The Unbekoming Express - Edition 1
Donations, Private Parts, Dopesick, Novavax, Snowmobiles and much more...
With thanks to my good friend Vic for his wonderful sketch above.
Inspired by Toby Roger’s Thinking Points Memo’s I thought I would do something similar. With plenty of thoughts and threads throughout the week, many of them not worthy of a full article, I think this might be a good format to capture a bunch of thoughts and threads in one place.
1. Unbekoming on Twitter
I suspect some of you first found me via Twitter, but for those that didn’t, just letting you know I’m also on Twitter if you’d like to follow me.
2. Donations
Much thanks to all of you that have so generously decided to upgrade to a paid subscription, knowing that you will get nothing extra from me in doing so. The funds I have received so far have gone towards helping two people.
A young Sydney man, who has been recently injured with devesting effects to his health, work and living conditions.
An injured 16 year old girl Tasmanian girl, who is also doing great work to spread the word about jab injuries in Australia.
Reclaim The Line 15-1-22 - Faith Ranson
I had previously written about Faith’s story here.
3. Dopesick and The Crime of the Century
Dopesick (TV Mini Series 2021)
The Crime of the Century (TV Mini Series 2021)
I recently watched these two shows. Dopesick is a dramatised documentary of the Oxycontin story and The Crime of the Century is a two part doco, also covering the Oxy story but other Pharma malfeasance.
What I find so amazing about these shows, especially the two part doco, is that the story they are telling is that of Regulatory Capture. That’s it.
How industry Captures its Regulators. In this instance it’s the FDA but more importantly Congress and its lawmaking machinery.
Yes, industry gets to buy the referee and if that’s not enough they get to buy the association that makes the rules of the game that then the bought referees get to work within.
It’s amazing to watch Hollywood make shows about Regulatory Capture while at the same time worshipping Covid “vaccination” and believing every single thing that corrupt industry tells them about jab safety. I don’t quite understand how this is possible.
In the doco especially there are interviews with journalists at the Washington Post explaining to me (the viewer) the depths of industry, political and regulatory corruption…great. But these same people today are telling me the jabs are safe and effective and there is nothing to worry about and the regulator is totally believable. What is wrong with these people?
I think the doco especially is an indirect tool that can be used with family and friends to get them to accept the basic idea of Pharma industry corruption. Maybe that is a first step in helping them see the current corruption.
4. Private Parts
I love this Howard Stern movie. I’ve watched it several times. What I loved about it was how Howard stuck it to the man. That was the whole point, an authentic voice rebelling against the establishment and finding his audience, his people.
Then I watched this.
Are you kidding me? Howard now hides in his apartment while wishing ill on all the unjabbed. I was reminded of the last paragraph of Animal Farm:
"Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."
RIP Howard Stern. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to watch Private Parts again.
5. England

They are ending most restrictions in England. This is a big deal.
England is one of the main “vaccination” hubs of the world. They are the home of AstraZeneca. They were one of the first to go full crazy.
But it seems that there has been sufficient backbench revolt to push the government back towards sanity. Remember, these people don’t do anything because it’s right, they do things to retain power. And the calculus is obviously that their grip on power is slipping and they need to change course.
Anyway, it’s a positive and hopeful sign.
6. Ireland

While on positive signs. Here is the Irish Prime Minister following Boris’ lead and announcing the beginning of reducing and eliminating Covid restrictions.
Ireland has been one of the craziest countries in the world, so seeing them change their tune is also very significant.
For now, it doesn’t look like our mad Australian rulers have any intention of following suit, but these very significant overseas changes will only make our tin-pot dictators more obviously tin-potty and dictatorial, which is good for that half awake middle of the country to fully awaken.
7. Novavax Latest
Well it’s finally here in Australia. Well almost, at least the TGA has finally seen fit to “approve” it.

