I’ve been pondering some of the motivations behind this whole COVID delusion from the start. The usual suspects of power, wealth and influence are apparent, but I have been very curious as to what ideas move the real players behind it, the luminaries of COVID fascism. The Global MGM triad as you so brilliantly named them.

In our elite cultural circles, it’s a common belief that we are destroying precious “Gaia” by our population and technological growth. There’s very much a moral inversion in which the progress of mankind takes a backseat to more “pure” ends, like preserving nature. It’s a mish mash of Malthusianism, paganistic earth worship and Ludditism. Our betters know what is most important and they must rein in our excesses for our own good. The climate catastrophist movement is one of the more recent expressions of this. Of course, that’s just a play on the ancient theme of blaming bad weather on a scapegoat, but I digress.

Here in the US, we are constantly being influenced by a fear campaign based on several major phantom crises: Climate change, systemic racism, white supremacy, automation/AI and income inequality to name the most prominent.

If we would simply give over all control to the “very smart people,” they could deliver us from these evils.

Enter COVID, another invisible, existential threat that conveniently ties in to all those other threats. And this one is far superior to the others, for their purposes, as there are more visible, visceral consequences playing out in real time. We have a primitive, primal fear of disease that is easy to manipulate.

Covid is a wonderful opportunity to enact policies that line up with the ultimate goals of the Triad: Degrowth, destruction of independent wealth, depopulation. Utter chaos like what is unfolding in South Africa at the moment. Destabilize, then swoop in and enact central control. Make the populous desperate for the heroic big government to intervene.

There’s just too many mouth breathing rubes out there, competing for the resources that rightfully belong to the virtuous elite.

I doubt the truly big players believe in any of this nonsense, as their motivations are likely more about control and power.

They have a healthy army of useful idiots that do believe.

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Of all Thomas Sowell's books, The Vision of the Anointed, is the one that sits highest up the river and explains all the other issues he has written about. The anointed are those that see themselves as knowing best about how to save us from ourselves. It always leads to a version of collectivism and central planning and it always leads to tragedy.

I have really come to better understand the meaning of "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".

And yes, without the useful idiots, nothing would be possible.

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