Updated: 4 Feb 22
1. McCullough and Malone Transcripts
As you know, Rogan recently did two of the most important podcasts of the last two years. First an interview with Peter McCollough followed by an interview with Robert Malone. If you have listened to them, you know how significant these two discussions were in getting the message out to a much broader audience and helping to really wake up the semi-awake.
Here are the transcripts of both interviews. They are a useful resource especially if you are a writer but also if you are writing something to family and friends and want to quote something that they said directly in the email, these transcripts make it easy to find and use specific parts of the discussions.
2. Chomsky

These two clips are from Oct 2021, but I just want to say it once and for all.
The man who wrote the book on how the establishment (state, business and mass media) manufacture consent has had his consent manufactured. And is now doing his bit to manufacture the consent of others.
It’s one of the more delicious ironies and hypocrisies of the last 2 years.
It’s also a reminder that in a mass psychosis, absolutely anybody and everybody can lose their mind. Some don’t and why they don’t isn’t altogether clear, but if you are someone who never lost your mind or who woke up and saved your mind…well done to you…Chomsky certainly wasn’t able to do it.
A very close friend was rightly devastated (as was I) when she first watched these Chomsky videos. She sent me this:
Yes, people can change and they can be “changed” a lot. Today’s Chomsky is a different person to the one we knew.
3. Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED)
We have a new database, to corroborate the VAERS analysis. This article outlines the early findings.
So, what is the DMED?
According to the military, DMED is the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch’s (AFHSB) “web-based tool to remotely query de-identified active component personnel and medical event data contained within the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS).” In other words, it contains every ICD medical billing code for any medical diagnosis in the military submitted for medical insurance billing during any given period of time.
Here are some of the key findings. As you will see, extraordinary elevations of illness and disease in an otherwise healthy and your cohort:
In a declaration under penalty of perjury that Renz plans to use in federal court, Drs. Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long — three military doctors — revealed that there has been a 300% increase in DMED codes registered for miscarriages in the military in 2021 over the five-year average. The five-year average was 1,499 codes for miscarriages per year. During the first 10 months of 2021, it was 4,182. As Renz explained to me in an interview with TheBlaze, these doctors queried the numbers for hundreds of codes from 2016 through 2020 to establish a baseline five-year average. These codes were generally for ailments and injuries that medical literature has established as being potential adverse effects of the vaccines.
Renz told me the numbers tended to be remarkably similar in all those preceding years, including in 2020, which was the first year of the pandemic but before the vaccines were distributed. But then in 2021, the numbers skyrocketed, and the 2021 data doesn’t even include the months of November and December. For example, some public health officials speculate that COVID itself places women at higher risk for miscarriages. But the number of miscarriage codes recorded in 2020 was actually slightly below the five-year average (1,477). However, they were not drastically below the average on any one category in a way that one can suggest it reflects lockdown-related decreases in doctor’s visits, which somehow led to an increase in 2021 diagnoses.
The database has all the ICD codes for both military hospital visits and ambulatory visits. The data presented by Renz so far is all from the query of ambulatory diagnosis data.
Aside from the spike in miscarriage diagnoses (ICD code O03 for spontaneous abortions), there was an almost 300% increase in cancer diagnoses (from a five-year average of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021). There was also a 1,000% increase in diagnosis codes for neurological issues, which increased from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000!
Some other numbers he did not mention at the hearing but gave to me in the interview are the following:
· myocardial infarction –269% increase
· Bell’s palsy – 291% increase
· congenital malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156% increase
· female infertility – 471% increase
· pulmonary embolisms – 467% increase
It’s important to remember that you cannot “debase” this data with accusations of voluntary reporting and over-reporting. And you do not have to guess at the URF (under reporting factor). Everything is in this data and it confirms what we already know from all the great VAERS analysis that has been done over the last year.
The spike in cancer and neurological issues caught my eye. I don’t fully understand the mechanisms of action that are causing these issues, but I suspect it might be related to genomic integration, lipid nano-particles and prions (misfolded proteins).
