I had a debate with a guy re the cartoon. He kept insisting that "no jab, no job" is not "forced", not coercion. Yet he could not rebut the points I raised. As we parted, he said he listens to no one. I pointed out the irony that he listened to the govt lies/lines re "no jab, no job" is not a coercion. He went inside.

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No there isn't. Scotland has recently decided to cripple their data and England is following suit.

Keep believing the official line.

"If you stop actively looking for data or "research" that "proves" vaccines are unsafe and instead look for data that comes from reputable sources - the picture is clear:"

How patronising.

The official ONS weekly data proves otherwise, even Pfizers official data that was forced to be released.

Israel or Gibraltar should have been enough to convince you.

Or maybe the opposite, where Uttar Pradesh has effectively rid itself of covid, without poisoning it's population.

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Thanks for putting these up - nothing like a personal story to hit home - I think we can get a bit fatigues with the overall statistics. I must post more myself - actually I'll point my readers your way for this one - Thanks!

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We have seen videos of vaccine injuries since late 2020. But we won't listen.

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So many doctors must accompany Fauci et al, on the gallows.

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19 examples out of 18.5million fully vaccinated people. Pretty good odds!

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You are dangereous with that comment. And If it was YOU , the one person from 19 examples ?? You would like we listen to you ? People that are showing no empathy it's called psychopaths and we are living in a social mass psychosis. Seriously, nothing will protect you from your stupidity.

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I have sympathy for the tiny number of people who have adverse reactions to vaccines, just as I have enormous sympathy for immunocompromised people who are unable to receive certain vaccines.

What I do not have sympathy for, is people that spread lies, misinformation and anxiety throughout communities about the relative risks of vaccines vs. the viruses they are designed to combat. Especially when people ignore the mounting number of lives lost to covid - or the huge strain our healthcare workers are being put through to cope with the current situation.

Vaccines have helped humankind virtually eliminate viruses like polio and measles - they have greatly reduced dangers associated with flu - and now they are savings millions of lives in the worst pandemic humankind has faced in a century.

Yet I'm the psychopath?

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You are.

9 out of 10 cases are now among the boosted.

9 out of 10 deaths are now among the boosted.

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That simply isn't true. In Queensland very recent research is indicating that if you're triple vaccinated you have approximately a one in 61,000 chance of dying from COVID. If you have been double dosed you have a 1 in 5,500 chance of dying. If you are not vaccinated you have a one in 3,000 chance of dying.

In NSW the protective effect of vaccines is clear for every age group, with far lower rates of deaths or ICU admissions amongst the vaccinated than unvaccinated.

But anyone spending any time reading this blog clearly with anything other than abject horror at how people can take it seriously - doesn't understand how to differentiate reliable sources from absolute garbage so please continue to believe whatever total BS you want to.

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Meanwhile in the UK, Scotland and other countries with comprehensive (until recently) stats, the rates in the jabbed have been going up steadily, while the rates in the unjabbed are decreasing. The rates of cases and death in the jabbed cohort are currently at 9 times that of the unjabbed.

Safe and effective it aint.

The Australia and NSW graphs I've seen appear to show a very steep rise in cases, due to the idiotic zero covid policy and hence absolutely no natural immunity.

As the jab only lasts about 10 weeks before it turns to negative efficacy, those results should appear before too long.

Anyway. Hopefully I'm wrong and all is good with the jabbed.

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Again, pure BS. There is still good data coming out of the UK and Scotland and it is still pointing to vaccines being effective. As with other data from across the globe, vaccines are less effective against Omicron than previous strains and vaccine efficacy does fade over time - however there is zero reliable data anywhere that indicates vaccines have "negative efficacy".

If you stop actively looking for data or "research" that "proves" vaccines are unsafe and instead look for data that comes from reputable sources - the picture is clear:

The vaccines do help and they are much safer than getting Covid without being vaccinated.

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