Some of you may know me, Ken Mubongi, from the letter I sent to Brad Banducci, the CEO of Woolworths, Australia, in May 2022.
Oddly I never got a reply even though I was quite glowing in my praise and acknowledgement of his work:
I rarely write to companies and never before to the CEO, but I thought this letter was warranted to thank you and congratulate you for doing what the weak leadership of this country is clearly unwilling to do, and that is to properly consequence those recalcitrant employees that have abdicated their social responsibility by stubbornly remaining unvaccinated.
I mean, how much more patient can we be with these people?
It has to be said, that I am not surprised that you have risen to the challenge. It’s no coincidence that you are of Italian heritage. What this world needs is more powerful and strong men, like those found in Italy in the 1930s. I know that it’s not fascionable to talk about those men, but we need strong men like that in these difficult times and you have certainly been a credit to your heritage.
You may have also come across my post to the NSW Government:
In truth, I do what I can to support those in government and corporate power, as I am noticing that the support for their work is dwindling.
Anyway, I recently came across this most excellent piece written by an author I haven’t heard of before, Nancy Brown, I believe the title of the work is The Faithful.
As you know, I am a reader and know a deep thinker when I see one, as I mentioned in my Banducci conclusion:
And so it is that these dangerous unvaccinated people, who are proven to be disease prone, are choosing to live by lies and in so doing are putting us all at risk. I doubt they could even understand Solzhenitsyn even if they read him. They deserve everything that is coming their way.
I think that in Brown, I have stumbled across such a deep thinker again, regretfully I think she will be largely misunderstood. Some people just don’t get it.
Anyway, without further ado, I would like to handover to Nancy Brown.
The Faithful
An invitation to become part of the Greatest Story Ever Told
Congratulations! You have been invited to join a Community connected to the true Source of wisdom, a Community that has freed itself from death and is enjoying the new life granted to those who fully accept its truths.
If you have been feeling lost or anxious, fear not! A new day is here! The Community will provide you meaning, connection, security, reassurance, and strength.
Your place in the Community has been prepared for you. All you must do is say “Yes!” to start your journey.
Your toolkit for faith and freedom
As you embark on your journey, you will sense that becoming part of the Community is the answer to your heart’s deepest desires. This is a sign that you are on the right path! The following practices will train your mind to conform to the truth and submit fully to the Source.
Study the Holy Text
Spending time with the Holy Text, the New York Times, will reward you richly. This text should be consulted regularly, and its teachings accepted fully into your heart. As its new ad campaign relates, “Life needs Truth.” Indeed, the Holy Text offers both truth and life. The wisdom found in its pages is beyond question. Consider spending significant time with the Holy Text every Sunday morning as a way to “fill your cup” for the week ahead.
In your daily life, you will encounter people who refuse to read the Holy Text, or even reject its teachings. Fear not, for the more that you imbibe the wisdom of the Holy Text, the more you will be protected against those who have forsaken truth.
Submit to the Leaders
Alas, most of us see through a glass darkly. What good fortune that our Leaders see clearly what we can only dimly apprehend! For this reason, complete trust is essential. Our Leaders have spent a lifetime listening to the Source and preparing themselves to interpret and disseminate its teachings. Know that our Leaders have been appointed to discern the Source’s wisdom. Do not be anxious or doubtful, for the Leaders are bringers of truth.
Speak truth to yourself and others
When you invest time with the Holy Text and the words spoken by the Leaders, you will be inspired to speak these truths to others. Be glad to share these inspirational phrases and stories! You are developing your own conviction and encouraging others to find refuge in the Source. The Holy Text is rich with short statements that can be repeated as needed. “I trust the Science” or “I trust the CDC” are powerful statements that literally rewire your brain, preparing fertile ground for further revelations from the Leaders.
Cast out heretics and false teachers
After you have accepted the Way, you will very soon be confronted with people who want to sow strife and doubt. At these moments, it is essential that you recall the words of the Leaders and the admonitions of the Holy Text.
Be wary! Many of those with forked tongues have chosen to renounce fame and wealth and devote their lives to research, medicine, or public service in a cunning scheme to erect a façade so inscrutable that you would never discern their true aim: to seduce you with falsehoods and promote grievous harm.
Robert F Kennedy Jr. is among these devious demons of treachery, along with Sucharit Bhakdi, Sunetra Gupta, Martin Kulldorff, and many others. As ruthless as they are vicious, these deceivers must be exposed and summarily silenced. Important: do not let their evil words so much as reach your ears! Even the smallest dose of their vile deceptions will cause mental confusion. Be on guard against those who would even speak their names! These demonic figures do not worship the Source. Their ways are not the ways of truth. It is vital that you not be exposed to their lies. If you do suffer an accidental exposure, redouble your devotion to the Holy Text to restore the purity of your mind.
The ritual
When your mind and heart have been fully prepared, you are ready to undergo the ritual! The ritual is a culmination of everything you have learned all that the Leaders have given you, and all that the Holy Text has taught you. It is a test of your conviction and a demonstration that you are willing to give your full self to the Source. It is the pinnacle of your journey, and a turning point in your life. Nothing will ever be the same again. How many have said, “I remember it well, because it happened immediately following my ritual!”
If you have not undergone the ritual, please do so as soon as possible. In return, you will be embraced into the circle of believers, and this will give you strength to combat the evildoers.
You are encouraged to post celebratory pictures of yourself on the day of your ritual, so others can rejoice in the newfound freedom you feel! If your testimony prompts others to undergo the ritual, think of the lives you will have saved!
