Virology, Vaccines, Space Travel, Dinosaurs etc — there are sooo many narratives that continue over time. Virology was one I woke up to recently. I actually believed the Wuhan narrative smh. The good news is that people are finally waking up —

This is why I say we need to be mindful of these “scientism narratives” and be aware of the “religious tenants of scientism.” Scientism is a cult and when we view it like that, everything makes sense:



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If not a virus, what exactly is SV-40?

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dunno exactly but sounds a fancy biochemical surrounded by psyop talk.

Does it have scary spikes like 'coronavirus'?

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I would really love to know how we get sick. Yes I agree that there are many environmental factors but I just had a 2 week stint with my 4 adult children, daughter in law, & 9 month old baby living in my home (8 people total). My daughter was sick for 2 days; one day later my husband came down with a bad flu (chills, headache, lethargy & eventual cough); my son felt bad for several days pounding vitamin c etc; finally my daughter in law & then her baby came down with various mix of symptoms - hi temperatures, cough etc. How did this sickness spread if we weren’t passing something from one to the other?

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On a technical level the article is no doubt right but without an alternative explanation for illness of no real use. We had a similar experience over the holidays. family visit with three grandchildren displaying cold symptoms. A few days after they left my wife developed a cold and then I contracted it about 5 days later. I have yet to hear from any of these people a explanation (that makes sense) for transmission. I would be very hard to convince that their is not transmission of something between people whether or not it's called a virus.

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I have the same issue with the 'no virus' view. I was in England during the so called pandemic and visited with my sister, nephews etc. about 6-7 of us in a pub. My one nephew apparently had caught COVID (or the flu, whatever it is) off someone and passed it to 5 out of 6 of the group. I didn't get it. What was it that was passed around? The others did get sick with the COVID/flu symptoms. FYI, I have watched terrain and do believe one's terrain is very key in staying healthy.

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Scurvy, beri beri, Minimata. All conditions that were thought to be contagious. If I remember correctly some orphanages used to isolate children with no love or touch with disastrous outcomes. Even the medical establishment says stress cuases dis-ease.

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We all detox naturally. It's nature's way. Especially in winter. It's how we rid ourselves of all types of toxins. Remember chemtrails occur daily which are poisons. We just release at different intervals as we are all unique.

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We were all in the same atmosphere 80% of the time. Nobody was out long enough to experience chemtrails in the chicago winters.

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Don’t forget Fauci’s original HIV scam. He still has not explained how it infects homosexuals in the West and heterosexuals in Africa? People should read Dr. Nancy Banks book on AIDS scam. And Rebecca Culshaw book on the same.

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Fauci was responsible for a program during the AIDS Scam that forced Black and Hispanic Foster Children to be experimented on and take the AZT Poison. If the children wouldn't take it orally, they would have a tube put in their stomach to receive it. Fauci is a modern-day Josef Mengele. He, Bill Gates and the rest of the Luciferian Scum need to all rot in Hell for ETERNITY!!! The fact that millions of people treat him like a God MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL!!!

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Then what causes people to get “sick”..?? Lots of other factors??

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Healthy people don't get sick.

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Geez… 🤦🏻‍♀️

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"Then what causes people to get “sick”..?? Lots of other factors??"

Aside from natural triggers with stress and fear there are endless epigenetic effects from chemicals and toxins in consumer goods, cookware & microwave packaging, body products, food, water and air for a short list of serious health effects off the top of my head.. any airborne wisp of RNA is a distant threat if it exists in a form healthy immune systems cannot easily resolve or recover from.

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All organic home. Everything I possibly can change. No injected residents, good AirDoctor machines running, excellent supplements & occasional Iver & FenBen cleanses, occasional DMSO applications.. We’ll see!

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Iver and fenben are not cleanses. They are toxins that should never be taken.

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Ha! Ha! Ha!

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Thank you. The analogy reminds me of the scientific practice of using fossilized bone fragments and impressions to definitively prove new types of dinosaurs or ignoring that polystrate fossils (e.g., a fossil of a tree, that extend through more than one layer of rock, or geological stratum) defies the principle of superposition and continuity.

IMHO, the biggest problem with the no virus theory is that it creates a void that terrain theory ALONE can not fully explain without an external factor e.g., xenobiotic, energy force, bacterial/plasmid, psychological stress acting on the terrain. IMO, "COVID" was an intentional weapon released on humanity that included biological, chemical, energy, and psychological components.

