I’m part of a small WhatsApp group of sane and awake friends who have managed to keep each other sane mainly by listening to each other’s rants during the GMC.
A friend from that group, living in Melbourne, recently posted the summary below.
It’s worthy of its own stack, as another historical record of what, as my friend calls, the “Despicable They” have done and continue to do us, our families, friends and loved ones.
We live in New South Wales, and truthfully, we got off lightly compared to Victoria.
All States and their Premiers, with the Federal Government turning a blind eye, competed for the “Best Rookie Dictator” Award, and Dan Andrews of Victoria won that prize, quite comfortably in the end. He had stiff competition at times from Mark McGowan (WA) and Annastacia Palaszczuk (Qld) but in the end he was a worthy winner.

With thanks to my friend.
At midnight on 12th October .... after 2 years, 6 months and 27 days, that’s 941 days in total, the Pandemic Declaration will lapse in VICTORIA ...it is the successor of our extended State of Emergency which came to an (unnatural) end in Nov 2021 after going for 15 months longer than ever intended ....
These reprehensible pieces of legislation (like others across Australia) are the tools used to smash our civil liberties and destroy our community...whilst I know you know; the following is a summary of what Vic was commanded to do/not do over a fucking head cold
stay inside for all but 1 hour per day
remain indoors after 9 pm
not travel outside 5km
no school (face to face)
no work without permit
no pub, entertainment, sport, playgrounds, restaurants, or clothes shopping
no friends or family visits
no funerals or end of life visits
no surgery
masks outdoors
masks indoors
GP visits with masks in carparks
borders closures between NSW and SA...
no crossing borders to return home
no overseas travel to or from
approving Vax for youth, then children the babies 😡
Vax mandates for workers (ALL)
Vax mandates for schooling
Vax mandates for shopping
Vax mandates for entertainment
Vax mandates for travel
mandatory testing for travel
mandatory testing for school
mandatory testing for GP and hospital visits
masks on PT and ride share
I'm sure I've missed some.... the saddest thing is we look to return the Andrews Labor government in this state next month…
I'll raise a glass at midnight Wednesday as I allow the indignity of all the accumulated indignities wash over me...
They have taken their foot of our throats for now, but they will be back if we let them.
Thank you for reading this Substack.
Please consider a small paid subscription (donation). The money goes to a good cause.
I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and jab) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories help others.
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
You can write to me privately: unbekoming@outlook.com
If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
Maria Zeee just conducted an interview about the impending Queensland legislation to prohibit doctors from “undermining pubic confidence” in state-provided services:
• https://www.bitchute.com/video/5xPcVc5EbVF9/
She also touches on the internment camp infrastructure being laid for future tyranny.
I'm so sorry you suffered so egregiously in Australia. Remember...please always remember that only through the uniformed thugs can enforcement of these criminal edicts take place. The uniformed, dumbass thugs who merely follow orders. They deserve our relentless repudiation.