The crucifixion of Dr. Peter Duesberg.
The original cancellation of a heretic and why it matters today.
“And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.” Luke 4:24 (KJV)
I just finished listening to Dr. Peter Duesberg on Rogan #282 from 2012.
It was wonderful to finally listen to the man himself. He would have been 75 at the time (85 today). You have to suffer through Bryan Callen, a comedian, talking over Peter and telling him where he is wrong because “I read so and so in Scientific American”. As George Costanza’s father would say: Serenity now!!
But aside from that, it’s an opportunity to listen to arguably the pre-eminent virologist of our time.
As Malone recently endorsed on Rogan:
And Bobby Kennedy makes the point that the first real example of cancel culture that we can track is Tony Fauci cancelling the esteemed virologist Peter Duesberg, because he was raising questions about the origin of HIV and its role in the disease called AIDS. I remember when that happened.
I had on my podcast a long time ago, and it was the first time I ever got, like, extreme pushback from people that were like, I mean, this is after protease inhibitors had been used, so it didn’t even make sense. And people are saying, you have blood on your hands. People are going to die because of this podcast. And I’m like, what are you saying? This is a guy who’s a biologist at University of California, Berkeley.
Full professor.
Yeah. I mean a brilliant guy.
Yeah, totally. One of the best virologists of his generation, full stop.
I first discovered Duesberg in Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Have you read it yet, if not what are you waiting for?
In Kennedy’s book, Celia Farber (now on Substack) is quoted from her book:
Prior to 1987, Peter Duesberg never had a single grant proposal rejected by the NIH. Since 1987, he has written a total of thirty research proposals; every single one has been rejected. He has submitted several proposals on aneuploidy, as recently as last year—they too have been rejected.
“They just took him out,” says Richard Strohman, a retired UC Berkeley biologist. “Took him right out.”
“The system works,” says Dave Rasnick. “It’s as good as a bullet to the head.”
—From Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS, by Celia Farber
The reason he was cancelled was that he called bullshit on the HIV causes AIDS theory and narrative. Of all the reasons to read Kennedy’s book, I would say this is at the top of the list. It is the part of the book that hit me over the head like a sledgehammer. What do you mean HIV doesn’t cause AIDS, are you effing crazy?
Here is a small section from the book:
An Agency Without a Mission
In 1955, as deaths from epidemic disease declined, NIAID’s forerunner organization at NIH, the National Microbiological Institute (NMI), became part of the NIAID, to reflect the diminished national significance of infectious diseases and the unexplained increases in allergic and immune system diseases.
Congress ordered NIAID to support “innovative scientific approaches to address the causes of these diseases and find better ways to prevent and treat them.”
Food allergies and asthma were still rare enough to be considered remarkable. Eczema was practically unknown, as were most autoimmune diseases, including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Graves’ disease, Crohn’s disease, and myelitis.
As early as 1949, Congressional bills to abolish CDC because of the remarkable decline in infectious disease mortalities twice won by impressive majorities. From the mid-1970s, CDC was seeking to justify its existence by assisting state health departments to track down small outbreaks of rabies and a mouse disease called hantavirus, and by linking itself to the military’s bioweapons projects. Looking back from 1994, Red Cross officer Paul Cummings told the San Francisco Chronicle that “The CDC increasingly needed a major epidemic” to justify its existence. According to Peter Duesberg, author of Inventing the AIDS Virus, the HIV/AIDS theory was salvation for American epidemic authorities.
James Curran, the Chief of the CDC’s Sexually Transmitted Diseases unit, described the desperation among the public health corps in the early 1980s: “There was double-digit inflation, very high unemployment, a rapid military buildup and a threat to decrease all domestic programs, and this led to workforce cuts at the Public Health Service, and particularly CDC.” Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis similarly recalled the institutional desperation during the Reagan administration era. He said of the CDC: “They were hoping for a new plague. Polio was over. There were memos going around the agency saying, ‘We need to find the new plague’; ‘We need to find something to scare the American people so they will give us more money.’” NIH scientist Dr. Robert Gallo—who would become Dr. Fauci’s partner, coconspirator, and confidant—offered a similar assessment: “The CDC in Atlanta was under threat for reductions and even theoretically for closure.”