Question - How can I download the audio on your posts?

Thanks again - Stay Free

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I suspect that people can acquire biomarkers maybe even get sick by rubbing bodies when the HLA compatibility isn't in their favor.

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We might as well have locked down the entire globe to combat Bigfoot.

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😂😂😂 wait till you find out about other “scientism ideas” like dinosaurs and all lol — https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/lies-not-discussed-within-the-truth

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'Virology' and 'science' don't belong in the same sentence any more than 'climate' and 'science.'

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But how are viruses manipulated in “gain-of-function” experiments if they don’t exist? And how are things like “furin cleavage sites” added if viruses don’t exist?

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Excellent summary and wonderful to have it in one place as bullet points! <3

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How can folks who believe that prions are a “thing” dismiss viruses as imaginary? Do we think Luc Montongier was delusional? Do we think he made up the experimental data regarding water “memory” and imprinting using serial dilutions of HIV RNA? He seemed very sane and rational to me, not prone to flights of fancy. What at the Operation Paperclip creeps up to while they have smart people arguing over whether viruses exist or not. That is my question.

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One thing to notice is these people really hate the word 'phage' which is really odd as they're virions same as viruses and exosomes. Also if you try to bring up the subject they'll immediately divert to talking about something else.


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And you have the gall to publish Vernon Coleman here.

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Great Info!!! Thank You💓

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Whether you believe viruses exist in nature or not, consider this: The definition of a virus is a shell made of proteins and lipids that contains genetic material. Since none of that stuff is alive, they can be made in laboratories. So, manmade lipid nanoparticles that contain mRNA are, by definition, viruses. How do they spread? By injection. How are they associated with disease in some people? From the biologically active proteins that get released from the translation of the mRNA and the inflammatory immune response to that. And, if you don't believe our cells make proteins from mRNA, well, now we're on a whole new level of trying to refute biology. https://rumble.com/v3tafrv-do-viruses-exist.html

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I'm sincerely expecting that you know that for the average modern moron slave nothing of what you wrote matters.


The mind capacity of the herds of MMS was put at display during the deployment of OPERATION COVIDIUS. For those that don't enjoy to pretend what Reality is, it's very clear that the mind capacity of the herds barely escapes ZERO. For many it's even NEGATIVE.

Indeed the SUCCESS of OPERATION COVIDIUS relied on the use of the PCR kit. Without this TOOL there wouldn't be a "pandemic"!

But once again nothing of this matters.

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I like to describe the forces we are up against as the Secular Spanish Inquisition. Their purpose is to take certain events and elevate them to religious objects. A list of common religious objects might include the cross, star of David, polio vaccine, iron lung, lunar lander, falling towers ,etc. "Who cares about your tower of babel and it's symbolism, I've got falling towers of 911! On film with good quality still shots as well! Science wins again." Many things have been turned into beliefs, and it is time to challenge the vaccine schedule as a separation of church and state. Instead of claiming a religious exemption, we should argue that herd immunity through vaccination is a religious belief. One good thing we could do with AI is to process data sets to check assumptions. How easy would it be to look at fluoride and flu shots? half the USA takes flu shots every year, half tries to avoid them. that is the study, Long term look at both to see which group is healthier on all levels. I am very disturbed by the fact that I have not heard one person express regret for demonizing the unvaccinated. Many think that if everyone got the shot, covid would have gone away .The idea that 95% of people need to take a medicine or it won't work is what needs to be disproven. This has been the Nuremberg beating tactic for decades. It leads to bad places quickly, "Look, if you want to believe in Q anon or flat earth go ahead. Because I am a good person ,I will ignore 99.8% of your stupid bullshit ,but I'm drawing the line here. You will not be allowed to murder my child with your stupidity." We can't function as a country with that level of irrational hatred .The vaccine religion is interesting because it contains no heaven or concept of improvement. No one feels better after a shot, avoiding hell is the purpose. The vaccine is the sacrament, the iron lung is the hell it is preventing. The lapses in logic produced are amazing. If babies and toddlers cry and scream when injected, then I must be a baby if I don't like shots. It is going to be hard to convince people that long dormant disease will not come roaring back if everyone does not inject. Most people can't look back over the last 5 years and figure anything out.

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