“The Pentagon did not want to say, did not want to put on the product, this is a Pentagon made Defense Department made product. They essentially paid the pharmaceutical companies for their brand name so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer Moderna.” – Robert Kennedy Jr
“There are no best manufacturing processes. And so we don't know what the ingredients are. We don't know how it was manufactured we don't know where a lot of these were manufactured, and we just know nothing about these products, and nobody is actually looking at them.” - Sasha Latypova
I need to listen to more of Bobby’s podcasts.
I hope that Robert Kennedy Jr doesn’t mind me calling him Bobby. It is most certainly a term of endearment (plus I don’t want to type out his long name each time).
I recently listened to his discussion with Sasha Latypova.
I’ve seen Sasha’s name in the Substackverse for some time now, but there is only so much time in the day and I never really got to pay attention to her work, so I was glad when I saw her on Bobby’s podcast.
I am very glad I listened to it, and I highly recommend the whole discussion.
Here is the full transcript.
Militarized Healthcare with Sasha Latypova - Transcripts (steno.ai)
And here are 10 key bullet points.
Sasha Latypova, a former pharmaceutical R&D executive, discusses the military's role in healthcare historically and currently with RFK Jr. She has been speaking out on COVID and the mRNA vaccines and related matters since early 2021 as an independent researcher.
Sasha has a niche expertise in understanding the regulatory protocols and processes that govern clinical trials. She was in charge of compliance for over 60 clinical trials.
During 2021, she began noticing some gaps and irregularities about the way that the vaccines were brought to market. This led her to do freedom of information requests and uncover a monumental fraud.
Sasha found that the CDC manipulates data through their contractors, making it appear that a smaller percentage of vaccine lots are responsible for the majority of adverse events than is actually the case.
She asserts that when a lot is identified as causing an abnormal number of adverse reactions, it should be immediately recalled. This did not happen in the United States, even when a lot was flagged as problematic.
Sasha argues that the lack of action in response to identified problems with vaccine lots should be considered intentional murder, and those responsible should be prosecuted.
She found that Pfizer was not in compliance with good manufacturing practices at the time of authorization for conditional marketing approval in Europe. Despite this, commercial lots of Pfizer's vaccine were shipped in the US and internationally.
Sasha argues that this is a violation of import/export rules and GMP compliance rules, and should be considered intentional. Despite this, no action has been taken.
Sasha discusses the pseudo-legal structure created by the US government over time, which she believes is being used to commit a crime. This includes the emergency use authorization law, which allows the FDA to put drugs or devices on the market without proper testing.
The emergency use authorization law was put in place in 1997 under Clinton. It authorizes the FDA to put drugs or devices on the market without proper testing, or authorize an unauthorized use of a device or drug. A critical criterion for emergency use authorization is that there is no other treatment option. Sasha believes that this law, among others, has been used to commit a crime and that those responsible should be held accountable.
There is really just one point that I want to highlight, and it is in this 5 minute passage. (minutes 17 to 22.):
This from the full transcript, but it’s better to hear Bobby say it:
So, they're using other transaction authority which is this is which is a way for the government to contract again initially was very narrowly defined given authority to NASA in the 60s. Now, 11 government agencies are using it and DOD is a particular frequent user of this message. Other transaction authority is called OTA, and it was essentially designed to allow the Pentagon to quickly buy weapons and weapons systems without paying attention to any regulatory any existing regulatory authorities. Yes, what they've done is they've taken that authority, and they've applied it to the vaccines. So they're purchasing the vaccines under OTA as a demonstration product it's not a medical product, so it has FDA has no authority over it CDC has no authority over it. It's very is actually manufacturing they farm this out to hundreds of military contractors to do the manufacturing to do the distribution to do every aspect of it, and it's all a huge military operation and the involvement of the drug companies is kind of window dressing, because the Pentagon did not want to say, did not want to put on the product, this is a Pentagon made Defense Department made product. They essentially paid the pharmaceutical companies for their brand name so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer Moderna.
So the back room, and the, you know, the distribution and the manufacturing is done by the military, and the pharmaceutical companies were brought in to put their name on it, and then to pretend to do clinical trials, which have no legal significance. What they've done. Absolutely yeah that's exactly right so OTA allows them not only you know quickly order, otherwise regulated products from other from regulated industry private industry without following the regulations so that's that's critical and that's why do D loves it so much because not only they can do that they can also hide a lot of technology and IP from public from each other from other government branches. So, so it's perfect for them. And also they don't have to follow any federal procurement accounting rules, so that's why their stated budget is 800 billion but they, you know, they can't find $8 trillion, because they you know they lost it and there's 20 records for it. So that's how they do it, and they distribute humongous amounts of money through this and through their agency, it's technically HHS agency but it's called Barda Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority. But Barda kind of distributes the money. And also, so they've all contracted so these contracts became available over 400 of them for all countermeasures not just vaccines but vaccines got the largest chunk of money. It's vaccines therapeutics, diagnostics, you know, even masks were included in that. So, so they gave them a huge chunk of money the scope of work of these contracts, the primary scope of work is large scale manufacturing demonstration demonstration meaning fake, and also use words sometimes prototypes sometimes you know it's prototype demo countermeasure large scale manufacturing demonstration, those are typical scope of work in these projects. And then they mentioned, you know, as in a fluff language they mentioned things that are going to be subject to FDA rules and compliance but then they also have these scope definition clauses where it says, specifically out of scope, and we're not paying for it we're not ordering it is preclinical clinical development and manufacturing compliance. That should be understood very clearly by everyone Department of Defense gave humongous amounts of money to all these pharma companies as for demonstration, just a demonstration.