Drumming up public fear of periodic pandemics was a natural way for NIAID and CDC bureaucrats to keep their agencies relevant. Dr. Fauci’s immediate boss and predecessor as NIAID Director, Richard M. Krause, helped pioneer this new strategy in 1976, during Dr. Fauci’s first year at the agency. Krause was a champion of what he called “The Return of the Microbes” strategy, which sought to reinstate microbes to their former status as the feared progenitors of deadly diseases. That year, federal regulators concocted a fake swine flu epidemic that temporarily raised hopes around CDC for the resurrection of its reputation as a life-saving superhero.
If you don’t know how the fake swine flu epidemic turned out, watch this 60 Minutes segment (back when journalism wasn’t entirely dead):
Celia Farber is further quoted in Kennedy’s book. Here she outlines Fauci’s cancellation of Duesberg.
Let me elaborate a bit. Fauci’s reign begins in 1984, a year of total change. Everything changes, all of a sudden. Gallo is deployed with Margaret Heckler to make the declaration by US Government fiat that the “probable cause of AIDS” had been “found” and that it was some kind of trans-Atlantic fusion that looked “virus like” on the big screen, but was really neither a cogent virus nor a pathogen. The reason it “flew” to use [Nature Bio/Technology founding editor] Harvey Bialy’s word, was because everything had already changed. It was understood, without overt commands, that the “gay cancer” that had everybody in such a panic could not be assessed as complex toxic illness with a complex cause. The entire US media understood what to say and not say, and not only because of the allegiance to the shadow government, but because the era of classical science had ended. It ended that day. It would henceforth be a crime against decency to, for example, address anything that could be making gay men sick other than “the virus.”
That’s not “bad science.” That’s perfectly executed political correctness. And they are diametrically at odds, in the Biblical sense of good and evil.
What Fauci did was he made political correctness the new currency, of his funding empire. Peter Duesberg was not “wrong” about HIV and AIDS, he was politically incorrect about it and that was how Fauci banished him—sentenced him to funding and reputation death, as though he had done something really bad by dissenting against HIV theory. Stop and think how insane this is. An elite cancer virologist brought over from Germany’s Max Planck Institute whose credentials are so outstanding, who was well on his way to solving cancer’s genetics …felled suddenly by a fatwah, issued by this … Mufti? Who was he to issue a fatwah against America’s top cancer virologist? Well, he did. He blocked every federal research dollar to Duesberg after 1987, because Duesberg repudiated the woke ideology Fauci’s HIV empire, in a few paragraphs of a scientific paper that was about something else. He sustained the economic and reputational attack/vendetta for the next 3 decades. Without blinking. It’s really an unbelievable story. It would make Americans’ blood boil if they knew about it—because almost all have lost somebody in their family to cancer.
Fauci had, by 1987, when Duesberg wrote the Cancer Research paper that sealed his scientific fate, an apparatus that included mass media, psychological operations, public health—this octopus that just straight-up throttled the entire scientific tradition of Western civilization. Evidence based science and the discourse culture that goes with it—gone. That’s what he did. It’s no small feat. He destroyed American science by snuffing out its spirit, the spirit of open inquiry, proof and standards.
The reason so many outstanding scientists lent their names to opposing Fauci’s vendetta on Duesberg was not that they cared, necessarily, about the cause of AIDS; This was, for them, a battle over the very soul of science. Kary Mullis [PCR inventor] broke down crying in an interview I did with him in 1994, talking about it—talking about what Fauci did to Peter Duesberg and what it meant.
The real scientists were horrified. Suddenly a guillotine was present. A new and strange terror. People were “guilty,” of thought-crimes like “HIV denialism.” Fauci had made political correctness the new revolutionary language, see? And that meant if you were “bad,” if you didn’t push agenda driven science, everything was taken away from you. And the media cheered. And anybody who didn’t was destroyed, vilified, harassed, fired, in a word, canceled.
Duesberg was the first American scientist to get cancelled before “getting cancelled” even had a name. He was there at ground zero witnessing the birth of what was then a multi-billion dollar new industry called HIV and AIDS on fictional foundations, and he stood up and called bullshit on the whole enterprise and got cancelled for doing so.
His public crucifixion was a public warning to all others and the death of honest and honourable science as we knew it in the US and the world.
His cancelling continues to this day. If you look him up on Wiki (that most insidious of propaganda tools), you will see this:
He is described as a “denialist” with “debunked claims”. As Peter says in his Rogan interview, and I paraphrase, “all they have to do to get rid of me is publish science that disproves me, then I’m finished. They haven’t and they can’t.”