The scale of health and well being destruction is beyond comprehension. I cannot really find the right words to describe this. The effects of this carnage are multi-generational as people’s ability to be productive and make a living is destroyed, their ability to create wealth that supports their families, their children and their retirements are also destroyed.
If this isn’t the State attacking its own citizens, I don’t know what is.
4. The Government loves Myocarditis
Early on I was surprised to hear health agencies acknowledge the myocarditis risk. For a moment I thought that’s mighty honourable of them to be telling us something true. But the reason they have done it and keep doing it is so that they pretty much don’t need to talk about anything else. It’s a magician’s distraction, as he waives his right hand around showing us all the Myocarditis, his left hand that we are not paying attention to is busy hiding the HUNDREDS of other morbidities these genetics are causing. Some of them highlighted above.
Here is the Australian Government in its latest “vaccine safety” update proudly telling us (and lying to us) about Myocarditis:
COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report - 27-01-2022 | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
Myocarditis is a known but very rare side effect of Comirnaty (Pfizer) and Spikevax (Moderna). It is usually temporary, with most people getting better within a few days. Myocarditis is reported in 1–2 in every 100,000 people who receive Comirnaty (Pfizer) and Spikevax (Moderna). However, it is more common after the second dose in teenage boys (11 cases per 100,000 Comirnaty doses and 16 cases per 100,000 Spikevax doses) and men under 30 (6 cases per 100,000 Comirnaty doses and 12 cases per 100,000 Spikevax doses).
Isn’t that nice of them to give us all these numbers on Myo?
The most obvious lie in these numbers is that there is no mention of an under reporting factor.
Nowhere in the long weekly update is there any mention of Pulmonary Embolisms or Strokes or Cancers or Neurological Disease.
And that’s the magician’s trick, while we were all paying attention to the “small” risk of “mild” myocarditis, they hid the hundreds of other illnesses these genetic toxins are causing.
If you would like to see what this list looks like, here is a good paper by Kirsch, Rose and Crawford that is quite up to date. Look at page 27.
Estimating the number of COVID vaccine deaths in America (skirsch.com)
One last thing before I move on from our Governments lies, here they are talking about post jab death:
Large scale vaccination means that some people will experience a new illness or die within a few days or weeks of vaccination. These events are often coincidental, rather than being caused by the vaccine. As the number of people being vaccinated has increased, so has reporting of fatal events with a temporal association with vaccination. Review of these individual reports and patterns of reporting does not suggest that the vaccines played a role in the vast majority of these deaths.
In other words, if hundreds of people die with 24-48 hours of being injected, it’s just coincidence. You really have to be pretty stupid, of hypnotised, to believe that.
Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 23 January 2022, about 48 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given. The TGA has identified 11 reports where the cause of death was linked to vaccination from 755 reports received and reviewed. The deaths linked to vaccination occurred after the first dose of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) - 8 were thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) cases, 2 were linked to Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and one was a case of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).
They are happy to admit that 11 deaths were due to jabs, but that the other 744 reports of death (overwhelmingly by doctors who are afraid for their careers) were just coincidence.
This doesn’t account for an URF of at least 5x and probably closer to 10x.
Yes, I believe that 3,500 to 7,000 people have been killed in Australia from these genetics.
5. Weinstein and Martenson
Weinstein’s work on telling the truth is getting better and better. I think he really gets it. His brother Eric on the other hand I think is starting to wake up but he has been way too slow to the party for my liking.
I haven’t spent much time with Martenson, but from what little I have seen of him recently, I really like him.
This is a really good clip where Bret outlines his thoughts on the “they” and their geography…it’s an important and I believe correct point.
They also both talk about their fears of ending up in hospital, a fear I share with them.
6. Megyn Kelly
Megyn has grown on me over the last few years. Here orientation is true, and this short clip is a wonderful defence of those that want life to return to normal, not the “new normal”.
Also, what the hell has happened to Whoopi, was she always like this but I just didn’t see it? I thought she used to be sensible.
7. Sergio Aguero and Christian Ericksen
I played football (soccer) for most of my life until at the age of 39 my knees said, “just stop already!”, so I did. I follow football to this day.
Aguero is one of the all time greats, not quite a Messi or Ronaldo but one level below them.
Anyway, he recently went to play for Barcelona, took his jabs like a good boy, told millions of other youngsters to do the same, then came off during a game with chest pains.