And if you knew that you're, you know, you're going to inject your child with a Department of Defense prototype ordered under OTA and emergency use authorized, would you do it. I don't think so. So that was the biggest lie that was sold to the public that can get injected with the safe effective thing that manufactured by Pfizer, you know, a prestigious pharmaceutical company which is also a felon by the way but that's, you know, people think that it's a pharma company. Anyway, so that that's how they did it and they, they can invoke all this structure under public health emergency and continue invoking it under public health emergency, because this whole thing clicks into place when they announced public health emergency based on absolutely no data and no evidence that any emergency exists, and they have been extending it, and it will continue extending it as long as we allow them to.
This is the key point, and not one I had properly understood until Bobby said it:
The U.S. government is using "Other Transaction Authority" (OTA) to bypass regulatory authorities when purchasing vaccines, which are classified as demonstration products. The manufacturing and distribution are handled by military contractors. Pharmaceutical companies' involvement is described as "window dressing," where they were paid for their brand names to create a perception of safety and reliability, while the actual production and distribution are military operations.
Big Pharma is just window dressing!
And lastly this passage about who was really running the country and who decides of whether the vaccines were safe and effective.
Speaker 2
Is this why they needed the public health emergency? Yes. They needed this to specifically the public health emergency allows them to invoke these illegal laws that I just described, including the Transactions Authority use of emergency use of standardized countermeasures under public health emergency. It does not constitute clinical investigation, which means it puts them outside of the FDA regulatory supervision. And then other transaction authority allows them to order undisclosed prototypes. In this ward, undisclosed prototype, you can hide whatever you want, a tank, a missile, or a biological weapon. And then, so what also happens under public health emergency is HHS secretary becomes de facto head of the government and a dictator. Again, nobody really knows, but it was Alex Azar, and now it's Javier Becher, who deploys these things on the United States population on every man, woman, and child here. And he, in his sole capacity, or she, whoever succeeds them, decides, you know, the criteria for this deployment is their personal decision, whether these particular things, countermeasure prototypes by Department of Defense, may be effective. That's it. There's no other standard.
Speaker 1
Okay, let me just clarify what you're saying. Normally, you know, the protocol is that you had to go through in your businesses, you would do, you know, you do a series of proposals, you design the clinical trials to make sure that they're going to show efficacy, that they're going to be displayed safe to you to those clinical trials for a number of years. And then you go and show the results to FDA. FDA has to make determinations about safety and efficacy and has to make determinations that the product is going to avert more harm than it causes and the appropriate warnings and the side effects that you put on the manufacturer's inserts and all these thousand things that you have to do to get a product to market and get the inspections, et cetera. Here, all of those are abolished. And the only determination is that the secretary of HHS decides in his head with either some evidence or no evidence whatsoever that the product may be effective. That's it. That's it. That's it. So, and even if the evidence then shows that it's not effective, if he can say, well, I still believe it's effective. Absolutely, he never has to. Even if there's a mountain of evidence that says it's killing people, it's not effective, he can choose legally under his own decision-making.
Speaker 1
That's it. I'm going to believe this is effective no matter what the evidence says. As long as I believe it's effective legally,
Speaker 2
I can essentially mandate it for all Americans. Absolutely. There is no stopping criteria. He never has to reconsider the decision. And since there is no criteria to begin with, well, whatever made him believe so can continue making him believe so. And so that also explains why mainstream media, well, the huge propaganda campaign of fear and lies that mainstream media pushed on the American public and global public in cahoots, obviously with FDA and CDC and the NIH, I mean, that explains it because they need to maintain this theatrical performance pretending that there is no evidence and so that the HHS secretary can continue his delusion and deployment of these unauthorized, noncompliant biological materials on everyone.
Speaker 1
As long as he keeps saying it's safe and effective,
Speaker 2
that's all he has to do.
Summarized as:
The public health emergency declaration enabled the U.S. government to invoke laws that allowed for the use of the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) and the emergency use of standardized countermeasures. This effectively placed the vaccines outside of FDA regulatory supervision. Under the public health emergency, the HHS Secretary becomes the de facto head of the government, deciding on the deployment of these countermeasures based on their personal belief of effectiveness, with no other standard. This bypasses the usual protocols of clinical trials, FDA evaluations, and safety and efficacy determinations. Even if evidence shows the countermeasures are not effective or are causing harm, the HHS Secretary can legally continue to believe in their effectiveness and mandate their use. This situation has led to a massive propaganda campaign of fear and lies to maintain the illusion of safety and effectiveness.
Yes, you read that right.
Safe and effective is what Alex Azar, and now Xavier Becerra, say it is.
Alex Azar

Xavier Becerra
Thanks for being here.
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If you are Covid vaccine injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment
If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch (and share) this 21 minutes
If you want to help someone, give them a book. Official Stories by Liam Scheff. Point them to a safe chapter (here and here), and they will find their way to vaccination.
Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:
FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein
Yes, this is what I found in the Australian Novavax contracts that Sasha Latypova helped me access. I am glad this is finally sinking in with Australians and you are passing on the message: pharma is just the bag man because the Australian government gave pharma liability and this was pre-planned with the Australian Department of Defence through a quadrilateral (4-country) countermeasures MOU.
Here is Australia's Novavax contract with DOD links. I am still waiting on the others.
Here are the implications of the contract: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil
If you want to go further, here is the gain-of-function research Australia has been performing out in the open. While the US (Fauci and Rand Paul) were arguing about whether GOF 'happened,' Australia was doing it out in the open, signed off by Greg Hunt in an NHMRC report: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research
Remember who enabled all of this either willingly or unwillingly and now refuses to discuss it as it might upend his presidential aspirations.