The reason Duesberg’s story, as told in Kennedy’s book, is so important is because it outlines the birth and building of what has become today a multi-trillion dollar AIDS industry. That industry created the Medical Military Industrial Complex that has led to the world we now inhabit.
What we are experiencing today is HIV/AIDS version 2.0, but that will not make sense without reading Kennedy’s book.
The narrative in version 1.0, that built the first mega industry, was that there was a deadly virus (HIV) that caused a deadly disease (AIDS) that was tested for with a special test (PCR) that required a specific new solution (AZT) while preventing existing cheap and effective treatments (Bactrim) and silencing critics (Duesberg).
Today’s narrative version 2.0, that has built this new mega industry says, there is a deadly virus (Sars-Cov-2) that causes a deadly disease (Covid19) that is detected by a special test (PCR) and has a specific new solution (Remdesivir and genetic “vaccines”) while preventing existing cheap treatments (Ivermectin) and silencing critics (Yeadon, McCullough, Malone etc.).
Sound familiar?
If you are interested in Bactrim (cheap anti-biotic) that I will call “the first Ivermectin story”, you can read a great article by Dr. Joseph Sonnabend, who was there at the time. Link.
They prevented the use of a cheap anti-biotic so that they could maintain demand for their $10,000 per annum failed cancer drug (yes, it’s chemo-therapy) AZT.
Dr. Fauci launched his career by allowing Burroughs Wellcome (now GlaxoSmith-Kline) to charge $10,000 annually for azidothymidine (AZT), an antiretroviral medication developed exclusively by NIH and tested and approved by Dr. Fauci himself. Dr. Fauci knew that the product cost Burroughs Wellcome a mere $5/dose to manufacture. Higher profit for industry “partners” often means more extravagant royalty payments for his NIAID and NIH cronies.
- The Real Anthony Fauci
If you haven’t seen Dallas Buyers Club, it’s a decent telling of the story, but with a final AZT “lie” at the very end. The producers must have succumbed to Pharma pressure. You will see what I mean if you watch it.
You could also read Duesberg’s book (as I am on Audible). Inventing the AIDS virus.
Here is a link to the PDF of the book too, as it’s almost impossible to buy the book. Link.
The Kennedy book is so important I bought a few of them to hand out to a few people in my life.

There are a few important young people especially in my and my family’s life that I wanted to give the book to.
Here is a note that I wrote to them:
Hi Billy
This is the most important book of the last 2 years; I personally think it will go down as one of the most important books of all time.
I have been studying all things Covid from the beginning and thought I had it pretty much covered, then I read this and realised how little I knew. Reality as a series of Russian dolls would be the right metaphor.
The title doesn’t do it justice, it’s less about Fauci and more about the last 50 years and the building of what I call the Medical Military Industrial Complex, and it explains what has actually happened over the last two years but more importantly the, at least 50 year, history of how we got here.
You will also come to understand Organisational Capture much better, which is why I counsel you not to pay attention to all the defamatory material about Robert Kennedy that you will find in Wiki, Google and all mainstream legacy and social media. He is smeared as an anti-vaxxer which is an effective marginalising word that doesn’t mean anything, anyway the whole vaccination discussion is another story for another day.
He is the real deal, look at the 3 pages of dedications and acknowledgments at the beginning of the book and look at the 2,194 references in the book. Nothing that Robert (and his team of 20 odd researchers) says is speculation, it is all referenced and backed up. I think it’s still the no.1 book on Amazon.
If you alter facts in peoples’ minds, especially if you alter enough of them, you can alter their reality and disorient them as to where True North really is. This book can do the heavy lifting of starting to repair the damaged and altered “facts” and help people find True North again.
For me at least I want to live my life knowing what is true versus what is not true. It turns out that is easier said than done.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn writes best about lies:
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.”
“When people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist. Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.”
“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
At any point if you have any questions about any of this, you know where to find me.
Thanks so much for sharing this…I’m only starting to understand (just starting RFKs book) the history behind what’s been happening all along. Thanks also for sharing the letter to the young ones you’re giving the book too. I may “borrow” some of it to share with the older ones in my life that I’m giving copies of his book!
At the bottom of the article you have an image with a list of things they've lied to us about... I know it's a lot to ask, but could someone provide a short summary of each that I could use as a search-starter to find out more? There's many items there I'm curious to learn more about, but since they've apparently lied to me, I don't even know what question to ask to find out the truth!