This article should be viewed as an Appendix to my initial Letter:
A letter to my two adult kids: Vaccines and the free Spike Protein
For those that cannot bring themselves to read the long version I created an Abridged version here:
Vaccines and the free Spike Protein - A letter to my two adult kids (Summarised)
My letter outlined the “Product Defect” of the mRNA vaccines and the risk this defect caused. The mRNA doesn’t stay in your shoulder but goes all over your body and produces Spike Protein that is damaging to your cells. This explains the astronomical levels of death and severe disability all over the world, including Australia. If you have not heard about it, it’s called an Echo Chamber and you are in it and you are being censored.
The following short 9-minute clip is testimony from Dr. Charles Hoffe, he goes on to explain another aspect of the Spike Protein and micro-clotting. This maps over what we learned from Dr. Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch in my Letter.
The clip is on YouTube, so who knows how much longer it will be there.
It is from "The Persecution of Canadian Physicians by Organized Medicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic": Featuring Dr. Chris Milburn, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Francis Christian and Dr. Roger Hodkinson.
It it gets removed from YouTube, here is the fill length conference and Dr. Hoffe talks about the micro-clotting issue at about 1:16:00.
The highlights are:
Within 1 week of getting the jab, he found that 62% of his patients had their clotting mechanism activated. The idea that its rare, is false.
Only 25% of the vax stays in the arm. He was told by Pharma that it stayed in the arm and DIDN’T go into the blood stream. That we now know is FALSE.
75% of the vax, via the lymph system travels all over the body and cause harm. Much of that harm is not immediately detectable via CT Scans, CT Angiograms or MRIs. Only the large “rare” clots are seen by that technology.
Micro-clots cannot be spotted with the usual tools, you need other tests (D-dimer Test)
40 TRILLION mRNA genes are injected into the body. These go on use the bodies cells to produce even more Spike Proteins that flood the body and the organs they settle in. The short term effects of these Spike Proteins are being seen in the unprecedented death and disability numbers. The long term effects are unknown and likely deadly or disabling.
This is the latest Injury data from the US. Remember that there is ample evidence that this is being UNDER reported by 5x.
Current Death count is 10,991 (US)
See the latest numbers for yourself:
COVID Vaccine Data (
Now, you rightly would ask, how does this compare to other years. Glad you asked. This is the death count so far compared to annual death over last 30 years. The hockey stick should tell you all you need to know about “The Vaccine is Safe and Effective”.
It looks the same in UK, Europe, Australia and everywhere this “vaccine” is being rolled out.
Remember my D.A.D Vaccine Strategy.
The D.A.D. Covid "Vaccine" Strategy (Delay. Avoid. Delay.)
Dr. Hoffe has since lost his job after being a Rural Emergency Room Physician for 31 years.
Doctor punished for allegedly encouraging “vaccine hesitancy” (
This is NOT a Vaccine.
It is an incompletely tested symptom relief gene therapy.
The term “Vaccine” has been hijacked.
A Vaccine, in the real meaning of the word, refers to something that PREVENTS you getting the disease and in so doing PREVENTS you from transmitting the disease.
This jab does NEITHER. This is known by the government and is easily verifiable by looking at evidence that is ONE search away. You just need to be bothered. Countries with high vaccination rates are having new waves of outbreaks. The jab does NOT stop you getting the illness and does NOT stop you transmitting it. At best, in severe cases (which is in the old and frail) it reduces symptoms. This was in the fine print of the original Pfizer media release (if anyone had bothered to read it).
The symptoms of COVID to the young and healthy are both less likely than the flu and less severe and deadly than the flu. The government knows this. The are lying to you.

This recent post sums it up beautifully.

This is a great article published today. I urge you to read it. It covers the huge death numbers and the rigging of the “trials” among many other issues. Its not a long read.
Covid vaccines: We’ve been misled from the very start
The mantra that the jab is ‘safe and effective’ is becoming a sick joke. There is now massive evidence of harm and mounting evidence that it does not work anything like as well as hoped.
The harm is there for all to see. As of mid-June, UK regulators received 276,867 adverse events reports, including 1,332 deaths; in the US, there were more than 6,000 deaths, and 400,000 events serious enough to be reported; and in the European Union, some 1,500,000 injuries and 15,000 deaths.
You don’t know all this because its being kept from you. It’s called Censorship.
And lastly I leave you with a comment from Goering (look him up, NOT a good guy):
There is NO proof that it protects people from severe disease. There is no control group to make that assertion.
The trial end point was to make the symptoms milder....which, since they vaxxed the controls, they cannot assert either.
What they did was turn people into what we have never ever had:
1) Variant Factories - this will go on and on
2) Asymptomatic walking infectious carriers who don't realize they are sick.
3) And something that is no longer human with only human DNA. It changes your DNA. And not just yours, but your childrens. We don't know how it changes the DNA, we don't know what the effect is or will be. But you no longer are an original human. With luck, the courts might rule that you are NOT the property of the patent holder.