The Source looks with special favor on those who renew their ritual every year. Repeating the ritual will become a cherished tradition. It will allow you to give back to the Source for all you have received and will nourish the sacred bonds of the Community.
Answers to your questions
You may have questions! We have provided answers that reflect the Source’s deepest hopes for you and your journey.
It seems like a lot of people are being killed or paralyzed by the ritual.
It may seem confusing at first, but this is as it should be. Indeed, some will pay the greatest price for undergoing the ritual, but their sacrifice is holy and beautiful. They have been specially chosen by the Source. Can one imagine a greater honor?
I still feel a little scared..
The most important thing is to focus on the Community you will be joining. What is it worth to be part of this Community? It is worth everything. Indeed, those who choose to forego the ritual will find themselves quite alone, exiled and unwanted!
Certainly, the ritual entails some risk, but the risk is overshadowed by the great joy and communion that’s sure to follow. Ask coworkers or friends who have recently completed their rituals about its mystical effects! Many have described tingling sensations, warmth, spontaneous movements, even the sense of having left their bodies—this is the power of the Source within them! It is a sign that the ritual is fulfilling its intended purpose!
To strengthen yourself, repeat your devotional phrases and statements of conviction as needed. When you have completed the ritual, you may be overcome by a sense of peace deeper than anything you’ve ever experienced.
I’ve heard some people suffer greatly after undergoing the ritual
The ritual can bring about great suffering, especially for those who may have harbored doubt in their hearts. However, this suffering should be endured joyfully, as it is a sign that one is being cleansed and prepared for full communion with other members of the Community. Celebrate your suffering!
Please, refrain from sharing about your suffering publicly, as it may deter other seekers from undergoing the ritual, and then they may never partake in our joy. We are helping to prevent this misfortune by encouraging the deletion of posts or groups in which the suffering is discussed. Do not visit the federal database that catalogs the suffering some have experienced, as these accounts are missing important context, such as the joy that the ritual has brought to so many, in spite of their ongoing hardships.
How soon can my children undergo the ritual?
It would be a strange world indeed if the ritual were reserved only for people who are fully grown or of an advanced age! How could parents who have undergone the ritual imagine depriving their children? You will likely be eager for your children to undergo the ritual and will hasten to provide them this unforgettable experience. It’s a decision you will never regret. Their lives will be forever changed, and it will be because of you!
Be assured that the Community will soon welcome children, and even infants, making the ritual available freely to all ages!
Some have sought to discern the will of the Source as it relates to humanity’s purpose here on earth: what is our ultimate end? Does it please the Source that new life should issue forth from this generation to the next? This we shall know in the fullness of time. As we wait in hopeful expectation, it is good for us to remember that the Source sees all things, knows all things, and reveals its will at the appointed time.
I’m eager to meet other Community members. Where can I find them?
This is easier than you may think! Many Community members choose to veil their faces, both as a signal of inclusion and in deference to the Source. You may also hear them reciting verses from the Holy Text.
When meeting strangers, you may “test the waters” by asking, for example, whether they have undergone the ritual. If they say yes, then rejoice together, for you have found a fellow seeker of everlasting life!
Online, Community members are easy to spot because many have updated their profile pictures by adding haloes inscribed with language signifying that they have undergone the ritual.
I’m concerned about family members who have not yet joined the Community.
We all mourn for family members who have not yet given their lives to the Source. Our fervent hope is that the Source will lead them to the light of truth. It is possible that you may convince them by reciting the words of our Leaders—watch their faces brighten as they recognize the truth you are speaking! But
a word of caution is necessary: if they follow heretics or false teachers, be sure to keep your conversations brief, lest their doubt threaten your faith. If they begin to utter falsehoods in your presence, raise your holy shield against them and know that the Source will not allow their words to penetrate. You may also inform family members that you have felt called to exclude them from gatherings until they undergo the ritual. This alone may set right their ways!
Haven’t some of the Leaders been implicated in causing harm?
Alas, some Leaders are revealed as all too human. Do not let these falls from grace shake the foundations of your belief. The conviction of the Community is stronger than these individuals. Trust that the Source will appoint new leaders to continue to guide us.
It will assuage your doubts to know that all Leaders are led by the Source. Some are individuals and some are public or private institutions. Organizations like the CDC and American Association of Pediatrics are directly fed by the Source, as evidenced by their list of supporters. This should give you confidence in their teachings, as the Source is always wise and good.
Can I trust what I read online?
We are not alone in our fight for what is right. Our Leaders have employed tech behemoths Facebook and Twitter and Google to be guardians of truth. They are aided by legions of paid truth warriors who, with a single keystroke, eliminate words that are aimed at casting doubt on the Source’s lifegiving teachings. Trust that these protectors are ever at the ready, helping to keep your eyes fixed on the truth.
Be sure to stay safe while searching online by exclusively using Google as your search engine. Google will lovingly redirect you away from content that runs counter to the Source’s truth, including that which expresses doubt about the ritual, suggests that the ritual is not for everyone, or promotes alternatives to the ritual. Google, how can we thank you for protecting our eyes and ears from these false teachings?
How else will I benefit from the Source’s goodness?
The Source has much to offer every one of us, especially those who are lost, seeking, or in pain. The Source, indeed, heals us and makes us whole. Over time, you will find that you will return to the Source again and again for sustenance. Happiness and good health are sure to follow! Turn to the Source for all of your needs, and you will most certainly find rest.
Loved the 2 letters sent to actual people/orgs. The third clever general reader missive didn’t hit OMG THEY SENT THAT?! button so much. Guess my funny bone requires outrageous jestering to have a narrower target. 🤷♀️