Then announced his retirement in December while in tears. He had at least another 2 maybe 3 years in him.

Sergio has 14.7M followers on Twitter alone
Sergio Kun Aguero (@aguerosergiokun) / Twitter
How many times do you think he has warned people about the risks of the jabs?
Yes, you guessed it…zero.
I am way beyond forgiving people anymore for their silence. The genetics he promoted ended his career, yet he will not tell millions of his fans about the real risks and dangers of these injections.
What can I say, he’s a coward.
So, is Christian Ericksen who actually died on the pitch while playing for Denmark.

He too has said nothing about the genetics.
He just got a new contract with Brentford. I guess that is his reward for keeping his mouth shut.

Again, coward.
8. Denmark
All you need to know about Covid vaccine failure in one chart (substack.com)
While on Denmark, let’s see how the genetic experiment is going there:
Now Denmark – 95 percent adult vaccinated, 65 percent boosted Denmark – HAS MORE COVID HOSPITALIZATIONS NOW THAN IT DID BEFORE A SINGLE DANE RECEIVED A SINGLE MRNA VACCINE. AND THE VAST MAJORITY OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE VACCINATED. Even boosters have done nothing to reverse the trend. The dark blue line now is about to pass the peak of the light blue line from last year.
I would say, not very well.
9. Naomi Wolf
On the Subtlety of Monsters - Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf (substack.com)
Naomi is doing some wonderful work at the moment.
As today, emergency laws then were the benchmarks that would allow democracy to collapse. “Hitler wanted full powers like Mussolini’s in Italy,” writes Elon. “He knew exactly what was needed to turn a government into a ‘legal’ dictatorship: emergency powers under Article 48.” [Elon, 389].
I like here framing of “legal dictatorship”. When you have lived in a democracy all your life, you cannot imagine that it could become a dictatorship. But it can and it has. When a “state of emergency” is declared that puts aside your constitution, your parliament and all due process and gives absolute power to a health minister, you have a dictatorship.
The signature of a health minister “dictates” everything that is going on in Australia at the moment
Isn’t that the whole point and meaning of dictatorship?
See if you notice any echoes here. Currently, forty-seven US states are operating with emergency measures, which suspend or bypass normal legislative checks and balances, including New York, the state in which I am writing. Under emergency measures, pretty much anything can be done.
The fact that people don’t seem to understand that most of the country is living under emergency measures, is what is stunning about our current moment. This is why I keep saying these days that the coup d’etat has already taken place in America. By definition, when you are living under emergency measures, you no longer have a functioning democracy.
Yes, that is right, 47 US States (out of 50) are operating under emergency measures.
Or said another way, 47 States are operating under a Dictatorship.
All Australian States and Territories are operating under a Dictatorship.
This is going to be hard for a lot of people to swallow. Sorry, it is what it is.
10. 36-year con
What's Behind The "Live with COVID" Message? (substack.com)
The so-called establishment has lost the public’s confidence - and thus, their 36-year con game on vaccine safety is coming to an end.
It’s not just COVID.
It’s the flu vaccine. It’s the MMR. It’s TDAP. It’s seizures. It’s autism. It’s ADHD.
It’s death.
But it’s also been 36 years of job loss. Parents of vaccine-injured children are left without any help from the government to care for their injured children - so one of the parents has to stay home. It’s also divorce - the stresses of vaccine injury & death - especially if one’s marriage-related relatives or even blood relatives won’t accept the vaccine as the cause of a child’s death or injury.
Lyon-Weiler’s framing of a 36 year con is exactly correct. That is precisely how I feel, that I have woken up from a deep sleep, from a con, and I know that I am not alone.
What a superb collection of treasures. Just when I think I'm on top of everything, you find new things to show me. The injured athletes not speaking out is proof of cult membership. To stand up for someone who is killing you is beyond mental. I am on my knees praying that point #10 is correct and the lid is truly going to be blown open on the whole vaccine industry.
With regards to Chomsky, I think it’s clear that age has finally caught up with his great mind. There’s no way he would have made such statements in the 80’s or even 90’s. It’s sad to see the brave wither away, but that’s all this is.