It should be a much safer option than the other 3 jabs, so if there is a gun to your head and you feel that you absolutely need to take a jab to keep your job, this is likely the best option.
I’ve written at length about Novavax as a strategy here:
Interestingly they have approved it only for primary jabs (I thought they might restrict it to boosters, but they did buy 51 million doses after all).
So, overall, its good news and the D.A.D Strategy has clearly worked.
Just to be clear, I will not be taking Novavax. I don’t want any of their shit in my body. I’ll take my chances with my natural immunity, thank you very much. I’m not interested in having any spike protein at all in my body including all the other jab ingredients in Novavax.
Although I believe that Novavax is a lower risk profile to the other jabs, I remain concerned especially about longer term risks that nobody knows anything about (remember the jabbed group in the trial was only observed for two months as per my article).
But, again, as I have said, if there was a gun to my head (e.g. job loss that I wasn’t prepared or able to lose) and I was offered one of the 4 jabs now available in Oz, then yes, I would choose Novavax. Over the next 2-3 months we will see what type of adverse reaction reports emerge (hopefully nothing to worry about).
Also, by making it a primary shot only, it means people will need to revert back to the other 3 jabs to get “boosted”. So under this model, it helps to get some more people onto the merry go round, but then pushes them towards the dangerous jabs to stay on the merry go round. It is possible that they make it available as a booster in a few months time also, but that’s a big maybe at this stage.
On the matter of travel, someone I work with was telling me a story about someone who got 2 doses of AZ in Oz, travelled overseas (don’t know where) but wasn’t allowed into his destination because they didn’t accept AZ so he got two more doses of something else (Pfizer I think) and then when he got back to Oz got boosted also. So, 5 doses within 12 months!!. The moral of the story is that for Novavax to be a “travel tool” it will need to be accepted at the destination country.
8. Naomi Wolf
I’m glad Naomi has joined Substack. I read her most recent piece and am glad she is helping people to understand who these people are that are running the global show.
How is it that some 200 countries all did the same thing at the same time? It was the most synchronized thing I have ever seen.
Here are some extracts from here piece:
All these meta-national organizations purported to foster a more peaceful, cooperative world — one that would blunt enmity between historical adversaries (such as France and Germany). Most made the case that this meta-national organizational structure would far more greatly benefit ordinary men and women in the street, than did the poor, battered, dysfunctional nation-state, with its rotten history and its bloody impulses.
The problem, though, as it turned out, is that you can’t have accountability to citizens or a real democracy if you do not have a democratic nation-state. Another problem is that it spawned a class of distant, unaccountable deciders.
To these people, the nation-state — even one’s own nation-state of origin — is an artifact; a secondary, sentimental add-on. What really matters are other global elites in one’s social circle and business network, and the valuable relationships one can create with them. One’s “ordinary” countrymen and women recede and become theoretical. And the constant message one receives from one’s peers and from the elite meta-national culture, is that those “ordinary” men and women simply are not as smart or well educated as one’s meta-national peers, and so it would be a disaster to let them make their own decisions. One is saving them from their own fecklessness, ignorance and shortsightedness, by deciding for them.
As the Milgram experiments showed, if you are far from seeing the victim whom you are harming, and you have an authoritative directive to harm that victim, then easily enough, “normal” people conveniently become monsters and abusers. And thus, many global elites who are lovely people one on one, nice to their kids, and so on, can execute vast cruelty without even noticing.
“Oh no,” explained the driver. “The EU ministers were in this car before you. The referendum is purely cosmetic. It will be ignored. Whatever happens, they are going ahead with austerity.”
I think she captures the disconnect between these meta-national elite networks and the citizens of different countries well. They are not responsive to normal national and democratic feedback. In fact they have no interest in it. It’s a nuisance.
I have to admit I never really understood what the term “globalist” meant until I listened to Victor Davis Hanson in this interview:
The particular section is amount 3 minutes long from 58:30 to 1:01:30.
He describes a discussion with a “globalist”, in talking about a normal citizen, who said: “…tell me why you need a snowmobile or a jet ski…”. You will understand the context of the phrase when you listen to it. It was at this point in late 2020 when the penny finally dropped for me on what they mean when they talk about elites and globalists.
9. How masks work
And lastly…this video never gets old for me.
I have always thought this is the ultimate proof that masks are a complete waste of time. I don’t need a peer reviewed meta-analysis (although I can get one if necessary).
This video is evidence enough for me.
VDH is a treasure. Very painful to hear him speaking in those days when we thought there was a chance that Biden would not be installed, but he was.
And a year later, I'd say the election wasn't stolen, it was purchased. It wasn't stolen from us; we were outbid.
There is a warning note appended to that video on Youtube:
U.S. Elections | Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of election results. LEARN MORE.
I'd like to append a note to that note, reminding the viewer that the integrity of the election result which has been safeguarded so robustly is: did the purchaser take delivery of the winner he wanted? Yes, after that little mishap in 2016.
For those of us in Australia who, as you put it, have a gun held to their head regarding their vaxx status, my suggestion would be to skip any of these 'vaccines' altogether and instead look for @mylilanon on Gab and use one of their fake apps.
Remember that employers cannot access anyone's private Medicare records, so showing them something that looks legit gets them off one's back and satisfies the mandate our obnoxious governments have put onto them.
There is a reason why nobody ever managed to make an effective CV vaccine, and given the mechanism of Novavax, I doubt it will be any more successful than the existing mRNA/virus vector shots.
Will it kill fewer people overall? -- Who knows; let's remember we don't have any idea just how many the current 'vaccines' will kill over the next decade or so.
And besides, why would one subject to an injection of anything that is entirely unnecessary, given how mild the current version, or even really the original version for the vast majority of us, of the Chinese pox is/has been?