Brilliant blog that must have taken many hours to compile. Tyson, "arguing for the health and wellbeing of the American Volk to take priority over individual health", brilliantly taken apart. What also needs to be taken into account is the action of a non-sterilising 'therapeutic' putting selection pressure on the virus to create new variants, a phenomenon which continues today. How many extra has that killed I wonder? Overall, the gaslighting over the past 2 years has been relentless. I remember texting my brother in the UK, in spring 2021, to under no account take the 'vaccine'. He sent me back a Daily Telegraph front-page headline trumpeting the success of the Astra-Zenenca 'vaccine' in bringing down a national wave of COVID infections. I was flummoxed at the time but now realise the infection rate was following the normal gompertz curve model common to every respiratory virus. Meanwhile the use of the AZ adenovirus therapeutic has been suspended in the UK (and everywhere).

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"In 2020 the Lancet published an apparently fraudulent study discrediting the use of hydroxychloroquine in the management of COVID-19. "

Worse than the above noted fraud was the fraud of January 2021 when they published a preprint paper by Andrew Hill regarding ivermectin.

Why do I say worse? Because Ivermectin works throughout all phases of the illness and all by itself reduces death by 75%. With adjunct treatments that number is nearly 90%.

Related to this and used to pump up the numbers of hospitalizations and deaths were/are the treatment protocols used in hospitals. Protocols that all the medical personnel could readily see were killing people. Yet they never altered the protocol. Even to today in my disgusting state of maskachusetts the government has wedged itself between doctors and patients denying us access to Ivermectin or hydroxy chloroquine.

Speaking treatment protocols, since when did early treatment stop being a thing? People sickened by this man made bioweapon, frightened present to the hospital and are told go home, when you can't breath come back and we'll put on toxic remdesevir, medazolam (best known for killing death row inmates in Texas) and a vent (well known for causing bacterial infections and killing patients).

So how many of those people would be here today if they'd just received the standard of care for any patient suffering a respiratory illness?

It wasn't just cheap effective therapeutics that were withheld. They created protocols that guaranteed poor outcomes. At every turn, every recommendation, every protocol made the situation worse not better.

I'm not a word nerd. I got thrown out of high school English class so forgive me if I get this wrong.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Is that an axiom? Well whatever it is, it illustrates perfectly that the powers pulling the strings couldn't be so incompetent as to never get anything right. In order to have a 100% wrong record one must work at it.

Every bit of this is deliberate. Watch Tess Lawrie make Andrew Hill squirm and watch his evil smirk at the end of her conversation. EVIL. This is what we're dealing with folks.



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“So, I don’t care if the IFR is 0.15% or 15%, it is the State’s responsibility and OBLIGATION to find solutions to problems that go AROUND my inalienable rights and not THROUGH them”.

BEST. SENTENCE. EVER...actually we should be asking if it is even “the states’ “ responsibility to manage such things...the state should have “the power of the sword” but not power of the pen or the scalpel or the many other power it has taken from/ been given by the citizenry.

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The collective vs the individual is the battle that determines either our oppression or our liberty.

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"Even if: it was Ebola, and lockdowns worked perfectly, and vaccines were safe and affective…"

"The State should not: terrify the population, bankrupt a business, push a teenager to suicide, house arrest the entire population and put face nappies on them under threat of fine and prison and force you to take an experimental injection…"

If Ebola was loose The State wouldn't need to force anyone to protect themselves and if the State had a safe and effective cure they wouldn't need to force, coerce or threaten people's ability to feed their families in order to get them to take it.

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Ebola is a fictional construct as is HIV as is SARS-CoV-2 etc....

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I'm fully on board with the Sars 1&2 being patented prior to the plandemic. It's not a fictional construct. The danger it posed was made worse by lack of early treatment and really hospital protocols. Following those revelations I've recently become aware of the HIV fraud. "House of Numbers" "Fauci's First Fraud" from this substack.

Ebola on the other hand I've not heard of as being fictional. Would you be kind enough to point me to the relevant information so I might educate myself?

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PS. “Specious” also comes to mind.

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Norman Fenton is not a Nigel 😀


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Tyson....ever had the feeling there’s just something not quite right about this guy?! Loves to hear his own voice. Bloviation come to mind !

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Word of the day...thank you!

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"The “social contract” that Neil is arguing for wants to consequence your externality, with the full weight of corporate and government force." I don't think so. I think it's just greenwash slapped on top of whatever the underlying narrative is. Seems to me that externalities - one of the Achilles' heels of capitalism - are a major reason for the damage humans are doing to the ecosphere. The costs of extracting resources and emitting pollutants into the ecosphere on habitat and creatures (including humsns) is an externality to the pricing mechanism. I think until this is resolved then we, as consumers, *are* individually responsible for the unaccounted-for damage. I have strayed from being a fully-paid-up member of the "climate" issue to being suspicious of the models and scientific/funding structure which gives rise to the supposed consensus. But biodiversity loss and habitat destruction is the process of self-annihilation which we all have a responsibility for and if/when we come out the other side of the current bottleneck the new economic paradigm will need to address it.

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Jan 15, 2023
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Brilliant, thanks olmera!

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