night. 😐😭
The parallels are too similar. And the guy making bank from Death drugs, again!
RFK jr book is excellent.
The fact Fauci isn’t in prison shows how expansive our DOD, Pentagon etc cover up is.
Jon Rappoport was one of the first to publicize the fraud around AIDS.
Wonderful quotes at the beginning and good summary!
Considering Fuxxi was involved in AZT (just like in Remdesivir recently) that also caused "AIDS" symptoms, it can be conjectured that some of the "covid" vials also include AZT
and/or the gay population is under concerted attack:
Not Jon Rappoport- Celia Farber was. See her book and Substack🤗
Really? In 1980?
Here's some of Celia Farber's reporting:
From Spin Magazine:
And much later in Harper's:'s,%20Farber%20on%20AIDS%20&%20cancer.pdf
Celia just announced the reissue of one of her books. It's on her stack.
You see, that's when I associate with
Not blaming her, of course, but I'm wondering if there is still time to wake up anyone.
This is only 36 years after Jon Rappoport.
Farber began reporting on HIV/AIDS in the late 1980's mainly via Spin Magazine.
Not that it matters much. There are those who preedate both of these individuals and they all focus on some different aspects of the fraud and some similar.
Exactly. It makes little difference now; I simply wanted to make sure Jon also receives some of the credit. :)
I watched House of Numbers. Even given that it's 11 years since release I'm shocked that
(In honor of the memories of...) Christine Maggiore (1956-2008) and Liam Scheff (d. 2017) have since passed away, seeming so vibrant in the film.
This link offers some more information
Youtube seems to be trying to bury the more recent film as I couldn't find it with full title in search...
I've typed your link into my phone browser to watch the second film (for some reason my laptop mutes itself after 2-3 minutes/erratically on all video media). Quite a bit of duplicated material but a useful addition, thanks.
When laying out what exactly are the parallels between the AIDS scamdemic and Covid (has anyone done this in an easy-to-visualise way?) - and relating to your previous article about communication strategy and the "lizard people" question - it is unhelpful to claim viruses don't exist. But useful to point out the pseudo-equivalence that a) There is a genuine question about the existence of HIV and b) SARS-CoV-2 was probably a lab-leak or (cf Couey) a viral clone and not a natural virus. If only Kary Mullis were alive today...
Shit, now I've lost the link to an interview between Hennigsen (Patrick?) and a UK doctor from 2021 talking about this. Help? I seem to remember "wire" was part of the name...
Found it
Towards the end of the interview Hennigsen says he had David Crowe on the show as well, here it is
I'd just like to check in with everyone about the virus purification/isolation question here, has been informed by above interview... From what Corbett says the classical virology route was to conform to Koch Postulates in diagnosing viral disease whereas SARS2 and possibly HIV as well those requirements have been swept aside. Did I understand correctly?
Agree, I’ve read it, but had forgotten that detail. Incredible book that should be in reprint. Very hard to buy copy now. I listened to it on Audible.
One interesting thing on the HIV scam was if u had a recent injection or were pregnant, you tested positive via PCR.
There is an aspect of this I always stumble over, as I person who lived through the AIDS crisis. I can understand that having HIV, by itself, cannot be enough to cause AIDS, because there are so many people who have HIV in their bodies but are healthy. But, just to cite one example, my father died of AIDS in 1989, but he did not use poppers, or lead a wild, dissolute life in any way, but rather he led the ordinary life of an educated professional. He had the same diet and lifestyle as everyone else in my family, but no one else in the family got sick and died. The one thing that made my dad different is that he was HIV positive and we were not. It's true that he took AZT, but he had all the classic AIDS symptoms before he began taking it. I know many, many people for whom this is true: they led the same lifestyles as all the people who remained healthy, and only one thing made them different: being HIV positive. They all had AIDS and died. Some took AZT and some did not. It does make it seem like getting HIV is somehow very strongly correlated with having AIDS, even if it doesn't directly cause it all by itself. And some mechanisms of how the HIV virus attacks the immune system are known in detail.
Any ideas that can clear this up for me?
yes Aids showed us the way