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Like you I've been reading Omar Khan's writings. And particularly enjoyed the recent one, Flu d'etat. And that's how l came to read this post of yours which I found thought provoking and hopefully a useful guide (for me) as to how to awaken one's own family and friends to the lies and the theft that is being played out before our eyes. I have found it hard to even converse with people. Most simply accept the narrative and never question. Quite depressing that so many well educated middle class people seem to have had all critical faculties educated out of them, (erased/brainwashed would be a more accurate description but that's modern life for you - TV, Netflix etc. it dulls the mind).

I don't consider myself that well educated or even that well read. Maybe I was lucky not to have had a university education because for what ever reason I have never trusted governments or the media to be completely honest and free from 'agendas'. So right from the start I knew without being told by anyone that NPI guide lines were totally inappropriate and that we were being lied to for nefarious reasons.

I spent my young adult years pursuing a vocation to teach meditation (TM) in order to bring about an age of enlightenment. 'Water the root' is the best analogy I can use to illustrate the philosophy behind the idea that mankind needs to raise his consciousness in order to attune himself to natural law so his feelings, thinking, speech and action are more conducive to 'right action'. Little did I think the efforts of so many dedicated people around the world would be thwarted by the evil interests of the technocracy of corporate and political interests to deliberately undermine this work over the the last 50 years or so. But that's what has happened.

But for whatever reason this chaos is happening (is it our collective karma?) I have always believed that a better time will dawn for mankind and as the Maharishi told us the darkest hour of the night is the hour before the sun rises over the horizon. We'll get through this madness and the few enlightened writers who know what is happening have to keep sowing their seeds of wisdom so the rest of us can wake up.

Thank you for yours.

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Thank you James, really appreciated your comments.

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